Hälsa och motion – Island – Nya podcasts

  • Welcome to The Endurance Studio Podcast. I’m your host, Dylan Turner. I’m an avid ultra endurance cyclist, bikepacker and runner and I’m on a journey to learn and share everything I can about how people can push beyond their limits. This podcast will explore all aspects of endurance through conversations with people I find unique and interesting. There’s always an amazing story of accomplishment and failure and something to learn. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-endurance-studio/support

  • Welcome to the podcast! If you're ready to say goodbye to burnout and reclaim a life that truly feels at peace & with purpose , you're in the right place. Tiffany, who's been through burnout herself and has guided thousands of women feeling tired and ready for a change, is here for you. Tune in each week as we dive into topics that help us break up with burnout and rediscover the joy of feeling alive.

    Lets Connect:
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/tiffany.leader
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiffanyleaderlcsw
    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/tiffany-leader-lcsw-5b8b4b75

  • Welcome to "Let's Talk About It," the insightful podcast by SafeTalk! Join us on a journey to raise awareness about mental health as we fearlessly explore the unspoken aspects of mental well-being. Geared towards mental health professionals and individuals with lived experiences, our podcast delves into the intricacies of mental health, providing a platform for open conversations and valuable insights. Let's break the stigma, foster understanding, and build a community that prioritizes mental health. Subscribe now and embark on a transformative exploration of the mind with SafeTalk!

  • Mit meinem Ayurvedaqueen in Balance Podcast möchte ich dir helfen, dich wieder mit dir, deinem Körper und deiner Intuition zu verbinden. Mehr Energie, Selbstliebe und Wohlbefinden in deinem Leben zu erschaffen und deinen intuitiven Ess- und Lifestyle zu finden, dein Wunschgewicht und Traumleben proaktiv zu erschaffen. Ayurveda ist immer mit dabei. Du bekommst alltagstaugliche, leicht nachvollziehbare Tipps und Impulse. Ich teile mit dir meine eigenen Erfahrungen und die Erfahrungen aus der Coachingpraxis damit du die nächste Ayurvedaqueen in Balance werden kannst.

  • Í hlaðvarpinu Í alvöru talað! tölum við um allar hliðar mennskunnar með dass af fíflagangi. 

    Stjórnendur hlaðvarpsins eru vinkonurnar Lydía og Gulla. Miðaldra mæður að láta móðan mása.  Lydía er sálfræðingur og jógakennari en Gulla er förðunarfræðingur, áhugaleikari og tískudrós.

    Markmið hlaðvarpsins er að gera gagn í samfélaginu með því að skapa rými til þess að sameinast í mennskunni. Við tölum um allar hliðar manneskjunnar og samfélagsins. Um það sem er erfitt og það sem er auðvelt, um það sem er skemmtilegt og það sem er minna skemmtilegt í bland við það að hlæja hátt. 

  • everything from what we have gone through; anxiety, relationships, toxic people, self love, eating disorders, depression. We want to be here for people to listen and know they are not alone in whatever you go through Follow us on ig at @mariannasergiannidis & @katerinastavrakis

  • Welcome to Holistic Health Anxiety Coaching . Where we raise awareness on anxiety the different types of anxieties we provide guidance and coping strategies for generalised anxiety, panic disorders . We help individuals understand their struggles through coaching practices. We empower and help individuals regain control of their lives by addressing symptoms .Exploring underline root cause of anxiety and provide support . Join us on this journey towards holistic health, healing and life free from anxiety.Together we can overcome challenges and embrace a brighter future Nick Jancev Anxiety Coach

  • What’s up, y’all? I’m so excited to be doing this! In Bee Talk, we’re going to be talking about it all. From self care to video games to weird history to sexual health. ALL of it! Thank you so much for listening and I’ll catch you soon!

  • I will be explaining why I am homeless and what brought me here. And what happens in my daily life bc of this. I hope my experience, strength and hope can help someone else, or enlighten someone. Welcome to my life!

  • We are solely dedicated to improving the awareness, care, education and support around Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Chronic Prostatitis. This podcast is for patients, their loved ones and clinicians with an interest in male pelvic pain.
    In each episode Karl Monahan and Tim Beames (founders of Pelvic Pain Matters) will unpack key topics around this life altering, debilitating, poorly understood condition.
    We want to create hope and understanding for all of those who face the challenges of this condition. Recovery is possible despite what much of the medical world tell patients.

  • Der Podcast erfolgreich und gesund richtet sich an Unternehmer, Selbständige und alle die erfahren möchten wie sie Gewicht verlieren, gesünder leben und nicht mehr auf Kosten ihrer Gesundheit arbeiten. Trotz eines fordernden Berufsalltags.
    Wenn du lernen willst, wie du deine Gewohnheiten zum Guten hin veränderst, dich gesünder ernährst, deine Gesundheit verbesserst dann ist der Podcast erfolgreich & gesund der Start in ein gesünderes, längeres, stärkeres Leben.

    In diesem Podcast zeigen dir Moye, Michael und das Team von Ars Athletica dir Strategien und Hacks, wie du dich besser Ernährst, deinen Stress effektiv managst, deine Gesundheitswerte verbesserst und mehr Bewegung und Lebensqualität in deinen Alltag integrierst.

  • A podcast brought to you by the Epic Restart Foundation, a UK charity that rebuilds lives after gambling harm. Join Richie and his guests as they tell their story and share their tools for recovery.

  • We talk about bad medicine that affected people negatively in this podcast

  • Hlaðvarpið þar sem þú lærir að skapa besta samband sem þú getur ímyndað þér.

    Ertu með spurningu sem þú vilt fá svar við í hlaðvarpinu? Sendu mér línu!

  • Welcome to the strong moms club!

    A podcast all about the wild ride of trying to balance your health and fitness, while also keeping tiny humans alive and sorta kinda maintaining a social life..

    If you’re into fitness, nutrition, mindset, and thriving in motherhood, the Strong Moms Club is the podcast for you!

    New episodes will be launching every Monday starting October 2nd. See you then!

  • This is a podcast about sex, where three sex positive friends - who also happen to be globally accredited coaches - share their own journey through super sexy adventures and incredibly fulfilling sex lives.

    By learning how to effectively communicate needs and desires, we unlocked our own sexual energy, and our erotic lives have completely transformed.
    We’ve discovered an amazing new world of possibilities, where you can feel safe to express yourself sexually, guilt- and shame- free, and we’re here to share it with you too. The world needs more healing!

    For more info about the hosts, and to book a call, visit: https://deepersexpodcast.podbean.com/p/about-the-hosts/

  • Meditations, Mindfulness & The Law of Attraction for Wellness and Weight Loss. The Goddess Way of Losing Weight starts with 21 day foundational episodes of daily intentions, journaling exercises and guided mediations with calming music by Jacob Cole.

  • About the Podcast

    When Burnout Becomes Reality is a podcast that combines lived experience with the science of burnout to help listeners prevent, recover & grow from burnout. I am your host, Shannon Swales, a psychologist, blogger, author, & a human with lived experience, scientific knowledge, & skills on burnout. Burnout is a phenomenon that develops slowly in an individual in response to ongoing & unrelenting workplace interpersonal stressors. Social Psychologist Christina Maslach and Human Resource Management Professor & Researcher Susan E. Jackson identified a set of symptoms & signs of burnout that is mainly accepted today. They are emotional exhaustion, cynicism/depersonalisation towards one's work, & a decrease in one's belief one can do their job or a reduced sense of personal achievement with one's work. Burnout can occur in any field, particularly those working closely with vulnerable people. It appears not only in workplaces but also within parenting, carer, volunteering, & caring for self roles in chronic & ongoing health conditions that require ongoing management.

    Development of the Podcast

    I started this POD out of my own burnout experience. I noticed how great it felt to hear others were suffering from burnout too - it helped me feel less alone. It helped me to feel understood & unbeknownst to them; it helped me learn from the wisdom they had gained to help me recover & grow from burnout. This is why I continue to showcase lived experience guests on the POD. As I healed from burnout, I moved back into my work as a psychologist, & that is when I added the scientific knowledge aspect into the POD, having expert guests share their wisdom to help others. I am incredibly proud of this POD & enjoy every minute of producing it. It is a monthly podcast with an episode released on the first Thursday of every month. Each month will showcase a lived experience guest who courageously comes on the POD to share their raw account of burnout to recovery and beyond or an expert guest who shares their knowledge & skills in burnout. All hope to assist others in preventing, responding & growing from burnout. The only way this podcast will reach the four corners of this earth, to reach people in need is through the power of the people - you. So, you can pay it forward by liking, sharing, following, reviewing or leaving a comment. I will be forever grateful for your generosity in doing so.

    Share Your Story

    If you’d like to share your burnout-to-recovery experience or are an expert working in the field of burnout syndrome & would like to share your wisdom, please email me at [email protected] or call 61+ 422 695 576


    Social Media: Instagram: www.instagram.com/burnoutpsychologysupport Facebook: www.facebook.com/burnoutpsychologysupport Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shannonswales

    Email: [email protected]

    Business Website: www.burnoutpsychologysupport.com

    My Book: https://www.burnoutpsychologysupport.com/buy-my-book

    Disclaimer: Engaging with our content does not intend to create, nor does it create a therapist-client relationship between you & Shannon Swales, Burnout Psychology Support Psychologist. The views, opinions, tips, etc., expressed in this podcast by my guests or me are general in nature and are not a replacement for personalised therapy. As I have done for myself, I encourage those suffering to seek professional help. If you are in a life-threatening emergency, please get in touch with your emergency services in Australia, 000. For immediate counselling support (Aus only), Lifeline 13 11 14 (24 hrs/7 days); 13YARN 13 92 76 (24 hrs/7 days) for First Nation Australians.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to "That's Healthful" with your host, Dr. Lisa Beasley, DNP, FNP! Interview guests range from all backgrounds and join me to discuss various health topics from genetics to specific disease states to health policy. My goal is to get information out to everyone from professional healthcare providers to patients to researchers. You will hear the latest information on health and living a healthy life. Enjoy and visit www.thatshealthful.com