Hälsa och motion – Lettland – Nya podcasts

  • Svetlana Friga | психолог, когнитивно-поведенческий терапевт, педагог
    Рубрика: РАССКАЖИ ИСТОРИЮ НА НОЧЬ - живой рассказ из детства родителей с комментариями ребенка
    Подкасты на тему психологии и педагогики

  • I’m Kate Arnell, YouTuber, author of Six Weeks To Zero Waste and Co-Founder of Bottlecup. Welcome to my podcast where I share with you my love for organic, plastic-free and natural living, interviews with inspiring people as well as a little of whatever rabbit hole I’ve fallen down lately.

    You can find my YouTube content here: https://youtube.com/@kate.arnell

    Shop Bottlecup here: https://bottlecup.com/

    And find any discounts and affiliate links for popular plastic-free, organic and eco options here: https://linktr.ee/katearnell

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Подкаст об адекватном отношении к здоровью. Поможем прокачать навыки критического мышления. Подскажем, как разобраться в потоке информации о здоровье и грамотно выбирать специалистов.

    «Инструкция» – один из трех подкастов аудиопроекта «Женский журнал». Также в него входят подкасты «Библиотека» с бьюти-советами по уходу за внешностью и «Здоровье» – разговоры с врачами доказательной медицины.

    «Женский журнал» — первый аудиожурнал о том, как заботиться о себе.

    Обратная связь [email protected]

    Телеграм-канал Женский журнал https://t.me/womansmag

  • Подкаст-шпаргалка об уходе за лицом и телом. Приглашаем экспертов, чтобы четко и понятно ответить на самые частые вопросы о красоте и здоровье. Даем современную и актуальную информацию о косметике, бьюти-процедурах, правильном питании, ЗОЖ-привычках.

    «Библиотека» – один из трех подкастов аудиопроекта «Женский журнал». Также в него входят подкасты «Инструкция» для тех, кто хочет заботиться о себе безопасно, и «Здоровье» – разговоры с врачами доказательной медицины.

    «Женский журнал» — первый аудиожурнал о том, как заботиться о себе.

    Обратная связь [email protected]

    Телеграм-канал Женский журнал https://t.me/womansmag

  • Featuring interviews with inspirational, visionary and accomplished dental clinic owners based in cities around the world. Throughout the episodes, each guest speaks candidly about their highs and lows of practice ownership, the hard-won lessons and what success looks like for them from their unique perspective. For more information about how DSD can help your dental clinic, schedule a call with Maria Cabanellas here https://meetings.hubspot.com/mcabanellas/dsd-clinic

  • Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.

  • 上班上到內心滿腹心事

    我們有緣 (( 笑 ))

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • Медитации на основе Майндфулнесс, Метакогнитивной Терапии, Терапии Принятия и Ответственности от психолога с реальным образованием.

    Медитации с красивым мужским голосом.

    Психолог, преподаватель медитации научного подхода, ведущий психологических групп, мастермайндов и митапов.

    Подписывайтесь на телеграм канал:

  • Welcome to The Secure Love Podcast: Real Time Couples Therapy with Julie Menanno. Julie Menanno is a licensed therapist dedicated to helping couples build secure, lasting connections using Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). In each episode, Julie works with a real couple in their 30s, Melissa and Drew, and just like many of us, they are navigating life's challenges, raising kids, managing busy careers, and working on their relationship.

    Join us to explore the depths of attachment theory and its profound impact on our relationships. We'll identify negative communication cycles and learn how to create positive, lasting changes. By sharing Melissa and Drew's journey, you'll gain relatable insights and actionable steps to apply in your own life. Each episode offers practical skills and homework assignments to help you foster a more secure and fulfilling connection with your partner.

    The Secure Love Podcast is your companion for building healthier, happier relationships. Your journey to a more secure love begins now.

  • With your host Freewill, The Team Alkaline CT guys talk about Kangen water, what it means to Hydrate differently and live an Alkaline lifestyle. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/team-alkaline-ct/support

  • Welcome to The Newly Meds, a podcast geared for YOU! This podcast is brought to you from the perspective of a new paramedic, for new paramedics. The podcast will help expand your knowledge of medicine, for all paramedics, nurses, respiratory therapists, and other healthcare providers. This podcast was created by a new paramedic with the hope of providing information I wish I had known when I first hit the streets. Enjoy!

    TheNewlyMeds does not provide procedures or recommendations for live patient use. Please refer to local protocols and scope of practice for medical guidelines.

    [email protected]

  • These ain’t your Momma's divorce conversations.

    On The D Shift we explore a range of different topics of interest for women of all ages going through separation and divorce. Guest experts share insight and strategies to navigate the challenges of going from married to single with confidence, clarity, and conviction.

    Each episode provides inspiration, education, and motivation to help women take control and re-define their life through divorce and other transitions.

  • Self help podcast on my journey being diagnosed with PTSD Anxiety and Depression. I talk to people afflicted and Professionals for their guidence for true help, for a new tomorrow.

  • Caleb Matthews and Mary Hoofnagle discuss books read by the "What's My Therapist Reading" Therapist Book Club.

    This podcast discusses:
    Trigger Warnings
    General Vibes
    Benefits and Drawbacks
    Who the book is recommended for
    Who is the Intended Audience for the book
    Reading Recommendations

  • Abundance is your birthright!

    With meditation, a positive mental attitude, releasing blocks, trauma, and pain, and maintaining an attitude of gratitude, we can tap into infinite possibilities through the law of attraction. We can have deeper connections, more success, more passion, more excitement, and more joy. 

    This show is a mixture of knowledge on different healing modalities, tips & tricks, a reminder to do the work, and stories of others journey, so the listeners know they’re not alone.

    The goal is to promote mental and emotional health.


It’s designed to inspire, uplift, and also light a fire under someone’s ass who is ready to transform their situation to live an Abundant life.

  • В этом подкасте я, Кристина Гомзелева, журналист и будущая мама, говорю с экспертами о беременности, родах и жизни после. А еще рассказываю истории родителей, которые уже прошли этот путь и готовы поделиться своим опытом.

    Приглашаю вас исследовать вместе этот важный и нежный период!

    Мой Telegram-канал: https://t.me/kgomzeleva

  • You cannot let the number of years you've been alive on this planet decide how you show up in your life. Aging is a privilege, and we can decide how to define our years left on this earth. Here, our podcast is designed specifically for women navigating the unique experiences and opportunities of being over 50. This is a time of tremendous growth, wisdom, and self-discovery, and we want to support and inspire you every step. We Get Candid, through interviews with experts, personal stories, and actionable tips, we aim to provide valuable information, tools, and inspiration making out of life.

  • Подкаст о женском здоровье. С помощью экспертов разбираемся в спорных вопросах лечения и профилактики заболеваний, обсуждаем методы оздоровления. Опираемся на современные знания и научные данные. Придерживаемся принципов доказательной медицины.

    «Здоровье» – один из трех подкастов аудиопроекта «Женский журнал». Также в него входят подкасты «Инструкция» для тех, кто хочет заботиться о себе безопасно, и «Библиотека» с бьюти-советами по уходу за лицом и телом.

    «Женский журнал» — первый аудиожурнал о том, как заботиться о себе.

    Обратная связь [email protected]

    Телеграм-канал Женский журнал https://t.me/womansmag