Musik – Lettland – Nya podcasts

  • Артисты разных поколений знакомятся с творчеством друг друга и исполняют свои самые нашумевшие хиты.

  • Pieredzes un personību stāsti, stāsti bērniem un pieaugušajiem par VEFu un VEF Kultūras pili toreiz un šodien

  • Good People Better Rise Up! is a podcast from Alex Whalen, a 30+ year veteran of the dance music industry. Each week, Alex selects one mix from his four melodic electronic livestreams to post along with occasional live sets from out on the road and mixes from his archives. The genres will vary from week to week, but as always it will be the absolute best the melodic electronic super-genre has to offer.

  • Project Lando & Guests formerly The Straight Outta Ten Tons Podcast.Season 3 starts with a brand new format.Great conversations with DJ's MC's and Producers mostly within the drum and bass industry, but also branching out into other genres. Host Project Lando delves into his guests beginnings, from music fan to career, showcasing their music along the way.Interesting would you rather questions and Did you know sections to keep the show interesting. Hope you Enjoy :-)

  • This in-depth biography chronicles the meteoric rise of K-pop sensation TWICE, from their multinational origins on the 2015 reality show "Sixteen" to their current status as one of the most successful and influential girl groups in history. It explores their debut and early hits like "OOH-AHH하게" and "CHEER UP," breakthrough albums and eras like "TT," "Signal," and "What is Love?," their artistic evolution and maturity on projects like "Feel Special" and "Formula of Love," their global impact and endless accolades, advocacy efforts, and undeniable legacy as K-pop trailblazers. With captivating details on their music, visuals, live performances and unwavering popularity, it paints a comprehensive portrait of TWICE's incredible journey as 21st century pop icons.

  • Rīta cēliens
    Raidījuma vadītājs: RML komanda
    “Labrīt! Vai esi jau pamodies? Laiks modināt prātu!” – ar šādiem vārdiem iesākas katrs raidījums “Rīta cēliens”, kurā kopā ar klausītājiem un studijas viesiem pārrunājam visdažādākās tēmas. Raibs, dinamisks un daudzveidīgs – tāds ir šis riadījums.
    📍 Raidījums skan katru darbadienu, plkst. 10:00
    🎧 Vairāk par raidījumu šeit:
    📻 Veidi, kā mūs dzirdēt:

  • Every week your host DJ Coma brings you the best from house music. Just a touch away. Subscribe. Get involved.

  • Pasaules tulkošana
    Raidījuma vadītājs: Jānis Ūdris
    Rakstnieks Jānis Ūdris, septiņu grāmatu autors, raidījumā izgaismo mūsu vēstures aizmirstos vai noklusētos notikumus, vienlaikus pievēršoties aktuālākajām mūsdienu problēmām. Rakstnieka pārliecībā, asākās šodienas problēmas sakņojas pagātnes kļūdās un joprojām neizvērtētajā un (arī tādēļ) nepārvarētajā padomju okupācijas laika mantojumā.
    Laiks, kad vaļsirdīgās sarunās ar Latvijas izcilākajām personībām izkristalizējam būtību – rūpēs par mūsu zemes uzplaukumu
    Mūsu vēstures nezināmās lappuses, aktuālāko mūsdienu notikumu analīze, šodienas procesu skaidrojums vēsturisko paralēļu kontekstā. Galvenās tēmas: noklustētā vēsture; pilsoniskā atbildība; kristīgā morāle.
    📍 Raidījums skan mēneša 2. un 4. ceturtdienā, plkst. 17:00
    🎧 Vairāk par raidījumu šeit:
    📻 Veidi, kā mūs dzirdēt:

  • HighLife Samples was founded in 2011 with a focus on delivering high quality, royalty free samples.Our mission has been to offer producers a place where they can find the best libraries, loop samples and sounds for every musical need, ranging from Vocals and Melodies, to Construction Kits, Drum Loops Midi Files and more.

    HighLife Samples works with top producers and sound designers to ensure that the best and most inspiring samples and sounds reach our customers ears! Many producers use sounds from HighLife sample packs and sign their tracks to big labels like Armada, Smash the House, Black Hole Recordings, Enhanced Recordings, Spinnin Records, Kontor Records and many others. Could you be next?

    Download free Sample Packs,Midi Files,Drum Hits,Drum Loops,Synth Presets,DAW Templates,EDM Samples and many more!

    highlifesamples at

  • Hosts and musicians Seth Hansen and Josh Rossi discuss current songs from the Billboard Hot 100's (err, 40's), while drinking 40s. As Seth and Josh listen to the songs for the first time, discussions (and occasionally unfounded opinions) ensue. New episodes weekly!

  • Do you have what it takes to wow the audience or will they send you into the “Shark Tank” hosted by Sky

  • In the process is inviting the listener into the creative journey a musician may be facing when involved i music related project, we are 5 hosts all enrolled at Jyske Musikkonservatorium in Aalborg connecting us to a big network of aspiring artist.

  • Mīlestības dialogs
    Raidījuma vadītājs: Apvienība "Laulāto tikšanās"
    Raidījums ģimenēm par ģimenēm. Mīlestības pilnas sarunas par Dievu, savstarpējām attiecībām, bērniem, kaimiņiem un citiem. Stiprināsim laulību un no jauna meklēsim ceļu viens pie otra!
    📍 Raidījums skan mēneša 2. svētdienā, plkst. 20:00
    🎧 Vairāk par raidījumu šeit:
    📻 Veidi, kā mūs dzirdēt:

  • Подкаст музыкального drum and bass лейбла Monkey B Studio.

    В нашем подкасте мы познакомим вас с вышедшими на лейбле релизами, познакомим вас с авторами. Отправляйтесь вместе с нами в музыкальное путешествие по волнам нейро звуков, под ломаные ритмы ударных.

  • The very goal of this project is to enable European and Worldwide audience to discover Latvian Composers, and how music in Latvia is also a form of life, deeply rooted in the culture and the practices.There's no better way than giving a voice to the ones who make music alive : composers, performers, conductors.
    The One voice of each individuals and the One Voice of a Culture, united and diverse at the same time.

    Žils Deless-Vēliņš is not only the anchor and interviewer. He also manage sound, lights, cameras, montage and color grading of this project.
    Māra Delesa-Vēliņa ensure translation and essential support.

    Due to this heavy workload, your help and support are much appreciated.
    Support us on

    Introduction music composed by Žils Deless-Vēliņš
    Asari vocal ensemble directed by Artūrs Oskars Mitrevics
    Soprano Laura Štoma
    Altos Māra Delesa-Vēlina, Agnese Osīte-Slava, Ilze Ārniece
    Bass Oskars Krūklis, Artūrs Oskars Mitrevics

    All content falls under fair use: any copying of copyrighted material is done for a limited, educational and “transformative” purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission from the copyright owner.