Hälsa och motion – Egypten – Nya podcasts

  • Public Health Dentist is the people's dentist and serves to take oral health care to people's doorsteps. My Podcast will throw light on the role of dental public health professionals and how he can potentially bring about a change in the oral health of people.

  • Some times you think of something that may be logical or not and need to say it to a friend or relative that you trust and for sure that you don't have then come here

  • Hear an in depth overview of caring for a CABBAGE patient.

  • We are three pediatric residents at Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit. Throughout our training we have developed a passion for educating parents and families with the most up to date and accurate information on how to best care for their child. We’ll be sharing everything from how to feed your newborn baby to how to care for the medically complex child. We have some fun and entertaining episodes in store for all of you!

    Stay in the know on the go with 3 Peds In A Pod!

  • Introducing Red Pepper Nutrition's podcast by Sian Riley, a registered dietitian and nutritionist. Red Pepper Nutrition specialises in providing pragmatic, holistic and evidence-based nutritional advice to optimise rehabilitation, independence and health. 'Feeding Quality of Life'.

  • Welcome to NutriMedixHealth, your gateway to evidence-based science and nutrition for optimal well-being. Join us on a journey where we explore the intersection of science, medicine, and nutrition, empowering you with the knowledge to make the BEST holistic choices for your health. Our non-diet education, expert insights, and holistic approach will elevate your health and wellness. Tune in for insightful discussions and expert guidance as we unlock the power of science to help you achieve your health and well-being goals. It's time to embark on a path to better health with NutriMedixHealth.

  • Losing weight is hard, but it doesn’t mean you have to suffer or diet anymore. You can lose weight while eating the foods you love and Jackie Kirschen will show you how. She's your go-to registered dietitian, obsessed with all things sustainable weight loss, mindful eating, transforming your mind and body, motherhood and entrepreneurship, and helping YOU become your most empowered self. Each week you’ll get tons of encouragement, support, and an extra dose of tough love with real-life examples of weight loss, wellness, and mindset shifts. Tune in and get ready – your life is about to change.

  • Korn-Freundschaften - ein unterhaltsamer, aufklärender sowie motivierender Podcast über Ernährung, Gesundheit und Freundschaft

    Folgt uns auch gerne auf Instagram @korn_freundschaften

  • مرحبًا بكم في بودكاست "سوالف صحة " حيث نتعمق في عالم التغذية والصحة

    في كل حلقة، سنتناول جانبًا مختلفًا من التغذية، من أساسيات المكونات الغذائية إلى دور النظام الغذائي في منع الأمراض المزمنة

    سواء كنتم تسعون لخسارة الوزن، أو تحسين مستويات الطاقة الخاصة بكم، أو ببساطة اتباع نمط حياة صحي، فان بودكاست "سوالف صحة" سوف يساعدكم على تحقيق ذلك

    أ.ايمان العوضي

    أخصائية تغذية ورياضية

    ماجستير علم الرياضة والتمرين التطبيقي

    Health Talk

  • A light hearted podcast about fitness. Hosted by online strength coach Tamara Keele and Instagram fitness baddie Christina Luna.

  • We cover all things fitness, with a focus on strength training and nutrition.

  • 1st ever Arabic guided runs for runners , medical cases for nerds and a combination of both for a healthier ( mentally and physically) generation of medical students, interns and graduates . Brought to you by Alaa Maamoun , an avid runner and a medical intern at MUH , we hope you enjoy it!
    أول بودكاست عربي يحتوي على جريات موجهه لكل المستويات ، مسائل طبيه لطلبة وخريجي كلية الطب البشري ، واحياناً مجتمعين في نفس الحلقه
    نتمنى يعجبكم!

  • Den Talk brings you insightful lessons from the communities hidden minds. 🎤🙌

    Hear from athletes, coaches, business-owners, SME’s and successful individuals. 💰

    From travelling the world as Navy Veterans to podcast hosts; Join Bam and Cam weekly. Get ready to hear the story behind the accomplishment and the motivation behind the grind. 🐺

  • كلمني عن هو بودكاست مخصص للتوعية بالصحة النفسية. من خلال هذا البودكاست نستكشف معًا عالم الصحة النفسية ونفتح النقاش حول المواضيع الهامة والملهمة في هذا المجال. نسعى لإلقاء الضوء على التحديات التي يواجهها الأشخاص في مجتمعنا بشأن الصحة النفسية، ونقدم الدعم والإلهام لمن يحتاجونه،  سنتناول مواضيع متنوعة تشمل التوعية بالأمراض النفسية، وأساليب التعافي، وكيفية التعامل مع التوتر والقلق في الحياة اليومية،  انضموا إلينا في هذه الرحلة لاستكشاف عالم الصحة النفسية وتبادل الخبرات والمعرفة لبناء مجتمع أكثر صحة وسعادة. 

    Let's Talk About" is a podcast dedicated to mental health awareness. Together, we delve into the world of mental health, engaging in discussions about important and inspiring topics in this field. Through this podcast, our aim is to shed light on the challenges individuals face in our society regarding mental health, and to offer support and inspiration to those in need. We will cover diverse topics including raising awareness about mental illnesses, recovery methods, coping with stress and anxiety in daily life, and more. Join us on this journey to explore the realm of mental health, share experiences and knowledge, and build a healthier and happier community. Let's get started!

  • Welcome to the Everyday Health Podcast
    Join Dr. Carlos as he takes a broad look at the medical world. This podcast focuses on the health topics that affect everyone.

  • Welcome to The Sleep Experience podcast, where we take a deep dive into the latest sleep hacks, gadgets, and strategies to skyrocket your productivity to new heights.

  • Τρία παιδιά της διπλανής πόρτας, σας κάνουν παρέα στο background και μοιράζονται only problems: σκέψεις, λάθη, πάθη κι όλα! Μέσα σε αυτά, καθημερινά προβλήματα, επικαιρότητα, κοινωνικά ζητήματα, σχέσεις και...ντροπιαστικές στιγμές. Join us σε αυτό το podcast για να μπερδευτείτε περισσότερο, ή και όχι.

  • Welcome to my nursing podcast. This is something I have been planning for a while.
    I want to be able to talk about different subjects with nurses, students and other healthcare professionals. There is going to be a good variety of subjects to keep it interesting.
    Please if you want to get involved contact me on twitter.


  • In this series, White and Williams lawyers will be interviewing healthcare professionals and discussing issues that healthcare providers are facing today and innovations that will shape the healthcare systems of tomorrow.

  • Pediatric Dentistry from A to T is the podcast that covers all aspects of pediatric dentistry. Clinical, business, wellness for dentists, and leading edge science. It's all right here!