Konst – Island – Nya podcasts

  • A collection of 16 poems by G.K. Chesterton. All of the poems in this book, except for "The Strange Ascetic" are taken from "The Flying Inn", a book by the same author. (Summary by Maria Therese)

  • Transitional rituals for artists. New episodes on the third of every month. Created by Lettie Jane Rennekamp, Sanae Yamada, Breesa Culver, and Jason Powers.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In this podcast we talk with authors that have covered the Zodiac Killer of the San Francisco area during the late sixties. Whether it's a far out theory or something based on police fact it'll be here!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This is my very interestinParasambönd eru ekki alltaf tekin út með sældinni. Skin og skúrir skiptast á og róðurinn getur verið þungur. Þegar þannig er í pottinn búið er mikilvægt að fá góða leiðsögn. Þerapistinn Jónína Guðmann fær til sín góað gesti í hlaðvarpinu Ástarvitanum sem þurfa á aðstoð að halda í ólgusjó ástarlífsins.g podcast

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • What were the lower Mississippi River, Gulf Coast regions, and Appalachians of North America like in the earliest colonial days? Full of untamed forests, wild animals, nuts, berries, and Indians. Chateaubriand spent many years exploring the area, and this early (somewhat autobiographical) novella was inspired by his years spent with various Indian tribes, (described in his Introduction--included after the story), primarily the Natchez. Amongst these natives, as the story goes, was a blind old patriarch named Chactas, revered for his wisdom and knowledge of the affairs of life, including many years spent learning the ways of Europeans. In 1725, a Frenchman named René (Chateaubriand himself?), driven thither by his misfortunes in Europe, arrived at Louisiana. Old Chactas adopted him as a son, and slowly reveals his hardships and adventures. One such story was about Atala, a beautiful indian maiden, who had been converted by French missionaries to Christianity . . . . of their passionate attraction . . . and all the conflict and heartache that arose thereby. (Summary by Michele Fry)

  • Raph Cormack, Nikhil Krishnan and guests discuss minor works of literature.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Linsan beinir sjónum sínum að konum í kvikmyndagerð, afrekum þeirra og reynslu. Fjallað er um hinar ýmsu kvikmyndir sem gerðar hafa verið af konum og hafa sett mark sitt spjöld sögunnar.

    Umsjón: Anna María Björnsdóttir.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Welcome to "Weather Sounds" the Weather Soundscapes Podcast, where we invite you to immerse yourself in the tranquil and ever-changing world of weather through the power of audio. Hosted by passionate weather enthusiasts, this unique podcast takes you on a journey into the heart of atmospheric phenomena, offering a sensory experience like no other.Each episode of "Nature's Symphony" is a soothing and immersive audio voyage that transports you to various corners of the Earth, allowing you to listen to the harmonious and sometimes dramatic sounds of the weather. Whether you're a weather geek, a nature lover, or simply someone seeking moments of serenity, this podcast offers a therapeutic escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life.Here's what you can expect from our episodes:Stormy Serenades: Experience the raw power and majesty of thunderstorms as rain pours, lightning cracks, and thunder rumbles. You'll feel like you're right in the midst of nature's most impressive displays.Whispers of the Wind: Immerse yourself in the gentle rustling of leaves, the soft howling of the wind, and the soothing sounds of a breeze. These episodes will transport you to peaceful meadows, dense forests, and coastal cliffs.Ocean's Lullaby: Listen to the calming ebb and flow of ocean waves, the rhythmic percussion of raindrops on water, and the distant calls of seagulls. These episodes offer the perfect relaxation soundtrack.Seasonal Sonatas: Experience the changing moods of weather throughout the year. From the cheerful chirping of birds in spring to the quiet snowfall of winter, our seasonal episodes capture the essence of each season.Global Weather Adventures: Take a virtual journey around the world as we explore unique weather events from different regions, such as monsoons, blizzards, and desert sandstorms."Weather Sounds " is more than just a podcast; it's a way to connect with nature in a world that often keeps us indoors and distracted. Whether you listen during your daily commute, as you drift off to sleep, or when you simply need a moment of tranquility, our podcast offers the opportunity to experience the wonders of the natural world through the magic of sound.Tune in, close your eyes, and let the weather's soothing and awe-inspiring symphony wash over you. Subscribe today to embark on a sensory journey like no other with "Weather Sounds: The Weather Soundscapes Podcast."

  • A podcast that specifically explores the world of becoming a solo brand designer and creating brand identities and brand stories that resonate deeply with founders and their audiences. Rachel dives deep into topics such as the personality of brand, purposeful design, running a small business, working with clients, mindset and speaking on her journey to a life of creative freedom.

  • Ever wondered what it would be like to have a chat with two real-life Broadway best friends? The Broadway Besties podcast brings you into the conversation, and gives you a front row seat to hear their secrets, what they love about each other, and why they continue to be besties! Part of the Broadway Podcast Network. Produced by John Zeitoun and Alan Seales.

  • Velkomin í Skipulagt Chaos! Við erum Steinunn og Selma, nýlegar besties að skríða yfir tvítugsárin með mikla lífsreynslu á bakinu. Hér í Skipulagt Chaos ætlum við að fjalla um bæði allt og ekkert, en mun margt vera tengt sjálfsvinnu, sjálfsást og alltaf mjög stutt í húmorinn. Hér tökum við engu alvarlega og vonum að þið njótið. Disclaimer: Við getum ekki lofað að við náum að halda okkur 100% við efnið í hverjum þætti. 

    Fylgið okkur á instagram: @skipulagtchaos

  • Greetings, travelers of space and time! Know then that this is the #1 Dune podcast in the Known Universe, examining all things from the world of Frank Herbert’s legendary universe, including the classic books, groundbreaking movies, TV miniseries, tabletop and video games, documentaries, ongoing novels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson, and much, much more. Whether this is your first foray into the saga or you are returning like a Duncan Idaho ghola, join us for a show beyond your dreams and a podcast beyond your imagination.

    The ultimate Dune podcast is hosted by avid science fiction fans and podcasters Joe Tavano and Rod Johnson, and is part of the RetroZap Podcast Network. We endeavor to create the most detailed and insightful examinations of every piece of the Dune Universe, and connect with other fans in the process to create a positive and active community.

  • Dive into the vibrant heart of New York's brewing world with "NY Brewed," a podcast presented by DrinkNYCraft.com Our show brings you face-to-face with the state's most passionate brewers, offering an exclusive peek behind the barrels. Each episode is a journey into the minds of those who craft your favorite beers, revealing their inspirations, challenges, and the secrets behind their brews. But the journey doesn't end with the interview. Through our website, DrinkNYCraft.com, listeners can directly purchase the beers featured on the show, allowing you to taste the story in every sip. "NY Brewed" isn't just about listening; it's about tasting the innovation and tradition of New York's finest. Join us, and let's explore the rich tapestry of New York's beer culture together. Your next favorite brew awaits!