Konst – Danmark – Nya podcasts

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  • This six-part series on Retro delves into the timeless appeal and cultural significance of retro styles across various domains. From the nostalgic allure of fashion trends and iconic music to the influential media and entertainment of past decades, the series explores how retro elements continue to shape contemporary culture. Each episode features expert interviews and practical tips, offering listeners a rich understanding of retro fashion, music, media, design, and lifestyle. Whether you're a retro enthusiast or simply curious about the past's impact on the present, this series provides a comprehensive and engaging journey through the world of retro.

  • En podcast som er skabt for hyggens skyld. Twistet er at vi spørger en AI om hjælp og ser hvor godt vi rammer sammenlignet med hvad den finder.

  • This show it takes you behind the scenes of J. Lohr Vineyards and Wines. Where the J. Lohr family, winemakers, and team members share their story of what it takes to make a great glass of J. Lohr wine. Uncork that bottle and let's dive in!

  • Ramen, a simple dish consisting of wheat noodles served in a flavorful broth, has captured the hearts and taste buds of food lovers worldwide. But how did this humble dish, born out of necessity, become a global culinary phenomenon? Let's take a journey through time and explore the fascinating history of ramen.
    Our story begins in China, where noodle soup dishes have been a staple for centuries. It is believed that Chinese immigrants introduced these noodle soups to Japan in the late 19th century, laying the foundation for what would eventually become ramen.
    However, it wasn't until the early 20th century that ramen began to take shape in Japan. In 1910, a Chinese restaurant in Yokohama started serving a dish called "shina soba," which consisted of Chinese-style wheat noodles in a salty broth. This dish quickly gained popularity among Japanese workers and students looking for a cheap and filling meal.
    As Japan faced food shortages and rationing during World War II, ramen became a crucial source of sustenance. The Japanese government even encouraged the establishment of ramen stalls to feed the hungry population. These stalls, known as "ramen yatai," became a common sight in Japan's cities and towns.
    In the post-war period, Japan experienced rapid economic growth, and with it came a boom in the popularity of ramen. The rise of industrialization and urbanization led to an increase in the number of workers and students who relied on ramen as a quick and affordable meal option. This demand fueled the growth of ramen shops and stalls throughout the country.
    It was during this time that regional variations of ramen began to emerge, each with its own unique characteristics and flavors. In Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido, miso ramen became the local specialty. This hearty dish features a rich, miso-based broth and is often topped with butter, corn, and tender slices of pork. The origins of Sapporo miso ramen can be traced back to the 1950s, when a local ramen shop owner experimented with adding miso paste to his broth to create a more robust flavor.
    In contrast, Hakata ramen, hailing from Fukuoka, is known for its creamy, pork bone-based broth and thin, straight noodles. The origins of Hakata ramen can be traced back to the 1940s, when a local ramen shop owner began using pork bones to create a rich and flavorful broth. This style of ramen quickly gained popularity among the local population and eventually spread to other parts of Japan.
    Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is known for its shoyu ramen, which features a clear, soy sauce-based broth and curly noodles. This style of ramen emerged in the 1920s and became popular among the city's working-class population. Today, Tokyo is home to numerous ramen shops, each with its own unique take on the classic shoyu ramen recipe.
    In 1958, a momentous event occurred that would change the course of ramen history forever. Momofuku Ando, a Taiwanese-Japanese inventor and businessman, created the world's first instant ramen. Ando's invention, which consisted of pre-cooked noodles and a packet of flavoring powder, revolutionized the way people consumed ramen.
    Instant ramen quickly became a global phenomenon, thanks to its convenience, affordability, and long shelf life. It allowed people from all walks of life to enjoy a quick and satisfying meal anytime, anywhere. Today, instant ramen is sold in over 80 countries, with billions of servings consumed each year.
    Ando's story is a testament to the power of innovation and perseverance. Born in Taiwan in 1910, Ando moved to Japan in the 1930s and started a small textile company. However, his business was destroyed during World War II, leaving him struggling to make ends meet. It was during this time that Ando began experimenting with ways to create a cheap and convenient food product that could feed the masses.
    After months of trial and error, Ando finally succeeded in creating the first instant ramen. He used a process called "flash frying" to pre-cook the noodles and dehydrate them, allowing them to be rehydrated quickly with boiling water. Ando's invention was an instant success, and he went on to establish Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd., which became one of the largest instant noodle manufacturers in the world.
    Ando's legacy extends beyond the creation of instant ramen. He was a visionary who believed in the power of food to bring people together and improve lives. He once said, "Peace will come to the world when the people have enough to eat." Today, Ando's philosophy continues to inspire ramen chefs and enthusiasts around the world.
    Ramen has also become a significant part of Japanese popular culture, featuring prominently in anime, manga, movies, and television shows. One of the most famous examples is the anime series "Naruto," which features a character named Naruto Uzumaki who is obsessed with ramen. Throughout the series, Naruto can often be seen slurping down bowls of ramen at his favorite ramen shop, Ichiraku Ramen.
    The popularity of "Naruto" has led to the creation of real-life Ichiraku Ramen shops in Japan and other parts of the world, where fans can enjoy the same ramen dishes featured in the anime. This is just one example of how ramen has transcended the culinary world and become a cultural icon.
    In recent years, ramen has undergone a gourmet revolution, with specialty ramen shops popping up in major cities around the world. These shops often feature high-quality ingredients, innovative flavor combinations, and unique presentation styles. Some notable examples include Ichiran Ramen, a Japanese chain famous for its tonkotsu ramen, and Ippudo Ramen, which has locations in New York, London, and other major cities.
    The rise of gourmet ramen can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing interest in authentic Japanese cuisine and the influence of social media and food blogging. Many ramen shops have gained a cult following thanks to Instagram and other social media platforms, where customers can share photos and reviews of their meals.
    The global ramen industry has also had a significant economic impact, with instant ramen sales alone reaching billions of dollars each year. In Japan, ramen tourism has become a major draw for visitors, with many travelers seeking out the best ramen shops in each region. This has led to the creation of ramen-themed amusement parks, museums, and even a ramen-themed hotel in Yokohama.
    Despite its global popularity, ramen has faced some challenges in recent years, particularly in terms of health and nutrition. Many instant ramen products are high in sodium and lacking in essential nutrients, leading some health experts to warn against consuming them too frequently.
    In response to these concerns, some ramen manufacturers have begun to develop healthier options, such as low-sodium and vegetarian varieties. Some ramen shops have also started offering more balanced and nutritious toppings, such as vegetables and lean proteins.
    At the same time, many ramen chefs and enthusiasts argue that ramen can be part of a healthy and balanced diet when consumed in moderation and paired with other nutrient-rich foods. They point out that traditional ramen broths, such as tonkotsu and miso, are often made with bone broth, which is rich in minerals and amino acids.
    As ramen continues to evolve and adapt to new culinary trends and consumer preferences, its future remains bright. Some experts predict that we will see more plant-based and gluten-free ramen options in the coming years, as well as more fusion-style dishes that combine ramen with other global cuisines.
    At the same time, many ramen chefs and enthusiasts remain committed to preserving the traditional techniques and flavors that have made ramen such a beloved dish. They argue that the key to ramen's future success lies in striking a balance between innovation and tradition, creativity and authenticity.
    In conclusion, the story of ramen is a testament to the resilience, adaptability, and creativity of the human spirit. From its humble beginnings as a cheap and filling meal for Japanese workers and students to its status as a global culinary icon, ramen has undergone a remarkable journey.
    Today, ramen continues to inspire and delight food lovers around the world, thanks to its rich history, diverse regional variations, and endless possibilities for innovation and experimentation. Whether enjoyed in a traditional Japanese ramen shop, prepared from an instant noodle package, or created with a fusion of flavors and techniques, ramen remains a beloved and comforting dish that transcends borders and cultures.
    As we look to the future, it is clear that the story of ramen is far from over. With new innovations and interpretations emerging all the time, ramen will undoubtedly continue to surprise and delight us for generations to come. So the next time you slurp down a bowl of this delicious noodle soup, take a moment to appreciate the rich history and cultural significance of ramen, a true global sensation.
    Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • KOK OG KOK IMELLEMaf Thomas Rode AndersenVelkommen til mit hobby journalistiske projekt “Kok & Kok imellem”.Jeg er Thomas Rode Andersen, tidligere Køkkenchef på legendariske Restaurant Kong Hans Kælder i Kbh og medstifter af https://www.rigtigmad.dk/“Kok og Kok imellem” startede imens jeg var i karantæne under den første lockdown som ren "Corona Radio" hvor jeg talte med gode gamle kolleger om alt mellem himmel og jord over en telefonforbindelse.Her i de efterfølgende sæsoner går jeg lidt grundigere til værks og inviterer de snakkelystne kokke hjem ind i Podamok studiet og optager podcasten med det bedste tekniske set-up på lydsiden, med et kamera snurrende under seancen og dygtige mennesker i kulissen til at sikre at din oplevelse af mine snakke med nogle af landets bedste kokke bliver en klokkeklar fornøjelse. Hør med når jeg og mine gæster snakker om ting, oplevelser og begivenheder som sjældent kommer frem når vi kokke giver interviews med rigtige journalister.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Velkommen til Lifestyle & Design Cluster's podcastkanal!

    Vi er din kilde til spændende samtaler, indsigt og inspiration inden for livsstil, design og innovation. Dyk ned i vores episoder, hvor vi udforsker de nyeste trends, deler ekspertindsigt og interviewer førende stemmer inden for branchen. Uanset om du er en etableret brand, en kreativ iværksætter eller en nysgerrig forbruger, er vores podcast dedikeret til at levere værdifulde indsigter og idéer, der kan inspirere dig til innovation og en cirkulær fremtid.

    Abonnér nu og vær med på rejsen mod fremtidens livsstilsbranche.

  • Join Colour Designer Sarah Gottlieb as she talks to cultural and creative leaders about the most influential colours in their lives and work. Through insightful conversations you hear about the meaning and psychology of colours through the guest's personal story about their own creative work.
    In each episode, we ask guests to talk about their passion for colour and where it comes from. We review a significant piece of our guest’s work where colour has played an important role, and also where they find inspiration – ending each episode with the musical element "the sound of a colour”.

    Be prepared for laughter, tears and everything in between.

  • Gang Culture – Let's get the most controversial out of the way first. One argument for why UK Drill rappers wear masks could be because they're part of of gang. Therefore, if they were to reveal their identity it could pose a threat to their safety.

  • Lyt til en podcast, som sætter ord på den amerikanske kunstner Sarah Szes kunstværk Metronome, der fra den 18. maj – 20. oktober 2024 er udstillet på ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum. Kunstværket er en altomsluttende, stedsspecifik installation, der er en fortolkning af vores skrøbelige, digitaliserede verden.

    I korte podcastepisoder kan du få forskellige menneskers syn på værket at høre - uanset om du er voksen, barn, kunstinteresseret eller blot nysgerrig. Sæt dig derfor godt til rette og få perspektiv på kunsten.


    We invite you to listen to a podcast series that considers Sarah Sze’s Metronome from different
    Each brief episode offers a new perspective on the work – and there is something for everyone,
    regardless of whether you are an adult, a child, an art connoisseur or simply curious.
    Settle in, listen up and explore new perspectives.

  • Join AuDHD artist Elinor Trier (who might possibly be a pile of cats in a sparkly trench coat) as she talks to her fellow artists about the magic of the creative process - what they make and, in particular, how they make it - their rituals and workflows, inspirations and disenchantments, ebbs and flows. 

    We’ll even take a peek behind the scenes of their businesses to see how they’re using their creativity there too, and how they balance the needs of their business with the needs of their art. 

    If you’re interested in getting a behind-the-scenes look at what makes artists tick, and enjoy conversations about art, creativity, neurodivergence, and business, then you’re in the right place.

    Find out more at https://www.elinortrierstudio.com/ or on YouTube @zuzushausofcats

  • MIDTIMELLEM er en ungdomspodcast produceret af Sofia Lykke & Asta Egtved. Begge to nuværende 2.g'ere - I starten tog vi den her podcast ret seriøst, men nu tager vi bare lidt pis på det hele. Lyt hvis du ligger og virkelig ikke ved, hvad du ellers skal give dig til<3

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    Upgrade your experience with our premium subscription!

  • Velkommen til hvis du var et brød! med Benjamin Wolters aka Beansterbaker.

    Vi er et brød og mad metropol her i lille danmark det er vi blevet…,de sidste 10år er der blevet vendt op og ned på hele bageri scenen især i københavn men også resten af danmark følger med.

    Jeg har selv været med helt fra starten ,og hvordan opfatter alle de andre alt den udvikling?
    De ældre generationer de klassiske bagere ,kokkene og de allestørste og moderne bagere det vil jeg i denne podcast række undersøge nærmere ud af.

    Jeg vil besøge dem og over et stykke brød til nærværende samtaler rolig atmosfære baseret nysgerrihed og fælles interesser, og ikke mindst spørger dem ”hvis du var et brød”?

  • Uani tusarnaagassiami kulturilerinermi suliat assigiinngitsut sammineqartassapput. Suliffeqarfik Siarnaq qilaatersortartumit Nuka Alice Lundimit pigineqarpoq

  • Uffes Samtalekøkken - lyd der skærper appetitten!

    Jeg håber at du gennem mine samtaler kan få lyst til at bruge tid på at lave mad og give mere mod til at lege med alle de lækre råvarer, vi bor tæt på! Især børnene vil jeg gerne have mere med ved gryderne - mange forældre tager sig ikke nok tid til at have børnene med i køkkenet - kan være anderledes!
    I Mit samtalekøkken taler jeg med mennesker som ved noget om mad, råvarer og måltidet. Jeg vil sammen med et passioneret menneske, tale om hvordan vi får et større fokus på den mad vi spiser, hvordan vi producerer klogere og forbruger klogere.
    Udgangspunktet for samtalen er, alt det maden gør ved os selv og den jord vi bor på. - og som i et rigtigt køkken så ved man aldrig hvad det sker når snakken går hen over køkkenbordet - der er plads til historier fra de 7 verdenshave og til ideer der kan gøre en forskel.

    Du kan læse mere om mit samtalekøkken, kigge lidt på opskrifter og meget andet - hvis du klikker ind på køkkenkultur.dk

    Podcasten er produceret, klippet og redigeret i samarbejde med Niels Viberg

  • Hvordan husker folk fra Aabenraa egentlig maleren Franciska Clausen? 

    Det undersøger journalist Catia Schmidt i denne podcast om avantgarde-kunstneren.

    For selvom hun var helt i front i avantgardens unge år, så forstod hendes hjemby hende ikke. Efter Franciska Clausen flytter hjem til Aabenraa går der nemlig historier om, at hun er en bitter og forsmået kvinde, og blot ender sine dage som portrætmaler i Aabenraa…. Men er det virkelig sådan vi skal huske hende? 

    Kom med på rejsen, når Catia Schmidt møder nogle af de mange mennesker, som stadig kan huske hende.

    Vært, tilrettelægger og producent: Catia Schmidt.

    Podcasten er produceret med støtte fra Aabenraa Kommunes kulturpulje.

  • Små Samtaler er en podcast om de perspektiver og indsigter der kan berige. Det er et indblik i tanker fra nogen med noget på hjerte.
    Du kan høre Små Samtaler på vej til arbejde, mens du luger i haven eller som en godnathistorie. Målet er at give dig en pause med stof til eftertanke.
    Små Samtaler er udgivet af Muskelsvindfonden