Sport – Danmark – Nya podcasts

  • What do you get if you cross a golf professional, a strength-trainer, a bunch of beers, and some random guests from the golf world?

    This podcast apparently.

    Join us as we talk all things golf, fitness, and whatever else floats our boat.

  • All gas no brakes on everything hot in the world of golf.

  • Welcome to the Shit We Do Outdoors Podcast! I am so excited to start this project.

    What is this podcast? Well, it’s a podcast about the outdoors and going outdoors! There will be entertaining poop stories, topics that we normally wouldn’t talk about (periods on trail, IBS, #2), conservation, education, backpacking, and so much more!

    If you like hiking, biking, kayaking, climbing, vanlifing, our any outdoor sport this podcast is for you! It will be entertaining as well as educational. Subscribe to listen in!

  • Rytis Vyšniauskas ir Karolis Kadikinas diskutuoja apie Eurolygos ir pasaulio krepšinį. Tinklalaidė kurta iki 2021 m. birželio.

  • Join professional trailrunner Tom Evans, 2023 Western States 100 mile champion, and his crew chief and best friend Brett Saunders as they discuss all things trailrunning in the lead up to Tom's 2024 UTMB Race. They will discuss tom's journey as a vessel into lessons for all runners, those on trails and roads.

  • Picture yourself and your friends sitting around, having a cold one and shootin’ bull about sports. That’s where you are. Each week Neal Michaels and his guests will be shootin’ bull about the hot topics in sports. Expect expert opinions from those who live it, great storytelling, and a lot of laughs.

  • "Timersorneq inuunerma ilaa"
    Aallakaatitassiortoq: Uju Petersen

    Timersornerup silarsuaanit aallakaatitat

  • Fantasy football’s first and only coachspeak solver, powered by our giant database of prior NFL coachspeak

    created by Greg Brainos

  • Welcome to Gymnastics Insights By BARA Fitness, your go-to podcast for everything related to gymnastics performance. Whether you’re a gymnast, coach, or enthusiast, this podcast is designed to provide you with expert advice, practical tips, and in-depth discussions to enhance your gymnastics journey.

    Hosted by the team at BARA Fitness, our episodes cover a wide range of topics, including:

    Strength and Conditioning: Discover the latest training techniques and programs tailored specifically for gymnasts. Learn how to build the strength, flexibility, and endurance needed to excel in gymnastics.Skill Development: From basic skills to advanced techniques, we break down the essential components of successful gymnastics training. Improve your form, execution, and overall performance with our expert guidance.Event-Specific Insights: Get detailed analyses and tips for each gymnastics event, whether it’s the vault, uneven bars, balance beam, or floor exercise. Our discussions will help you master the nuances of each event.Interviews and Stories: Hear from elite gymnasts, coaches, and sports performance specialists. Gain inspiration from their experiences, challenges, and successes in the world of gymnastics.Practical Advice: Receive actionable recommendations on injury prevention, recovery, nutrition, and mental conditioning to support your overall well-being and performance.

    At Gymnastics Insights By BARA Fitness, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your highest potential in the sport of gymnastics. Join us for insightful episodes that will keep you motivated, informed, and ready to take your gymnastics skills to the next level.

    Subscribe now and become part of our community of passionate gymnasts and coaches committed to excellence. 

  • En podcast om skak. Alt hvad der rører sig i skakverden. Historien, mestrene og de helt almindelige skakentusiaster. Den udspringer af en stor interesse og passion for det gamle klassiske spil som rummer så mange fantastiske fortællinger. Du behøver ikke at være inkarneret skakspiller for at lytte med.

  • Hver lørdag svælger vi i alt det bedste og sjoveste fra sportens verden, når vi quizzer og konkurrerer med og mod verdens bedste lyttere.
    Vi hylder de største danske atleter og alle de små og hemmelige sportshelte, som kongeriget er fyldt af. Den Store Sportsquiz er som ethvert godt omklædningsrum: Grovkornet nok til, at du bare må stoppe op og lytte med, og så hyggeligt, at du har lyst til at blive hængende.
    Vært: Mikkel Nygaard.

  • Bobby Julich and Jens Voigt are back with a brand new cycling podcast. Speaking to the biggest names in the professional peloton and sharing their wisdom from their own careers.

  • Velkommen til Lur de France, din uundværlige guide til at tage en lur under årets Tour de France, uden at gå glip af de afgørende øjeblikke. Hos Lur de France forstår vi, at sommerens varme og de lange etaper kan kræve en lille pause, men vi ved også, hvor vigtigt det er at følge med i løbets mest spændende momenter.

    Med Lur de France går du aldrig glip af de intense bjergetaper, de dramatiske massespurter eller de strategiske udbrud, der former Tour de France. Vi er her for at sikre, at du får den bedste oplevelse af løbet, mens du også får den nødvendige hvile.

  • I'll be discussing skill acquisition, youth sports paradigms, positive sports psychology, ideal parent and coaching roles.

    Every podcast episode will have specific topics, and related material based on the NEEDS of our youth sports participation as it pertains to the sports-life balance. And how to make every experience magical and not tragical. I will do my best to be researched based, talk on my own experiences, and bring forth topics that are RELEVANT to you.

    The mission is to change the world. You down? ARE YOU DOWN? Well, what are you doing down there, get up, we got work to do.

  • Så det tid til EM radio med boys. Det er med mig, Emil Juhler, og min ven, Lasse Krarup, der også går under navnene Lasse K og Laissez-faire.

    Jeg er typen, der som 7-årig kunne alle resultater fra EM 2004, og Lasse K er typen, der ved i hvilken klub, den Georgiske målmand Mamardashvili spiller… Så det er altså grunden til, at vi er ekstremt stærkt EM-panel, og at vi ikke har nogen kærester.

    Vi skal tage jer igennem EM på de tre vigtigste fronter, som er stemnings-fronten, manager-fronten, og så selvfølgelig det vi alle sammen er her for, nemlig det danske landshold. Hver runde bestræber vi os på at tage jer igennem de fronter; stemningen, og det danske landshold. Vi har en politik, der hedder, at vi forbereder absolut intet, det er ligesom, det vi kender fra gymnasiet, og er bedst til - der vi er mest trygge. Husk endelig at skriv eller ring, hvis i har forslag, vi tager imod ALT, der kommer fra lytterne.

    OG rigtig godt EM, som Danmark vinder, til alle!

  • Stats, watts, nutrition and more are NOT what you'll find on the Tour De France For Idiots podcast. Tune in as HANDUP hosts, Jelly and Mustard, take you through a nuanced recap of each stage of the Tour De France; filled with mispronunciations, witty nicknames, trash talk about team kits and much much more. If you are a fan of the tour, this comedic Tour de France podcast is breath of fresh air you didn't know you needed.
    Sponsored by HANDUP:

  • Gymnastik i ørerne sætter fokus på gymnastikken, som den dyrkes i haller og sale landet over. Fra forårsopvisningen til, hvordan vi sikrer trivsel på gymnastikholdene landet over.

  • Manager Loungen har til formål at udstyre dig med den afgørende fordel i managerspillet på Vi forstår, at dette spil kræver mere end blot held. Det kræver indsigt, viden og strategi. Hver runde præsenterer vi lytteren for en kort og præcis gennemgang af den kommende runde i Premier League.

  • EM Ambassaden dækker sommerens EM-slutrunde i Tyskland med spændende historier og interessante gæster.
    Få seneste nyt og bliv klædt på til alle kampene med’s daglige podcast EM Ambassaden.