Sport – Spanien – Nya podcasts

  • The Wrestling Podcast is a podcast that will talk about the great sport of wrestling. We will do interviews of wrestlers. Also we will do our predictions on tournaments and just give out intake of wrestling.

  • Repasamos los mejores lugares en los que correr durante tus vacaciones o en tus viajes por trabajo. Hacer turismo al ritmo de tus zancadas, es una excepcional forma de conocer nuevos lugares. Además, conocemos algunas de las mejores carreras que se celebran en todo el mundo. Si viajas para participar en nuevas pruebas o quieres compaginar el viajar (sea cual sea el motivo) con tu pasión por el running, este es tu podcast

  • En este podcast, queremos compartir nuestras experiencias más emocionantes y divertidas como corredores. Desde carreras épicas hasta entrenamientos desafiantes, tenemos muchas historias que contar.

    Instagram @alvaro_lb85 y @sheila13_

    También queremos que este podcast sea un espacio donde podamos aprender juntos y motivarnos mutuamente en nuestro viaje como corredores.

  • Llamar a esto un podcast es demasiado pretencioso.

    Una colección de notas de voz de

  • ¡Bienvenidos a la Radio Oficial del Club Atlético Osasuna!
    Todas las semanas encontrarás: informativos con la actualidad de Osasuna, narraciones del Primer equipo, Promesas y Femenino. Además, una vez cada 15 días estrenamos nuevo Capítulo de Podcast sobre el Club.
    Puedes escucharnos en, Spotify, Apple Podcast y demás plataformas online.

    Ongi etorri Club Atletico Osasunaren Irrati Ofizialera!
    Astero Osasunaren gaurkotasunaren inguruko albistegiak, Lehen taldearen, Promesasen eta Nesken taldearen narrazioak entzungai izango dituzu. Gainera, 15 egunean behin Klubari buruzko Podcast kapitulu berria estreinatuko dugu., Spotify, Apple Podcast eta gainerako online plataformetan entzun gaitzakezu.

  • Leading the Charge with Fernando Schmude is on all Rumblings social media, vidcast, and podcast platforms. His English shows are on Friday afternoons!
    Follow Fernando on Twitter @FernandoSchmude!

  • Join the Fox family as we travel and try out the best there is in hiking, biking, and camping locations and equipment.

  • Joe Londergan of Sports Illustrated chats with an ever-rotating group of coaches, players, and insiders from the MAC, Mountain West, Conference USA, Sun Belt, and American Athletic Conferences about the biggest stories and games in the G5. Two new episodes a week with clips and articles published daily. Happy football watching!
    Follow us on Instagram
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    Follow Joe Londergan on Twitter/X

  • Bienvenidos a ‘La Batalla Florencia’, un pódcast de Tono Calleja Flórez y Álvaro Martín de geopolítica, propaganda y corrupción. Una historia de héroes y villanos. De tramposos y exiliados. De vida o muerte...Una efeméride futbolística que cumple 90 años...
    La Selección de España, que en 1934 estaba gobernada por una República, acude al Mundial de 1934, que se celebra en Italia, dirigida con mano de hierro por Mussolini. Y tras ganar a Brasil en octavos de final, el equipo español se cruza en cuartos de final a la selección anfitriona. Lo que está en juego es mucho más que un partido de fútbol.
    Se enfrentan dos maneras de entender el mundo: la democracia frente al totalitarismo. La II República española frente al fascismo italiano. En dos partidos, los árbitros permiten un juego de extrema violencia de los transalpinos. Con esta ayuda, lograron su objetivo, ganar su primer Campeonato del Mundo, que permite a la Squadra Azzurra lucir una de las cuatro estrellas de su camiseta.

  • Una leyenda más allá del gol. Un podcast sobre la vida del mito del fútbol español

  • En este podcast, Diana Laura Gil y Alejandro Reyna, staff de The Catch Mx, te presentarán el lado de la NFL que nadie te muestra: la vida fuera del campo. Acompáñalos todos los fines de semana a discutir sobre el mejor deporte del mundo desde un punto de vista completamente diferente.

    Sé parte de la conversación en:


    - Diana
    - Ale:

    - Diana:
    - Ale:

  • Los principales rostros de la final de 1999 en La Cartuja contra el Atlético de Madrid rememoran aquellos momentos mágicos y su impacto en la historia del Valencia CF

  • No te pierdas cada semana la historia de tus luchadores y amazonas favoritos en El Podcast Oficial del CMLL

  • Grayson Murray - Audio Biography Grayson Murray, born on October 1, 1993, in Raleigh, North Carolina, was an American professional golfer who made a significant impact on the PGA Tour. Known for his powerful drives and competitive spirit, Murray’s journey through the ranks of professional golf was marked by both achievements and challenges.
    Early Life and Amateur Career
    Grayson Murray developed an interest in golf at a young age, showcasing his talent early on. He played at Wakefield High School in Raleigh, where his impressive performances earned him recognition and several amateur titles. His prowess on the golf course secured him a spot on the golf team at Wake Forest University, one of the top golf programs in the country. However, his journey in college golf saw multiple transfers, as he also played for East Carolina University and Arizona State University, reflecting both his ambition and the quest for the right fit to hone his skills.
    Turning Professional
    Murray turned professional in 2015, a decision driven by his desire to compete at the highest levels. His early professional career included participation in the Tour (now known as the Korn Ferry Tour), where he worked diligently to secure his PGA Tour card. His breakthrough came in 2016 when he won the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship, a victory that propelled him onto the PGA Tour.
    PGA Tour Success
    Grayson Murray’s arrival on the PGA Tour was marked by a series of commendable performances. His most notable achievement came in 2017 when he won the Barbasol Championship. This victory was not just a testament to his skill but also his resilience, as he navigated the pressures and competition of the tour. The win secured him a two-year exemption on the PGA Tour, establishing him as a rising star in the golfing world.
    Challenges and Resilience
    Despite his successes, Murray’s career was not without its difficulties. He faced personal and professional challenges, including injuries and mental health struggles. Murray was open about his battles with anxiety and the pressures of professional sports, advocating for mental health awareness. His candidness about these issues resonated with many and highlighted the importance of mental well-being in the high-stakes world of professional golf.
    Personal Life and Interests
    Outside of golf, Grayson Murray was known for his vibrant personality and diverse interests. He had a strong presence on social media, where he engaged with fans and shared insights into his life on and off the course. His hobbies included fishing and spending time with his family and friends, reflecting his appreciation for a balanced life.
    Legacy and Future
    Grayson Murray’s journey in professional golf was a testament to his talent, determination, and resilience. As he continued to compete on the PGA Tour, his experiences shaped him into a golfer who not only strived for excellence but also advocated for important issues like mental health. Murray’s story was one of perseverance and passion, inspiring many young golfers who looked up to him as a role model.
    Tragic Passing
    Tragically, Grayson Murray passed away on May 24, 2024, at the age of 30. His death marked a somber moment for the golf community and his fans worldwide. The circumstances of his death brought to light the ongoing struggles that professional athletes can face, and it underscored the importance of mental health support and awareness.
    Remembering Grayson Murray
    In conclusion, Grayson Murray’s biography is a compelling narrative of a young golfer’s rise to prominence, marked by significant victories and personal growth. His contributions to golf and his openness about his struggles made him a noteworthy figure in the sport, with a legacy that extends beyond his achievements on the course. His life story serves as a reminder of the highs and lows of professional sports and the enduring impact of personal resilience and advocacy.

  • Tu programa de fútbol base de la Comunitat Valenciana. Cada lunes, de 20:05 a 21:45 horas en Plaza Radio (91.4 FM Valencia).

    Con Paco Polit y David Ferris.

  • Benvinguts a Montcada Perica, el podcast dedicat als aficionats del RCD Espanyol. Des de Montcada i Reixac, us portem notícies, anàlisis i opinions apassionades sobre el nostre estimat club. Cada setmana, discutim partits, explorem la història de l'Espanyol i compartim esperances pel futur de l'equip. Tant si ets un perico de sempre com si ets un nou seguidor, Montcada Perica és la teva llar per a tot allò relacionat amb l'Espanyol.

    Força Espanyol! Visca Montcada Perica!

  • Un podcast creado para los amantes del juego mas hermoso del planeta, el futbol.

  • 4 amigos (ImJuancaTV, EuriGonz, G1Baseball y Pedrox_94) se sientan a debatir sobre deportes y esports.

  • Somos una web dedicada a los deportes americanos Nos centramos en los aspectos más analíticos. En un mundo que te bombardea con información, nuestro objetivo es bajar el ritmo para hablar de béisbol y otros deportes con pausa y análisis. Deja a un lado la agobiante velocidad de todo lo demás y sumérgete con nosotros en la maravillosa lentitud del béisbol.


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