Konst – Nya podcasts

  • Fotografía para principiantes y contenido digital

  • Zouave célèbre en 2024 son quinzième anniversaire. Une vie de concerts, de nuits, aux côtés des artistes, des technicien.nes et des professionnel.les de l'industrie musicale pour VOUS faire vibrer. 
    L'occasion de découvrir, à travers 15 témoignages, l'âme, l'énergie et l'esprit frondeur d'un acteur indépendant, fier de sa contribution à la musique live.  
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • This is me and my dad’s podcast with guests that talk about their jobs and their favorite shows ,they’ve been in or what roles, they have played ,and! tons of other questions.I hope you enjoyed listeningI hope you enjoyed!Try to solve this puzzle 👁+📞=? One more play for a new episode!

  • Conversations with musicians about their journeys and inspirations

  • The "Bing Crosby Show for General Electric" was a radio program that aired from 1952 to 1954. This show was one of several radio projects that Bing Crosby was involved in over his career, and it marked a significant period in the history of radio broadcasting, primarily because of Crosby's pioneering use of pre-recorded shows using magnetic tape. This innovation allowed for higher sound quality and more flexibility in the production process.

    Bing Crosby, a major American singer and actor, was immensely popular at the time, known for his smooth baritone voice and relaxed singing style. He was one of the first multimedia stars, dominating records, radio, and film. The "Bing Crosby Show for General Electric" featured Crosby in his usual role as a laid-back host and performer, singing popular songs of the day as well as timeless classics. The show often featured famous guests from the world of entertainment, including musicians, actors, and comedians, who would perform or engage in light-hearted banter with Crosby.

    The sponsorship by General Electric (GE) was also significant, as it reflected the growing importance of corporate sponsorship in the radio and television industries. GE used the show as a platform to promote its products and technologies to the American public, integrating product advertisements into the program in a way that was engaging and minimally intrusive to the audience.

    This period in Crosby's career was notable not only for his entertainment contributions but also for his technological impact on the industry. Crosby's insistence on pre-recording his radio shows was revolutionary at the time. He was a major proponent of using magnetic tape recording, which allowed for editing and improved sound quality, contrasting with the live broadcasts that were standard practice for radio shows until then. This shift not only changed the way radio shows were produced but also laid the groundwork for future developments in the recording of television shows and music.

    The "Bing Crosby Show for General Electric" is remembered as a hallmark of Crosby's career and a reflection of the changing landscape of American entertainment in the mid-20th century, showcasing the blend of music, celebrity, and corporate sponsorship that would become increasingly prevalent in the years to follow.

    For more info check out https://www.quietperiodplease.com/

  • Every episode, host Jason Tselentis speaks with a phenomenal guest, usually a designer, about their favorite movie. It might be worth watching over and over, and over again. Maybe it left them with more questions than answers, or a lingering feeling. Learn about art direction and set design, cinematography and performance, casting and screenwriting, acting and costume design, makeup and music, as well as advertising, marketing, media, technology, unforgettable quotes, and so much more. Whether or not you are a designer, you will enjoy every revealing conversation that explores creativity and strategy, perseverance and leadership, craft and style.

  • این پادکست تمرینی هست برای رهایی از خستگی ها و درگیری های ذهنی دورانی که نیاز به پاکسازی داریم .

  • "A Collection Of... Spaces" presents an engaging conversation paired with a series of images, aiming to explore various processes, ideas, and thoughts.These spaces can be workshops, studios, garden sheds, or home projects, inviting reflection on the significance of having a personal area to create and spend time.- - -A Collection Of… is an outlet for bespoke design,fabrication & collaboration resulting in objectsfor the home, outdoors or wherever yourjourney may take you.Founded by Peter Haynes in 2019 with the goal of producing in a utilitarian & material conscious way.

  • Commute-sized conversations with host David Taylor and guests exploring the built environment, cities, design and more

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Chercheurs, entrepreneurs, experts, et professionnels de terrain content la mode qu’ils envisagent pour demain et après-demain. Au gré des (r)évolutions technologiques, écologiques et sociales en cours et à venir, ils imaginent le futur de leur industrie dans lequel les centre-ville seraient redessinés, la consommation de vêtements réinventée, les matières raisonnées et la créativité augmentée.

    Ces personnalités au regard futuriste nous embarquent dans une exploration des possibles à horizon 5-10 ou 20 ans. Sans limite, à partir des faits actuels et en anticipant les innovations de demain, ils devinent une nouvelle mode, toujours créative et novatrice, modelée par la technologie et la planète.

    Des projections inspirantes à écouter et ré-écouter dans Demain, la mode !, une collection de récits prospectifs sur le futur de la mode.

    "Demain, la Mode" est un podcast de la Fédération Française du Prêt à Porter Féminin, soutenu par le DEFI - La Mode de France, présenté par Stéphanie Renouvin et réalisé par Alexandre Spieser.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • ✔️¿Te apasiona el mundo de la asesoría de imagen?

    ✔️¿Sueñas con convertir esa pasión en tu estilo de vida?

    Pues estás en el lugar correcto. 🤩

    Soy Fabi Mundaca, asesora de imagen y mentora de negocios de imagen, y estoy aquí para guiarte en este emocionante viaje.

    En este espacio, te llevaré de la mano a través de historias poderosas y reales de colegas, asesoras de imagen que han conquistado su camino hacia el éxito y la realización profesional.

    ¿Te gustaría conocer sus secretos, desafíos y logros? 🧐

    Ellas son la prueba viviente de que sí se puede vivir muy bien de la asesoría de imagen. 🚀

    Y estoy aquí para compartir contigo todo lo que necesitas saber para alcanzar tus propias metas.

    Así que, ¿estás lista para descubrir cómo dar el salto hacia el éxito e impactar positivamente en la vida de los demás?

    Únete a mí en "Sí se puede". Porque juntas, ¡podemos lograrlo! 🤝

  • Celebrate the mammoth effort of opening a show on Broadway. Whether you have seen the show, watched the slime tutorials, entered lotteries, or are begging for tickets for your birthday – dive into the beginning, middle, and sometimes premature end of what it means to be on Broadway straight from the people working on your favorite shows. This isn’t just an ordinary interview show – we dive in deep asking hard-hitting questions. Hosts Eila Mell and Michael Kushner will take you on an educational, yet emotional and very fun journey as you learn every detail of what goes into opening, sustaining, and closing your favorite Broadway shows. This podcast features spoilers, so make sure you’re ready for them if you haven’t seen the show.

  • 「创作故事 – 蛇口戏剧节专题播客」是由独立播客机构「呆房子 Numb House」与主办方「招商文化|演艺互联」联合策划的特别播客节目,节目聚焦首届蛇口戏剧节诞生的过程,包括了严肃紧张活泼有趣的评审经历,酸甜苦辣的创作之路和团队故事。八卦与感想齐飞,吐槽共观点一色。节目将于10月份陆续在小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果播客、网易云音乐等播客平台发布,敬请关注~

  • Fast & Casual, c'est le podcast BtoB où l'on s'intéresse à la restauration commerciale structurée, qui avance en propre comme en franchise.Enseignes positionnées sur le fast-food, le fast-casual, le casual-dining, mais aussi fournisseurs, distributeurs, sociétés de conseils, financeurs... C'est l'écosystème du foodservice qui vous donne rendez-vous chaque semaine, par le regard d'opérateurs sur leur marché.Tendances produits, habitudes de consommation, nouveaux concepts et stratégies de développement, mais aussi réponses aux défis de l'inflation ou du recrutement ; on va parler un peu de tout cela avec nos invités, sur Fast & Casual.Bonne écoute !Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.