Konst – Schweiz – Nya podcasts

  • This episode will take you through all the basic information on the topic ‘Origami’. You will learn and hopefully enjoy this episode.

  • Niklas Junger und Jannis Wernecke - zwei übermotivierte Möchtegernfotografen auf ihrem Weg zum kulturell wertvollsten Podcast Deutschlands.

    Name unserer Playlist: HEIM RADIO

  • "Treasury Star Salute" was another old-time radio program that, like "Treasury Star Parade," was produced in the early 1940s. While it shared a similar name and also focused on supporting the war effort during World War II, it had distinct characteristics and a different approach in its content and presentation.

    Production and Purpose"Treasury Star Salute" was produced as a part of the United States Treasury Department's efforts to promote war bonds, much like its predecessor "Treasury Star Parade." Its primary goal was to encourage Americans to invest in war bonds to support the military and economic efforts during the war. The show was utilized as a platform for patriotic propaganda, leveraging popular entertainment to reach a wide audience.

    Format and ContentThe format of "Treasury Star Salute" typically involved dramatizations, musical performances, and speeches by celebrities and public figures. Episodes often featured patriotic themes and stories that highlighted American values and the importance of national unity and support for the troops. The show was designed to be both entertaining and motivational, using its content to stir a sense of duty and patriotism among listeners.ParticipantsLike "Treasury Star Parade," this program boasted appearances by a number of notable celebrities of the time, who contributed their talents to help boost morale and promote war bond sales. Stars from Hollywood, Broadway, and the music industry participated in various episodes, making it a star-studded affair that attracted listeners.

    Legacy"Treasury Star Salute" is remembered as part of a broader effort by the U.S. government to use media and entertainment for wartime propaganda. The program is a notable example of how the government and the entertainment industry collaborated during a time of national crisis. Its impact was primarily in the context of the war effort, serving as a tool for economic support through the promotion of war bonds.

    The show's detailed records, including the names of specific writers and episodes, might be preserved in historical archives or specific radio history collections, which would be the best sources for more precise information about its production and the individuals involved.

    for more info https://www.quietperiodplease.com/

  • تئاتر یا به تعبیر یونانیها چیزی که به آن نگاه میکنند.

    سرچشمه تئاتر از داستانسرایی آغاز شده؛ شنیدن، تجسم، فهم و همذاتپنداری با قصه ها عمده- ترین ویژگی انسانهاست.

    تئاتر همیشه تجربهای دیداری بوده. ما در سیاه باکس قصد داریم مسائلی که در مواجهه با قصه ی تئاتر با آن روبهرو می شویم را شنیداری کنیم؛

    اینبار اما، باکس اجرای ما ذهن شماست.

    Theater or, as the Greeks say, what you look at.

    The theater has always been a visual experience. SiahBox intends to making issues we face in dealing with the story of the theater audible;

    However, this time, our stage is your mind

  • Un podcast gratuit animé par 2 art-thérapeutes passionnées qui veulent faire connaître leur profession par le biais d'entrevues avec des art-thérapeutes vivant au 4 coins du Québec.

  • Cuentos infantiles para leer a mis hijos antes de dormir

  • Hey! Ho! Let’s Poe! Herzlich willkommen in unserem digitalen Buchklub. In diesem Podcast sprechen Isabelle und Jascha jede Woche über Altes und Neues aus der Welt der Krimi- und Horrorliteratur. Von der kafkaesken Kurzgeschichte bis zum blutrünstigen Roman lesen wir alles, worauf wir Lust haben.
    Damit es uns allein nicht zu gruselig wird, möchten wir euch gerne zum Mitlesen und Diskutieren einladen! In den aktuellen Shownotes erfahrt ihr, welches Werk wir uns als nächstes vornehmen.
    Wir freuen uns auf spannende Lesemomente mit euch!
    Alle Links hier:

  • க்விக்கா யோசி; பக்காவானால் பாசி!

  • Vijf bekende Nederlandse en Vlaamse schrijvers maakten in opdracht van NOORDWOORD en ondersteund door productiehuis PodGront een verhaal van geluid. Anne Eekhout, Jonathan Griffioen, Valentijn Hoogenkamp, Vincent Kortmann en Moya De Feyter nemen je mee in een wereld van geluid.

  • Kaffee ist ein beliebtes "Getränk" der Erwachsenen. Beim Frühstück und bei der sprichwörtlichen Kaffeepause regt das Koffein das zentrale Nervensystem, Herz, Blutgefäße und Nieren an. Alles über die beliebten braunen Bohnen, mit der Kaffee-Expertin Nino Nikabadze.

  • Bienvenue dans le podcast MINDSET !

    Dans ce podcast, nous explorons les parcours inspirants des artistes et nous plongeons dans leur mindset qui leur a permis de forger leur carrières exceptionnelles.

    Chaque épisode est une plongée profonde dans l'esprit créatif de nos invités. Nous découvrons les obstacles auxquels ils ont été confrontés, les défis qu'ils ont relevés et les stratégies mentales qu'ils ont adoptées pour surmonter les difficultés.

    Que vous soyez un artiste en herbe à la recherche de conseils et de motivation, ou simplement curieux de comprendre comment la mentalité peut façon

  • Das Team der jungen Ulmer Bühne spricht über ihre aktuellen Produktionen und gewährt den ZuhörerInnen gewagte, authentische, lustige, und unvorhergesehene Einblicke in Ihre aktuellen Probenprozesse.

  • «Είναι παιδιά πολλών ανθρώπων τα λόγια μας» λέει ο ποιητής. Κι μεις σε αυτό το podcast επιχειρούμε να τα ιχνηλατήσουμε. Καλλιτέχνες του θεάτρου μιλούν για συναντήσεις τους με δασκάλους, συνεργάτες, έργα τέχνης, χώρους ή και πολιτισμούς που έχουν καθορίσει το βλέμμα τους στη θεατρική τέχνη. Για …θεατρικά ευτυχήματα, δηλαδή.

  • Acclaimed choreographer Akram Khan explores the transformative power of movement in a series of insightful conversations. He delves into the lives of top actors, artists, musicians, and dancers, revealing how movement fuels their creativity and well-being. Join Akram as he unpacks the power that movement has to enrich our experiences on a personal and collective level.

    Move to Live is a podcast brought to you by Marquee TV and Tandem Productions and is available on all main podcast platforms.

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