Verkliga brott – Nya podcasts

  • Welcome to The Conspiracy Files, where every week we investigate the world's most intriguing conspiracy theories. From government cover-ups to ancient mysteries, we explore it all, leaving no stone unturned in our quest for truth and knowledge. Join us as we dive deep into the world of conspiracy theories! Follow Us Now and join our community of truth seekers! Leave a comment if you enjoyed the episode or reach out to us on our website at Support this podcast:

  • Here at Rotten we will discuss some pretty rotten people. Some more so than others. Hopefully you guys can all enjoy and ignore the mistakes I make

  • Shu~ Welcome to 成人世界嘅bedtime story~我哋係阿妍加一🧛🏻‍♀️🧛🏽‍♀️-分享世界上嘅恐怖、不安、古怪嘅真實案件🫂討論案件背後嘅細節、動機、袐密🕵🏻‍♀️🕵🏾‍♀️-每個禮拜⼀盡量準時更新💃🏻-IG👉🏻plus1evilresearch我哋仲有個main channel 👉🏻加⼀加⼀妍究所💁🏻‍♀️💁🏾‍♀️鐘意我哋賽後討論,無聊吹水就入埋去聽下啦--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • "Delve into the chilling depths of human psychology with 'True Crime Stories,' where every episode unravels riveting tales of real-life mysteries, shocking investigations, and the relentless pursuit of justice. Join us as we explore the darkest corners of the human psyche and uncover the truth behind some of the most captivating crimes in history."

  • 贫 分贝的组合代表我们想要发出的声音 !
    认证 radio2021An 可加!
    认证 全球最接地气的电台
    认证 讲述百姓生活的电台

  • 用被子捂住妈妈的口鼻的话,她便能得到解脱……我意识到自己竟产生了这样的想法。






  • 罪案调查局是一个专注于真实罪案、悬疑和犯罪题材的播客。我们将带您深入挖掘世界各地的离奇案件,揭示隐藏在案件背后的真相与动机,重现真实案件的始末,带您进入一个充满悬疑与紧张的世界。每周更新一期,欢迎订阅。

    欢迎添加微信号:sangeshitou001 加入专属罪案听友群

  • 温瑶到死也没想明白,她喜欢沈逸川什么,喜欢他的冷酷薄情,还是喜欢他的自私自利? 作为搭档,她为他出生入死七年,却在遇险时被他果断放弃。 他说:“你已经感染尸毒了,不能留在列车上。” 他说:“温瑶,我以为你很懂事。” — 再次睁眼,她看见了死对头季明尘的脸——那个桃花眼温柔面,惊艳绝尘,【架空末日背景+渣男火葬场+死对头反派上位+修罗场+双向救赎+苏撩+废土美学+双洁】 【温柔坚定正道曙光x斯文变态笑面虎(骚断腿】




  • 欢迎收听《尘封秘谜》,这是由JC和Mia共同制作的一档罪案类播客节目。作为罪案类和法律的爱好者,在这里,我们将带您走进那些扑朔迷离的罪案现场,揭开隐藏在背后的真相。




    🍭:大家好!我是Mia 是一名普通高中生 心血来潮想和朋友一起做博客 通过我们视角来讲解罪案故事!
    🍪:各位好!我是JC 一位在日本留学的罪案类的播客忠实爱好者

  • جرائم معقدة حيرت عدسات المحققين، قصص مرعبة لأشخاص جمعتهم الجريمة باختلاف أساليبها ودوافعها، يرويها في كل حلقة محلل السلوك الإجرامي محمد الشيباني ويحللها بطريقة شارلوك هولمز

  • Velkommen til Privatgranskeren. Podcasten for din nysgjerrighet. For deg som liker å undersøke noe grundig og har ett øye for detaljer. Som elsker mysterier – hvor fantasi møter virkelighet. Ja, podcasten for deg som rett og slett kjenner på en detektiv i seg. Her snakker Kenneth Berg med mastergrad i etterforskning og 20 års erfaring fra politiet med inspirerende mennesker som deler av kunnskapen sin og de erfaringene de har brukt årevis på å tilegne seg. Mennesker som deler sine unike historier de i årevis har gått rundt og båret på. Noen av dem -helt i det stille. Privatgranskeren AS jobber for Din rettssikkerhet – enten det er på land eller til sjøs. Om du er privatperson, bedriftseier eller ansatt, så besøk oss gjerne på og følg oss i sosiale medier - Facebook - Linkedin - X. Her finner du informasjon om hva vi kan gjøre for deg og aktuelle saker som vi trenger nettopp din hjelp i. Så har du opplysninger eller selv trenger bistand – ikke nøl med å kontakte oss.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • "Våldet" är en fängslande true crime-podcast som erbjuder djupgående granskningar av både kända och tidigare okända kriminalfall i Sverige.

    Podcasten är ett samarbete mellan Andreas Axén Folkow och Tobias von Braun, två erfarna poddskapare, där den senare ligger bakom succén Kalla Fall som tagit upp Mordet på Wisby Hotell och Sven Sjögrens försvinnande.

    I "Våldet" bjuder von Braun och Folkow lyssnarna på en djupgående genomgång av varje rättsfall, baserad på noggrant undersökt information från domar och förundersökningar. Podden tar lyssnarna med in i rättssalarna genom att inkludera ljudupptagningar från rättegångar och intervjuer med domare och andra rättsväsendets yrkesverksamma.

    Varje avsnitt är en djupdykning i detaljerna kring fallen, vilket ger en unik inblick i den svenska kriminalitetens verklighet.

    "Våldet" är ett måste för alla som gillar True Crime och vill förstå de komplexa och ofta skakande historierna bakom brotten i Sverige.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • In the wake of 9/11, a series of letters laced with a deadly powder called anthrax appeared on the desks of prominent journalists and politicians in New York City and Washington D.C. Five people were killed, and seventeen more were infected. It was the worst case of bioterrorism in American history, setting off a surge of finger pointing, xenophobia, and fear. But what started as an unprecedented case soon turned into an unsettling mystery. Who had sent these letters? And why? On season 4 of Cover Up, we trace the FBI’s costly investigation into the attacks, which was stacked with a seemingly endless series of false leads, damaging leaks, and embarrassing blunders. Through revealing interviews with victims, agents, and suspects, we unpack the case in its messy entirety, all with an eye toward the question that remains today: Did the FBI identify the true killer, or is this case still unresolved? Unlock all episodes of Cover Up: The Anthrax Threat ad-free right now by subscribing to The Binge - All Episodes. All at Once. Plus, you’ll unlock brand new stories, dropping every month - that’s all episodes, all at once, all ad-free. Just click ‘Subscribe’ at the top of the Cover Up show page on Apple Podcasts or visit to get access wherever you listen.

  • قصة واقعية اغز جريمة حصلت في شمال المغرب الزوج اختفى لسنوات و انوجدت جثته في مرأب منزله فمن المذنب ؟

  • Cultimatum: The Culture of Cults & Human Trafficking

    From the studio of Anonymous Andrew Podcast, we present "Cultimatum," a new podcast show that uncovers the hidden world of cults and human trafficking. We delve deep into the tactics, brainwashing, and recruiting methods used by these groups, shedding light on their shocking practices. Our podcast is more than just an exposé; it's a sanctuary for survivors and ex-members who have escaped these organizations. We give them a platform to share their stories, knowing that many are traumatized and that their journeys to recovery are arduous.

    About the Show:


    Anonymous Andrew: Our main host who guides the discussions with sensitivity and insight.Melody: A former cult member who co-hosts the show, providing a unique and personal perspective.


    Awareness: Raising awareness about the prevalence of cults and human trafficking, not just in the U.S., but worldwide.Support: Offering a beacon of hope for those still trapped in these dangerous environments, encouraging them to break free and rebuild their lives.Education: Educating the public on the methods and dangers of these groups, helping to prevent future victims.

    What to Expect:

    In-Depth Analysis: Detailed explorations of the tactics and brainwashing techniques used by cults and human traffickers.Survivor Stories: Hear firsthand accounts from survivors and ex-members, sharing their harrowing experiences and paths to recovery.Expert Insights: Interviews with experts in the field, including psychologists, law enforcement officials, and activists.Global Perspective: Understanding the impact of these groups worldwide and the efforts being made to combat them.

    Join Us:

    We invite you to join us as we explore the harsh realities of these groups while also providing a message of hope and resilience for anyone affected by them. If you are a survivor of a cult or human trafficking and would like to share your story, please reach out to us. Together, we can raise awareness, support survivors, and work towards a safer world for everyone.

    Tune in to "Cultimatum": The Culture of Cults & Human Trafficking" and become part of our mission to shine a light on these dark corners of society and offer hope to those in need.

  • Join host Bren McDonald and a rotating group of Armchair Detectives as they discuss true crime stories and cold cases then speculate on what happened to try to solve them.

    Content Warning: Some episodes include discussions of crimes and stories some may find disturbing. Individual episodes have more specific content warnings about the specific cases.

  • This is a Podcast with a difference. We don't just want you to listen, we want you to be involved.This is a site dedicated to the true crime enthusiast. We focus on crimes from all over the world. Our weekly podcast will cover unsolved crimes, missing people, miscarriages of justice, along with crimes of special interest. We will also put you in the footsteps of a jury member. You will listen to a real court case where the names and dates have been changed but the circumstances are true.  Will you convict an innocent person or allow the guilty to walk free.  Each week we will provide you with the evidence. But more importantly the questions that still remain unanswered.We want you to be involved. Will you be able to solve these mysteries? Are you the person to find that missing piece of the jigsaw? Will you discover that golden nugget of evidence?

    Our in/out music is Dark Mystery by Alex Grohl
    Our background music is Price of Freedom Daddy_S_Music
    Gavel Of Justice Fable City Radio

  • Van de een op de andere dag ontvangt presentatrice Janny van der Heijden tientallen appjes, DM’s en andere berichten op sociale media van mensen die vragen naar afslankpillen en zogeheten Gummy Beertjes. Werken ze echt? Waarom leent Janny zich voor zo’n product? Al snel komt ze erachter dat haar naam en foto worden gebruikt om afslankmiddelen te verkopen. 

    En Janny is niet de enige. Miljuschka Witzenhausen, Froukje de Both, John de Mol en tientallen andere bekende gezichten worden ingezet voor online oplichtpraktijken. En het zijn zeker niet alleen bekende gezichten die worden gestolen. In Gestolen Gezicht gaat Janny op zoek naar de figuren achter de nepjanny’s en mensen achter al die andere nepadvertenties. Ze krijgt daarbij hulp van gerenommeerde hackers, cyber security experts, advocaten en slachtoffers. Hoe kan het dat deze, toch bekende vorm van oplichting, nog steeds zo lucratief is? En waarom lijkt niemand zich verantwoordelijk te voelen? Meta, het moederbedrijf van Facebook geeft geen thuis en de politie lijkt over onvoldoende slagkracht te beschikken om hier écht wat aan te doen. 

    Samen met collega Jeroen duikt ze steeds dieper in de wereld van de gestolen gezichten: van whatsappfraude tot social engineering, van deepfakes tot voice cloning en alles daartussen. Wat zijn de laatste trends, waar kun je op letten en weet je straks als argeloze internetter nog wel wat echt of nep is? Ook richt Janny zich tot de politiek; want wanneer wordt er eindelijk iets gedaan al die nep-appjes, -advertenties, -profielen en sites. Of op z’n minst: wanneer wordt eens duidelijk wie verantwoordelijk is voor een oplossing? 

    In deze podcast is gebruik gemaakt van Generatieve AI. Voor de tegelafbeelding en in de podcast zelf. Bij de betreffende podcastpassages wordt dit expliciet vermeld.