Utbildning – Kanada – Nya podcasts

  • ”Square & Compass Promotions” explores the many ways in which Freemasonry is relevant to the communities in which it was and is located. Content will be uploaded regularly. Videos will include interviews with prominent Masons (from within and without Windsor/Essex), interviews with individuals who have knowledge on topics of interest to Masonry, unique and exiting content of interest to Masons and anybody interested in this amazing Fraternity!

    All opinions expressed are those of Square & Compass Promotions and the guest(s), and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of any Masonic organisation or the Windsor Masonic Temple!

  • In The Back of the Book, host Christopher J. Scalia interviews writers, scholars, and other expert guests about culture and the arts.

    Listen to The Back of the Book, along with more than 40 other original podcasts, at Ricochet.com. No paid subscription required.

  • Design is just one way humanity manifests itself. Our buildings simply express where our culture is. Architects often talk to other architects about architecture, in this time of explosive change, our evolving values are revealed when we understand design.

    Using the generous grant from The Connecticut Architecture Foundation, WPKN Radio and The Common Edge Collaborative launched the production and recording of the podcast “Our Buildings, Our Selves.” Co-Hosted by architect Duo Dickinson FAIA and Common Edge Founder and Editor Martin Pedersen.

    Boum, quand notre cœur fait boum…!
    Célibataires, pèlerins de l’Âme Heureux, prenez ma main et faisons ensemble ce chemin vers l’objectif que vous souhaitez réaliser. L’espoir d’un jour rencontrer un partenaire Âmoureux avec lequel vous vivrez une belle relation harmonieuse est toujours possible, j’en suis la preuve vivante. 

    Moi, longtemps célibataire ayant vécu des moments d’impuissance comme si ma zone de génie pouvait s’exercer dans tous les pans de ma vie sauf celui-là. Je ne vous parlerai pas de mes rencontres amoureuses qui se terminaient souvent en queue de boudin après une semaine, 1 mois ou 3 ans.

    Je sais que, vous non plus, vous ne voulez plus continuer à vivre les mêmes patterns indéfiniment, alors je vous parlerai de croyances, d’affinités d’Âmes et de rencontres au-delà des apparences. 

    Comme je crois en l’Âme agit (magie), je suis la conceptrice de la méthode de rencontre, HORArencontre: Soyez compatible au niveau de votre essence avec votre partenaire, d'âme à âme; ceci est inspiré de ma propre histoire de rencontres avec mon conjoint, mari et père de mes 4 enfants depuis maintenant 20 ans. J’ai écrit un livre humoristique sur cette rencontre accompagné de conseils judicieux pour les célibataires ou toute personne voulant réaliser un objectif : « La queue du castor ».

    Mon nom est Karine Boom, j’aide les pèlerins de l’Âme Heureux à se (re)connecter et à rayonner  leur essence profonde avec plusieurs outils de développement spirituel (Soins énergétiques, Numérologie vibratoire inspirée, Lecture angélique…) et personnel (Coach de vie certifiée par Alexandre Nadeau et Guillaume Dulude). 

    On a tous eu une ou des blessures. On a tous un passé avec des expériences plus ou moins satisfaisantes. On veut tous rencontrer tout de suite, savoir tout de suite qu'il ou elle est le bon. Oui, mais, on peut mettre du baume là dessus et laisser le passé où il est. De cette façon, la Vie peut circuler et vous amener alors où vous le souhaitez, peut-être pas tout à fait comme on se l'était imaginé avec les critères extérieurs qu'on s'est fait croire nécessaire, mais sentir que le bien-être avec l'autre est là, possible et se déposer dans son coeur...

    Je vous proposerai des invités qui nous parleront à leur façon de leur connexion d’Âme à Âme. 
    Vivons dans la Joie, la Paix et l’Amour le plus souvent possible. À bientôt

    Karine Boom
    Sur FB, retrouvez-moi sur KarineBoom.GPS de Vie
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • Got a broken fridge? A dishwasher that won’t drain? Fix It Fast is your one-stop podcast for expert appliance repair advice. Learn troubleshooting tips, maintenance hacks, and industry secrets from the professionals at Max Appliance Repair. Hosted by the trusted experts at Max Appliance Repair Canada, this podcast helps homeowners tackle appliance issues with confidence. Whether it’s a quick fix or a major breakdown, we help you get your appliances back in action!

    🔗 Get expert repairs today at: https://www.maxappliancerepair.ca/

  • The best deep dives into books and topics to unlock your potential through self-discovery and leadership strategies - all backed by research.

  • The adult literacy sector has been developed over the years through the work of many dedicated, long-term literacy workers who have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience. We in the adult literacy field, like many sectors, experienced a notable increase in staff turnover during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused many experienced instructors to reflect on their personal and professional lives and for some, it accelerated their plans to retire.

    As these literacy specialists retire and exit the field, their wealth of knowledge and experience is at risk of being lost. Associated with this loss is the need for responsive training and mentorship programs for new and upcoming practitioners. To partially address this need, MTML has produced a series of 20 podcasts designed to capture the valuable insights and experiences of seasoned professionals.

    Welcome to The Literacy Legacy Project.
    Together, we’re excited to bring you a series of podcasts, dedicated to guiding and inspiring those just starting out in the world of literacy instruction. In each episode, we’ll hear from literacy experts who have spent decades in the field, including some who have retired but continue to share their insights and experiences. From effective teaching techniques to building meaningful connections with learners, they will share practical advice, real-world examples, and proven best practices to help you navigate your journey as a literacy instructor.
    Join us as we honour the legacy of those who have dedicated their lives to literacy. Tune in and learn from the best!”
    This project has been made possible with funding from the Peter Gzowski Foundation. The Peter Gzowski Foundation for Literacy is a national body that stewards an endowment dedicated to promoting literacy awareness and supporting adult literacy programming across Canada.

  • Indie Rebel will help guide you through what it really takes to make your own independent films in the current age of filmmaking technology. The information and tips have been battle tested by director Christopher Tempel through the production of five feature length films and countless shorts.

    Purchase your copy of "Indie Rebel: A Masterclass in Independent Filmmaking" here: https://tinyurl.com/vpx3epnu

  • Are your plants in need of some TLC?
    Vivi is planto_momma and every other week she offers advice and tips to save us all from the inevitable demise of our plants.
    Join us and learn how to keep your greens green and your soil soily.
    Send us your plant-related issues at [email protected].

  • Ever wish you had a trusted guide to make homeschooling easy, joyful, and transformative? That’s exactly what you’ll find with Play Homeschool Made Easy, hosted by Anya Garcia — a former attorney turned early years education advocate and coach who’s created a movement with almost a million followers across social media.

    After graduating from law school with massive student debt yet the promise of a stable career, Anya made an unexpected, bold, and life-changing choice—to give up her legal profession and devote herself to homeschooling instead. Trading her briefcase for playdough, she realized that if she wanted to make an impact on the world, she had to start with a child.

    Now, with over a decade devoted to early years education, Anya has crafted a transformative approach to homeschooling—one that makes it not only accessible but also profoundly impactful and filled with joy and purpose. Today, she empowers families around the globe to create nurturing, inspiring learning journeys right at home, turning dreams into reality and sparking a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. 

    Whether you’re a busy working mom, an ambitious homeschooler, or one in the making, join Anya to discover the untapped potential of the Absorbent Mind. Explore why the early years (ages 0-6) are the most transformational, and learn how to leverage your child’s intrinsic motivation, natural curiosity, and love of learning—so you can confidently homeschool without stress or overwhelm, allowing your child to grow to their full potential.

    Tune in weekly to debunk myths, uncover groundbreaking truths, and shed limiting beliefs. Listen to episodes that cut through the noise with practical, no-fluff strategies and honest conversations, offering straightforward, actionable steps to make homeschooling doable, easy, and deeply rewarding. From unpacking Montessori-inspired methods to sharing practical tools and insights, learn how to simplify and amplify your parenting journey, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your child’s growth and love of learning.

    Learn how to become a Prepared Adult and create a thriving learning environment at home. With occasional expert guests and real-life insights, episodes will equip you with proven tools to fast-track your way to a homeschooling experience that’s not only achievable but deeply fulfilling.

    Be ready to feel empowered and turn your homeschooling dreams into reality. This podcast will shake your perceptions, shift your mindset, and ignite an unstoppable force within you to unleash your child’s true potential through the magic of experiential learning. Prepare to see the world—and your child’s future—brimming with endless possibilities.

    So, my sweet friend, buckle up! Hit subscribe and join a movement of moms transforming homeschooling into a joyful, enriching, and impactful experience. Play Homeschool Made Easy is here to help you build the life you love right from the heart of your home. Get ready to be challenged and inspired—this journey is only the beginning!

    Visit https://eschool.montessorifromtheheart.com/play-homeschool-made-easy-podcast for show notes, FREE Guides, and additional resources.

  • Croaky Caiman is natures humble janitor just here to take out the trash through political discourse. Listen to Croaky Caiman, a conservative intellectual cartoon gator, have conversations with people from all backgrounds about current events, history, the U.S. political system, and law through sharing his extensive knowledge with a bit of humor and intermittent swear words. Not recommended for listeners under age 18.

  • Joignez-vous à nous pour décoder les subtilités du secteur immobilier, obtenir des précisions grâce à notre expertise financière et accéder à une plateforme destinée à la fois aux décideurs et au grand public. Que vous cherchiez à prendre une décision éclairée en matière de logement, à vous démarquer au sein de la profession immobilière ou juste à découvrir la dynamique du marché de l’habitation, le balado Sous notre toit de la SCHL est votre source par excellence.  

    Un rendez-vous à ne pas manquer pour entendre des conversations qui comptent et pour demeurer au courant des dernières tendances du marché de l'habitation et du crédit hypothécaire. 

    Ce balado est produit par la Société canadienne d'hypothèques et de logement, une société d'État fédérale dont le mandat est d’assurer la santé et la stabilité du système canadien de financement de l’habitation. 

  • If you are a fan of trucks and Jeeps, then you won't want to miss this fun and informative look at today’s world of trucks. From new products and events to insider interviews and new vehicle reviews, The Truck Show Podcast has it all. Hosted by truck and off-road expert and longtime automotive journalist Sean P. Holman (Truck Trend, Four Wheeler, Diesel Power, Truckin', Jp, Petersen's 4-Wheel & Off-Road, and OVR Magazine), the Truck Show Podcast brings a unique and entertaining perspective to all things truck, including those lifted, lowered, and everything in between.

  • Prepare Now! Tips, Tricks, and Advice for Today and the coming Apocalypse! Great resource for survival, prepping, and more! Check out my 2 books "Apocalypse Survival (Zombie or Otherwise)" & "Killing Zombies for Fun & Profit" at www.lulu.com/spotlight/leethal I am a firearms instructor in Montana and my training website is www.mtfirearm.com Check out my blog for previous tips and tricks at www.allshootingstuff.wordpress.com Have a GREAT Apocalypse!

  • Underrated? Overrated? Unadulterated. LOL. Just a podcast for the noobs in the adulting world.

  • Welcome to The Whole Approach podcast, where we talk about all things life and business as a WHOLE, to inspire you, motivate you, and give you permission to dream bigger. I’m your host Amanda Bellamy, Wellbeing Coach - certified Spiritual Life Coach and Positive Psychology Practitioner. I’m on a mission to help ambitious entrepreneurs reconnect with their intuition and create a happier life and business. If you’re ready to have deeper conversations and discover how to create a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and success on YOUR terms - you're in the right place.

  • Qu'est-ce que le PhiLab? Le Réseau Canadien de Recherche Partenariale sur la Philanthropie (PhiLab) est un réseau de recherche sur la philanthropie au Canada dont le siège est situé au centre-ville de Montréal, sur le campus de l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM).Ce balado à pour objectif de mettre de l'avant les étudiant(e)s - professeur(e)s - chercheur(euse)s - partenaires de notre réseau pour qu'ils/elles puissent partager leurs découvertes sur le monde de la philanthropie canadienne. 

    What is PhiLab? The Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab) is a Canadian research Network on philanthropy with its head office in Montreal, on Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM)'s main campus. This platform will offer an opportunity for students - teachers - researchers - partners of the Network to share their discoveries and help us better understand what philanthropy is. We will showcase stories and research that define the reach and impact Canadian foundations have in our society.

  • In-depth interviews with experts on an eclectic blend of clinical and holistic topics. Additional audio summaries of point-of-care clinical guidelines. Visit EmergencyCareBC.ca/lounge for show notes and episode discussions.
    *formerly BC Emergency Medicine Network