Utbildning – Ungern – Nya podcasts

  • Plastic Podcast uses science as an entry point to investigate the story of plastic. How we got here, how plastic is affecting us now, and how we should move forward. In addition to interviewing scientists that study the usual suspects of microplastics and garbage patches in the sea, host Clark Marchese will interview experts in history, social justice, museum studies, and governance to tell the full story of humanity's relationship with plastic. Learn more about the show at pineforestpods.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Szigetváry Orsolya coach podcastjában olyan kérdésekre keressük a választ, amelyek mindannyiunk életére hatással vannak. Bár nem gondolnánk, de a multi környezetből is tanulhatunk életünk menedzselése során. Hogy pontosan hogyan, ez is szóba kerül az adásokban.

  • The NYUAD Institute is a center of advanced research, scholarly and creative activity, and public workshops. Institute programs facilitate discussion between academics, students, professionals, and leaders from the UAE and from around the world.

  • Hosted by language trainer and engaged interviewer Tree Blackmore, the Grow Your English podcast provides opportunities for you to deepen your listening skills and enrich your vocabulary.

    Tree shares language learning tips and insights from the world of English Language Teaching. You'll hear from English speakers from across the world with passions to share and stories to tell.

    If you would like a listening activity sheet to guide your ears through an episode, then please get in touch:



  • Welcome to "Moms on the Rise", the podcast where we get real about the joys and the struggles of motherhood, marriage, and life. Join our community of real moms who are trying their best to rise up and become who we have the potential to be.

    On this podcast, we cover a wide range of topics just for moms that include relationships, mental health, emotional health, physical health, self-care, spiritual health, social life, and personal growth. Each episode is an invitation to rise up and discover your purpose, embrace your strengths, and work on areas of growth.

    Our guests are real moms sharing their personal stories of resilience and overcoming challenges. We will also feature experts who provide practical tips and advice to help us navigate the complexities of motherhood and life. Moms need more moms around them that will help them to rise up and that is what I want this community to be for you.

    So, whether you're a new mom struggling to find balance or a seasoned mom looking for inspiration, join us as we rise together and become who we have the potential to be!

  • Following morals and ethical definitions are outdated. All of us want us want something in our life, but what we don't know is how to get whatever we want. Here, with the guidance of America's best author Mr. M.R. Kopmeyer we are going to help you find the answer to "How to get whatever you want"

    D says, "Make a life you want to live, with no regrets and no dreams left to explore"

  • A narrative podcast telling the tale of how Romania came to be and exploring Romanian self-identity. The story is divided into four seasons: Beginnings (prehistory to the sixth century), Foundations (sixth century to 1774), Unifications (1774 to 1919), and Identities (1919 to 2007).

    If you'd like to see the maps, bibliography, or learn more about me as your storyteller, head to the website: http://www.ahistoryofromania.com/

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Millions of women are shifting the economics in our country and creating jobs and opportunities for others – on their own terms. Recent research shows that women-owned businesses are increasing at a rate of five times the national average. It all sounds promising but the facts are, ONLY 2% of women-owned businesses are breaking into the ‘two comma club’ in revenue. Ladies, it’s time to dig deeper and talk candidly to the women who are rocking their profits. Each week, I’ll showcase today’s thought leaders, renegades, mavericks, pathfinders and of course, women who are flexing their moxie muscle. I’ll find out about their biggest challenge, their best productivity tips and what they did next when they discovered they were on to something Big.

  • Magyarul fogok beszélni, Magyarországgal kapcsolatos dolgokról. Témák: irodalom, történelem, sport, művészetek a magyar nyelv és a nyelvek, napi aktualitások, közéleti témák. Szeretném, ha az igényes, mai beszélt magyar nyelvet hallanátok. Célom, hogy a külföldön élőkhöz eljussanak komoly, de egyben szórakoztató tartalmak. Olyanoknak szól ez a műsor, akik már tudnak magyarul, de a mindennapi életben nem a magyart használják. Akiknek valamiért fontos a magyar nyelv, akár a szomszédos magyarlakta területeken, vagy bárki, aki a nyelvünket idegen nyelvként tanulja Magyarországon vagy külföldön.

  • Parlare e studiare italiano può essere difficile ed è meglio farlo nel modo giusto. Se stai cercando di farlo divertendoti e bene sei nel posto giusto!


    イタリア語を話したり勉強したりするのは難しい場合がありますが、正しく行うことが最善です。 楽しく上手にやりたいと思っているなら、あなたは正しい場所にいます!


    Speaking and studying Italian can be difficult and it's best to do it right. If you are looking to do it having fun and well you are in the right place!


    Il mio sito: https://eserciziitaliano.it

    Il sito del podcast: https://eserciziitaliano.it/?page_id=501

    Il mio Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itariagonosensei/

  • A ProContra egy olyan podcast ami a vitakultúra és kritikus gondolkodás nagykövete kíván lenni. A műsorvezetők hétről-hétre különböző - saját személyes álláspontjukat nem feltétlenül tükröző - ügyeket képviselnek változatos témákban. A műsorvezetők jogász háttere garancia a jogi témákra és a jogászi megközelítésre azzal, hogy szavakon lovaglást - igyekeznek - minimálisra szorítani és a száraz jogi témák helyett közéleti és kortárs kérdéseket boncolgatnak. Az aranyszabály, hogy a podcastban nincs idő a személyeskedésre!

  • A Beavatás Podcastben a házigazda, Kardos Bálint (meditaciosklub.hu) beavat minden titkába. Legyen szó mindfulnessről, meditációról, manifesztációról vagy a tudatosság bármilyen egyéb eszközéről, itt tabuk nélkül beszél mindenről, ami hatással van az életére – és akár hatással lehet a tiédre is.

  • A Tudatos Férfi Út podcastben bullshitmentesen hallgathatsz olyan önfejlesztő tartalmakat, amik valóban Téged szolgálnak, igaz csak akkor, ha Te is beleteszed a munkát.

    Nem csak Férfiaknak, de elsődlegesen a Férfi szemszögéből. Központban a tudatosság, önismeret, mindset váltás és minden olyan önfejlesztő téma, ami által Te is jobbá, boldogabbá válhatsz és ezzel a világ is gazdagodhat.

    Hiszem, hogy minél több tudatos Férfi van a világban, annál nagyobb lesz az egyéni felelősségvállalás és ebből kifolyólag a rend.

    Kurzusok: www.varibalazs.hu
    Konzultáció: https://forms.gle/cjH4uqdVsnv8PHQw9

  • The Unsupervised Learning podcast is the starting point for anyone looking to better understand AI and open-source technology in a straightforward, easy listening format.
    Hosted by Renee- perpetually curious, 'non-technical' Australian.
    Whether you're an automation enthusiast or eager to learn about ChatGPT alternatives, we've got you covered.
    Join us weekly for chats with experts in machine learning, AI research, LLM training and tinkering, and more.

  • There have been many times in my life when I have been on my knees, asking for help and guidance, to be shown the way… and just in time there are people who show up, every day people who have been through the mud and come out the other side.
    I call these people expanders - true every day way showers.They expand our view, they bring us hope and they show us that healing is possible. These people live from their hearts and they create positive change in their environments.

    So every week I will be interviewing the most inspiring people in our communities and share their journeys with us

  • Drs. Karen and Jack Hopkins have been practicing pediatricians for 25 years and raised two kids. Together we’ll explore parenting challenges, learn about childhood development, and talk about medical conditions that worry every parent. At the same time we’ll definitely touch on our own parenting mistakes and let everyone know that it is okay to just be pretty good at parenting.

  • Párbeszéd a pénzről és értékteremtésről – Hallgatni arany!

  • Behind the Scenes in the Book of Esther.

    This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts.
    Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with the world.