Utbildning – Finland – Nya podcasts

  • Podcast coacheille, työnohjaajille, valmentajille ja kaikille muillekin vuorovaikutuksesta kiinnostuneille.

    Podcast, jossa työnohjaajat Backman ja Ennoila pohtivat ääneen vaihtuvien asiantutkijavieraiden kera, miksi ihminen ajattelee niin kuin ajattelee, tuntee niin kuin tuntee ja toimii niin kuin toimii.

    SISÄLTÖVAROITUS: Tämän podcastin kuuntelu saattaa vakavasti nostaa (työ)hyvinvointiasi.

  • In the Rehab Science Podcast, Dr. Tom Walters, DPT, OCS, an orthopedic physical therapist, kinesiology professor and bestselling author, teaches strategies to help you overcome pain, heal from injury and move better. The podcast features short solo episodes on various pain issues and injuries and guest interviews from health experts, including orthopedic surgeons, professors of health and performance, pilates and yoga instructors, acupuncturists and many more.

  • « Pour nous, demandeurs d'asile, l'Europe est devenue un désert. Personne n'est disposé à nous entendre. Les lois qui sont votées continuent de restreindre nos droits et rendre plus difficiles nos démarches. C'est comme si on crie et il n’y a personne. L'atelier radio nous donne l'opportunité de dire tout haut ce qu'on pense tout bas. Avec la radio, on peut se faire entendre. » A plus d’une voix est un collectif de créations radio avec des personnes à la recherche de refuge. Sur une période de six ans nous avons réalisé des documentaires, promenades sonores et émissions.

  • Featuring honest conversations with professionals from across the creative industry, Rough Draft explores the creative process, tools and resources used by some of the best in the business. From directors, to journalists, to content creators, we shed light onto what it looks like to break into the industry, make mistakes, collaborate with other creatives, and the essential tools that help us along the way. New episodes are released every two weeks on Thursdays. Visit rev.com/podcast for more content and to join our community of listeners.

  • thetoyboxstudioshow.com
    The Toy Box Studio Show with Lij Shaw brings you inside the recording studio for interviews with artists and bands to talk about making records and the business of music. This show will bring you inside The Toy Box Studio and share with you the stories of the bands that we work with.

  • Преподаватели вокала Арзу Мамедова и Ярослава Вершинина рассказывают все секреты вокала в серии подкастов Вокал от А до Я

  • Tervetuloa Pari Koutsia -podcastiin, kuuntelemaan parin koutsin keskusteluja, joissa ratkotaan elämän pieniä ja suuria mysteereitä.

    Mukana Satu Pihlaja, psykologi, coach, tietokirjailija ja Antti Niemi, ketteryysvalmentaja, coach ja myöskin tietokirjailija.

    kaikki palaute ja kommentit tervetulleita!

    Satu Pihlaja

    Antti Niemi

  • Tervetuloa Visio Suomelle -podcastiin, missä Hoiwan toimitusjohtaja Fadumo Ali yhdessä mielenkiintoisten vieraiden kanssa avaa yrittäjyyden ovet parempaan tulevaisuuteen. Tutkimme, miten yrittäjyys voi toimia moottorina Suomen tulevaisuudelle ja millaisia visioita vieraamme näkevät maamme kehityksen suhteen. Yhdessä pohtien ja keskustellen etsimme keinoja, miten voimme rakentaa yhdessä vahvempaa ja kukoistavampaa Suomea. Liity mukaan inspiroivaan matkaan kohti parempaa tulevaisuutta Visio Suomelle -podcastin seurassa!

  • Just sopivasti on podcast, missä pohditaan yksin ja yhdessä vieraiden kanssa millaista on mielekäs (työ)elämä, miten pysyä tolkullisena hektisessä arjessa ja miten elää itsensä näköistä elämää.

    Antti Niemi on tietokirjailija, coach ja notkea viinijoogi.
    Antti on arkisin virastoaikana organisaation liekehtivä agile coach, joka sparraa johdon, asiantuntijat ja tiimit toimimaan ketterämmin, asiakaslähtöisemmin ja kestävällä työtahdilla.
    Muulloin Antti coachaa omia asiakkaita, pitää podcastia ja kirjoittaa.


  • Подкаст от фактчекингового проекта «Лапша Медиа». Здесь мы рассказываем о когнитивных искажениях, способах влияния на сознание и техниках защиты от них во время информационной борьбы.

  • In each episode of the podcast, we get to meet inspiring individuals who have navigated challenges, chased dreams, and are discovering what truly brings them joy. Whether it’s building fulfilling relationships, pursuing a passion project, or finding peace within themselves, our guests share their personal journeys, actionable tips, and hard-earned wisdom.

    There’s so much to learn from everyday people navigating life’s challenges, So let’s find real-life inspiration and explore hidden pathways to happiness, one conversation at a time.

  • Welcome to the One Big Thing Podcast, where inspiration meets transformation! I'm Steve Campbell, your host, and I invite you to embark on this exhilarating journey with me. Are you searching for that extra spark, that push to propel you in the right direction? Look no further!

    As a husband, father to four, and fellow podcaster, I've experienced the indescribable feeling of accomplishment combined with the daunting sense of isolation. That's why I created this show—to uplift myself and, in turn, uplift you. Together, we'll explore captivating interviews that will challenge your thinking and ignite your passion.

    The One Big Thing is all about bringing you incredible guests from diverse backgrounds. Picture this: professional athletes, visionary business leaders, fellow podcasters, and even awe-inspiring stay-at-home moms who are conquering life's challenges. They'll generously share their personal journeys—the triumphant highs and the challenging lows—all leading up to the one big thing they've discovered and are eager to share with you.

    But here's the best part: these conversations won't leave you hanging. No, we're all about practical takeaways that you can immediately apply to your everyday life. Imagine implementing these valuable insights and witnessing the positive transformations unfold before your eyes!

    So, if you're ready to charge ahead, ready to move that ball forward in your life, then it's time to hit that subscribe button and join me, Steve Campbell, on this extraordinary expedition called the One Big Thing. Together, we'll unlock the secrets to success, happiness, and fulfillment.

    Get ready to seize your moment of greatness. Don't miss out! Subscribe and follow the One Big Thing podcast today.

    The One Big Thing is produced by NQR Media. 

  • Practical lessons from my own journey of imperfection as a man, husband, father, corporate and business leader, emotional intelligence coach, and trainer.

  • The boys are here to deliver the most honest and reputable advice and opinions on defensive/offensive gear and training. 4 different backgrounds from 4 different people. We’re comprised of two Air Force veterans (Phil Security Forces and Justin TACP), an absolute monster of a firearms/tactics training instructor TONY and all around great guy, as well as CRIS full time COP who works Southern Los Angeles County in a small city made famous. Our point man of the whole operation is one of our Veterans who also happens to be a full time COP while maintaining his Air National Guard service as a TACP . Between the 4 of us we’re prepared to share a large scope of experiences, previous and soon to come, to the masses on what’s what in the gear and training world.

    Our goal is to make sure persons ranging from average joe first time handgun buyer all the way to COPs/Military persons continue to train and have a community to do it.

  • Little Way Farm and Homestead is on a mission to inspire, support and promote agricultural pursuits characterized by farming and homesteading. We are inspired by our Catholic Faith and believe agriculture is a great means to illuminate the beauty of that faith in the world today. Join us as we talk about farming, homesteading, the Catholic faith and more!

  • Video files from LSE's summer 2008 programme of public lectures and events, for more recordings and pdf documents see the corresponding audio collection.

  • The push to get gender neutral bathrooms on Boise States Campus

  • Welcome to Ascend!

    We are a weekly Great Books podcast hosted by Deacon Harrison Garlick and Adam Minihan.

    What are the Great Books?

    The Great Books are the most impactful texts that have shaped Western civilization. They include ancients like Homer, Plato, St. Augustine, Dante, and St. Thomas Aquinas, and also moderns like Machiavelli, Locke, and Nietzsche. We will explore the Great Books with the light of the Catholic intellectual tradition.

    Why should we read the Great Books?

    Everyone is a disciple of someone. A person may have never read Locke or Nietzsche, but he or she thinks like them. Reading the Great Books allows us to reclaim our intellect and understand the origin of the ideas that shape our world. We enter a "great conversation" amongst the most learned, intelligent humans in history and benefit from their insights.

    Is this for first-time readers?

    YES. Our goal is to host meaningful conversations on the Great Books by working through the texts in chronological order in a slow, attentive manner. Our host Adam Minihan is a first-time reader of Homer. We will start shallow and go deep. All are invited to join.

    Will any resources be available?

    YES. We are providing a free 115 Question & Answer Guide to the Iliad written by Deacon Harrison Garlick in addition to our weekly conversations. It will be available on the website (launching next week).
    Go pick up a copy of the Iliad!

    We look forward to reading Homer with you in 2024.

  • Päivystyspodissa jaetaan kokemuksia, tarinoita ja parhaita käytäntöjä erityisesti päivystystyöstä sekä laajemmin terveydenhuollosta. Juontajana on Lääkäri Antti Mauno ja jokaisessa jaksossa on vaihtuva vieras.

  • Paikollenne, valmiit, LÄÄKIKSEEN! podcastissa paneudutaan kymmenen jakson verran lääkishaun, jopa hieman salaperäiseen, maailmaan. Lääkäri Viivi Rintanen ja lääketieteen opiskelija Janina Rosenqvist jakavat parhaat vinkkinsä, rikkovat hakuun liittyviä myyttejä ja tsemppaavat hakijoita heidän matkallaan kohti lääkiksen pääsykoetta.

    Podivieraina kuullaan psykologia, valmennuskurssin opettajaa sekä lääkisopiskelijoita ja paneudutaan kysymyksiin: Kuinka monta tuntia päivässä kannattaa lukea, paljon hakuun saa palamaan rahaa, onko väliä minkä valmennuskurssin valitsee, onko valmennuskurssi välttämätön, miten pitää pää kasassa haun aikana ja itse pääsykokeessa? Kuuntelemalla saat vastauksen näihin ja moneen muuhunkin kysymykseen! Asettaudu siis lähtötelineisiin, nyt mennään lääkikseen!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.