Utbildning – Finland – Nya podcasts

  • В этом аудио-шоу я общаюсь со своей аудиторией, анализирую их текущее положение, подсвечиваю сильные стороны и в live-режиме помогаю именно на них выстроить такую стратегию, с помощью которой они забудут о своей точке Б и которая поможет им эффективно развивать себя и выстраивать свой личный бренд через мои тактики и инструменты, которыми пользуются эксперты всего мира и теперь доступны и для моих героинь.

    Ведущая: Анна Рудакова – мотивационный спикер №1 по темам личного бренда и женского лидерства. Основатель самого масштабного в России Бизнес-Форума для женщин Woman Who Matters. Создатель образовательной среды WE University. Cпикер TED, life-coach, бизнес-тренер, ментор, эксперт по счастью

  • The Go-to Podcast for Women Who Want to Clean Up their Lifestyle & Get Control of their Health!

    Do you ever wish your health didn’t dictate your day? Are you tired of being tired all the time, or is pain holding you back from enjoying your time with your family? Would you like to manage your symptoms holistically but don’t know where to begin?

    I’m Penny. I am a mom, wife, Occupational Therapist, and past Pharmaceutical Rep with a strong faith. For 25 years, I battled through debilitating Crohn’s Disease. I took all the medicine and did all the surgeries that stole so much of my time with my family but never truly healed me. I was tired of feeling bad all the time, missing out on my kids’ activities, not being able to eat freely, and spending my life in doctor’s appointments. I finally realized if I was going to get healthy, I needed to open my stubborn eyes to alternative solutions. I found strategies that worked and gave me incredible relief. I embraced a new lifestyle that actually made sense physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I researched how perfectly our bodies work with plants and found a healthy lifestyle that made my health less of a burden to my family and aligned beautifully with my faith and medical training.

    I was tired of feeling bad all the time, unable to eat, missing out on my kids’ activities, and spending my life in doctor’s appointments. If I was going to get healthy, I needed to open my mind to alternative solutions that I once thought were ridiculous. With some research, I found strategies that worked and provided incredible relief. I slowly embraced a new holistic lifestyle that made sense with how I learned the body worked, how it so beautifully aligned with my faith, and how our bodies were truly created to heal.

    I have a unique perspective, having been trained in the medical model. I encourage medications to ensure my patients have a comfortable therapy session. I peddled one of the top acid-reducing pills as a pharmaceutical rep, and I took every medication under the sun for my illness.

    I am far from perfect. I am not a die-hard health nut or exercise guru, although I believe in a good balance. I will always be a work in progress and do not profess to know everything. I’m just a mom who understands how the body works and loves to read a good science journal in my spare time. I like facts and testimonies, but most importantly, I want results. I have done a 180 by opening my mind to the benefits or harm of what goes on in and around my body. I have never thrown out the food in my pantry or pills in my medicine cabinet, but I do love learning how to read labels with fresh eyes each day. When it’s time for a refill, I replace a potentially harmful product with a quality product. I aim for every step to be a step in the right direction. Small, achievable steps are more likely to lead to success than dramatic actions that cannot be sustained over time.

    In each episode of Becoming Natural, I hope to share a piece of my story and tips and tricks I have learned to help me make better future health decisions.
    In this podcast, I’ll share with you:

    -simple food swaps
    -How do you eliminate harmful household chemicals (and save money!)?
    -when you can use plants as medicine
    -how emotions (good and bad) play a massive role in your health
    -the incredible value of preventative health
    -how my faith played a role in my healing journey
    -and so much more!

    I couldn’t believe these simple steps to whole-body wellness made such a difference in my broken body.

    If you are ready to live clean in a dirty world, follow me and never miss an episode of Becoming Natural. Thank you so much for hopping on, and let’s see where it leads us!

    Next Steps:

    🖥️ Visit my website: becomingnatural.com (temporarily under construction)

    📕Buy the Book: https://bit.ly/morethanenoughbn

    🪴Shop Botanical Solutions: www.pennysampler.com

    🌱Take Health Assessment🌱: https://form.jotform.com/230125696525154

    👯‍♀️ Join My Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/becomingnatural2

  • Empathy has disappeared from our society. Our politics, economy, environment and society do not embrace the need to show empathy. Exploring the need for empathy in our lives, a diverse range of guests from across the world join host Andrew Phipps to discuss and debate why we need empathy unbound.

  • Welcome to the Total Money Management Podcast with Steve Moriarty, Tom Hill and Jacob Senior.

    In each episode we discuss all things investing including Stocks, Property and Bonds.

    We take a contrarian approach to investing and want to make you a better investor through education!

    Please remember nothing in this podcast should be considered financial advice and is for educational purposes only.

  • Bem-vindos ao meu canal de podcast ! Eu sou o Leonardo Coelho, espero que gostem do meu canal😊

  • Mustavalkoista. Podcast elämässsä opitusta ja oivalletusta. Yksi tietää, toinen oppii. Kaksi henkilöä, monta tarinaa. Keskustelemme johtamisesta ja asiakaskokemuksista. Lupaamme, että emme luo uutta. Keskustelijoina ovat Otso Z. Laxenius ja Tom Miller.

  • Välkommen till In Pursuit of Balance med Anna och Valeria, där vi balanserar the 3 B's: business, beauty, and beyond.

    Som kvinnliga entreprenörer och beauty experter kan vi ett och annat om ”boss babe livet”. Vi delar våra personliga resor, vägen till success, utmaningar och livet bortom företagandet.

    Men det handlar inte bara om oss. I varje avsnitt belyser vi aktuella samhällsfrågor, granskar händelser inom företags- och skönhetsvärlden och tillsammans utforskar den stora frågan: hur hittar man balansen i dagens moderna värld?

    Gör dig redo att dyka djupare in i våra liv, tankar, företag och vår strävan efter balans. In Pursuit of Balance - där business, beauty och beyond möts.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • I'm currently doing residency in plastic surgery. This podcast would mainly have studying,my thoughts about surgery , new things I learnt etc,the older episodes would have things I was studying prior to matching into surgery.

    The contents would mainly be general and plastic surgery.

  • Tips for professional union organizers, and those who aspire to be. Attract members, balance work and family, and leave the competition in the dust.

  • Rastor-instituutin podcast-sarjan tavoitteena on oppia ymmärtämään sitä, mitä aikuisten oppiminen on, ja millä tavoin aikuinen voi omaa oppimistaan tukea.

    Susanna Valkeus ja Tiia Nurminen toimivat podcastin hosteina ja mukana on vaihtelevia vierailijoita.

  • Hey world!

    Welcome to #SimpliCity. I can't wait to tell you all the stories that can possibly help you in your journey!

    Stay tune!

  • Ahdistusta ja asennetta sukupolvelta toiselle.
    Tässä podcastissa äiti ja tytär pohtivat samaistuttavia, arkisia, mutta myös vaikeitakin asioita kahden sukupolven näkökulmasta.
    Mukana myös vieraita, joilla on rohkeita elämäntarinoita kerrottavana!

    Uusi jakso joka keskiviikko klo 6.00!!

    Ota meidät seurantaan Instagramissa @kyllasesiita.podcast

    Äänessä @vilma.honkonen ja @honkoneneija

  • Kolmen erityispedagogin pohdintoja kasvatuksen yhteiskunnallisuudesta viikottain vaihtuvien Helsingin yliopiston tutkijavieraiden kanssa.

    Viisiosainen podcast-sarja. Uudet jaksot aina maanantaisin!

  • Kaivo on täynnä ratkaisuja. Toiveikas sukellus tuo tullessaan näkökulmia menneeseen, tähän hetkeen ja tulevaan. Astu maailmaan, jossa kaikki on hyvin, ainakin jo aivan pian!

  • Ihminen on käsittämätön eläin. PSYKOLOGIA-podcast käsittelee kaikkea ihmisen mieleen liittyvää. 

    Soolojaksoissa olen käsitellyt metsästäjä-keräilijän psykologiaa, sekä empatia ja hyvyyden evoluutiopsykologiaa. Vierasjaksoissa puhun huippukiinnostavien ihmisten kanssa esimerkiksi sotilaspsykologiasta, historiasta, muistin toiminnasta, politiikasta ja kuolemasta. Tule mukaan!

    Olen Oskari Magga, psykologian opiskelija ja TikTokkaaja Tampereen yliopistolta. 

    Sisältövaroitus: jokaisessa jaksossa saatetaan käsitellä mitä tahansa. 

    Taide: Marianne Laiti. Yksityiskohta teoksesta: Pimeät Vedet 1. 

  • Russian below

    Here is an educational podcast with native English speakers for all those who want to break free from prejudice and stereotypes and see the world through the eyes of representatives of different cultures.

    This is a powerful tool to:

    -learn about interesting things happening in the world

    -improve your listening skills

    -see how complex grammar works in the real language outside of classroom

    -expand your vocabulary with real, not textbook English

    -expose yourself to different accents of English

    -start engaging in conversations on your own

    -have a great time while learning

    Created by Elena Ostapenko

    Consultant: Alexandra Petrovskaya

    Designer: Alisa Saarik

    Sound Engineer: Taya Gorodetskaya

    Перед вами образовательный подкаст с носителями английского языка из разных стран. Создаю его я, Лена Остапенко, путешественник, преподаватель-энтузиаст и экспериментатор.

    Он для тех кто не верит в стереотипы и предрассудки и хочет посмотреть на мир глазами людей из разных культур.

    Но не только - в каждом эпизоде я рассматриваю самые горячие и актуальные аспекты языка.

    Итак, что я вам предлагаю:

    1.Узнать о том, что происходит в мире из первых рук

    2.Послушать живой яркий язык не из учебника

    3.Прокачать listening skills

    4.Закрыть пробелы в грамматике и пополнить словарный запас

    5.Научиться понимать разные акценты

    Но самое главное:

    Я бы хотела, чтобы он помог людям стать более свободными в их путешествиях, работе и жизни за границей.

    В описании к каждому эпизоду вы найдете транскрипт, которым нужно пользоваться если возникают вопросы и quizlet с новыми классными словами.

    Приятного прослушивания

    Консультант: Александра Петровская

    Звукорежиссер: Тая Городецкая

    Дизайнер: Алиса Саарик

  • Jo yli puolet suomalaisista on ylipainoisia, eikä tämän ohjelman isäntä ole poikkeus. Lihavuudesta on tullut tabu, jota ei saisi enää ottaa puheeksi. Yhteiskunta muuttuu hurjaa vauhtia, ja tuntuu, että tavalliset ihmiset ovat jäämässä jalkoihin. Olemme jostain syystä antaneet periksi, emmekä enää osaa pitää huolta itsestämme.

    On aika tehdä muutos. Tule tekemään se yhdessä.

    Uusi jakso joka sunnuntai. 
    Ota vapaasti yhteyttä osoitteessa [email protected]

  • Шоу об искусстве, культуре и людях, которые их создают.

    Привет, я Катерина Китаева – музыкант, режиссер и продюсер. У себя в подкасте я изучаю культурные феномены и истории тех, кто создает искусство. Рассказываю как творцы и большие личности повлияли на общество, в котором мы живем.

    Telegram: https://t.me/Botticelli_swing

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Botticelli_swing

    Instagram*: https://www.instagram.com/botticelli_swing

    Сотрудничество: [email protected]

    *Instagram является продуктом Meta, эта организация признана экстремистской и запрещена на территории России.

  • Podcast "Phần du Phần học" là nơi chúng mình chia sẻ những trải nghiệm chân thực và góc nhìn đa chiều về cuộc sống du học tại Phần Lan. Qua những câu chuyện gần gũi của các khách mời, chúng mình mong muốn mang đến nhiều góc nhìn thú vị về học tập, làm việc, môi trường, văn hóa và ẩm thực tại đất nước Bắc Âu này.

    Contact info: [email protected]
    Podcast hiện có mặt trên Spotify và Apple Podcast, hãy theo dõi chúng mình qua:
    - Facebook Page: VSAF - Vietnamese Student Association in Finland
    - Instagram: vsaf.ry
    - Linkedin: Vietnamese Student Association in Finland (VSAF)

  • Pódcast dirigido a estudiantes de español de nivel intermedio-avanzado que quieren aprender español coloquial, el español cotidiano que usamos en España.