Utbildning – Hongkong – Nya podcasts

  • Seamus Perry and Mark Ford return for a second series of their acclaimed, 'revolutionary, *****' (The Times) podcast series looking at the lives and works of poets in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

    Seamus Perry is Professor of English at the University of Oxford and Mark Ford is Professor of English at University College London.

    Modern-ish Poets is part of the Close Readings podcast collection from the London Review of Books.

    To listen to the first series of Modern-ish Poets, and to Seamus and Mark's twelve-part series The Long and Short, sign up to the Close Readings subscription:

    Directly in Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3pJoFPq

    In other podcast apps: https://lrb.me/closereadings

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Austin Texas is #hot but buying and selling Real Estate is complex if you've never done it before. Since we're licensed Realtors, we decided to cover weekly topics that people ask as we're out showing them properties, so that YOU can learn how to reach your next Real Estate goal. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ianofaustin/support

  • Be Your Dreams! #StartWhereYouStand || Real Estate Seller Financing, Entrepreneurship, Bitcoin, Fitness, Gold, and Freedom.

  • The Fear Factor was created to deal with anxiety's and fears. This is a podcast that will evict fear out of your lives. And help you to maintain your freedom from fears. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kennetha-carter/support

  • This is where we teach you ways to move air throughout you house with traditional non HVAC methods. Its a great way to lower your energy bills. Each week we will bring on professionals to give you their thoughts on ventilation systems.

  • Women Leadership Reframe is the must-listen podcast for women professionals and organisations eager for a fresh, inspiring approach to leadership advancement. We’re all about empowering women to rise without sacrificing their authenticity or work-life balance.

    Join us as we interview hand-picked, inspirational modern leaders who share their career hurdles, how they conquered them, and their secret tips for success—even when it seems impossible.

    Each episode is a platform to rewrite the narrative for women in leadership, boosting the number of women in top roles while enhancing balance, authenticity, and happiness.

    For organisations, we offer unique insights to transform a leaky female talent pipeline into a robust, sustainable one, creating a culture where everyone thrives.

    Tune in and be inspired. Together, we can reshape the future of women in leadership.

    Hosted by Ellie and Hollie, Co-Directors of Feminine Warrior Mindset, who bring over 40 years of combined experience in HR, leadership development, and organisational transformation. Our episodes feature insightful conversations with influential leaders who have navigated their careers on their terms. Our goal is to share valuable strategies and practical advice to support women in their leadership journeys and to support organisations to foster cultures where everyone can thrive.

  • The gynecologist. Typically one of the most feared places to go when it comes to maintaining your health because let's be honest, the unknown about the appointments, what can happen at them, after them, well, it isn't really talked about.. at least in the open. Welcome to Reading Between the Legs, where hopefully, any questions you may have had about keeping up with your health *down there* can be answered here. From periods, to STI's, and even pap smears, all things between the legs will be talked about. We like to keep things wide open with nothing to hide, if you will. Let's chat! Follow us on Instagram @rtbl.podcast <3

  • Jelly專師小日子Jell’s NP life至少每1-2週更新以及不定期更新!哈囉大家好!我是Jelly。我是一個東部小鎮醫院的專科護理師,除了很喜歡自己本身的護理工作之外,也喜歡潛水、滑雪、看書、看電影、聽音樂交朋友。透過分享專科護理師與護理師的工作日常,同時分享生活經驗,訴說自己想要傳達的訊息,希望能幫助到想成為護理師/專科護理師、在職的同仁們,或者正考慮離職的夥伴們,以及對於護理師及專科護理師不了解的人們。#專科護理師 #護理師 #醫護工作 #生活經驗 #吃喝玩樂 #心靈雞湯 #情感--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 現代人幾乎每天生活都在發問和搜尋, 就好像刷牙一般已成為日常習慣。如能掌握《點問》,絕對是現在和未來成功的竅門。如果成功贏於起跑線, 懂得適當時機重點發問 ,會係人生規劃最好的導航。用輕鬆方法, 從概念,心理 ,年齡, 職業以至未來, 讓我們探討[點問]、[學問]--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • Hi this is Coto Radio - podcast made by Coto Japanese Academy! This podcast is for beginner and intermediate (JLPT N3 - N5) Japanese learners. It's designed to help you improve your listening skills smoothly. Relax and enjoy listening!

  • The Seminar is a podcast from the Center for Cultural Analysis at Rutgers University.

  • The Education Innovators Podcast is hosted by Eric Byron. Our purpose is to provide a platform for folks to share their stories of innovation in education. Practical, inspirational tales of things they have tried or are doing that others may be able to learn from. We will not dwell on what is wrong but focus on what is good and improving.

  • Ison Harrison Solicitors bring you Legally Speaking - a podcast offering expert legal advice and updates through discussion with experienced solicitors and accredited specialists. This series will provide practical advice on a range of topical legal issues to give you insight and provide some clarity, to help steer you in making key decisions in your personal life or for the welfare of your business.

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  • Welcome to Freedom & Wealth Podcast, the ultimate destination for those seeking financial independence and the keys to unlocking their freedom! Join us on this journey as we delve into the world of trading and share our secrets to wealth.

  • 「MY Coffee Break」是一個由兩位來自不同背景的中年男人共同主持的Podcast。希望鼓勵大家突破自我設限,勇於追求夢想。內容會有分享實戰、分析個案以及人物訪談,希望在您品嚐咖啡的休息時間,擴展您的視野,發掘生活中更多的可能性。Michael 擁有20年的酒店管理經驗及16年創業經歷;YK 則是一位資深牧師,近10年來涉獵多個領域,具備攝影人、寫作人及說書人等多重身份。--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • 我們絕對深信每個孩子都是獨一無二的存在,因此無論他們的身體層面、思想層面、情緒層面及靈性層面都值得均衡地發展,而身為療癒師的Fiona及曾擔任過傳統老師的Sabrina (現也是療癒師) 深感【覺知教養】的重要性,因此於這podcast會與父母分享【覺知教養】的理念、知識及實際實踐方法,期望協助父母們更新其不再適合孩子全人發展的教養方式,同時引導父母開始自我覺察及療癒,停止把自己的童年創傷傳到下一代,讓孩子能在有愛、滋養及健康的環境下成長,最終成為成熟及覺知的大人。

    同時Fiona亦有提供【覺知教養】諮詢服務、兒童情緒療癒服務、兒童創意正心課程、【覺知教養】講座及課程等,歡迎追蹤【覺知父母】 facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/consciousparentinghk 獲得更多資訊。

    welcome to follow us on social media:

    Fiona‘s personal pages:
    Instagram | @soulpinkbypinkwanderer
    Youtube | http://www.youtube.com/@soulpinkbypinkwanderer

    Sabrina’s personal page:
    Instagram | @illuminate.yourtruenorth

    you can also support our work by buying us a drink:
    Coffee for Sabrina: https://buymeacoffee.com/illuminate.yourtruenorth
    Matcha Latte for Fiona: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/soulpink

  • Werte werden gerne bemüht und sind gleichzeitig oft total abstrakt.
    In diesem Podcast erwecke ich Werte zum Leben. Mit meinem Gästen erforsche ich inwiefern ihr Wert ihr Leben bestimmt, bereichert oder auch mal behindert und wann und wo sie ihn im Berufs- und Privatleben bewusst einsetzen.

    Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass Werte unser Leben durchziehen, wie ein roter Faden, egal ob bewusst oder unbewusst. Je genauer wir unsere Werte kennen und desto mehr hilfreiche Emotionen wir mit ihnen verbinden, desto klarere Entscheidungen
    können wir treffen, wenn es um die Gestaltung unseres Lebensweges geht.

    Mein Ziel ist es, Dich beim Zuhören zu inspirieren und einzuladen, mehr Klarheit über Deine eigenen Werte zu gewinnen - besonders dann, wenn Du Dich fragst, wer Du eigentlich bist und was Dich im Leben glücklich macht.

    Du findest den Podcast und mich auch auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agneslobisch/ und auch auf meiner Website: www.agneslobisch.de

  • 簡介:我們都喜歡畫畫。我們聊藝術、聊藝術教育、聊藝術治療、聊藝術該如何生活,以及............。🌱各式提問歡迎在Apple podcast留言,期待有各式各樣Q&A🌳歡迎贊助:https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/ab2f0c55-8182-44b5-b84f-dbf37ddcca1d收聽平台:Apple podcast: https://pse.is/588jvmSpotify: https://pse.is/57c3juKkbox : https://pse.is/58mzkn各類型合作丟信箱:[email protected] provided by SoundOn