Samhälle och kultur – Kanada – Nya podcasts

  • An authentic and relatable exploration into the chaotic experiences of two girls navigating their twenties.Hosted by Melina & Monika Mancini

  • just a girl navigating life or at least trying to. what better way to do so than by talking to a microphone in the comfort of her bed about literally everything and anything. hopefully you can relate or at least feel better about your life. much love xoxo

  • Hey you! Sit back and get comfy. This is a safe space for self-care, love, relationships, motherhood/parenthood, and personal growth. Support this podcast:

  • Philosophy with AI — where thinkers and algorithms meet.
    We dive deep into the profound questions of life, unraveling the mysteries of existence and consciousness with AI guests.
    Together, we ponder the imponderable and imagine the unimaginable.

    Connect with us:

  • Two lifelong friends are on a mission to shake up their own personal status quos by engaging in weeklong challenges designed to push them to the outer limits of their comfort zones.

    Each episode, one of the hosts will surprise the other, with a challenge. The gauntlet thrown down will be an objective designed to disrupt the daily life of the other host. Will the events result in new perspectives on life and create obstacles that test our character? Or simply be a nuisance to be overcome and quickly forgotten?

  • In this conversation, Daniella Mestyanek Young and Rebecca discuss their experiences with cults and the realization that white supremacy is a cult. They explore the stages of leaving a cult and the process of deconstructing white supremacy. They also discuss the concept of white privilege and the need for white people to deprogram from the myth of white supremacy. They highlight the importance of understanding and acknowledging racism and the role of white people in dismantling white supremacy. They also touch on the parallels between cult dynamics and societal systems. The conversation explores the importance of recognizing and dismantling white supremacy within oneself and society. It emphasizes the need for white women to actively engage in anti-racism work and challenge their own biases.

  • Welcome to The Stoic Responder Podcast, I’m your host Kristofor Healey. In my career as a Special Agent, Stoic philosophy provided the mindset edge that was the foundation of my professional success. My mission today is to share those ancient mindset lessons with you so that you can approach your career and life with a tactical advantage live your life with valor.

  • Mystery, History, UFOs, Glitches in the Matrix & more. Tim Constantine & friends dive deep into fascinating topics.

  • Dimitri and Scot are Blue-collar, self-educated men interested in the big questions of life, the universe, and everything. As practicing Eastern Orthodox Christians, we have committed to a worldview in which to operate, and as curious and thoughtful adults, we scorn the blindness of Fundamentalism. Join us as we contemplate the strange and ambiguous beauties of God, the World, and the human person through the literature that shaped the West.

  • “Hey Now!” takes listeners on a weekly journey into the pivotal moments that have shaped some of the most successful careers in sports and entertainment. Hosted by nationally known and award-winning sportscaster, Dave Sims, and his two sons, Jarett and Jordan, the podcast delves deeply into the roots of triumphs by exploring the defining crossroads that changed the trajectory of the lives of the show’s accomplished guests.

  • “Quand je parle avec mon chien” est un podcast né pour sensibiliser le plus grand nombre possible de personnes à l'importance et à l'impact positif que l'adoption d'un chien peut avoir sur la vie et sur la santé mentale d'une personne.

    Cependant, il ne faut pas oublier que, bien qu'ils apportent bien-être et amélioration de la santé mentale de leurs maîtres, nos amis à quatre pattes ont également des besoins qui ne peuvent être négligés.

    Dans une ville comme Paris, petite (pour une métropole) mais très dense, on recense 100 000 chiens et seulement 36 espaces canins officiels, soit une proportion de 2 700 chiens par espace canin. C'est bien trop peu pour nos amis qui méritent plus d'espaces dédiés.

    Je m'appelle Fabrizio D’Elia et je suis le président de l'association parisienne “Les chiens du canal”, créée pour permettre à nos amis à quatre pattes d'avoir davantage d'espaces où ils peuvent courir et jouer librement, tout en respectant le voisinage et la vie urbaine. L'association sensibilise également les propriétaires de chiens à éviter que leurs animaux aboient de manière excessive, afin que les habitants du quartier puissent jouir de la tranquillité quotidienne.

    Suivez “Les chiens du canal” sur Instagram, n'hésitez pas à nous écrire à [email protected] et, si vous le souhaitez, signez la pétition pour le maintien de l’espace canin “Square des Maures” situé dans le 10e arrondissement de Paris, menacé de fermeture en raison des nuisances sonores.

    Si vous aimez "Quand je parle avec mon chien", et pour ne rater aucun nouvel épisode, n'oubliez pas de vous abonner sur la plateforme de votre choix.

    Un grand remerciement à nos partenaires :


    Lump Media

    La Truffe

    Les Poilus de la Butte

    Nous les Chiens de Paris

    Les Cabotins de la Chapelle

    Cover : Francesca Di Croce

    *** Disclaimer ***

    "Quand je parle avec mon chien" est un podcast qui vise à sensibiliser le public à l'impact positif que l'adoption d'un chien peut avoir sur la vie et la santé mentale d'une personne. Il est important de noter que ce podcast ne remplace en aucun cas l'avis d'un professionnel de la santé mentale. Si vous éprouvez des difficultés émotionnelles ou psychologiques, il est important de consulter un professionnel qualifié pour obtenir l'aide dont vous avez besoin.

    N'oubliez pas que vous n'êtes pas seul et que des ressources sont disponibles pour vous aider :

    SOS Amitié : 09 72 33 85 55 (numéro national gratuit)

    Suicide Écoute : 01 45 39 40 00 (numéro national gratuit)

    France dépression : 01 45 27 10 40 (numéro national gratuit)

    Fil Santé Jeunes : 0 800 23 0 23 (numéro national gratuit)

    Prendre soin de votre santé mentale est tout aussi important que prendre soin de votre santé physique.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Montreal Weather Daily is the go-to podcast for daily weather updates tailored to the vibrant city of Montreal, Canada. Our podcast offers a focused and detailed look at the day's weather each morning, essential for residents and visitors in this culturally rich city. Montreal's weather can range from heavy snowfalls in the winter to warm, sunny summers, and our episodes cover these variations with precision. We provide insights on temperature changes, precipitation likelihood, and important weather warnings, crucial for planning everything from your commute to outdoor festivities in Old Montreal or along the St. Lawrence River. Our updates also include special segments on how the weather can affect local events, outdoor activities, and the unique aspects of Montreal's seasonal transitions. With Montreal Weather Daily, you'll stay well-informed and prepared to make the most of every day, no matter the weather in this beautiful Canadian city.

    Subscribe and start your day with a forecast that's as dynamic as our city! Note: Every element of this Podcast is proudly powered by AI and a fun, dynamic experiment being evolved by AI Strategist Jim Carter III ( For features/sponsorship opportunities email [email protected]!

  • A Girls Guide To Adolescence is a new podcast hosted by two high school girls; Olivia and Aurora. Just two girls who love to yap endlessly! This podcast is for (but not limited to) young women who might be struggling with change, relationships, mental health, school, body image, etc. All are welcome on our journey as we live, laugh, and love through important discussions to help guide the young women of the new generation through hard times on their way to happiness.

  • The Jinger & Jeremy Podcast focuses on discussions surrounding family, faith, and life in general. Having grown up on tv as a part of her families' reality tv shows "19 Kids and Counting" and "Counting On", Jinger "Duggar" Vuolo discusses those experiences and what life looks like for her today with her husband Jeremy. Together, they live in Los Angeles with their two daughters, Felicity and Evangeline.

  • Broadcasting from North Texas, Canada, we have conversations with people connected to this great city of Calgary. Topics are atypical to Albertan stereotypes, tackling a range of topics from chicken wings to alien beings, controversial movie viewings with family to poetry and politics,

  • Filles de papier, c'est Cindy et Audréanne, deux grandes passionnées des livres qui décident de partager leur passion avec simplicité et complicité. Ça, ça veut dire aborder des sujets variés qui tournent autour des romans, des tendances littéraires, des bilans livresques et d'actualités croustillantes liées au milieu littéraire. Entrez dans l'univers de ces deux lectrices où toutes les conversations sont permises. Éclats de livre garantis ! *****************************Suivez-nous sur les réseaux :@arret_litteraire X @le.point.lecturecourriel : [email protected]

  • Welcome to GOOD FOLLOW, a personality-driven show celebrating the best in women’s sports, culture, comedy and lifestyle. Whether it’s behind-the-scenes moments or candid conversations with athletes, trendsetters or change-makers, GOOD FOLLOW is a must-follow for anyone interested in transforming culture through access, honesty and humor.
    A Good Follow is someone who unapologetically moves culture forward within or adjacent to women’s sports. Or, an organization or effort dedicated to the continued growth and recognition of women’s sports.

  • If you are a woman near or over 50, this is the show for you! Do you feel that you are just getting started and know there is so much more you want to create in your lifetime? It is time to rewrite the script on being 50+! It is not midlife crisis, it is midlife creation.

    This show will cover aging, purpose, motherhood menopause, style & beauty over 50, and so much more.

    We will also explore tools & topics like Human Design, Gene Keys, astrology, Enneagram, mindset, manifestation, legacy work and so much more!

  • From Jim Perry, creator of the critically acclaimed documentary podcast EUPHOMET, comes NITE DRIFT, an interview series about the unknown and our relationship to it. Each week, a panel of paranormal-people, artists, mystics, and thinkers explore the paranormal, share chilling tales, and revel in the great mystery.

  • Welcome to The E.R, “The Elephant In The Room.” A platform where the unaddressed are addressed and we amplify and uncover the facts, truths and perceptions surrounding closeted and unspoken subjects. You can expect relatable content, free advice, deep insights, tips and tactics, all served here for your consumption.