Utbildning – Estland – Nya podcasts

  • Willkommen zum Podcast "Einfach Schweißen"! Hier dreht sich alles um das Thema Schweißen und alle Aspekte, die damit verbunden sind. Egal, ob du gerade erst in die Welt des Schweißens eintauchst oder bereits ein erfahrener Schweißer bist, dieser Podcast ist für alle, die sich für dieses handwerkliche Fachgebiet interessieren und ihr Wissen erweitern möchten.

    Matthias Wulf und Stefan Schölzel sind deine Gastgeber und teilen gerne ihr umfangreiches Know-how und ihre Erfahrungen mit dir. Mit ihrer Leidenschaft für das Schweißen möchten sie dich inspirieren und dich dazu ermutigen, selbst zur Schweißmaschine zu greifen.

    In "Einfach Schweißen" geht es um mehr als nur die verschiedenen Schweißtechniken. Die beiden Gastgeber decken auch eine Vielzahl von Themen ab, die mit dem Schweißen zusammenhängen. Von der Wahl der richtigen Schweißgeräte und -materialien bis hin zur Arbeitssicherheit und dem Umgang mit speziellen Schweißverfahren - hier erhältst du wertvolle Tipps und Tricks aus erster Hand.

    Der Podcast bietet eine Mischung aus informativen Interviews mit Experten aus der Branche, Diskussionen über aktuelle Themen und praktischen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen. Matthias und Stefan beantworten auch gerne Fragen von Hörern und geben praxisnahe Ratschläge, um dir bei deinen eigenen Projekten zu helfen. Ihr Ziel ist es, das Schweißen für jeden zugänglich und verständlich zu machen, egal ob du ein Hobby-Schweißer oder ein Profi bist.

    "Einfach Schweißen" ist der ideale Podcast für alle, die ihre Schweißfähigkeiten verbessern möchten, neue Techniken und Materialien kennenlernen wollen oder einfach nur ihre Begeisterung für das Schweißen teilen möchten. Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt dieses Handwerks und lass dich von Matthias Wulf und Stefan Schölzel auf dieser spannenden Hafenrundfahrt begleiten.

  • This is our place to connect as an intentional Waldorf community. To share the stories, the wisdom, and the artistry of our students, our educators, and all those who make this community come alive.

    This is our journey, together.

  • Welcome to "The Dog Parentology Podcast," your ultimate resource for Veterinarians, Dog-Parents, and Professional Dog Behaviourists. Here are three compelling reasons why you should tune in and transform the way you understand and care for dogs:

    Reason 1: Democratizing Systems Thinking, Theory, and Dynamics (STTD) for Animal Care

    Discover the profound benefits of Systems Thinking, Theory, and Dynamics (STTD) in providing exceptional dog and animal care.Why It Matters: STTD offers a comprehensive approach to understanding and addressing complex behavioral issues in dogs.What You'll Gain: By listening to our podcast, you’ll gain practical insights and knowledge that you can apply immediately, empowering you to provide better care for your dogs and share this wisdom with family and friends.

    Reason 2: Bridging Dog-Human Brain and Body Connections

    Understanding the complex connections between the dog’s brain, human brain, and body is crucial for helping adopted dogs not just survive but thrive.Why It Matters: Many adopted dogs require more than basic training; they need a deep, empathetic understanding of their unique needs.What You'll Gain: Our podcast will equip you with essential knowledge to nurture these connections, ensuring your adopted dogs flourish in their new homes.

    Reason 3: Compassionate Care and Global Impact

    Caring for dogs with compassion and gentleness is intrinsically linked to addressing global challenges.Why It Matters: Healing a troubled dog can create a ripple effect that benefits our planet and society.What You'll Gain: Learn how your efforts in caring for dogs contribute to larger societal and environmental well-being, making your role as a dog-parent or professional even more impactful.

    Plan to join us on "The Dog Parentology Podcast" and be part of a transformative journey. Together, we’ll explore innovative approaches to dog care, deepen our understanding of the human-dog bond, and make a positive difference in the world. Subscribe now and start your journey towards becoming a more knowledgeable and compassionate dog caregiver.

  • Learn the most frequent words in Estonian with sentences. Learning sentences instead of isolated words helps you internalize grammar, context, and natural usage. Learn more at LangTurbo.com

  • What if I told you a life without IBS IS possible?

    And even better, it's not as complicated as you think..

    This show is for busy millenials, who have lived with the exhausting impact of IBS, and are ready to finally break free from symptoms, master your gut health, and reclaim your life.

    In this podcast, you’ll discover:

    1. The TRUTH about IBS: what causes it, what fixes it, and what it REALLY is

    2. How to dramatically increase your enjoyment of life, by reducing IBS symptoms

    3. How to master your Gut Health, to live a life free from IBS

    I’m Atavia, and I struggled with debilitating and embarrassing IBS symptoms throughout most of my 20’s.

    My doctor’s response? “Try peppermint capsules”. After years of hitting dead ends and brick wall answers, I knew I’d have to find the answer myself.

    After training in Nutritional Therapy, I decided to specialise in Gut Health and IBS.

    I healed my symptoms, and now I'm on a mission to help other millenials do the same.

    Tune in every Monday & Wednesday, for your weekly dose of IBS truths and motivation. You’ll not only learn what IBS REALLY is, but how to genuinely master your gut health, to take back control of your life.. All in the time it takes you to cook the dinner.

    To learn the truth about how to live a life free from IBS listen to fan favourite #44.You NEED To Follow This Advice If Your IBS Symptoms Are Unpredictable

    This podcast is dedicated to helping women with IBS and poor gut health.

    Discover effective strategies for managing symptoms such as acid reflux, constipation, bloating, and low stomach acid through gut healing techniques.

    Delve into the complexities of gut health, microbiome balance, and the influence of food intolerances, probiotics, and digestive enzymes on gut inflammation, to achieve a healthier digestive system.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • ПсихоЛогічно — це подкаст для всіх, хто хоче краще зрозуміти свій внутрішній світ та емоції. Тут ми в легкому та доступному форматі говоримо про важливі психологічні теми, досліджуємо причини наших почуттів, дій та реакцій. Від депресії до манії, від тривожності до емоційної стійкості — кожен випуск присвячений тому, щоб допомогти вам краще розуміти себе та людей навколо. Незалежно від того, чи ви лише цікавитеся психологією, чи шукаєте поради для покращення свого психічного здоров'я, наш подкаст — для вас!

  • О женских трансформациях, эмоциях и теле в переходный период.

    Мы, Люба и Даша, помогающие практики, делимся техниками работы с эмоциями и телом, говорим о женском пути и делимся личными историями. Надеемся что с нами вы найдете ответы на важные вопросы и вдохновение для нового этапа жизни.

    Присоединяйтесь к сообществу в Вк: https://vk.com/jivaya_ya_podkast

    Там мы еще больше говорим о телеске и публикуем анонсы практик!

  • The 3rd Circle is a place for people who want to go deep into the details of football tactics, strategy and coaching.

    Join Jamie Hamilton and Martin Rafelt as they discuss the issues that shape the beautiful game.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Не Только Мама. Подкаст от женщин для женщин. Тут мы не конкурентки, а сопереживающие, поддерживающие, настоящие и аутентичные, прекрасные жительницы этой планеты! Мы говорим о жизни, о духовности, о радостях и горе, о том, что нас зажигает, и о материнстве тоже :)

    Подписывайтесь на меня в инстаграме - https://www.instagram.com/katepennylane/
    Пишите мне письма на [email protected]

    Финансово подкаст можно поддержать на страничке Патреона - https://www.patreon.com/c/hello_kate

  • If you are not familiar with CEE yet, this podcast focuses on several topics of general interest in Central Europe and the Danube Region: geopolitics, human rights, economy, culture, democracy, etc. Thanks to cross-disciplinary experts as guests, we explored those various fields.   

    We aim to enhance cross-border cooperation, dialogue and knowledge exchange in the region and beyond. Our work is based on the principles of liberal democracy and shared values, goals and visions with our neighbours. 

    Stay tuned to Central Europe Explained and remember to subscribe to the podcast on your favourite streaming platform!

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Meie podcast keskendub sellele, kuidas leida tasakaal õppimise, töö ja pereelu vahel ning jagab praktilisi näpunäiteid ja inspireerivaid lugusid sellest, kuidas edukalt kõigega toime tulla.

  • Welcome to Tesoro Estonian!

    Tesoro is the world's simplest language learning system. Just listen, repeat what you can, and watch your Estonian skills grow. You'll be amazed how far pure listening can get you.

  • Welcome to psychology 101 where we talk about how the mind works.

  • It is basically about English language courses like IELTS ,PTE and spoken English

  • Мы привыкли жить на мужских энергиях. Мы мыслим в терминах достижений, результатов, успеха, побед, скорости, рациональности и практичности.
    Мы несемся вперёд на всех парах в попытке догнать нечто неуловимое, призрачное, но при этом невероятно важное и ценное.

    Мы стараемся все больше и больше для того, выжимая себя до последней капли, чтобы обрести счастье и покой.

    Но однажды становится ясно, что чем быстрее мы бежим, тем дальше мы от того, что пытаемся догнать.

    И тогда нужно новое восприятие - иное представление о себе, о мире, и о том, как все работает.
    Новое восприятие, в котором есть место утонченному, магическому, природному, поэтическому, дышащему и живому.

    Это психология Инь - мягкий взгляд на человеческую природу, чувства, цели и потребности.

    Хотите поговорить об этом?

  • WHAT: Weekly episodes for PBL TEACHERS. Guest and solo episodes to answer your most significant PBL Need to Knows. We bring information AND inspiration!
    WHO: Brought to you by Magnify Learning, your customized PBL partner for over a decade.
    CALL TO ACTION: Subscribe for a PBL resource in every episode
    FREE RESOURCE: Go to WhatisPBL.com for your first free resource.


    PBL Simplified for Teachers
    Helping You Teach Like You’ve Always Wanted

    You became a teacher to engage learners, spark curiosity, and make a real impact—not to just hand out worksheets and prep for tests. PBL Simplified for Teachers is here to help you bring Project Based Learning (PBL) to life in your classroom.

    Hosted by Ryan Steuer of Magnify Learning, this podcast is your go-to resource for practical PBL strategies, real teacher success stories, and expert insights to make your teaching more engaging, meaningful, and effective. Whether you’re new to PBL or looking to refine your practice, each episode delivers actionable tips to help you confidently create learner-centered, real-world experiences.

    If you’re ready to teach like you've always wanted to, hit subscribe and start teaching like you’ve always wanted!

  • PlantCast on agronoomianurga podcast, kus käsitleme tänapäeva põllumajanduse keerulisi küsimusi alates kliimamuutustest ning turu kõikumisest kuni mullateaduse ja paberimajanduseni.