Religion & Andlighet – Estland – Nya podcasts

  • Именно Иисус Христос вращает колесо всей истории этого мира. Наш Господь пришёл на эту землю, чтобы спасти всех людей от грехов мира и стал хлебом жизни для тех из нас, кто верят в Евангелие воды и Духа. По сути, именно чтобы даровать вечную жизнь всем нам, обречённым на пребывание в аду за наши грехи, Господь пришёл, чтобы нас с вами найти. 

  • The Modern Housewife is a podcast that equips the modern women of faith with the tools to pursue purpose in and outside of the home . Who said you had to chose between motherhood and your dreams ? Hang out with us today and be encouraged,renewed, and refreshed !

  • "Eileen Into Spirit" is a podcast hosted by Eileen that guides listeners through spiritual awakening and growth. The episodes cover topics like sound healing, communication with guides and angels, and integrating spiritual practices into daily life. The podcast aims to help listeners tap into higher consciousness, connect with the universe, and discover their soul's purpose. Subscribe for a transformative journey towards enlightenment and empowerment.

  • The twelve Jyotirlingas are highly revered shrines dedicated to Lord Shiva, scattered across India. Each Jyotirlinga is believed to be a manifestation of Shiva and holds a unique story and significance.

  • Exploring the enigmatic nature of UFOs, mysterious unknown phenomena, and the transcendental essence of human consciousness, revealing the interconnectedness of life and our journey towards becoming one with the universe.

    "This channel features a variety of guest speakers with diverse perspectives. The views expressed by guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cosmic Convergence."

  • Destiny Apostolic Church International
    333 Romford Road, Forest Gate, E7 8AA

  • In this podcast, I will be uploading reader versions of services in the Byzantine Rite, on the Gregorian Calendar, mostly according to the usage of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. These are meant as guides to accompany and even direct life in the domestic church. We all live much busier lives than our ancestors, whose rural living in tight-knit villages around their parish churches allowed them to live their lives to the rhythm of the Church Year. We, however, often find ourselves commuting long distances or working longer hours which don't allow us the luxury of daily church attendance. So many of us turn to home prayer rules, but resources can often be few and far between, and even when they do exist, they can be complicated and time consuming to use. That's where this podcast wants to provide some support. By making the reader services, as they would be done un-priested in home or church worship, available in an audio-only format, my hope is that more of us can be uplifted by the liturgical core of our Byzantine Spiritual and Liturgical Tradition to maintain our prayer life in our busy modern lives.The plan is to have 5 daily uploads of the main service groups: the Midnight Office (early morning before dawn prayer), Orthros & 1st Hour (Dawn/Morning Prayer), 3rd & 6th Hour with Typika (Daytime Prayer), 9th Hour & Vespers (Late Afternoon-Evening Prayer), and Compline (Night Prayer); with modifications to this schedule according to the seasons of the church year. At present there is no structure for ways to support the show and the large amount of work that goes into the daily production, but if you want to get in touch about support or any other topic related to Liturgy, feel free to send a message to [email protected] and I will do my absolute best to respond promptly. Due to multiple requests, I am putting here some details to allow you to support me in this work: maybe buying me a cup of the mountains of coffee I am drinking working late most nights to do this in addition to my normal work.Current manners to chip in include:Venmo: @wholesoulstudios @AntonCharrZelle: [email protected] utmost faith in God for His support and total humble acceptance of my own many limitations.

  • Il est écrit : « Personne n’a jamais vu Dieu. Le Fils unique, qui est dans le sein du Père, est celui qui l'a fait connaître » (Jean 1:18). Jésus nous a révélé l’amour de Dieu à la perfection ! Jésus nous a délivrés à la perfection ! L’évangile de l’eau et de l’Esprit est une vérité du salut parfaite ! Nous n’avons jamais regretté d’avoir été sauvés par notre foi en Jésus, qui vint par l’eau et le sang (1 Jean 5:6). Maintenant, nous sommes Son peuple, sans péché. Quiconque croit en l’évangile de l’eau et de l’Esprit peut recevoir la rémission éternelle des péchés et hériter de la vie éternelle.

  • Daily love notes from God. God is always speaking encouraging us every moment. As you go through out your day may these daily love notes encourage you on your journey.

  • REMA sesuatu yg sering kita renungkan dan kita jadikan rema dalam kehidupan. Belajar dari yang terjadi disekelilung kita.

  • Привет! Я Оля, йога-тичер. Этот подкаст о том как люди выполняют асаны йоги и как в последствии асаны меняют людей.

    Мои гости обычные люди, преподаватели йоги, фитнес-тренеры, айтишники, в общем люди самых разных профессий. Но нас объединяет одно - любовь к йоге.

    Здесь ты узнаешь каково это заниматься йогой в современном мире, о трудностях жизни и как с ними справиться.

    Подписывайся на подкаст Люди и асаны, погрузись в атмосферу спокойствия и дружелюбия. Гоу!

  • A place to play in the realm of imagination. All done in the service of compassionate expansion of consciousness. In other words, each human being is interwoven at a deeply energetic level into the fabric of everything that is. We, the Arcturian Collective Thingy, represent a portion of that fabric of you that is communicating to you from the quantum realm up to your awareness through an alliance with your neurons, who recognize their fit within the fabric to a greater degree than you do. Come hear what we have to say, in the playful realm of imagination.

  • A Sacred Space where beautiful Souls get to come share their testimony! A place where Spirit gets to radiate its light into the World! May our stories touch, move, and inspire the world!!! A daily cup of SOUL KISSES to your soul!

  • Hello listeners
    This a introductory episode for the upcoming episodes , which is gonna be really helpful to understand the further episodes better.
    Our episodes includes great conversation by Dr. Rajeev bhagwn on a new perspective of understanding maths and physics by reference to Gita.
    Major problems of human beings and their solutions. Evolution of homo shapiens in different ways.

  • The Soul Stages Podcast sheds light on this profound journey of the soul through the lived wisdom of transpersonal psychology. With in-depth conversations and captivating stories, this podcast shares insights to navigate your own path. Our intention is to activate a field of consciousness that gives individuals permission to experience the authenticity of their journey.

    Whether you're a seasoned seeker on the spiritual path or just beginning to explore your inner landscape, The Soul Stages Podcast is your trusted companion on this extraordinary adventure of the soul.

  • We Made This Show To Help Everyone understand and Learn how spirituality works and the gifts that come with it. Dont Learn From People who have never been there. Instead, discover it yourself and share your experience with the world as we share our experiences with you. We Are A Circle Of Spiritual beings with different abilities and we are here to share our spiritual experiences with you to help you grow in your spiritual journey.If you want to know more about me i am on tiktok as spiritual circles and have over 75k followers and growing daily.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Public Church is located in Gold Coast and Brisbane, Australia. Lead Pastors: Cameron and Renee Bennett

  • Kristna Dejtingpodden är en ny kristen livsstilspodd för Dig som är singel men är #härförattstanna och därför inte gett upp drömmen om en livspartner ur församlingen! Vi blandar högt och lågt inom ämnen som kärlek, sex, politik, relationer, teologi och helikoptrar. Cilla är den kreativa entreprenören och Moderatkvinnan från Öfvre Östermalm som drömmer om att göra världen till en bättre plats att leva på. Opinionsbildare som trivs bäst att stå på scenen och inspirera människor. Skidåkare som cyklat själv genom USA och blev 2017 utsedd till årets evangelist. Hjärtat slår även för människor, civilekonomer i blåglansiga skjortor, rosa helikoptrar och socialt entreprenörskap.
    P-O är pingstvän och jobbar med församlingsutveckling på stiftelsen Bibeln Idag, då han inte arbetar med integration och arbetsmarknadsfrågor inom offentlig sektor. Han är utbildad till pastor på Örebro Teologiska Högskola och drömmer om en väckelse inom arbetarrörelsen som hans hjärta bankar extra hårt för efter flera år i rollen som politisk sekreterare för Vänsterpartiet. I poddens inledande avsnitt har de båda även sällskap av IT-pastorn Lars Gunther som emellertid lämnade i avsnitt 13 med anledning av tidskrävande uppdrag i Equmeniakyrkans styrelse, så nu drivs podden vidare av den dynamiska duon ”P-O and the Cillanator” under deviserna: #GloriousLiving #LivetExtraAllt #thebestisyet2come
    Besök oss gärna på: kdp.flodströ Vi samarbetar med

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    Cilla Eriksson

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.