Stat och kommun – Estland – Nya podcasts

  • 中國崛起對世界帶來巨大影響,台灣更是面對強權的第一線。了解中國越來越重要!「這樣看中國」節目,就在這樣的大環境下誕生。








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  • Beyond the Ballot is a podcast series by the Bertelsmann Foundation that looks at where we’ve been, the issues that matter, and how it all works for the 2024 U.S. election. With expert guests from around the United States, Beyond the Ballot focuses on the issues driving the U.S. presidential race right up to election day. Episodes will cover primaries and caucuses, education, the economy, the Supreme Court, youth voters, election security, voter suppression, demographic change, and the candidates themselves. In order to understand the policies and priorities of the U.S. electorate, you have to go “beyond the ballot.” Beyond the Ballot is produced by the Bertelsmann Foundation, Are We Europe, and AWE Studio. Sound design is done by Alexandra Tyan. This series is hosted by Courtney Flynn Martino.

  • Welcome to Seize & Desist - the podcast that takes a deep dive into the fascinating and complex world of seized assets.

    Asset Reality co-founder and CEO Aidan Larkin will discuss the latest headlines, trends and challenges shaping the future of seized asset recovery.

    He’ll be joined by some of the industry’s most influential and renowned experts, who will share their perspectives on the various legal frameworks, regulations, and processes involved in global asset recovery.

    They’ll also explore how these impact individuals and organizations alike and how they're evolving to keep pace with rapid technological advancements like cryptocurrencies, NFTs and other digital assets.

    Whether you're new to the world of seized asset recovery or you're a seasoned pro, join us as we discover the untold stories, unsung heroes and unscrupulous villains of this ever-changing sector.

    Subscribe to be the first to hear new episodes of Seize & Desist.

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    Connect with our host Aidan Larkin on social media:
    Twitter (X):

    Seize & Desist is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, tax, financial, and/or investment advice. Listeners must consult their own advisors before making decisions on the topics discussed.

    Asset Reality has no responsibility or liability for any decision made or any other acts or omissions in connection with your use of this material.

    The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them or any entity they represent. Views and opinions expressed by Asset Reality employees are those of the employees and do not necessarily reflect the views of the company.

    Asset Reality does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, suitability or validity of the information in any particular podcast and will not be responsible for any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies of any part of such material.

    Unless stated otherwise, reference to any specific product or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Asset Reality.

  • Aprenda chino básico con RTI, y conozca toda la sabiduría, los cuentos y proverbios clásicos de esta cultura milenaria.

  • Siim Kallase ja Annely Akkermanni eestvedamisel arutlevad poliitikud erinevate päevakajaliste uudiste, eelnõude ja maailmas toimuva üle. Pange valmis soojad riided ja vihmavari - õhus on uudiseid.

  • Здесь размещаются подкасты канала "Осколки Разума". Говорим обо всем понемногу. Государство. Общество. Культура. Спорт.

  • Saatesari “Minu Eesti, minu Euroopa” käsitleb Euroopa Liiduga seonduvaid aktuaalseid teemasid, mis puudutavad ka elu Eestis. Saates käivad külaliseks oma ala eksperdid ning välispoliitika eksperdid. Saadet toetab Euroopa Komisjoni Eesti esindus.

  • On Police Talk, we talk about trending police topics, some funny police stories and encounters, and discuss some cold cases. So join me for the ride of a lifetime on Police Talk!

  • No-holds-barred progressive commentary and newsmaker interviews with journalist Bob Gatty and guests. Insight into today's news plus analysis, with focus on social issues and just a little lean to the left.

    Become a supporter of this podcast:

  • Taskuhäälingusaade "Kohtulood" võtab fookusesse teemad, mis on kuulajale päriselt igapäevaelus olulised või ühiskondlikult huvipakkuvad. Kohtunike ja saatekülaliste arutelud aitavad selgitada, mõtestada ja mõista.
    Saatejuhid on kohtunikud Kai Härmand, Liina Naaber-Kivisoo, Marek Vahing, Merit Bobrõšev ja Villem Lapimaa.

  • “Välispoliitika kompass” võtab igal nädalal fookusesse aktuaalsed välispoliitilised teemad ning selgitab kuulajale lahti nende olemuse, tähtsuse ning olulisuse käesolevas ajahetkes. Saadet toetab välisministeerium.

  • President Kersti Kaljulaidi taskuhääling. Olulistest asjadest. 

  • The Justice Insiders is a glimpse behind the curtain of federal civil and criminal investigations and enforcement actions, demystifying the government’s conduct and providing a unique and entertaining analysis of noteworthy cases. Husch Blackwell’s Gregg Sofer and his colleagues in the firm's White Collar, Internal Investigations & Compliance practice use their 200-plus years of combined experience to explore cases ripped from the headlines and discuss issues related to white collar crime, national security threats, contract fraud, False Claims Act, export enforcement, compliance and other developing areas. Periodically, the podcast will also feature guests from around the country who bring to bear their particular expertise on today’s most interesting cases and issues.

  • Keskkond meie ümber on hävinemas tormilise tempoga. Ka Eestis kimbutavad üha sagenevad tormituuled, kuumalained ja üleujutused. Kas veerema hakanud lumepalli on veel võimalik peatada? Eesti Päevaleht uuris Riigikokku kandideerivatelt erakondadelt, millised on nende plaanid pakiliste keskkonnakriiside leevendamiseks. Erakondade esindajaid intervjueerisid Tallinna Botaanikaaias Kertu Birgit Anton ja Ruth Sisask keskkonnakaitseliikumisest Fridays For Future Eesti.

  • Михаил Стальнухин, политик из Нарвы (Эстония), анализирует политическую обстановку в Эстонии и не только.

  • Vanad meremehed teadnud rääkida, et vaid saatanal pole varju. Vari annab igale inimesele, aga ka nähtusele otsekui teise mõõtme, peegelduse, milles maailm paistab hoopis teistes toonides. Vari ei pea olema üldegi sünge ega tume, vaid saab olla välklev ja värviline, otsekui tulesäde seinal. Just sellisena hakkab loodetavasti Eesti Päevalehe ning Delfi katuse all kogunev, Eesti 200 ja Keskerakonna variministrite valitsus jälgima praeguse, viimaseid kuid tegutseva pärisvalitsuse tegemisi. Ja nii on üks mõõde juures ka lugejate-kuulajate-vaatajatel, et anda 5. märtsiga tipnevatel valimistel hinnang: kes varjutab keda?

  • Delfi valimissaade uurib 2023 riigikogu valimiste eel erakondadelt ja kandidaatidelt, kuidas kavatsetakse järgmisel neljal aastal elu Eestis paremaks teha? Miks ja mida lubatakse ning mis kasu inimestele või riigile sellest sünnib. Sekka saavad sõna ka eksperdid, et vaadata, kas kõik mis peale vaadates ilus näib, nii ka seest välja paistab.

  • Gangstalking up close and personal.🎯😎Let it be known that I am in no way available or do I give my consent to experimentation targeting or gangstalking in any way , shape, form or fashion on my self/ life/ brain/ temple/dreams/ or any other part of me myself and I/ now and that is for sure forever more.Stand down and let us Stand up and Live OUR Lives as we and God Almighty shall choose.******To God be the glory.******🙏🏾💋 Support this podcast:

  • How can government in the UK recover from a more than half a decade of political chaos and confusion? What can be done to solve some of the most complex policy challenges in living memory? And which battlegrounds will define the fast-approaching – and critical – general election? Featuring some of the world's most innovative public figures, politicians, opinion-formers and academics, the IfG EVENTS podcast brings you the very best of the Institute for Government's agenda-shaping speeches, interviews, panel discussions and debates. 
    From reforming how the centre of government works to the battle for the future of the civil service, from making a success of levelling up to achieve net zero goals, IfG EVENTS stimulate fresh thinking and share ideas about how government works – and how it could work better.