Religion & Andlighet – Slovakien – Nya podcasts

  • // Find Your Spark & Pursue Your Passion While Raising Littles //

    Hey Mama,

    Welcome to The Made To Be Podcast

    Do you feel like you’ve totally let go of who you are outside of being a mom? Does it seem like you’re living without any sense of purpose or fulfillment beyond your role as a mother? Do you absolutely love being a mom, but feel like you’ve neglected every other part of you, and ignored or maybe even forgotten the gifts, talents, and interests that make you who you are?

    Do you wish you could stop feeling guilty for wanting to pursue your dreams and goals in the midst of motherhood?

    In this podcast, you’ll learn how to reject toxic mom culture and break the cycle of martyr motherhood, and claim the truth that who you are outside of being a mom matters too.

    My mission is to equip you to get unstuck, take action, and help you reignite the fire of your passions, interests, and goals so you can step into your dreams with faith and confidence. We’ll dive deep into the topics of faith-based identity, mindset, and personal growth strategies, giving you the tools to overcome limiting beliefs, fear of failure, perfectionism, and other obstacles that are holding you back and keeping you stuck. Each week, you’ll walk away with practical tips to help you grow in self-awareness and empower you to become the fully expressed woman you were always meant to be.

    If you’re ready to say yes to your calling and reject the lie that you have to choose between raising a family or pursuing your God-given passions – you’re in the right place.

    Hi, I’m Mary Smith, mom of 4, and certified life coach. Even though I always knew being a mom would be my greatest calling, what I didn’t know was how easy it would be to fall into living out a narrative of motherhood that I didn’t actually choose for myself. I struggled with the idea that I had to let go of the pursuit of anything outside of being a good mom. I was fighting this inner battle of desiring to rediscover what I loved to do beyond my role as a mom but ultimately believing that having goals and dreams outside of motherhood was selfish.

    And so for years, I tried to live out my motherhood the way I thought I should and as a result headed deep into a struggle with losing sight of who I was as I faded further and further into the background, fell into comparison traps, and battled with self-doubt.

    I finally realized that if I was going to find true freedom, peace, and joy, I had to stop allowing the world to tell me who I should be and instead let God tell me who I am and what HIS dreams are for my life…and pursue them unapologetically. With four daughters of my own, this is something I am SO passionate about modeling and while it’s been a journey that has had its ups and downs, twists and turns, and detours, it’s one I am truly grateful for. And now, I get to help you do the same.

    If you’re ready to let go of the shame, stories, and shoulds keeping you boxed in and unfulfilled and trade it for a life where you lean in to what lights you up, reclaim your self-worth, and chase your dreams – this podcast is for you.

    I am so excited that you’re here. It’s time to take that first step, hit subscribe, and tune in — it’s time to become who you’re made to be.

    Join the Made To Be Facebook Community:

    Connect With Me:
    [email protected]

  • Welcome to the Bridge Christian Podcast. Located on beautiful Whidbey Island, Washington, The Bridge Christian Fellowship began studying the Bible in 2003 with the book of Genesis. Since then Pastor Rick Crawford has taught through all 66 books of the Bible. Join us every Sunday and Wednesday as we continue our in depth study of the Bible from beginning...

  • Započúvajte sa do katechéz v ktorých sa o. Kyriak Nepustovník venuje jednoduchým otázkam bohoslužobného života.
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    Autorom zborového spevu "Svjatyj Bože" je zbor sv. Romana Sladkopevca.

  • Most of what I'll be speaking about would involve things I learnt during my days of solitude during this lockdown.

    If or when the content changes, I will specify

  • Reflexiones y meditaciones para mujeres que desean vivir su vocación con fidelidad hacia Dios.

  • Join PhD and professional juggler Jesse Joyner, and PhD and minister Stephen Grosz as they interview people in diverse crafts and trades (from beekeepers to song writers to sword swallowers). Through a discussion of relevant learning research and Scripture, the Holy Fools consider how integrating one’s faith and work, as a craft, might serve to feed and form the soul.

  • Vitajte v CityChurch Bratislava. Usilujeme sa byť zrozumiteľnou a otvorenou cirkvou. Nemenné biblické pravdy komunikujeme spôsobom, ktorý je pochopiteľný pre každého. Veríme, že nedeľné kázne budú pre vás inšpirujúce a pomôžu vám v duchovnom raste. Radi vás medzi nami privítame aj osobne každú nedeľu o 10:00 na Rožňavskej 17 v priestoroch spoločenstva Martindom.

  • Podcasty o tom, ako viera môže byť v dnešnej dobe stále relevantná a jej praktickom dopade na spoločnosť.
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  • Jeden vtipný podcast, v ktorom dve veselice (vasilice) premúdrelé @fralaa a @zuzanadi mudrujú o živote. Tému vždy určuje kartička 🃏A v tom je to čaro 🔮

  • Подкаст про спиритуальные практики нового времени.

    Неошаманизм - уникальный концепт, который объединяет духовные традиции с современными представлениями о саморазвитии, который гармонично сочетается с современным образом жизни. Здесь ты найдешь много глубоких смыслов. Вместе с приглашенными мастерами мы будем исследовать разные методы и практики, направленные на расширение границ сознания и достижения внутренней гармонии.

  • Projekt Biblická formácia je pod vedením biblistu kňaza SSLic. Petra Olasa.
    Cieľom týchto katechéz je pomôcť veriacim lepšie pochopiť Božie slovo, aby mohli podľa neho následne usporiadať svoj život a žiť ako Božie deti vo väčšej slobode a radosti.
    Viac o projekte a ďalšie materiály nájdete na webstránke:

  • Barbara delivers her messages of spirituality and science in a simple, unassuming, approachable way. Explaining the heart/brain connection, how to live from your heart center, reprogram your subconscious mind. Heal yourself. Live your best life. Merging breath and movement, mindfulness and meditation, love and light – her programs, workshops, classes, guided meditations and light transmissions, can help cleanse, clear and align the chakra system (energy centers) dissolve blockages, past trauma, and limiting belief patterns at a cellular level, to help live in your highest, most authentic self.

  • Zvu tě do světa neomezených možností a Zákona přitažlivosti. V mém podcastu "Vesmírné objednávky " prozkoumáme cesty k dosažení tvých nejhlubších snů a přání. Přinesu ti inspiraci, motivaci a nástroje, abys mohla začít tvořit vlastní realitu, kterou si zasloužíš. Pomůžu ti pochopit, jak může být tato univerzální síla tvým spojencem na cestě ke šťastnějšímu, harmoničtějšímu a naplněnějšímu životu. Připoj se ke mně a objev, jak přilákat do svého života to nejlepší a stát se tak svou vlastní hvězdou. Změna je možná, a já ti ukážu, jak na ni!

  • Enjoy the all new relaunched show on which Franciska hosts interesting conversations around topics that are unspoken within the Orthodox Jewish Community. Franciska interviews every day frum people on personal topics in an uncensored way, yet with great sensitivity.
    If you are an intellectual Jew of any kind, you will enjoy these episodes.

    Franciska launched her career as CEO of Kay Productions LLC, a white glove podcast production & promotion agency from building an audience for her Jewish original music through podcasting herself.
    If you are thinking of launching a podcast or simply are looking to outsource the production & promotion - book a call with Franciska to get you started.

    This is a Podcast

  • Discover high-value relationships, luxurious living, and divine femininity with Rachel-Yvonne Radio. Join host Rachel-Yvonne, a speaker and pastor, for expert advice on dating, personal branding, mindset mastery, and spiritual growth. Empowering women to elevate their lives, embrace spirituality, and manifest love and abundance. Subscribe now!

    Would you like to go deeper with this work?
    All offers are here:

  • Join Will Wilson in the journey away from the world of illusion and into the wilderness, a place on the borderland leading back to heaven