Utbildning – Lettland – Nya podcasts
Anchoring in the vision of Heaven on Earth through embodied storytelling, New Paradigm Mothering, conscious relating, Quantum healing, and so much more.
This is a space of storytelling, truth telling, raw and honest expression. Vulnerability is not only welcomed here, it is celebrated. In this space, we honour the messy, the real, the authentic, the too much, the not enough, and everything that makes us human.
Join your host, Eden Elizabeth, as she deep dives into the realms of grounded & embodied spirituality, authentic self expression, timeline hopping & Quantum healing, conscious parenting, mirroring & relationships, and whatever else wants to flow through this space.
Thank you for being here, for witnessing, and receiving.
Welcome to 'Uncharted,’ Conversations with Captain Kelly, where we dive beyond the surface of yachting. Join Cap and her guests as they share their personal journeys towards reaching their place on the horizon today. While we explore life at sea, navigate the waters of mental health, and discover how to take the helm of our own lives, we also make sure to have a blast along the way. Get ready for transformative conversations filled with laughter and the fun of charting your own course!
How do I build a life of courage and confidence? How do I heal a difficult childhood and create a better experience for my marriage and family? How do I stop chronic dieting, heal a negative body image and become an Intuitive Eater? And the biggest question of all, how do I create a life I am proud of?
Welcome to The Dare Greatly Podcast where we will answer ALL of your biggest relationship / body image / intuitive eating / spirituality / and confidence questions. I am a Certified Life Coach, yoga teacher of twenty years, mother to 3 busy teens, and a performing singer/songwriter with a passion for teaching and personal growth. I am dedicated to helping you pursue your dreams, create better relationships, and find mind/body/food peace. Welcome to the show. -
Всем привет!
Меня зовут Таня Павлова. Я клинический психолог, кандидат психологических наук, автор книги "Пост_тревога" и одноименного канала в телеграм, а еще немножечко фридайвер.
Я много лет помогаю людям с психическими расстройствами и без. Здесь вы узнаете о том, как не сойти с ума, когда вокруг треш и апокалипсис.
А также посмотрите на жизнь в её разных формах глазами клинического психолога и моих гостей.
Latgalīšu kulturys ziņu portala lakuga.lv raidīroksts “Mīti”. Parkū “Mīti”? Par tū, ka vaci stereotipi viestej, ka latgalīši nikai navar koč kū atrysynuot bez mītu. Izavācynoj i vyss skaidrys. Puorlykumā nu latvīšu literaruos volūdys latgaliski itys vuords nūzeimoj “Mieti”. Itymā raidīrokstā mes raudzeisim apguozt mītus, runojūt par vysaidim mitim jeb latvīšu literarajā volūdā mītiem ap Latgolu i latgaliskū. Bet, kab mitus apguoztu kai mītus, vajag sasatikt i sasarunuot. Ka gribīs viertīs storptautyskuok, tod byus ari tys mīt – sasatikt!
Как привлекать целевую аудиторию в гармонии с собой. Организация, монетизация и продвижение частной практики.Для кого этот проект?- Для профессионалов и начинающих. Для тех, кто начинает частную практику, для тех, кто переходит из найма, для тех, кто уже работает на себя.- Для специалистов из любой области, если вы зарабатываете на предоставлении услуг и/или продаже знаний: будь то психолог или юрист, it-специалист или маркетолог, дизайнер или репетитор, консультант или тренер.
laboratory.cats.marketing -
As Told By Childless Women with Jobi Tyson, shatters the often sidelined topic of female childlessness.
Each weekly episode will be a thought provoking, curiosity-fueled one-on-one interview with a childless woman featuring defined terms and tackles a range of reasons that lead to childlessness by sharing real stories and stigmas of female childlessness and womanhood.
Watch these interviews at www.AsToldByChildlessWomen.com -
Hi friend! If you are a woman who does not have kids by chance, not by choice, this message is for you. If you had an inner desire to be a mother but never came to reality, this show is for you. If you got married at a later stage in your life, or if you are single and you never had the chance to even try, this is for you.
If you were a mama at some point and suffered a loss, this is for you too. And if you want to feel like you are a part of a community alongside other women who have walked a similar path, who understand you, who see you and feel you, this is where you belong. This show is called By Chance Podcast, a space for sacred conversations with women who don't have kids by chance, not by choice.
We will have conversations with brave women who share their stories with grit and resilience. We'll also bring on different guests who will help us continue to grow and guide us in our healing journey. I will share with you tools that helped me thrive over the last 20 plus years, even when I battled years of depression and anxiety.
Each week, I will bring you an episode that will be a reminder that our struggles, fears, and joys are universal threads that bind us all together. This show will be heartwarming, vulnerable, fun, and educational. I'm Elizabeth Tiglao Gus, your new friend and podcast host. I am a woman who has overcome 10 years of infertility struggles, including three years of failed adoptions.
So trust me when I say, I see you. I am also a social entrepreneur and a life coach, focusing on helping women thrive rather than just survive. I help women who are ready to transform their lives, empower themselves to live with purpose and radical self love. If you are ready to be part of this community, come with me.
Together let's celebrate life and being a woman without being defined by the rule of motherhood. And my hope is that you will feel seen, heard, and feel less alone when you tune in. Now it's time. Let's go. Let's go. -
Ever wonder how things happen behind the scenes in municipal government? This podcast explores the people that make our government and communities work. We look for people who support our communities and want to share what they do with the public side, that is you and your neighbours.
Join us on Cut to Perfection as we dive into the dynamic world of video editing! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your creative journey, this podcast covers it all—tips and tricks, industry trends, software reviews, and insights from top editors in the field. Explore the art and science of storytelling through video, and learn how to make your edits stand out. Tune in weekly for inspiring conversations, practical advice, and a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to create cinematic magic!
“ჭკვიანური” სიტყვების მხიარული და მარტივი ახსნებისთვის მოაკითხეთ 2X2-ს!
Des échanges vivants et concrets autour de l’approche Montessori. Porte d’entrée pour les néophytes tout en apportant un regard nouveau pour des éducateur·rices Montessori déjà bien averti·es.
Saison 1 : Les grands principes de la pédagogie Montessori avec les membres de la joyeuse équipe AIRAM Montessori !
Saison 2 réalisée en partenariat avec Public Montessori : Les témoignages des profs des écoles de l’Éducation nationale qui mettent en œuvre la pédagogie Montessori dans leur classe.
Saison 3 enregistrée lors du Festival du développement 2024 sur le thème Construire la société de demain. -
Welcome to Love, Work & Other Disasters—the podcast where we dive headfirst into the beautiful mess of modern dating, thriving careers, and everything in between. Join your hosts, Maya and Fatou, two experienced coaches who aren’t afraid to ask the tough questions, share unfiltered truths, and bring a little humor to the chaos of life, love, and work. Whether you’re trying to master the dating game, nail that job interview, or simply navigate the complexities of everyday challenges, we’re here to guide you through it all. Tune in, get inspired, and let’s make sense of the disasters together!
A safe place to be your complete self.
Welcome to "The Divine Spiral," a podcast hosted by Michael Braden and Jordan Johnson where they let Spirit and Intuition lead the conversation as they recount personal stories and insights gathered from their collective and individual spiritual experiences. Through their sharing, listeners and guests can resonate with various topics in their own way to connect to higher dimensions of consciousness and accelerate in their spiritual and personal growth, healing, and evolution.
"The Divine Spiral" takes its name from the hosts' conversations that flow in spirals along spiritual topics, mirroring the themes of life itself. They explore how we often revisit the same lessons but from new perspectives, allowing for continuous spiraled growth even when it may feel like we're not making progress.
This podcast aims to provide a space for connection—to Self, to Source, and to All that is. By sharing their authentic stories and engaging in meaningful conversations, Michael and Jordan foster an environment where listeners can explore their own spiritual journeys and find resonance and inspiration.
Listen to "The Divine Spiral" for a transformative and uplifting podcast experience, where Michael and Jordan invite you to embark on spiritual exploration and embrace the endless possibilities of ascension and self-discovery. -
Make Money Going To Thrift Stores & Garage Sales
Explore the best items to buy at yard sales and thrift stores to resell on eBay for a profit. Flip Weekly is a podcast that follows amateur flipper Mat, featuring his top picks and (hopefully) success stories once a week.
Подруги и журналисты Катя Муравьёва и Маша Зайцева рассказывают, как любовь меняла ход истории и культуры. Сплетни из личной жизни обеспечены!
В конце каждого эпизода ведущие гадают на Таро или открывают калькулятор совместимости, чтобы выяснить, насколько правдивы предсказания в историческом контексте.
Спорим, заслушаешься?)
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Мы в Instagram*: https://instagram.com/podcast_afrodita
Сердечкам рады здесь: https://clck.ru/3APWdL
Звёздочки и отзывы очень ждём здесь: https://clck.ru/3APWeJ
Мы в YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@afrodita_podcast
🤩 Получить доступ к эксклюзивному контенту на Boosty и бесплатный расклад Таро от Маши: https://boosty.to/afrodita_podcast
🍕Нам на пиццу: https://pay.cloudtips.ru/p/86834e51
По вопросам сотрудничества и рекламы: [email protected]
Подкаст «Поцелуй Афродиты» — резидент молодежного лейбла подкастов «Погружение» студии ARSA Production.
* продукт Meta, эта организация признана экстремистской и запрещена на территории России.
Listen to this in 2030!
Финансовый аналитик с 9 летним стажем успешной торговли на валютном и фондовом рынках.
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