Vetenskap – Finland – Nya podcasts

  • Welcome to PromptCast, the podcast for AI, Security and all the in between. Hosted by Itamar Golan, CEO & Co-founder of Prompt Security.

  • Bioinformatics is a rapidly growing field that combines computer science, statistics, and biology to analyze and interpret complex biological data. The aim of bioinformatics is to extract meaningful insights from large data sets generated by high-throughput experimental techniques such as genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.

    In this podcast, we will explore the fascinating world of bioinformatics and its applications in various fields. We will interview experts in the field to gain insights into their research and learn about the latest trends and developments in the field.

  • An independent podcast featuring high-entropy conversations with scientists, writers, and academics.

  • The visible matter in the Universe is like a water-lily in a dark lake, says Prof. Dr. Andreas Burkert. By observing its behavior, one can deduce the nature of the "dark matter". This is the mystery that Prof. Burkert, Chair of Computational Astrophysics at LMU's Astronomical Observatory, wants to solve.

  • Jakten på gröna Sverige genom besök hos verksamheter och reportage om miljö och samhälle.

  • The show highlights aspects of sustainability in our built environment. It aims to raise awareness regarding sustainability as a concept, and the importance of adopting this concept as a way to combat climate change and create a better future. This I presented by exploring how we can do that in our everyday lives and open discussions with guests from different backgrounds to benefit from their experience.

  • Ilmasto kriisissä -podcastissa Ami Värtö ja Mari Rihti keskustelevat siitä, kuinka ilmastonmuutos näkyy arjen ja yhteiskunnan eri osa-alueilla ja millaisia ratkaisuja meidän tulisi tehdä. Teemoista jutellaan huippumielenkiintoisten vieraiden kanssa. Tervetuloa mukaan!

    Kaupallinen yhteistyö ja muut yhteydenotot: [email protected]

  • Muinaistutkija on Suomen arkeologisen seuran julkaisema tieteellinen lehti. Podcastissa syvennymme lehdessämme julkaistujen artikkeleiden aiheisiin.

  • Take a journey through the bowels of your GI tract with Dr. Sameer Islam! Based out of Lubbock, Texas and trained at the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Islam provides insights and answers to the problems his patients see on a daily basis.

  • Marginal Revolution has been one of the most influential economics blogs in the world for over two decades thanks to its sharp economic analysis and thought-provoking ideas. Now, co-creators Alex Tabarrok and Tyler Cowen are bringing their nerdy winsomeness to your earbuds. Each episode features Alex and Tyler drawing on their decades of academic expertise to tackle whatever economic idea is currently tickling their noggins.

  • همچنان که تاریخ به جلو پیش می‌رود، ما در پادکست "همین جوری" به علم و مسائل روزمره با عشق و تفکر نگاه می‌اندازیم. از روزمرگی تا دانش عمیق، از تکنولوژی تا تاریخ، ما در همین جوری به تلاش برای درک بهتر جهان و خودمان می‌پردازیم. با ما همراه باشید و در مسیری بی‌پایان از کشف و یادگیری همراهمان شوید.

  • Hello and welcome to The Energy Law Podcast, the international podcast on energy law and policy. Started with its first season in 2024, Max Baumgart, an expert in the field of energy law and economic law in transformation processes, interviews esteemed guests from academia and practice. Hear from decision makers and leading international scholars how the law shapes the energy transition and is influenced by paradigm shifts such as Russia`s invasion of Ukraine. Enjoy!

  • Tervetuloa mukaan Interaktiivisen luontoelämyksen pariin. Inspiroidu, Arvosta, Suojele on osa Metsähallituksen Beetles LIFE- hanketta.

    Tarvitset vain kuulokkeet ja matkasi voi alkaa 🌿

  • This the diary of my journey to learn about and to protect the biosphere we inhabit. It’s a story about the work, the lessons, turns and twists along the way to become a biologist, but also confessions about my life, my dreams and my failures. This show is meant for anyone interested in biology, conservation and the evergoing change we call life.

  • Millainen voisi olla yhden maapallon kokoinen kestävä yhteiskunta? Miltä se vois näyttää, tuntua ja kuulostaa? Yhden pallon visiot etsii vastauksia!

  • The LYB podcast features insightful conversations with LyondellBasell company leaders and innovators. From groundbreaking technologies to learning about the LYB people behind the scenes, we explore the stories and strategies driving the LYB mission to create solutions for everyday sustainable living. Whether you’re a professional in the field, a student, or simply curious, this podcast offers an inside look into the challenges and triumphs of a sustainability-focused global company in the chemical industry. Tune in and stay informed, inspired and connected with the LYB podcast.

    Learn more at:

  • Demokratian paikat on sarja, jossa puhutaan demokratiasta arkisissa ympäristöissä. Jokainen meistä elää erilaisissa demokratian tiloissa, joita löytyy niin sosiaalisesta mediasta, toreilta kuin kodin seinien sisältä.

    Miten demokratian normeja pitäisi laajentaa, että yhä useampi ihminen voisi kokea osallisuutta yhteiskunnassa?

    Podcastin taustalla on Helsingin yliopiston Centre for Sociology of Democracy eli CSD, joka on uteliaiden sosiologien tutkimusryhmä. Sarjan juontaa toimittaja Hanna Asikainen ja sen on tuottanut Jaksomedia.

    Podcastin mahdollistavat Koneen Säätiö ja Euroopan tutkimusneuvosto ERC.

    Spaces of Democracy is a podcast about democracy in our everyday surroundings. The series is presented by The Centre for Sociology of Democracy, CSD, which is a group of curious sociologists. The series is funded by the Kone Foundation and the European Research Council.

  • Toimisiko scifisarjojen tiede ja tekniikka tosielämässä? Aalto-yliopiston “Tiedettä vai tarinaa?” -podcastissa huippuasiantuntijat setvivät populaarikulttuurissa esitettyä tiedettä ja tutkimusta.

  • Mark Lieberman, an attorney, radio show host, political science educator, and socially engaged actor, singer and performer interviews experts from around the country on a variety of topics. Mark, who practiced law for over four decades (as they say, practice makes perfect) Mark uses his training and his passion for getting to the heart of today’s important issues. On his show Mark interviews guests on a variety of governmental, legal and social issues affecting Western North Carolina, the US and the world. His broad experience, down to earth style of communicating and his natural curiosity and interest make his radio shows and podcasts interesting, entertaining, and informative.