Vetenskap – Slovenien – Nya podcasts

  • Sounds from and about nature. - En experimentell podcast för (universitets-) undervisning och feedback. Mitt sätt att hedra 300-åriga (2007) Carl von Linné.
    Inriktning mot biodiversitet, fauna och flora, fågelläten, grodläten, hopprätvingar och andra naturljud.

  • Interviews leading experts on issues pertaining to employee ownership including building an ownership culture, management practices, succession planning, economic development, and so much more.

  • A podcast series hosted by the European Society for the Study of Tourette Syndrome (ESSTS).

  • Welcome to the "Setting Sails" podcast, hosted by Dr. Alexandra Jansky. Dive into the heart of a rapidly evolving landscape where Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is reshaping the way we think about teaching and learning. Each week, join Alexandra and a diverse panel of experts, enthusiasts, and critics as they tackle the most pressing ethical questions and explore the real impacts of AI on education. From the potential challenges to writing skills to the vast opportunities for increasing accessibility in higher education, this podcast is your go-to resource for understanding and navigating the integration of AI in educational practices. Whether you're an AI skeptic, an avid user, or an educator looking to adapt, our series promises to equip you with the necessary insights to contribute to a future where education is inclusive, effective, and thoughtfully enhanced by AI. Tune in here or on your favorite streaming platform to be part of the conversation that is shaping the future of education.

  • Non solo educazione, il podcast che si occupa di professionisti e professioni, di pedagogia agita e di bisogni educativi nella società. Perché l'educazione e i suoi professionisti sono il termometro dei bisogni sociali, ma anche lo strumento per agire il cambiamento..
    Siamo Gianvincenzo Nicodemo, 45 anni, pedagogista e assistente sociale.
    Attualmente funzionario pubblico nei servizi di inclusione lavorativa rivolti a persone con disabilità. all'attivo una ventina tra saggi e monografie in ambito sociale ed educativo; Moreno Castagna, 47 anni, educatore professionale socio pedagogico dal 1997 ho lavorato praticamente in tutti glia ambiti e sono formatore sull'educativa di strada ed educativa nei campi nomadi, formatore ecm nell'educativa per la riduzione del rischio nei luoghi di loisir e nuove sostanze. Mi occupo dal 2006 di start up di progetti socio educativi in tutta Italia.

    Per suggerimenti, richieste, critiche o se si ha voglia di raccontare e/o raccontarsi scrivete a:
    [email protected]

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  • Introduction to Indian Ayurveda and knowing the benifits of it for making a healthy world.

  • V podkastu Člankarnica vam skupaj z raziskovalci Kemijskega inštituta predstavljamo zanimive in razumljive razlage njihovih najnovejših odkritij, objavljenih v uglednih znanstvenih revijah. V Člankarnici si prizadevamo, da bi bili dnevi zapletenega znanstvenega branja mimo. Med poslušanjem si lahko privoščite vaš najljubši napitek, medtem ko vam mi postrežemo z obilico novega znanja ter vpogledom v zakulisje raziskovalnega dela in zanimivih raziskovalnih dogodivščin. Dozo novega znanja postrežemo enkrat mesečno. Pogovore vodi dr. Saša Aden.

  • Interview with Dr. Adrienne Lussa and Prof. Afsatou Ndama Traore

  • Lets make life more enjoyable and meaningful and male life worth living

  • Our mission is to explain science in a simple, attractive, and fun form that is open to all.

    Sašo Dolenc is a science writer and a philosopher of science. Stories collected in this podcast are also available as books at

  • 💡 The world is full of questions, and science has the answers.

    🧠 Join Dr Emily Hughes, a social psychologist, and soon-to-be Dr Masha Remskar, a behavioural scientist, as they shed light on the science of health, wealth, and society. They’re here to translate the latest psychological research into actionable insights for your everyday decisions.

    🎙 New episodes out every Wednesday, starting 3rd January 2024. Subscribe now and join us in Getting Brighter—your weekly dose of science-backed tools for a healthier, happier you!

    💬 Follow us on Instagram, Threads, and Twitter @getbrighterpod to stay in the loop. We want to hear your thoughts and questions as we explore the science behind a brighter life!

  • Diplom-Psychologe und Altersexperte Simon Gross spricht in seinem Podcast allein und mit Interviewpartnern über das Geheimnis menschlicher Entwicklung. In der Psychologie der gesamten Lebensspanne geht es um die Frage von grundlegenden Mechanismen der Entwicklung. Doch was bedeutet das konkret? Wie lässt sich Entwicklung beeinflussen und was passiert einfach? Was ist eine normale Entwicklung und warum gehören Krisen auch dazu? Diese und ähnliche Fragen sind ein zentrales Thema der Entwicklungspsychologie und sollen in den einzelnen Folgen beleuchtet werden.

  • Occasional rants about what’s happening in our world today. Suggestions welcome and I will try to present the most educated perspective I can. Studio locations include my car (cause try telling me you never have an interesting train of thought during your work commute) and my rec space at home.

  • Nikodemovi večeri so sklop večernih predavanj za študente in mlade odrasle na različne aktualne tematike.

  • Veliko pozornosti namenjamo izbiri sort semena poljščin, ki v naših pogojih dajejo najboljše rezultate. Radi svetujemo, da jih kmetovalci tudi v praksi dosegajo.

  • Podkast Echo, pušča sledi, da jih ne bi puščali vi.
    Gradi mostove med razumevanjem in dejanskim napredkom na področju podnebne nevtralnosti. V času, ki je prepoznan kot ključen za spopadanje s podnebnimi ukrepi, očitno zaostajamo pri udejanjanju ukrepov.
    Echo ugotavlja, ali gre za:
    • nezaupanje strokovnjakom in političnim ciljem?
    • nepozavanje dejstev in možnosti?
    • nerazumevanje med različnimi deležniki?
    • Skrb, da bi škodovali poslovnemu uspehu?
    Morda je razlog drugje?!
    Podkast Echo z zanimivimi gosti odstira neznanke in razbija mite ter gradi znanje za prihodnost.

  • The EM Logic Podcast was born of 20 years of observation that errors in medicine often occur not because of limited knowledge or being unaware of the latest literature but because the provider was on autopilot or failed to use basic logic in decision-making.

    EM Logic is meant to compliment but never replace what health care providers learn in medical school, residency, and the evidence-based literature. It is meant to get you thinking rather than just following management algorithms you have learned during your career.

    Dr. Pregerson will focus on the pitfalls of confusing cause with coincidence, being falsely reassured by normal tests, and getting burned by illogical assumptions. He hopes it will improve the care you provide and your patients’ outcomes, and keep you from being an honored guest at your department’s next peer review meeting.

    Dr. Pregerson has been practicing emergency medicine since 2000, lecturing and writing about medical topics since 2004, and has reviewed more than 180 malpractice cases since 2008. He is the author of three EM pocket references, the creator of and, and the author of the EMN column BradyCardia (

    If you would like to be considered as a guest on a future episode, contact Dr. Pregerson at [email protected].

  • Audio uploads of Dedham TV's "502 Conversations". Conversations with experts in their fields about science; skepticism; medicine; quackery; pseudoscience; philosophy; belief, why and how we believe; knowledge; and more. Guests have included Dr. Paul Offit; microbiologist Natalia Pasternak; Julia Sweeney; Sheldon Helms; JAMA Editor in Chief Dr. Howard Bauchner; Massimo Pigliucci; James Randi; Ray Hyman; James Alcock; Dr. Harriet Hall; and others. Full interviews also available on youtube. © 2022 Dedham TV. Unauthorized duplication, for any reason, without permission is prohibited.