Affärer – Finland – Nya podcasts
Mitä jokaisen työnantajan työkalupakista tulisi löytyä? Tässä podcastissa Waselius Asianajotoimiston juristit Jouni Kautto, Antonina Paasikivi ja Janiela Valtonen käsittelevät työelämän haasteellisia tilanteita, työnantajan velvollisuuksia sekä lainsäädännön kiemuroita. Pykälät Töissä -podcast tarjoaa käytännönläheisiä neuvoja ja vinkkejä, jotka auttavat työnantajia navigoimaan monimutkaisessa työoikeudellisessa ympäristössä. Olitpa kokenut työnantaja tai vasta-alkaja, tämä podcast tarjoaa arvokasta tietoa ja näkökulmia, jotka auttavat sinua menestymään työelämän haasteissa.Waselius Asianajotoimisto - - [email protected]
Kiinnostaako kasvu? Haluaisitko tietää millaisia polkuja kasvun saralla onnistuneet ihmiset ovat kulkeneet? Kasvucast on podcast, joka jakaa tarinoita kasvun takaa. Vierainamme erilaisia kasvajia, jotka kertovat miten kasvu tehtiin, mitkä olivat kasvutarinan käännekohtia ja mitkä olivat tärkeimmät opit jaettavaksi muille.
Kasvucast - Kasvutarinoita Suomesta. -
Legal Innovation Simplified Podcast
Scaling law with heart. Where legal business strategy meets legal design and growth mindset.
Welcome to Legal Innovation Simplified, the go-to podcast for heart-centered innovation lawyers and legal entrepreneurs ready to embrace innovation, build businesses with purpose, and scale law with heart.
Hosted by Hannele Korhonen—ex-corporate lawyer, an ex-corporate lawyer turned law firm founder, legal tech co-founder, designer, PhD researcher, and your legal innovation coach—this podcast delivers practical strategies, bold ideas, and intuitive insights to help you rethink legal practice.
Each week, we explore topics like:
Design thinking for lawyers
Business strategies for scaling and success
Overcoming mindset blocks and using intuition for growth
Whether you’re launching your first big idea, building a legal tech or design business, or looking to make your practice more client-centered and fulfilling, Legal Innovation Simplified is your space to dream big, take action, and do law differently.
Let’s scale your law practice with heart, creativity, and purpose. -
The info of today
Pinzimonio podcast: chiacchierate, interviste, approfondimenti da gustare assaporandone ogni sapore
POWERCAST - Teollisesta murroksesta uuteen kasvuun on Kotkan-Haminan seudun kehittämisyhtiö Cursor Oy:n uusi 8-jaksoinen podcastsarja, jossa keskustellaan Kimmo Ohtosen johdolla mm. seudun kehittämisestä, uusista teollisuudenaloista, koulutuksesta ja työvoiman saatavuudesta, sekä uusista energiamuodoista. Podcastit tarkastelevat aiheita koko Suomen näkökulmasta.
Vieraina podcastissa monipuolinen kattaus eri alojen asiantuntijoita sekä yritysmaailman edustajia.
Lisää Powercast suosikkeihisi ja saat takuuvarmasti uutta tietoa ja näkemystä Suomen elinkeinoelämästä vuonna 2023. -
Welcome to "The Career Cast - Finland Edition": a podcast to help you hack the world of job search and careers in Finland. Listen to insights and advice from career coaches, recruiters, international talents who made it in Finland, and other experts. If you are struggling to get a job or you feel stuck in your current position, join us to get concrete tips on how to land your next dream job.
Brian Escobar and Walter William Duncan III are the hosts of It’s About Payroll. Collectively, they have over 4 decades of experience in the payroll industry.
This podcast was created with the intent to share their knowledge and attracting new talent to the payroll industry.
You can access their LinkedIn profiles. -
🔉PR girl gone rogue. Follow my new business start up jouney with learnings and tips along the way.
In this podcast you will hear about myself and also about 'How to start business' and my Business experiences in the upcoming podcasts.
Shop1 provides everything you need to build your own online marketplace. What we want is to connect marketplaces and suppliers so that everyone from the suppliers to the marketplaces to the customers are winning.
Want to know all the details on how to start a business that is God centered? Let's get into it!
Tervetuloa Myynnin mehustamoon, jossa ei kaunistella, ei jahkailla, vaan hypätään suoraan siihen, miten näyt alasi ainoana asiantuntijana. Jokaisessa jaksossa sukellamme aiheisiin, jotka tuovat sulle unelma-asiakkaita ja isompia numeroita pankkitilille.
Hostina toimin minä, markkinointi- ja myyntivalmentaja Jenni Hänninen. Rakensin 3,5 vuodessa kaksi asiantuntijayritystä 10te myyntikuukausiin, ja näytän sulle miten sä pääset sinne myös.
Jos olet valmis suoraan puheeseen hulluista tavoitteista, inspiroivasta yrittäjyydestä sekä myynnin ja rahan tekemisestä ilman häpeää, tervetuloa mukaan! -
Meet Peter and Paul, the brains behind Real Estate 101. A former mechanic, Peter is the co-author of Commercial Real Estate Investing For Dummies and is now considered a premier expert in the country on helping every day achieve their commercial real estate dreams. Paul left his corporate director gig ten years ago to invest in real estate full-time and has never looked back. It did not take him long to realize that he could make a huge impact as a mentor and he has spent the last few years spreading the word near and far about the power of commercial real estate.
Together, they specialize in empowering and inspiring ordinary people by teaching the core strategies of commercial real estate. They have seen countless people from all over the globe transform their lives and achieve financial freedom through commercial real estate. These success stories are the core of Real Estate 101’s mission and Peter and Paul want to share their stories with the world. Their message is simple yet powerful: We teach the fundamentals because that is all you need. -
The Daily Earnings Reports Podcast is your go-to podcast for the latest corporate financial news. Every trading day, we dive deep into the earnings reports of publicly traded companies, breaking down key metrics, analyzing market reactions, and offering expert insights. Stay informed, make informed investment decisions, and gain a competitive edge in the dynamic world of finance.
Join "Why Commodities," hosted by James Cordier, a seasoned trader, author, and founder of Alternative Options and the Cordier Commodity Report. This podcast explores the world of commodity markets. James will explain how crude oil, gold, soybeans, and more drive the global economy. Learn how global events impact market trends and get insights into commodity fundamentals like supply and demand. "Why Commodities" aims to provide an alternative option to financial wisdom. Whether experienced in the market or just starting, James and his guests will help you understand an underused instrument to find new investment opportunities. Subscribe to "Why Commodities" now.
اكتشف عالم الأعمال من منظور جديد مع "درهم"، البودكاست الذي يأخذك في رحلة ملهمة بين استراتيجيات النجاح وأسرار البزنس.
Join your host, Jason Pecor, as he shares thoughts on a variety of topics from his personal day-to-day experiences running a business, trying to stay healthy, fully engaging his serial hobby jumper lifestyle, and living as a husband and father in the Upper Midwest.
Matkalla johtajaksi -podcastissa johtajanaiset kertovat urapolustaan. Podcastia juontavat Helsingin seudun kauppakamarin johtaja Saija Äikäs ja toimitusjohtaja, yrittäjänä toiminut hallitusammattilainen Petra Erätuli.
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