Affärer – Ukraina – Nya podcasts

  • Ділимося СММ: у блозі з аудиторією 163k+ розповідаємо про маркетинг, СММ, проводимо дослідження, аналізуємо кейси та ділимося інформацією про диджитал на мільйон. 

    Навчаємо СММ: на курсах та лекціях готуємо сммників та маркетологів, створюємо робочі місця та формуємо екологічний ринок. 

    Працюємо з бізнесом в СММ: в агенції допомагаємо бізнесам та маємо СММ-кейси з Калуш, Acer Ukraine, TM byME, Ульяна Вернер, Predator.

  • Complicating the Narrative is a podcast series produced by Authors and staff at ConTextos with the goal of adding context beyond misconceptions commonly associated with people living in communities facing poverty and barriers to economic development due to racism, violence, and trauma.

  • En este podcast os cuento algunas cosas para que podáis saber mas de mi

  • Живые и интересные подкасты длинной максимум 30 минут на простом и понятном языке. Никаких скучных и монотонных мыслей.

    Можно слушать дома, в дороге, за работой и перед сном

    Присоединяйся и изучай

  • Today’s choices yield tomorrow’s harvest. Your character and conduct is just as important as your financial status. Let this podcast be your guide to better tomorrow. Let the raw talk begin

  • Ye un sabhi upsc aspirants ke liye jinone kabhi har nhi mani🙂🙂😛😄😍

  • Let's make career development fun & easy. Creating a dream career can seem like a far-fetched dream in itself for many. This show is about sharing tools, inspiration and ideas that can help you as a scientist launch your dream career.

  • Data Chatter is a podcast on all things data. It is a series of conversations with experts and industry leaders in data, and each week we aim to unpack a different compartment of the "data suitcase".

    The podcast is hosted by Karthik Shashidhar. He is a blogger, newspaper columnist, book author and a former data and strategy consultant. Karthik currently heads Analytics and Business Intelligence for Delhivery, one of India’s largest logistics companies.

    You can follow him on twitter at @karthiks, and read his blog at

  • Demetrius and Dhayany have been married since 2010 and running their own businesses as a couple since 2008! As Lovepreneurs, listen as they encourage other Power Couples through the journey of entrepreneurship while strengthening their relationship and marriage all while building their empire! Power Couples building an empire have a different structure in their relationship and on this podcast they address how to keep the structure strong.

  • Hello and welcome to the CEO King Podcast, with Stuart King, the King of all CEO's.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hospitality Speaks is a podcast hosted by Ryan Reiss and Tommy Botts which shares different perspectives across the hospitality industry by interviewing influential leaders. Hospitality Speaks strives to find interesting details on how hotels around the world are managed and operated.

  • The European Design Upgrade is a program to help rebuild Ukraine by focusing on the opportunities afforded by modular construction. It is supported by the European Commission and created by GoLocal / K-Fund Ukraine, Urban Mill and Ultrahack Finland and Brand Manual from Estonia.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Rebooting Corporate Learning

    Plug in and power up your corporate learning strategies with 'The Enterprise Learning Architect'. Where else can you find a reboot button for your training woes?

    Hosted by Chris Knotts, one of the tech training industry’s proven innovators, these conversations unlock the transformative power of workplace education. In a world of change and uncertainty, only those who know how to learn and adapt will survive. Join Chris and his guests as they share insights on crafting training solutions that not only educate but also drive organizational transformation.

  • #LeadershipKitchen Podcast — це цикл розмов, які веде Ольга Панівник, засновниця та СЕО консалтингової та коучингової агенції Be Change, спікерка, коучиня топ менеджерів, лідерів та власників, партнерка у змінах, волонтерка, дружина та мама.

  • This is Working Life – hosted by the Talent Set, the podcast dedicated to telling the inspiring stories of amazing people in the charity and not for profit sector. The Talent Set, the marketing recruitment experts.

    Jael Woolley and Victoria Dhillon are the hosts of the podcast.

    In each episode, we’ll be chatting to someone within the charity or not for profit space about their career journey.

    We’ll hear all about how they’ve got to where they are now, what they’re learned along the way, what they see as the key issues in the sector right now, along with their advice and top tips.

    To find out more about us, just visit our website
    or search on linkedin for our company page.

    We hope you enjoy the podcast.

  • Building a new life in The City of Angels.

    Hundreds if not thousands of people arrive to Los Angeles every day, just like I did it many years ago. This channel will contain interviews in Russian, Ukrainian and English languages, and my hope is that those interviews will help someone make LA their home too.

    Этот канал будет полон интервью таких же людей как и я, когда-то прибывших в Лос-Анджелес и сделавших его своим домом.

    Цей канал буде наповненим інтерв'ю з такими самими людьми як і я, колись прибувших до Лос-Анжелесу та й зробивших його своїм домом.

  • The Causes of what triggered World War 2 into action!!!

  • Behind the blockchain is a series of conversations with technology leaders who have built successful products, teams and careers in Web3. You will have the opportunity to understand how they were able to achieve their career goals, what skills they have learned, what mistakes and frustrations they might have and what advice they can share with you to help you achieve your own career goals. 

  • Ексклюзивний цикл інтерв'ю з девелоперами нової генерації – видатними українськими підприємцями. Це лідери галузі, які продовжують свою місію навіть під час війни, створюючи якісні продукти та зміцнюючи економіку України.