Utbildning – Nya podcasts

  • We're all just trying to figure it out, so let's figure it out together. I want to help you navigate what we call life by sharing what I've learned from experience, from others, and being vulnerable. Helping you elevate your mindset and perspective to be more abundant and open-minded in your business journey and in life. Let's get uncomfortable talking about the most common situations that most don't like to talk about. You'll be able to learn from guests on the podcast on topics like fears, challenges in building businesses, restarting, and reinventing themselves. This podcast is a platform to bring everybody together on the highs and lows of life so you don't have to feel alone. We're all in it together!

  • Welcome to "The Bible Says Podcast" Join us on a journey through deep theological discussions grounded in the Word of God.  In a world filled with varying belief systems and ideologies, it's crucial for Christians to anchor their faith in the truth of Scripture. The Bible Says Podcast will explore a variety of biblical doctrines, shedding light on topics like salvation, prophecy, creation, and hitting hot-button topics like eternal security.  

    We want to know what the Bible says about these various topics because we believe that “If you can't defend it clearly from the Bible then you shouldn't believe it vehemently” 

    Each episode of "The Bible Says Podcast" delves into key biblical teachings, addressing misconceptions and providing clarity through an examination of scripture. From discussions on the nature of salvation to interpretations of prophetic events, the goal is to equip believers with a deeper understanding of their faith and a deeper love for Christ. 

    This podcast is all about digging into the Word, challenging assumptions, and aligning our beliefs with the timeless wisdom found in the Bible. Whether you're a seasoned theologian or a newcomer to the faith, join us as we journey together in pursuit of truth.

    Tune in weekly for insightful conversations, thought-provoking discussions, and a deeper dive into what "The Bible Says."

  • 处理情感:白羊座男在处理情感时可能更为直接和冲动,而水瓶座女则更倾向于保持冷静和理智。这种差异可能导致在情感沟通上产生障碍。


  • 俩女的,90后,we talk after sober不喝不聊,酒鬼话痨。

  • David Lea & Paige Lea are married in life, love, and business. Their podcast shares innovative trauma-informed polarity insight, information, and expertise. Journey through their conversations, teachings and insights on how to effectively heal your trauma through a masculine and feminine energy lens to realize your most extraordinary relationship.

  • Interviews with Peak Performers about what they think, say and do so you can model their behaviours and replicate their levels of productivity.

  • 學習人生智慧,過得不好的人會找到出口;過得好的人,更能夠步步高升!本節目出自章成禪師文字作品。閱讀文字請搜尋「章成禪師的無盡法界」官網https://www.infiniteworldofzhangcheng.com追蹤章成禪師臉書:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100044322975134--Hosting provided by SoundOn

  • De wereld is koortsig. Alles verandert snel en het kan alle kanten opgaan. Wij hebben een nieuwe samenleving nodig, waar de mens centraal staat, niet de hebzucht. Peter Mertens, algemeen secretaris van de PVDA, neemt in deze maandelijkse podcast de tijd om dieper te graven en achter de schermen van de macht te kijken.

  • A high vibe personal development podcast where I chat the real in these short but impactful episodes on how to thrive as the highest version of yourself! 

  • MINDFUL AT SEA LEVEL Podcast is a personal journal of mindfulness with readings of insightful poetry, guided meditations, reflections, and curiosities I hope will resonate with you. This podcast is offered by Bob A, yep that’s me!!! I’m a trained mindfulness coach and military retiree living in the Pacific Northwest, bringing over four decades of world travel and plenty of life experience in “the pursuit of success combined with restlessness.” Thanks for listening.

  • Welkom bij onze podcast De Duurzaamheidstransitie, waarin we elke week een inspirerend praktijkverhaal presenteren van een professional die een actieve rol speelt in de duurzaamheidstransitie van onze maatschappij.Deze podcast wordt geproduceerd door het transversale lectoraat Duurzaamheidstransities van Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas). Met deze podcast bieden wij een platform aan duurzame pioniers om hun inzichten, uitdagingen en successen te delen.

    Meer weten over ons? Kijk hier: Over de podcast 'De duurzaamheidstransitie' | Buas Content Hubs | BUas Sustainability Transitions


  • ♥️ De podcast voor mensen die in een WIA-traject zitten of al een WIA-uitkering hebben.
    🤗 Ik help jou met waardevolle WIA-uitkering en UWV-tips.
    🚀 Daarnaast deel ik persoonlijke ervaringen, mindset en handvatten over het omgaan met ziekte.
    ✅ Dé WIA specialist voor langdurig zieke werknemers die naar rust en financiële zekerheid verlangen.
    ☎️ Meld jezelf aan voor een Grip op je leven matchcall https://vitaeva.nl/
    🎉 De online WIA-school is vanaf nu 24/7 online! https://vitaeva.nl/wiaschool/
    📲Volg mij op Instagram https://www.instagram.com/dewiaspecialist.nl/

  • Herken je dit? Je stort je vol goede moed in een verandertraject, maar diep vanbinnen weet je: dit gaat niet écht het verschil maken – en toch blijf je hopen dat het deze keer anders gaat. In de podcast van Organiseren en Veranderen in Complexiteit - afgekort OVIC - leer je niet hoe het moet, maar begrijpen hoe het gaat. Luister nu!

  • De podcast voor mensen die zichzelf serieus nemen en kiezen voor liefde en leven zonder ongezonde compromissen.

  • Are you a busy single mom struggling with overwhelm, exhaustion, and self-doubt?

    Are you ready to discover hope that doesn’t come from a half-eaten chocolate bar found between couch cushions, another glass of wine in a sippy cup, or swiping through online dating sites?

    Then the Single Mom Smiling podcast is for you!

    Kerri Bishop is an author, speaker, and coach who now brings her energy and enthusiasm to podcasting.

    She is also a single mom of FIVE boys whose husband, on Mother’s Day, suddenly announced he was leaving.

    He moved out one week later.

    Kerri was 5 months pregnant with their 5th little boy at the time.

    Kerri now gratefully helps other women build lives of hope and positivity.

    Together, we will dive into unanswered questions, issues of self-worth, and next steps so you can become the woman and mom you are meant to be all while navigating this God-given adventure called life!

  • Welcome to the Point of view Podcast. We created this podcast to be able to talk about anything and everything and share our opinions,
    It is not about who’s opinion is right but rather how we perceive things
    We are 2 friends that simply love a good conversation and to reflect on things about life, our goal is to always find ways to become a better version of ourselves and be good to others.
    We invite you to listen to our podcast hopefully those conversations can bring something positive to your life and if you enjoy please subscribe to our play.

  • My name is Jacob Buehrer and I'm the host of The Jacob Buehrer Show. I’m a Sophomore at Purdue University and interview all sorts of different people on my show. Some notable people I have interviewed include Eric Trump, Dave Rubin, Kurt Warner, Former US Vice President Dan Quayle, Band Members of Weezer, CCR, Train, Skillet, Foreigner, Sir Mix-a-Lot.

  • The best deep dives into books and topics to unlock your potential through self-discovery and leadership strategies - all backed by research.

  • Welcome to Energetics Of Happy Relationships, the podcast that helps you master the art of love and career success with ease and authenticity. Whether you're a woman re-entering the dating scene after divorce or someone striving to balance a thriving career with a fulfilling relationship, this podcast is for you.

    Hosted by Juliana Joy, a former corporate senior who discovered her spiritual calling, this podcast brings you the best of both worlds. Juliana's signature Bring Him Closer Energetic Framework® has shown thousands of women how to effortlessly attract their partner by managing the energetic dynamics in a relationship.

    Join Juliana as she combines spirituality and practical advice to explore the energies that shape our relationships and dating experiences. Discover how to harness your feminine energy, build a strong emotional core, and heal past wounds to create the love life you desire. Each episode is packed with simple, actionable steps to help you navigate the complexities of modern relationships.

    Expect raw, real, and authentic conversations that offer invaluable insights for women who want it all. Tune in to transform your love life and career with ease, grace, and confidence.