Vetenskap – Norge – Nya podcasts
A podcast about autosexuality. Hosted by Tali Botz and Aaron Terrell -
Wise Elders is a Podcast dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom. Matt Ditty has been a social work practitioner, educator, trainer, and consultant with over 20 years of experience building lives worth living on micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Gazing through his lens colored by social work, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Aikido, mindfulness, and more, the listener will hear from wise people to bring you the secret sauce so we all can live more wisely.
The Science of Sex is a podcast that seeks to explore the depths of human sexuality using the tools of science in order to uncover the fascinating worlds of human desire and sexual health. Hosted by Joe Duncan from Sexography and The Science of Sex. -
A podcast hosted by Luis Elizondo, updating listeners around the world on the latest developments with unidentified anomalous phenomenon.
Learn more at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
If horror is your thing, listen to Horror Study Hall: the academic side of horror. Where we examine research, books, and podcasts that study the horror genre.
chungking express for life
A weather podcast by a meteorology student. Let's talk about the past and present maybe even the future weather!
Podcast for the Southeast New England Program (SNEP) Network's Climate Leadership Exchange. This podcast is produced by the dedicated team at Throwe Environmental [], one of the core partner organizations of the SNEP Network. The SNEP Network [] is a project of the New England Environmental Finance Center and is funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Southeast New England Program.
This show aims to help you see wild plants and mushrooms as your friends, with their own quirky personalities. Too often, nature is viewed as a sea of green, rather than a community of individuals, who each have different roles to play and different needs to thrive. Join us for a journey of decolonizing our relationships with flora and fungi, as we work toward respect, reciprocity and rejuvenation. Most of the plants and fungi featured on this show grow in Wabanaki Territory (in the area known by the US Government as the State of Maine). Many of these organisms grow throughout the northeast. However, individual species of plants and fungi play different roles and face unique challenges, depending on which ecosystem they are residing in. Therefore, we encourage you to do your own local research for the health and safety of the plants, the fungi, yourself and others.
Just two cousins bringing you facts in the science world.
A podcast needed for World Literature.
رادیو مسیر پادکستی راجع به مدرنیته و صورت بندی های جوامع مدرن با نگاهی جامعه است.”Radio Masir” is a podcast that explores modernity and the structures of modern societies, with a sociological perspective.تهیه متن و اجرا: علی بیغش
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the American Alchemy.
Tune in for new videos WEEKLY highlighting the most heretical thinkers/ideas of our time.
instagram: @jessemichels
twitter: @alchemyamerican
Business: [email protected] -
Cerita & unek-unek tentang apa di sekeliling kita
Wir alle lieben den Ozean – aber schätzen wir ihn auch? Dieser Storytelling-Podcast geht der Beziehungskrise zwischen Mensch und Meer auf den Grund. Klar ist dabei: Die Menschheit ist der toxische Partner in dieser vermeintlichen Liebesbeziehung. Mit fatalen Folgen: Die Ozeane verkommen zur Müllhalde und waren noch nie so erhitzt wie jetzt. In fünf Episoden sucht „Feeling Blue – Paartherapie mit dem Ozean“ weltweit nach Lösungen in unserem gestörten Verhältnis mit den Meeren. Ob in Korallenfarmen auf den Fidschi-Inseln oder in kenianischen Mangrovenwäldern: Überall gibt es Menschen, die eine dringend benötigte Kurskorrektur vorantreiben. Auch international renommierte Wissenschaftler:innen wie der deutsche Ozeanograph Mojib Latif oder der indische Klimaforscher Roxy Mathew Koll kommen zu Wort. “Feeling Blue” gibt dem Ozean eine Stimme. An vielen Orten wird es beeindruckend, an einigen gefährlich, an anderen hoffnungsvoll.
„Feeling Blue – Paartherapie mit dem Ozean“ ist ein Podcast der Wochenzeitung „der Freitag“, produziert von der freien Journalistin Kyra Funk. Ab dem 7. Juni jeden Freitag eine neue Folge. Überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.
Moderation: Svenja Beller.
Redaktion: Svenja Beller, Julia Lauter, Martin Theis, Fabian Weiss
Redaktionelle Mitarbeit: Teresa Kraft
Fact Checking: Kathrin Lilienthal
Aufnahme, Postproduktion und Mix: Artur Sommerfeld
Musik und Sounddesign: Don Tengeler
Mit Originaltonaufnahmen aus dem Ozean von Stephanie Kyek
Der Podcast ist Teil der Serie „Blue New Deal“. Ein Jahr lang veröffentlicht das Team im „Freitag“ Artikel über Lösungen, die sowohl die Ozeane schützen als auch deren Potenzial nutzen, die Erderwärmung zu stoppen. Das Projekt wird vom European Journalism Centre (EJC) über den Solutions Journalism Accelerator finanziert. Dieser Fonds wird von der Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation unterstützt. Die redaktionellen Inhalte der Serie entstanden ohne jeden Einfluss durch das European Journalism Centre. Mehr Infos, Reportagen, Interviews, Fotos und Videos unter
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dykk ned i tankeverdenen med "Refleksjonsrommet", en podcast som inviterer lyttere til å utforske et univers av ideer og diskusjoner. Hver episode tar for seg temaer som spenner fra teknologi og samfunn til personlig utvikling og mer. Ledet av Joakim Hove, bringer "Refleksjonsrommet" sammen eksperter, tenkere og skapere for å nøste opp i kompleksitetene ved det moderne liv og fremtiden. Enten du ønsker å utfordre dine perspektiver eller få innsikt i det nyeste innen vitenskap og kultur, er denne podcasten din portal til å forstå nyansene som former vår verden. Bli med på engasjerende samtaler
Hav, handel og helse - dette er fokusområdene i utviklingsplanen til NTNU i Ålesund frem mot 2025. NTNU i Ålesund er Norges mest næringsnære campus. Viserektor Annik Magerholm Fet deler i denne podcasten forskning og andre ting som institutter og kolleger ved NTNU er opptatt av, i tråd med fokusområdene hav, handel og helse.
Per the CDC, every 40 seconds someone in the United States has a stroke. Odds are likely that you know someone who has been impacted. CERENOVUS and Johnson & Johnson are proud to present the Women In Stroke Podcast. Join us as we sit down with leading neurointerventionalists to discuss relevant clinical and social issues impacting women in the field. Our hope is to support and inspire healthcare professionals striving to address the needs of patients and loved ones impacted by stroke.
«Lagspillet» er en podcast om dynamikken mellom mennesker i lag. Om hvordan vi påvirker, samarbeider, eller motarbeider hverandre. Hva skjer egentlig i spenningsforholdet mellom enkeltindividet, og fellesskapet rundt? Tidligere fotballspiller Erik Thorstvedt og doktorgradsstipendiat Nora Thorsteinsen Toft skal sammen utforske alle de interessante, morsomme, skremmende og nyttige krokene av lagarbeid. Med spennende gjester og en miks av anekdoter og teori, er «Lagspillet» en podcast for deg som både vil lære og bli underholdt.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Neuroscientists Katie McAllister and Patrick Watson discuss the nervous system, scrutinize pop neuroscience, and attempt to understand why—despite millions of published articles and advances in artificial intelligence—everyone still seems to think the brain is a mysterious organ.
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