Konst – Nya podcasts

  • We're a team of 5 badass women who will be your sommelier's to the marketing world. We work and whiteboard together at our 9-5 everyday in B2B marketing. We're a small, scrappy team that's picked up a few secret hacks along the way. And we want to share our crazy ideas with you! Let's call it, an anything but ordinary guide to marketing and design.

    From Chardonnay to Rose, we've got your marketing sips and design tips. Now that's worth raising a glass to. So grab your favorite vino & join us!

  • 由喜马拉雅出品的《西游记》有声专辑,由国家一级播音员影子兵按照原著原文播讲,为听众带来最纯粹的听觉享受。











  • Your Next Listen, from Lemonada Media and Simon & Schuster Audio, is your weekly destination for the hottest new audiobooks. We’ll be sharing a carefully curated selection each week from the best, buzziest, breakthrough titles out there, with a nice long excerpt you can really sink into. With audiobooks from authors like Laura Dave, Hillary Clinton, Meg Cabot, and even Kelly Bishop – that’s right, Emily Gilmore herself – your virtual shelves have never been fuller. And in case you’re wondering – yes – this totally counts as reading. Visit YourNextListen.com for more information on the titles featured.

  • Arts Muster is a new school of arts and crafts for adults. Our first workshops are 5-7 October 2019, including ceramics, screen printing, book binding, felting, art quilts, plant dyeing, hand embroidery, spoon whittling, sustainable fashion and small 3D collage. In this podcast, Arts Muster organiser Samantha Tannous interviews the tutors coming up in October, to find out more about their personal art practice, what inspires them, and what students can expect in their workshops.

  • Bienvenue dans le podcast dédié aux Bâtisseurs de l'Histoire.

    Je suis Florent Turpeau et je vous entraîne dans une aventure historique et authentique. Découvrons ensemble qui sont les Bâtisseurs de l'Histoire.
    Comment et pour quoi ces personnalités ont-elles bâti des merveilles d'architecture dans toute la France ?
    Quelle est l'ampleur de l'héritage qu'ils nous ont transmis ?
    A travers mes enquêtes, je vous révèle le destin hors du commun de ces commanditaires éclairés, désireux de marquer leur époque par des constructions exceptionnelles.

    Châteaux, villas et palais sont notre fil rouge. Ils nous guident dans toutes nos explorations historiques, depuis le Moyen-Âge jusqu'au siècle dernier.
    Dans une atmosphère immersive, nous traversons les époques et les siècles pour retrouver le contexte qui a vu naître les édifices remarquables qui ont fait la grandeur de la France.
    Chaque sujet est traité en
    deux épisodes d'environ 30 minutes chacun de manière fouillée.

    Alors laissez de côté les tumultes de votre quotidien et profitez d'un moment de répit pour écouter ce que les pierres racontent.
    Partez avec moi
    chaque lundi à la découverte des Bâtisseurs de l'Histoire !

  • Le podcast qui vous partage les recettes gagnantes des resellers français 🇨🇵
    Par Lyes Benchoubane, fondateur de ControlResell, l’application qui permet à tous les resellers de gérer leurs business et gagner en productivité.

    Toutes les semaines un nouvel épisode sur le resell.

    Avec un casting d'invités dans tous les domaines : vêtement de seconde main, sneakers, friperie en ligne, objets anciens, friperie physique, luxe, semi-luxe, etc.

    Mais c'est pas tout...

    A la clé :
    🚀 des retours d'expérience sans filtre
    🚀 des conseils actionnables
    🚀 des ressources en or
    🚀 et une bonne dose d'inspiration

    Le meilleur moyen de progresser ou se lancer dans le resell.

    Pour qui ? 

    🔥 Les (aspirants) resellers
    🔥 Les resellers
    🔥 Les personnes qui veulent générer un complément de revenue
    🔥 Et n'importe qui qui s'intéresse au resell

    Toujours là ?

    🔥 Donnez un peu de force au podcast. En 30 secondes (et gratuitement).

    1. Abonnez-vous pour ne rien louper 🔔 
    2. Laissez un avis + 5 étoiles (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
    3. Partager le podcast

    MERCI 🙏
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.

  • Was passiert, wenn sich zwei Amateur-Feinschmecker durch die besten Restaurants Österreichs essen? Sophie und Michael lieben gutes Essen. Ihr Traum: Irgendwann mal Restaurantkritiker:in zu sein. Nur eines fehlt ihnen noch - die Expertise. Also wagen sie das Experiment: In jeder Folge ein Spitzenrestaurant, zwei Amateur-Kritiker:innen, eine ehrliche Bewertung. Und der Koch oder die Köchin entscheidet, wer's besser kann.

    Mit dabei:
    👨‍🍳 Lukas Nagl
    👨‍🍳 Max Stiegl
    👨‍🍳 Philip Rachinger
    👨‍🍳 Martin Kilga
    👨‍🍳 Lukas Mraz
    ... und mehr!

    Neue Folgen jeden Montag.

  • Every week on the Author's Edge, you'll get practical tips to make your marketing journey exciting, straightforward, and effective! Allison Lane brings you ACTIONABLE marketing tips she learned through years of marketing big brands and books. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting your writing adventure, you’ll learn massive takeaways and hands-on advice that will elevate your marketing game. 

  • Join hosts Brooke and Cami as they dive deep into the enchanting worlds of fantasy literature. From popular favorites to hidden gems, each episode brings you detailed chapter summaries, character development, immersive worldbuilding topic, thorough analysis, tantalizing foreshadowing, and memorable moments. We're just two girls who can't stop talking about these magical realms and can't wait to share our passion with you. Tune in and embark on this journey with us!Follow us on Instagram and TikTok: @bookishrealmspod

  • The Offing podcast, a branch of The Offing Magazine, invites you to listen to poetry, fiction, autobiography and more read by the authors at Past Due's Los Angeles recording studio.

  • Conversations with publishers, editors, authors, journalists, thinkers, executives and other makers of culture, hosted by David Steinberger, CEO of Open Road Integrated Media and Chairman of the National Book Foundation.

  • Ottocentismi. Il podcast offre un nuovo modo di esplorare la modernità italiana attraverso storie, figure e aspetti poco conosciuti del lungo Ottocento. È un’iniziativa di Ottocentismi.org, il network per lo studio interdisciplinare dell’Ottocento fondato nel 2019.

  • Lo leggi in una notte e al mattino puoi iniziare il tuo nuovo lavoro.

    Questo è il podcast del mio libro
    Manuale introduttivo alla professione di Social Media Manager

  • Con le Parole di è il Podcast di Alloradillo che usa parole di Scrittori non rimaste chiuse tra i denti. 
    I testi vengono letti direttamente dai libri scelti, con l’intento di incuriosire l’ascoltatore verso un autore o un suo libro, per stimolare una riflessione su un argomento ogni volta diverso partendo dal pensiero espresso nel testo.

    Sito Web: https://alloradillo.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Alloradillo.it
    Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/unlibropertutti

    Parte Creativa e Comunicazione: Andrea Giramundo
    Parte Tecnica: Stefania Natale

  • A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce follows the intellectual and emotional development of Stephen Dedalus, a young man in Ireland. The novel traces Stephen's journey from childhood to adulthood as he grapples with religion, family expectations, and his own identity. Through a series of defining moments, including his struggles with Catholic guilt, artistic ambition, and a desire for independence, Stephen ultimately decides to reject traditional social norms and pursue a life dedicated to art. The novel is known for its modernist style, stream-of-consciousness narrative, and exploration of personal and national identity. It portrays Stephen's internal conflicts as he searches for his own voice as an artist and his place in the world. (Summary by Dream Audiobooks)

  • Tolkien in Lettere ha lo scopo di farvi conoscere il professor J.R.R. Tolkien attraverso l'analisi delle lettere raccolte e pubblicate negli anni dal figlio Christopher Tolkien.

    Ad accompagnarvi in questo percorso ci sarà Luke, voce di Radio Brea, la webradio di Sentieri Tolkieniani

  • Un podcast sulla lore e le opere di Brandon Sanderson collegate dal Cosmoverso. Ogni capitolo di ogni libro verrà sviscerato episodio per episodio comparando l’edizione in lingua originale e quella italiana per cogliere tutte le sfumature di queste storie epiche. Tutto questo come un dialogo fra di amici che hanno pensato di condividere con la community le proprie chiacchiere sul Cosmoverso.

  • Let me haunt you gently with classic, old and sometimes forgotten horror stories. Updates every Tuesday.

    In this podcast you will hear the short stories written by the founders of horror literature as well as the lesser-known pieces written by people of color and indigenous authors over the last centuries.

    Contact me: [email protected]

  • 『浮世繪源自日本的藝術形式,描繪當時社會的日常生活、劇場表演、美景以及各種人生百態,





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    🔗二馬表演學堂 IG|https://www.instagram.com/2ma.drama_official/

    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • Durch die Psalmen in einem Jahr. Von vorne bis hinten. Schlicht und einfach.
    Psalmen begleiten mich schon mein ganzes Leben lang- berühren mich, inspirieren mich. Nun möchte ich sie einmal ganz durchlesen, und ich nehme Sie sehr gerne auf diese Reise mit.

    Immer dienstags und freitags wird ein weiterer Psalm zu hören sein und ab und zu auch am Sonntag.

    Bibeltexte: neue Genfer Übersetzung, Musik: Beat Liesch

    Schön, dass Sie dabei sind!