Utbildning – Ukraina – Nya podcasts

  • “Das Bleaching für deine Finanzen!” ist der ultimative Podcast für alle, die ihre finanzielle Gesundheit nicht nur erhalten, sondern strahlend hell leuchten lassen möchten. In jeder Episode taucht unser Finanzfacharzt tief in die Welt der Finanzen ein, um dir die besten Tipps und Tricks für ein gesundes Finanzleben zu vermitteln. Von der richtigen Anlagestrategie über das Vermeiden von Schulden bis hin zu effektiven Sparmethoden – hier bekommst du das komplette Rundum-Paket für dein finanzielles Wohlergehen. Ganz gleich, ob du gerade erst mit dem Sparen beginnst oder schon ein erfahrener Investor bist, dieser Podcast verhilft dir zu einem finanziellen Lächeln, das genauso strahlt wie frisch gebleachte Zähne. Lass dich vom Finanzfacharzt beraten und entdecke, wie du deine Finanzen auf das nächste Level heben kannst!

  • Humanity unified makes a difference. Humanity with education makes a difference. Humanity with equality and fair-play makes a difference.

  • Добро пожаловать на канал "Анатомия Рыбалки"! На этом канале я делюсь своим личным опытом из моей рыбацкой жизни. Ни одна история не выдумана, и в каждой истории есть много важной информации.

  • Пробуждаю на сессии Энергетически Богатую Версию Вас🔥

    вдохновленную Зовом Души✨
    готовую к Триумфальным Переменам🥁🚀


  • "По приколу!" подкаст о подростках, для подростков и немного для их родителей. Создан с любовью самими подростками. Это честный, яркий и дерзкий разговор о жизни подростков. Говорим о стереотипах, трудностях, преодолениях, мечтах и многом другом. Каждый найдёт здесь что-то про себя: подросток - поддержку, родитель - понимание, специалист - опыт.

  •  Я, Аліна, вчитель англійської для дорослих, ділюся корисними порадами та проводжу читацькі виклики, щоб допомогти вам покращити свої навички.

    Тут ви знайдете легкі та доступні рекомендації, а також обговорення важливих аспектів вивчення мови, які зроблять ваш процес навчання ефективним і приємним. 

    Приєднуйтеся до нас, і разом відкриємо світ англійської мови! 

  • Shakespeare For All is an engaging, accessible introduction to the life and work of William Shakespeare, featuring world-class scholars and performers. You’ll learn who Shakespeare was and what historical events shaped his writing. You’ll be guided through his most popular poems and plays by leading scholars, actors, and interpreters of Shakespeare. And you’ll find the tools you need to become an interpreter of Shakespeare yourself and join in the ongoing global discussion his works have inspired. The first course offers a tour through Shakespeare’s moment in history and his life. You’ll also discover strategies for understanding Shakespeare’s stories, characters, and language across his plays. At the heart of the series are courses on Shakespeare’s most thought-provoking and beloved plays. Each begins with a detailed summary of the story. Then, a top Shakespeare scholar takes you on a deep dive into the play’s characters, language, and most important questions. Finally, you’ll hear Shakespeare’s language come to life, with original performances from professional Shakespearean actors. Shakespeare For All also features a course on Shakespeare's sonnets -- his sequence of 154 short poems that explore revolutionary new directions within the conventional poetry of love -- and a bonus course on Game of Thrones and Shakespeare, “The Wooden O and the Iron Throne." Except where otherwise noted, the texts used for this course are from Shakespeare’s Plays, Sonnets and Poems, from The Folger Shakespeare, ed. Barbara Mowat, Paul Werstine, Michael Poston, and Rebecca Niles. Folger Shakespeare Library. Shakespeare For All is a Lyceum original production. Team: Zachary Davis (Executive Producer) Zachary Davis is the president of Lyceum and host of Ministry of Ideas and Writ Large. He has a graduate degree from Harvard Divinity School and is the founder and organizer of the Sound Education conference. Jemma Deer (Associate Producer and Narrator) Jemma Deer is a Researcher in Residence at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, currently working on a book on extinction. She also hosts and produces EcoCast, the official podcast of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE). Maria Devlin McNair (Course Creator and Managing Producer) Maria Devlin McNair received her PhD from Harvard University in English literature with a specialization in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama. She is a writer and Managing Producer for the Harvard Divinity School podcast Ministry of Ideas. She is currently developing a book project on ethics and Renaissance comedy. Jack Pombriant (Composer and Sound Designer) Jack Pombriant is the associate producer of Writ Large. He received his BM from Berklee College of Music, where he studied music composition and production. He is also a graduate of the Salt Institute for Documentary Studies, where he studied radio and podcast production.

  • Подкаст Невесела Перспектива - це сповідь починаючих коміків Сокольця Олександра та Анастасії Веселухи. Як взагалі працює комедія і чи працює вона для початківця, як ми розвиваємось в цьому жанрі і які трудності нас чекають. Чи буде цей шлях тернистим, чи встелений вишиваними рушниками? Чи існує взагалі якась перспектива і чи може вона бути веселою. Дізнаємось разом.

  • We will be sharing short clips on various financial, taxation , technology and various other aspects effecting the Professional world .

  • Welcome to Love Yourself Podcast, the place to cultivate self love, put yourself first and focus on the most important relationship: the one you have with yourself. Instead of worrying about finding a person, this podcast focuses on becoming that person; focusing on your self growth, living your dream life and attracting someone who aligns with the best version of yourself. The first step to is discovering your attachment style. Take my 5 minute attachment quiz to find out https://www.becomingsecure.co.uk/attachment-style

  • In a world that is often fixated on external validation and finding completeness in others, I just want to try to reminds you that you are already enough, just as you are✨ All these episodes are available as videos on my YouTube channel🤍

  • The desire to achieve success is inherent in every human being. It is the desire to grow, do more, achieve more, and to make one’s dreams come true.

    Your dreams can become your reality, if you have a strong desire and are determined to succeed.

    I have recorded a few motivational tips, which I hope would help you through your journey to success.
    Motivational inspirational Quote that Inspire you Get Success in your life. Success, Inspirational, Fitness Motivational speech By-Beast Motivation .

  • This podcast is for the woman who's ready to step into her power, align with her higher self and activate emotional freedom.

    Prepare to be inspired to take bold action while being educated on mindset, breathwork, manifestation, femininity, nervous system, relationships, and lifestyle. I'm passionate about bridging the gap between science and spirituality to tap women into their full potential.

    I also interview fellow overshares who are ready to inspire your ears.

    If you’re ready to start taking radical responsibility to create the life of your dreams, this podcast is for you.

    Lets have some fun! Em xx

  • Розмова без фільтрів – це подкаст про життя, дружбу та справжні історії. Ми говоримо про те, що важливо, про смішне й сумне, серйозне й буденне, завжди залишаючись чесними перед собою та слухачами. Відверті розмови, думки без прикрас і теми, які хвилюють кожну дівчину – усе це в атмосфері затишку та справжньої підтримки.

  • Welcome to the "Casting My Role" podcast. Your host, Mariia, takes you behind the scenes of her life as a student actress in her 20s, navigating London while exploring personal growth, mental health, motivation, and becoming the woman she’s destined to be. Join her as she shares her story of self-discovery, overcoming challenges, and finding the courage to step into the spotlight. Follow my pages on instagram @larinamariia & @castingmyrole !!

  • Это русская озвучка подкаста про самую древнюю науку, который вы поймете даже не будучи философом. Здесь вы узнаете о мыслителях, которые сформировали наш мир и об их идеях в хронологогическом порядке!
    Здесь вы найдете все актуальные ссылки:
    Поддержать можно здесь:

  • Slown podcast to inspiracja do tego aby poszukać swojej drogi do dobrostanu.
    Wierzę, że prawdziwy dobrostan można odnaleźć w tu i teraz.

    Znajdziesz tu inspiracje w obszarach: zmiany myślenia, uważności, słuchaniu siebie, kreowaniu rzeczywistości, intuicji ale też informacje o naukowych badaniach, teoriach związanych z szeroko pojętym dobrostanem i o wszystkim tym, co pozwoli Ci poprawić jakość Twojego życia.

    Jeśli szukasz narzędzi, które pomogą Ci lepiej radzić sobie z codziennymi wyzwaniami takimi jak przebodźcowanie, problemy ze snem, przewlekły stres, uczucie lęku i zmęczenie, czyli elementy chorób cywilizacyjnych XXI wieku, ale też masz chęć uważnego i świadomego życia. To jesteś w dobrym miejscu. Usiądź, włącz kolejny odcinek i posłuchaj.

    Co jakiś czas pojawią się tutaj prowadzone praktyki medytacyjne, które z pewnością wesprą Cię w codziennych wyzwaniach.

    Zacznij od małych kroków i zmieniaj swoją rzeczywistość aby po jakimś czasie poczuć w środku prawdziwy i autentyczny dobrostan.

    Zatrzymaj się, zainspiruj i zadbaj o swoją codzienność. Koniecznie zasubskrybuj ten kanał.

    Na stronie slown.pl znajdziesz więcej inspiracji.

    Kluczowe słowa: medytacja, oddech, uważność, przebodźcowanie, stres, bezsenność, uważność, mindfulness, sen, dobrostan.

  • In this podcast you will learn how to stay motivated in your workplace, how you can stay energized and driven, and also how managers and leaders can create a highly achieving productive workplace. This podcast is dedicated to the study and function of motivation and drive in the workplace.

  • The smartest leaders and happiest humans keep their energy charged up so they can show up as and feel their best every day even when times are stressful!

    The Energy NOW! podcast will help you energize your mind, body, and spirit to drive real growth for yourself, your company, your loved ones, and the world! 

    Kristen's proven methods for work/life alignment and personal power are actionable, fun, AND well-researched. She is an energy mastery expert, bestselling author, worldwide speaker, 15-year corporate leader, widowed mom, RYT-200 yoga teacher, and Master’s-certified holistic coach. 

    Come along as we help you get charged up with Energy NOW!

    Learn more at: www.KristenBrownPresents.com 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.