Konst – Lettland – Nya podcasts
Игорь Батурин расказывает о новом направлении в искусстве и философии под названием КОСМИЧЕСКИЙ РЕАЛИЗМ
Cover art photo provided by chuttersnap on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@chuttersnap -
Découvrez l'univers de différents auteurs par le biais d'une interview.
Raidierakstā divi jaunie latviešu valodas skolotāji un viesi sarunājas par visu, kas atrodams bibliotēkas bēniņos. Galvenokārt par literatūru, bet arī par kino, teātri, mākslu un to, kas notiek aiz loga.
Two girlies who love to read and dish about books. We are best friends, so you know we love to yap! We're going to talk about all things books and all things bullshit. Welcome to our podcast! We hope you enjoy it!Our socials:Goodreads: Sheyanne https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/174975553Goodreads: Ayauna https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/106932043Our Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/booksnbullshitt?igsh=dG02aWo5amIzODM0&utm_source=qr
Мы Соня и Анна
Два друга, дизайнер интерьера и преподаватель немецкого языка, студент и фрилансер, и ещё десяток разных определений можно нам дать, но суть подкаста в том, что мы любим почитать, а потом поговорить об этом.
Поэтому в нашем подкасте вы можете послушать обсуждение книг и впечатления о них.
Мы не даём рецензий и не критикуем, не обладаем экспертизой и не претендуем на звание самого информативного подкаста о книгах.
Мы просто и искренне говорим о том, что думаем и чувствуем.
Инстаграм: @chitaesh_li
Реклама: [email protected] -
BFF's Skylar and Michelle's Broadway tips, tricks, advice, reviews, and adventures!
Follow us on social media:
IG: @loveletterstobwayy
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Business Inquiries: [email protected]
Sara is brought to Miss Minchin's Select Seminary for Young Ladies by her father, Captain Crewe, because the climate in India doesn't agree with children. After several years as Miss Minchin's show pupil, news comes that Captain Crewe has died penniless, and left Sara destitute. Miss Minchin keeps her on as an unpaid drudge, until a mysterious benefactor comes to her aid. (Summary by Karen Savage)
Owing to its highly personal content focused on feminine sexuality, this LibriVox edition was recorded by eight female readers.
The Modern Library edition of The Awakening has an introduction by Kay Gibbons, who writes: “The Awakening shocked turn-of-the-century readers with its forthright treatment of sex and suicide. Departing from literary convention, Kate Chopin failed to condemn her heroine’s desire for an affair with the son of a Louisiana resort owner, whom she meets on vacation. The power of sensuality, the delusion of ecstatic love, and the solitude that accompanies the trappings of middle- and upper-class life are the themes of this now-classic novel.” – As Kay Gibbons points out, Chopin “was writing American realism before most Americans could bear to hear that they were living it.”
To give you an idea of the subject matter, Project Gutenburg catalogues The Awakening under "Adultery -- Fiction -- Women -- Louisiana -- New Orleans -- Social conditions. (Summary by Denny Sayers) -
The William Shakespeare Classics Podcast presents a rich collection of his greatest plays and sonnets. Whether you enjoy gripping tragedies like Macbeth or witty comedies like A Midsummer Night’s Dream, this podcast offers an immersive experience of Shakespeare’s genius.
Welcome to Pen Tales 🎙️— I’m Stefan aka Plastic Pen, a freelance artist from Münster, Germany. In this podcast, I sit down with other artists, illustrators, and creative minds to talk about the real stuff: how we stay inspired, tackle freelance life, and navigate the ups and downs of being creative. No filters, no fluff—just honest, open conversations between two people who turned their passion into their profession.https://pentales.art
grossehalbuer.substack.com -
The podcast where I tell the world about crazy things that happened in my theater. Longer episodes coming.
Il podcast di Ca' Foscari Tour dedicato al tema del viaggio, in occasione dell'anniversario dei settecento anni dalla morte di Marco Polo, realizzato dalle collaboratrici e collaboratori del Tour che prestano le loro voci.
From the hosts of Poog, Jacqueline Novak and Kate Berlant present: Berlant & Novak. New episodes every Tuesday!
The Babylonian Story of the Deluge and the Epic of Gilgamish: With an Account of the Royal Libraries of Nineveh
A short monograph devoted to the Babylonian flood myth and the Epic of Gilgamesh (Standard Babylonian version), dating from the 7th century BC, as found on the clay tablets of the Royal Library of Ashurbanipal at the ancient site of Nineveh, capital of the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The book includes a description of the library and an account of its discovery. The narratives are conveyed through a combination of verbatim translation and paraphrase. The text contains eighteen illustrations. - Summary by Kazbek -
Art Explorerz — это подкаст о современном искусстве.
Каждый выпуск — это небольшое арт-путешествие, где мы без снобизма будем говорить о современном искусстве, разбираться в его сути и открывать новые точки на арт-карте.
Подкаст Art Explorerz — ваш проводник в мир современного искусства и сообщество людей, которые объединены любовью к прекрасному.
3 books
Readers theater script for EDU 629
Bookaholics is a podcast dedicated entirely to books. We host book discussions, book reviews, and book recommendations. Welcome aboard! Follow us on social media at IG @boo.kaholics or facebook.com/bookstore.hcm
There are very few persons who have not heard of the fame of Peter the Great, the founder, as he is generally regarded by mankind, of Russian civilization. The celebrity, however, of the great Muscovite sovereign among young persons is due in a great measure to the circumstance of his having repaired personally to Holland, in the course of his efforts to introduce the industrial arts among his people, in order to study himself the art and mystery of shipbuilding, and of his having worked with his own hands in a ship-yard there. The little shop where Peter pursued these practical studies still stands in Saardam, a ship-building town not far from Amsterdam. The building is of wood, and is now much decayed; but, to preserve it from farther injury, it has been encased in a somewhat larger building of brick, and it is visited annually by great numbers of curious travelers.
The whole history of Peter, as might be expected from the indications of character developed by this incident, forms a narrative that is full of interest and instruction for all.
(from the Preface of Peter the Great) - Visa fler