Ungern – Nya podcasts

  • JDotLittles alongside Zulu Jeff and Rich Vega host a weekly show to highlight and comment on trending topics in classic hip hop culture, primarily the golden era of hip hop.

  • Ally Hall, Gavin Listro, and Bella Dix break down one song a week and discuss the track's place in the artist's discography, its themes and lyrics, and its personal significance.

  • Listen in as we talk about all things her-sex related: from pleasure to dysfunction, from the physical to the emotional, and everything in between. Dr. Leslie Wakefield, Pelvic Physical Therapist, bring her sexuality into the forefront and discusses topics that have been hush-hush for far too long. Wondering if this podcast is for you? If you are "her" or were once assigned "her" or are interested in "her" then yes, yes it is!

  • American-German psychologist Erik Erikson said that teenagrrs go through an 'Indentity Crisis' in what he called 'Identity Vs Role confusion'. This is exactly what the podcast is about. It majorly focuses on 'Gender identity and Sexual Orientation during Adolescence'. It covers 3 episodes answering questions ranging from what does gender mean to why is this identification important for adolescents.

  • 모든 레즈비언을 위한 특별한 공간
    언제든, 함께 모여 앉아 연애, 일상, 고민 이야기를 마음껏 나눌 수 있는 공간
    편안한 휴식을 취할 수 있는 공간
    레즈 셰어하우스에 오신 여러분을 환영합니다!

  • By a guy with a mouth, for people with ears.

  • Tanuljunk együtt, mosolyogjunk! Végülis ezért vagyunk itt.

  • Gondolkodtál már azon, hogy milyen lenne az életed, ha a legmerészebb álmaidat élnéd?
    Milyen lenne az életed, ha senkinek a nézőpontjával, ítéletével, hitrendszerével nem foglalkoznál?
    Hol élnél, kivé válnál, mit hoznál létre?
    Egyáltalán, mennyire éljük a saját életünket, és mennyire másokét?
    A letisztulás podcastben heti szinten rántjuk le a leplet a vélt valódi valóságunkról.
    Tarts velünk és formáljuk át együtt a valóságunkat!

    Social media:

  • Fitness, Life, Motivation, Mental Health, Mindset

  • «‎психиатра вызывали?» — подкаст о том, какие диагнозы ставит нам интернет.

    в каждом эпизоде подкаста мы разбираем стереотипы о нашумевших диагнозах и пытаемся понять, насколько верную картинку создают вокруг них медиа. а помогает нам в этом профессиональный психиатр.

  • A reggeli rutin megalapozza az egész napot, következetes betartása pedig pozitívan hat az életünkre is.

    A podcastben orvosokkal, szakemberekkel és további érdekes vendéggel beszélgetünk arról, hogyan lehet megtalálni a vitalitás és az élethosszig tartó egészség kulcsát. Kapcsolatot keresünk a belek egészsége és a szervezet különféle funkciói között, legyen szó emésztésről, immunitásról vagy a bőr egészségéről. Valódi tapasztalatokat és szakmailag ellenőrzött információkat közlünk.

    Ezt a podcast-et a Symprove tette lehetővé – élő és aktív probiotikum a kiegyensúlyozott bélflóráért.

  • Welcome to the GET IN with Debbie Rosas podcast where I open the door to the captivating world of living and thriving in your Body + Life as I uncover stories and hidden body and life wisdom treasures. Join me and my special guests as we embark on a journey of exploring the magic of body, mind, emotions, and spirit wisdom to unravel the mystery of human potential.

    In each episode, I will delve deep into the heart of what makes living and moving in the body a magical experience. Whether you're just starting your Body + Life personal growth journey or are a seasoned investor, or simply fascinated by the world of sensation science; the Body’s Way philosophy and anatomy, music, sound, and resonance, martial art, dance and healing movement arts, holistic fitness, health, and well-being contains a treasure trove of valuable knowledge and expertise for everyone in each episode. I leave no stone unturned in my purpose to inspire you to feel to heal, and in my quest to enlighten you to fall in love with your Body + Life.

    Thank you for listening,

    About Debbie Rosas:

    For over 40 years, Debbie Rosas has been a passionate global leader and visionary in the mind-body fitness movement guiding thousands of people to ‘feel to heal’ and transform their bodies and their lives through the power and practice of Nia.

    As a Somatic Fitness expert Debbie Rosas shares her passion for health and wellness and the joy of movement through trainings, workshops and programs online and around the world.

    As a Visionary Leader, Debbie shares expansive tools for holistic living in her “Get In” podcast, The Awakening Project and more. Visit DebbieRosas.com and take your wellness journey to a new level!

  • Beszélgetések az emberi természetről, a pszichológiáról a mélyebb megértés iránt érdeklődőknek Dr. Vasadi Anna szegedi pszichiáterrel, akinek 45 évnyi orvosi és terápiás tapasztalata segít annak megértésében, hogy miért is vagyunk mi emberek olyanok, amilyenek.

    (Intro/outro zene: Old Streets by Crystal Squad)

  • Explore the realms of innovation with “AQUARIUS DAILY HOROSCOPE.” Our forward-thinking astrologers provide unique readings, helping the progressive Aquarius embrace their individuality and drive for change. Let the stars guide you toward a future of innovation and authenticity.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Jonas und Michl graben für euch jede Woche Unbekanntes, Brandneues und längst Vergessenes aus der Musikwelt aus. Hört rein für zwei Stunden feinste Unterhaltung! Jeden Dienstagabend LIVE für euch im Studio!

  • "Johan Cruyff Audio Biography" is a captivating podcast that delves into the life and legacy of the legendary Dutch footballer, Johan Cruyff. Listeners are taken on a captivating journey, exploring Cruyff's remarkable career, his innovative playing style, and his profound impact on the game of football. Through in-depth interviews, historical accounts, and insightful analysis, this podcast paints a vivid portrait of one of the sport's most influential figures, leaving listeners with a deeper appreciation for Cruyff's enduring influence on the sport he so passionately loved.

    For more info go to https://www.quietperiodplease....

    Check out these deals https://amzn.to/3zlo77e

  • Buford, Justin, and Ty Barrett discuss anything and everything that has to do with stock dogs. Their combined experience as trainers, trialers, judges as well as their Oklahoma country charm puts them in a unique position to help people learn more about this amazing sport through their stories and lessons in this podcast