Marocko – Nya podcasts
Die Haustauscher Kathi und Nina haben sich vor vielen Jahren im Internet kennengelernt und teilen neben vielen gemeinsamen Leidenschaften die Liebe zum Reisen per Haustausch. Was vor fast einem Vierteljahrhundert begann, um günstigen Familienurlaub zu erleben, ist längst zu einer großen Leidenschaft des Individualreisens mit vielen unglaublichen Abenteuern geworden.
Kathi Zieschang und Nina Pohl -
A selection of home movie attraction and ride videos from Disneyland and Walt Disney World, from an ever-growing archive of over 200 hours of footage from 1999 on. (206) 203-0227.
On Tales From the DC Multiverse: The Podcast, hosts Adam Basciano and Travis Hynes chat about all things DC: film, TV, comics, etc.! Join us weekly for an adventure through the DC multiverse!
Talkshow Audio:Freedom First
„Die Filmneurotiker“ ist ein Podcast, in dem Filme aller Art besprochen werden: Vom trashigen B-Movie bis zum Meilenstein der Filmgeschichte ist von allem etwas dabei. Wer auf der Suche nach guten Filmen ist und sich auch für deren Hintergründe interessiert, ist hier richtig!
Logo: Created by Isabel Martinez Isabel from the Noun Project (CC 3.0)
Music: / Simon Bowman / Hide and seek (CC-BY-ND-NC 1.0) -
The Entertainment Times
Alfred Hitchcock's transition to television with "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" in 1955 cemented his status as a pop culture icon. His signature "gallows humor" added a layer of dark wit to the show's exploration of psychological themes, much like Raymond's sardonic interjections in the old-time radio horror favorite "Inner Sanctum." Despite being a master visual filmmaker, Hitchcock's radio work remains relatively lesser-known. However, he was a savvy marketer who effectively utilized radio to promote his films. His appearances on popular radio shows like "Lux Radio Theater," "Screen Director's Playhouse," "Screen Guild Theater," "Suspense," and "Academy Award Theater," among others, helped elevate his public image and generate anticipation for his latest cinematic creations. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.
Get ready to be inspired by Vaughn, co-founder of Results-Driven Leadership. He is not your average leadership development expert. As a co-founder of Results-Driven Leadership and former Carmax executive, he knows what it takes to be a high-impact leader and manager. Rather than offering theory, his coaching and training programs provide common-sense advice and direction based on real-world experience. It's no wonder that Carmax, the country's largest and most respected company in the auto industry, is a Fortune 100 Best Places to Work.
Vaughn's leadership methods are sure to impress. His mission is to improve the impact of executives and managers by enhancing their knowledge, skills, and abilities. His motto says it all: "No matter what business you're in, you're in the people business." -
The crux of these stroy was all about prince and his greedyness,stay turned and enjoy the full gist
Disfruta de cuentos suaves e imaginativos diseñados para calmar y captar la atención de los más pequeños. Cada historia utiliza un lenguaje sencillo y cautivador, con temas reconfortantes, ofreciendo una experiencia de escucha sin anuncios ni interrupciones.
Se publica un nuevo episodio cada día, trayendo nuevas aventuras para hacer de cada historia antes de dormir algo especial. -
Idées en évolution est un balado qui cherche à découvrir le parcours de personnes de différents horizons ayant commenté, analysé et pensé notre monde contemporain dans l’espoir que ceux-ci inspirent, qu’ils prêtent à la réflexion sur nos propres cheminements respectifs ainsi que de transmettre et partager une expérience et un savoir acquis par les années et la réflexion.
Nos invités proviennent de tous les domaines, que ce soit des essayistes, entrepreneurs, hommes et femmes politiques qui sont de gauche, de droite ou même de l’extrême centre, des universitaires, journalistes, d’architectes, d’ingénieurs, cinéastes, pour ne nommer que ceux-ci.
Espaço de reflexão sobre grandes temas atuais no Brasil e no mundo, com uma abordagem lúcida e equilibrada, com respeito aos ouvintes e à pluralidade de idéias.
Μια μεγάλη σειρά εκπομπών με θέμα τα fake news και την παραποληροφόρηση. Co-funded by the European Pilot project CALYPSO – Collaborative AnaLYsis, and exPosure of diSinfOrmation, under the CNECT/2020/5464403 programme of the European Union under grant agreement LC-01682258.
على طاولة «منشور» نتناقش مع ضيوفنا ونأخذكم إلى أسئلة تبحث عن إجابات
caritalks ist der Podcast zu sozialen Themen der Caritas in NRW, nicht nur für Führungskräfte der Sozialwirtschaft. In regelmäßigen Episoden berichten wir über Themen aus unserem Netzwerk. Wir bereiten Informationen, Perspektiven und Argumente aus der sozialen Arbeit auf. Wir führen Gespräche mit Expertinnen und Experten des sozialen Sektors und berichten von Projekten und Veranstaltungen.
caritalks ist Teil der gemeinsamen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der fünf Diözesan-Caritasverbände in Nordrhein-Westfalen. -
Le 9 janvier 2015, deux jours après l’attentat de Charlie Hebdo, le supermarché Hyper Cacher de la porte de Vincennes à Paris est à son tour attaqué par un terroriste. Après les journalistes, ce sont les Juifs qui sont ciblés dans cette prise d’otages qui laissera derrière elle quatre morts (Philippe Braham, Yohan Cohen, Yohav Hattab et François Michel Saada) et de nombreux rescapés traumatisés. Dix ans plus tard, que sont devenues les personnes directement touchées par cet attentat ? Cette série de témoignages donne la parole aux otages, mais aussi à leur famille et aux professionnels qui leur ont porté secours.
Réalisation: Elisa Azogui-Burlac et Myriam Levain, Milim
Montage: Elisa Azogui-Burlac Mixage et musiques: Kevin 0’Leary
Production: Conseil Représentatif des Institutions juives de France (Crif) -
"Raised during Reagan, suffered through Clinton" - Andrew Wilkow provides perfectly executed political analysis and unmistakable opinions in "one thing and one thing only...and that is rational thought." Individual Patriot first, conservative second, Republican third, reach Andrew at 866-95-PATRIOT.
This an interactive podcast talking about the football world and issues that affect the modern game pf football in their various leagues and at international Level. More importantly we always try to have a laugh
A Weekly discussion of the NBA with two former Class clowns clowning In The Back of the Class
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