Hongkong – Nya podcasts
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Casual Conversations With: Evan Estrada and Christian Raitt
Welcome you groovy so and so’s join us weekly as Que and Co discuss a variety topics including, Current events, Politics, Music, Sports etc.
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干语桥 trash talk bridge
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Be stressfree,Let’s have a talk.
學習人生智慧,過得不好的人會找到出口;過得好的人,更能夠步步高升!本節目出自章成禪師文字作品。閱讀文字請搜尋「章成禪師的無盡法界」官網https://www.infiniteworldofzhangcheng.com追蹤章成禪師臉書:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100044322975134--Hosting provided by SoundOn
We support and spotlight an eclectic mix of alternative musicians that we love. Hopefully, you too, will spiral off to discover all our featured artists further, buy their music, support a local show, and continue this spiral of love!
Os contamos y analizamos para vosotros todas las novedades y artículos tecnológicos que se lanzan. Smartphones, Tablets, Wareables, Drones, toda la tecnología tiene su lugar en One-Tech.es
Welcome to "Beyond Motion" the podcast where we explore human performance and dive into the latest innovations, research, and stories shaping the field of biomechanics. Join us as we explore the intersection of technology, human movement, and optimization, brought to you by Noraxon.
Building an indie app business is a journey full of challenges, insights, and lessons learned. Worklog is a behind-the-scenes look at my experience designing, developing, and growing Sofa, an iOS app that helps you be more intentional with your downtime.
I’m Shawn Hickman—a designer, developer, and indie app creator—sharing my process, what I’m working on, and the hard (and fun) parts of running a solo business. Whether it’s app development, YouTube, marketing, or unexpected lessons along the way, Worklog is an open journal of everything that goes into turning an idea into a sustainable indie business.
If you’re an indie maker, aspiring developer, or just curious about the process, tune in—and don’t hesitate to reach out! 👋
https://www.shawnhickman.me/worklog-podcast/ -
▼JuN氏のポッドキャスト「MUSICA PEDIA」
https://open.spotify.com/show/2YFo4XJMfqbwDtlDehH2gd?si=rDEiCflYSemh7J54dbwarQ -
"The Golden Hour: All About Retrievers" is a captivating podcast that delves into the world of retriever dogs, a beloved breed known for their intelligence, loyalty, and versatility. Each episode explores the rich history, training techniques, and unique characteristics of various retriever breeds, from the iconic Labrador to the elegant Golden Retriever. Listeners will gain valuable insights from expert interviews, personal anecdotes, and in-depth discussions on the care, health, and enrichment of these beloved canine companions. Whether you're a retriever enthusiast or simply curious about these remarkable dogs, "The Golden Hour" promises an engaging and informative journey that celebrates the essence of these remarkable animals.
For more info go to https://www.quietplease.ai
Check out these deals https://amzn.to/3zlo77e -
內容千奇百怪~多數千禧世代年輕人的各種煩惱!在這裏也許會獲得共鳴、也可能會產生不認同,但在這個什麼事情都有可能發生的時代,聊天浪去吧會包容所有不同的聲音~來吧!聊天吧!一起Talk Talk
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Enter the delightful world of "Uncle Wiggily's Story Book" by Howard R. Garis. Follow the adventures of Uncle Wiggily, a lovable rabbit, and his woodland friends in this charming collection of children's stories. Perfect for young listeners and those young at heart.
"The Story Book of Science" by Jean-Henri Fabre brings the wonders of the natural world to life for curious minds. This podcast explores Fabre's fascinating explanations of nature, animals, and scientific phenomena, perfect for young listeners and science enthusiasts alike.
Analyzing ho the movie Kong Fu Panda comments on body positivity and self belief.
قصه گویی هفتگی چهارشنبه های کتابخانه عمومی قائمیه اشکنان . قصه گو: خاله مرضیه
Dr. Sean covers deep and powerful headlines that affect the African-American community and gives advice to guests who are in need.
靈魂屁護所的誕生是希望能夠用很輕鬆的方式聊「靈性」,因為 Justie 老司講話常常很難咀嚼,但反覆聽、持續嚼,你會悟出生活的美好滋味!!!在還沒下嚥之前,Bessy & Jess 決定下海一起當不專業的翻譯蒟蒻(Q),跟我們三位一起體驗不同視角的靈性生活吧。
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/n.jzone/
【關於 Justie aka J】
Justie 是不推崇用藥的藥師 / 自然醫學醫師 / 能量療癒師,於醫藥生技產業服務25年來,建議患者不過度依賴化學藥物,採自然療法結合保健品,藉由生活形式、飲食、信念轉換,於身心靈三位一體調整,成功扭轉並維持 500 位以上患者之健康狀態。Justie 在靈性修習有很深體悟,深知情緒償債、疾病與心靈狀況息息相關,希望透過自身修習經驗與天生之感應能力,正確引導他人拿回內在力量。
📌 陽明大學藥理所
📌 高考與國考之藥師證照
📌 藥師執業執照
📌 美國自然醫學會-自然醫學醫師證照
📌 自然療法推廣與實踐者
📌 身心靈健康企業講座講師
📌 醫療院所及企業培訓管理顧問
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