Utbildning – Portugal – Nya podcasts
microdose de Maus Hábitos
Bem-vindo ao podcast da Conservação num Clique. Todas as semanas, a Conservadora Diana Bencatel explora consigo o fascinante mundo da preservação de coleções de forma descontraída e descomplicada.
Quer seja profissional de um museu, arquivo, biblioteca, ou apenas goste de objetos antigos ou de arte, encontrará aqui estratégias práticas para cuidar ainda melhor do património que está ao seu cuidado.
Descubra em www.conservacaonumclique.com mais recursos de Conservação úteis.
E não se esqueça de subscrever, avaliar e comentar o podcast onde o estiver a ouvir. -
Blood and Marble: Learn Spanish with the History of Rome is a Spanish-language podcast designed for intermediate learners!
This series will help you improve your Spanish listening skills through the captivating history of the Roman Empire. Each episode is presented in Spanish at an intermediate level, so you can expand your vocabulary and comprehension while immersing yourself in one of the world’s most influential ancient civilizations.
As you listen, simply relax and enjoy the unfolding story. Don’t worry about catching every word or phrase—just let the narrative carry you along. Allow yourself to get lost in the adventure, and you’ll soon find the language becoming more familiar, growing your understanding naturally with each episode. -
Willkommen zum SynapseLingo Arabisch lernen Podcast! Tauche ein in eine spannende Welt des Sprachenlernens mit unterhaltsamen Lerntexten und mitreißenden Songs in verschiedenen Sprachkombinationen. Jede Episode bietet dir eine einzigartige Mischung aus Bildung und Unterhaltung, die deinen Sprachkenntnissen Flügel verleiht. Hör zu, lerne mit und genieße dabei eingängige Melodien, die dir helfen, die Sprache spielerisch zu meistern. Perfekt für unterwegs, im Auto oder zu Hause – SynapseLingo macht Sprachenlernen zum Vergnügen.
ยกBienvenidos a 'Spanish with David - Espaรฑol con David'! Este podcast es tu compaรฑero perfecto para aprender y mejorar tu espaรฑol de una manera divertida y efectiva. Diseรฑado para estudiantes de niveles bรกsico, intermedio y avanzado, es decir, de todos los niveles, cada episodio te ofrece una experiencia de aprendizaje completa y diferente. Este podcast se va a dividir en bloques emocionantes, gramรกtica Express: 5 minutos de explicaciones claras sobre reglas gramaticales esenciales. Narrativas Intermedias: 5-10 minutos de relatos mรกs complejos para desafiar tus habilidades.
รnete a David en este viaje lingรผรญstico y cultural por el mundo hispanohablante.
Un abrazo, y cuรญdate.
ยกWelcome to 'Spanish with David - Espaรฑol con David'! This podcast is your perfect companion for learning and improving your Spanish in a fun and effective way. Designed for students at beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, in other words, for all levels, each episode offers you a complete and unique learning experience. This podcast is divided into exciting segments: Grammar Express: 5 minutes of clear explanations on essential grammar rules. Intermediate Narratives: 5-10 minutes of more complex tales to challenge your skills.
Join David on this linguistic and cultural journey through the Spanish-speaking world.
Follow the newsletter:
Website: https://spanishwithdavid.notion.site/
Spotify: https://open.spotify/show/spanish-with-david
Apple podcast: Apple Podcasts - Spanish with David - Espaรฑol con David
Deezer: Deezer - spanish with david | Espaรฑol con David
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Spanish_with_David
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastspanishwithdavid/
A hug and take care.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Este podcast รฉ realizado no รขmbito do Doutoramento em Didรกtica das Lรญnguas - Multilinguismo e Educaรงรฃo para a Cidadania Global.
Conta com a participaรงรฃo de alunos de portuguรชs europeu de nรญvel B2-C1 e, em alguns episรณdios, de falantes nativos.
Se tu tambรฉm รฉs estudante de nรญvel B2 ou C1 e quiseres participar neste podcast, entra em contacto connosco atravรฉs de [email protected] -
Bem-vindos ao podcast 'Todos os caminhos vão dar ao aroma'. Aqui vamos explorar o mundo da perfumaria e tentar descobrir como se faz um perfume.
Todos os dias, a Elsa Teixeira vai partilhar com os ouvintes coisas que aprendeu ao longo da vida.
A melhor forma de tirar pastilha elรกstica da roupa ou de comer um pastel de nata (com ou sem colher?). O que se deve vestir primeiro: calรงas ou as meias? Como preservar mais tempo o fiambre no frigorรญfico ou se passar a ferro รฉ ou nรฃo um desperdรญcio?
E vai ser sempre รบtil? Temos esperanรงa de que sim, mas nรฃo podemos garantir!
De segunda a sexta-feira, ร s 7h20, nas Manhรฃs da M80.
A collection of life-defining stories, experiences and journeys. Letโs take an unfiltered, unedited and inspiring look at life & itโs unique stories and explore the unconventional ways we can become better versions of ourselves. From growing up beneath the streets to a career in professional wrestling, reality tv and running into burning buildings, King uses his personal experiences and journeys to narrate a path to healing. Real, raw and riveting topics with an unrelenting host. The chapters we write may be different, but no matter the story, we all need a little therapy.
Nova mente, nova vida. Neste Podcast vamos olhar a novas formas de ver o mundo. Acredito plenamente que todos somos capazes de mais e melhor. Assim sendo, o Podcast "Nova Mentalidade" quer trazer-te novos horizontes e retirar possíveis limitações.
Introdução história da educação na Grécia e em Roma.
The Thriveology of Living Podcast is where science, spirit, mind, spirit, and body meet.
Um pequeno projeto para 2025, de um jovem português.
Podendo ser visto como uma jornada inspiradora de crescimento pessoal ou então como um enorme desperdício de tempo sem qualquer ganho, mas só no final saberemos. -
Are you healing from religious trauma, questioning past beliefs, or rebuilding your sense of purpose?
Mindful Deconstruction is your supportive guide through the journey of deconstructing old narratives and creating a meaningful, authentic life.
Hosted by Mindfulness Coach Jeremy West, this podcast explores the unique challenges of leaving religious systems, from navigating self-doubt to redefining spirituality and purpose.
Each episode offers insights, practical mindfulness tools, and healing conversations to help you find peace, resilience, and a community that understands your path.
Join us as we unravel old beliefs, cultivate self-compassion, and empower you to thrive beyond religion.
New episodes released daily to support you on your path to mindful healing and transformation.
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Motivasi dan harapan baru akan kamu temukan bagi kamu yang haus santapan anjuran. Dengarkan dulu dan kamu akan setuju.
We all have a story. This podcast shares many from all walks of life.
Life is complex, these stories should help us navigate it.
The host Egan, is a 23 year old psychology graduate. This podcast is a vehicle for him to explore his curiosity with real stories, deep reflections & new ideas.
Lots of stories, we all learn.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to The Portuguese School Podcast! I’m Ana, your guide on this journey to mastering European Portuguese. In each episode, we’ll explore a range of topics designed to improve your language skills and deepen your cultural understanding. Whether you’re looking to build confidence in conversation, expand your vocabulary, or simply enjoy learning Portuguese in a relaxed, informal setting, this podcast is for you. Tune in to enhance your language skills and make learning Portuguese an enjoyable experience!
Hi! Join me, Jemma Sbeg, on Mantra, your weekly guide to embracing growth while navigating life’s twists and turns. Every Monday, I bring you a new mantra, breaking it down to show you how you can apply it to your own life. Whether you’re facing a major transition or looking to evolve your everyday routine, Mantra is the podcast for you. Join me every Monday for reflections, practical tips, and personal insights that’ll inspire you to live with intention and unlock your true potential.
Hyperfocus is a show that zeroes in on what fascinates us about ADHD, mental health, and learning.
Big questions like, “Does ADHD make you more likely to have postpartum depression?” Little nitpicks (TikTok was wrong about something?!), and personal conversations with everyone from old bosses and hilarious comedians, to leading researchers.
Because on this show, hyperfocus isn’t the distraction — it’s the assignment. - Visa fler