Konst – Ungern – Nya podcasts
Egy testvérpár, akik a húszas éveikben úgy élik meg a quarter-life krízit, hogy indítanak egy podcastet irodalomról, anélkül, hogy értenének hozzá. Aztán hátha valakit érdekel.
Peyer Gyuri vagyok, és ez itt Magyarország egyetlen pizzás podcastja, a ”Pizzaalkímia podcast”, amelyben néha egymagam, néha számomra releváns szakmabeliekkel tárjuk fel a pizzás világ legmélyebb bugyrait. A pizzakészítés több, mint egy szakma, több annál, hogy dagasztunk, pihentetünk, nyújtunk és sütünk. Podcast sorozatomban a pizza világviszonylati fejlődésének történelmi jelentőségeiről, a tészta biokémiájáról, de a szakma szépségeiről is beszélgetünk majd. A pizzakészítés fogalmát egy remélhetőleg teljesen egyedi aspektusból mutatom be nektek.
A Magvető Kiadó podcast csatornája.
Hey there, folks! Today we're gonna dive into the wild and wonderful world of raw milk. Now, I know some of you might be scratching your heads, thinking, "What in the heck is raw milk, and why should I care?" Well, let me tell you, it's a topic that's been causing quite a stir in the food community, and it's high time we explore it together. So, what exactly is raw milk? It's pretty simple, really. Raw milk is milk that hasn't been put through the pasteurization process, which is basically just heating it up to kill off any nasty bacteria that might be lurking inside. Some folks swear by raw milk, saying it's chock-full of nutrients and tastes better than the pasteurized stuff you get at the store. But others, well, they're not so sure. They point out that drinking raw milk can be risky business, as it might contain some pretty nasty bugs that can make you sick. Now, let's take a little stroll down memory lane. Before pasteurization became the norm in the early 1900s, everyone was drinking raw milk. It wasn't until this clever fellow named Louis Pasteur came along in the 1860s and figured out that heating milk could help prevent folks from getting sick with things like tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and brucellosis. Pasteurization quickly caught on, and it's been the standard ever since. But here's where things get interesting. Some people believe that pasteurization actually destroys a lot of the good stuff in milk, like enzymes, vitamins, and probiotics. They say that raw milk is a superfood that can help with everything from digestion to allergies to skin health. They argue that when you pasteurize milk, you're basically stripping away all the things that make it so darn good for you. On the other hand, health experts and organizations like the CDC and FDA aren't so convinced. They say that the nutritional differences between raw and pasteurized milk are pretty small potatoes, and that the risks of drinking raw milk far outweigh any potential benefits. They point out that raw milk can contain some seriously nasty bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella, and Listeria, which can make you really sick, especially if you're a kid, pregnant, or have a weakened immune system. And let me tell you, folks, they're not just blowing smoke. The CDC has reported some pretty scary cases of people getting sick from drinking raw milk. Between 2007 and 2012, there were 81 outbreaks linked to raw milk across 26 states, resulting in almost a thousand illnesses and 73 hospitalizations. That's no joke, my friends. But despite the risks, there's no denying that raw milk has a certain allure. Maybe it's the idea of drinking something straight from the cow, or maybe it's the belief that it's a more natural and wholesome choice. Whatever the reason, demand for raw milk has been on the rise in recent years. Now, the legality of raw milk is a bit of a patchwork quilt across the United States. In some states, you can buy it right off the shelf at the store, while in others, you can only get it through special farm shares or herd shares. And in some states, selling raw milk is strictly verboten. It's important to note that federal law prohibits the interstate sale or distribution of raw milk, so you can't just go shipping it willy-nilly across state lines. But for those who are determined to drink raw milk, there are some important safety measures to keep in mind. First and foremost, you want to make sure you're getting your raw milk from a reputable farm that takes hygiene and animal health seriously. Look for farms that regularly test their milk for pathogens and keep their facilities squeaky clean. It's not a guarantee against getting sick, but it can certainly help reduce the risks. Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "But Ule, what about all those amazing health benefits I keep hearing about?" And hey, I get it. It's hard to resist the siren song of a superfood that promises to cure all your ills. But the truth is, a lot of those claims are anecdotal at best. Sure, you might hear stories of people who switched to raw milk and suddenly felt like a million bucks, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was the milk that did the trick. At the end of the day, the decision to drink raw milk is a personal one. Some folks feel strongly that the benefits outweigh the risks, while others prefer to err on the side of caution. What's important is that you have all the facts before you make that choice. So, there you have it, folks. The wild and wacky world of raw milk. It's a topic that's sure to get people talking, whether they're die-hard devotees or skeptical naysayers. But one thing's for sure – it's never a dull moment when it comes to the stuff we put in our bodies. Now, I know I've thrown a lot of information at you today, but don't worry. You don't have to become a raw milk expert overnight. The most important thing is to keep an open mind, do your research, and make the decision that feels right for you and your family. And hey, if you do decide to take the raw milk plunge, just remember to be safe out there. Source your milk from a trusted farm, keep it refrigerated, and drink it up before it has a chance to spoil. And if you start feeling a little under the weather after downing a glass, don't hesitate to seek medical attention. Better safe than sorry, as they say. But above all, remember that food is meant to be enjoyed. Whether you prefer your milk raw, pasteurized, or even plant-based, the most important thing is that it brings a smile to your face and nourishment to your body. So go forth, my friends, and explore the wide world of dairy (or non-dairy) delights. Your taste buds will thank you. And who knows? Maybe one day, we'll all look back on this raw milk debate and chuckle at how worked up we got over a little old beverage. But until then, let's keep the conversation going, keep learning, and keep savoring every last drop of this crazy, beautiful thing we call life. So, that's all for now, folks. We wish you happy, healthy eating. Until next time, keep on exploring, and don't be afraid to take a walk on the wild side of the dairy aisle. Cheers!
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I’m Andy, and I’m a kids book illustrator obsessed with the concept of how you can change course from that of the starving artist to the path of the thriving artist.
I believe all the answers are out there right in front of us in the artists we know and love. Because as they say success leaves clues, so I’m becoming part detective and part guinea pig. As each week I’ll be interviewing artists that are making money, surviving and thriving. Then I'll be implementing what I learn in my own creative practice. -
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This is the story "Little Red Hen"
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This book is a good reference on the perennial flower gardening and landscaping. It contains information on growing the plants from seed and explains how to grow and care for the traditional garden flowering plants, bulbs, trees, and shrubs. There are sections covering all aspects of ornamental gardens including water gardens and caring for house plants in the winter. The author has lots of unexpected but good advice in her chapter of Don’ts, for example: “ Don’t supply with cut flowers, plants and the like, people who spend more money for unnecessary luxuries than you do for your whole garden, and then tell you how foolish you are to spend so much time and money, and work so hard for your flowers.” As this shows, the author is at times as colorful as the flowers in this informative book (Summary by A.L. Gramour)
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BIOLOGIQUE, c’est le podcast qui répond à toutes les questions que tu peux te poser sur les produits laitiers bio. Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire ? Comment sont-ils produits ? Quelles sont les normes à respecter ? Pourquoi sont-ils souvent plus chers que les produits non-bio ?
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Hébergé par Audion. Visitez https://www.audion.fm/fr/privacy-policy pour plus d’informations. -
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