Vetenskap – Taiwan – Nya podcasts
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This is your Bird Flu Bulletin: Daily H5N1 Update podcast.
Discover the essential updates on the global bird flu situation with "Bird Flu Bulletin: Daily H5N1 Update." This daily podcast delivers concise, factual news briefs, keeping you informed on the latest H5N1 developments. Each episode, featuring a professional news bulletin style with a crisp and factual tone, provides the top three stories in the last 24 hours, tracks changes in case numbers, and shares new guidance or statements from health authorities. Gain valuable insights from brief expert interviews, and prepare for future dynamics with our "Looking Ahead" section that forecasts tomorrow's anticipated developments. Stay ahead of the curve with our daily 3-minute episodes, expertly tailored for those seeking up-to-the-minute information on bird flu. Tune in to stay informed and proactive about this critical global health issue.
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Making research accessible to all.
Hosted by the University of Glasgow’s School of Social & Environmental Sustainability to help bridge the gap between academia, research and the wider world.
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Don't think it's important? Wrong. Hi. I'm Evan, and I too thought global warming wasn't anything important, but countless rises of heat and animals losing their habitats to global warming has taught me a lesson. Find more about this in my global warming podcast.
Falando sobre aquecimento global
Exposing the underlying physiological mechanisms of behavior.
🍄恭喜你開啟了《孤獨菇的生活地圖》🍄_當你一個人坐在餐廳角落吃著晚餐,看著大街上成雙成對的人來人往時,你是否會感到格外孤獨?又或者,你非常外享受這種獨處的時光?無論你認為,孤獨是一種負擔,還是一種享受,這個頻道都是為你而生。在孤獨中摸索自我、了解孤獨、挑戰孤獨、接受孤獨,然後找到自己,讓孤獨菇探索隊帶大家一起深度探索孤獨的各種面貌吧!--Hosting provided by SoundOn
For teens, By teens - working to help teenagers learn more about mental health. By Brainwave Teen Psychology
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
又是一個不重要的一天你還是認真的活過來了日常總是會產生一些邊角料或許沒什麼營養價值但還是可以閒來嚼嚼舌根跟著我們一起聊聊人生唄😎--Hosting provided by SoundOn
我們時而傳播健康,時而分享快樂。康樂股長有兩股,年輕時都挺嚴肅,中年轉型康樂股。一股是日本東京大學醫學博士婷婷,一股是IFA英國國際芳香療法治療師弘馨,有事沒事都把研究、實踐與體驗各種健康快樂的方案當回事。自己也曾經或一直在經歷疾病的千錘百鍊,走過理性與感性、經驗與超驗的各種療癒歷程,我們好好地生活、工作,真心地愛生命、喜歡世界。在這裡,我們談:時間健康學(很玄妙吧)、如何讓自律神經變得很協調(重度自律神經失調者的康復告白)、芳香療法三部曲(見山是山or見山不是山)、健檢數字批流年、功能醫學喜蝦米、營養品紅海大亂鬥、不開伙的精準營養、旅行、閱讀、喇低賽……幸運的我們,心中所愛與工作領域合而為一。我們相信:健康快樂是人不可分割、互相影響的重要組成。我們想要:與大家一起探索,修習健康快樂的人生學分。我們希望:聆聽「叫我康樂股長」的每一秒鐘,都能成為你/妳健康快樂的美好時光。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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這裡是尬藝型農大主廚 我們將和您分享各式各樣的故事及活動 喜歡我們的朋友可以到我們的 Facebook :
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Taking politics and dogma out of medicine to help you live your best life.
Naturistic is a podcast about ecology, evolution, plants and animals in a conversational format that even a casual science fan will enjoy.
The most exciting and groundbreaking discoveries about life on Earth are made through scientific research. For better or worse, these findings are published in the dry, scholarly format of peer-reviewed science journals. The Naturistic podcast brings that knowledge to you in the form of an hour-long conversation between friends and perpetually curious biology enthusiasts. In each episode, biologist Nash Turley, PhD, decodes scientific studies on a specific topic of biology and discusses them with co-host and biology lightweight, Hamilton Boyce. -
Use a conversational approach to introduce a research.--Hosting provided by SoundOn
頻道內容:包涵鬼故事、時事關聯、我的所見所聞…等,大概是不專心經營的頻道,總之想聽就聽, 覺得跟你的理念或者是你的觀念有衝突,那就不要逼自己,拒聽吧!選擇自己想要的吧。
Array Café is your go-to podcast for all things sensors! Dive deep into the fascinating world of sensors and explore the technology that’s shaping our future. Each episode brings you closer to the brilliant minds and innovators behind these incredible devices, uncovering their stories, insights, and the latest advancements in the field. Whether you’re an engineer, a tech enthusiast, or just curious about how sensors impact our everyday lives, Array Café offers a fresh perspective on the science and people driving this ever-evolving industry. Brought to you with generous support from the IEEE Sensors Council, join us as we decode the sensors of today and imagine the possibilities of tomorrow.
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