Slovakien – Nya podcasts

  • Petr Mára, Lubo Smid a Jarda Beck v novém podcastu Fantastic Future. O naší (snad) fantastické budoucnosti!

  • Welcome to The Prism Light House Podcast! Hosted by Founder, Ally Potrebka, this is your space to explore your spirituality. Episodes include honest conversations with guests about their spirituality journey and solo episodes about whatever is on Ally's mind. This isn't a place where you'll get '10 quick tips to meditate better', but you will hear peoples real thoughts and opinions. This means that you may not resonate with 100% of what is being said but you'll leave with a deeper understanding of the diversity in spirituality.

    Explore more at

  • This podcast was designed to help those seek inner wisdom. It's raw and uncut.

  • Welcome to "The Cosmic Mystic Podcast," a weekly sanctuary where clarity meets heart-centered wisdom in the journey of spirituality, self-discovery, and embracing the awakened self. Hosted by Danie, a spiritual healer and lighthouse of optimism, this podcast is your go-to friend for real, raw, and honest conversations about navigating life after awakening to your true self.

    Each episode is an invitation to explore deep spiritual realms, ranging from trusting your intuition and overcoming perfectionism, to healing past traumas and uncovering your Soul Essence. Here, we don’t just skim the surface; we dive into what it truly means to live in alignment with your multi-dimensional self amidst a world that often feels at odds with your inner discoveries.

    Featuring guest speakers who share their transformative journeys and Soul missions, "The Cosmic Mystic Podcast" is a haven of inspiration and real-life wisdom. These guests are more than just experts; they are individuals who have walked the path of awakening and grappled with the challenges of aligning their inner transformations with the expectations of the outer world.

    This podcast is not just about introspection; it's about connection and community. Engage with us through interactive sessions, and join a community of like-minded healers, coaches, and conscious leaders. Together, we explore the journey of breaking free from generational, societal, and ancestral paradigms, especially when it feels like the world isn’t ready for our awakened selves.

    After tuning in, we invite you to extend this journey by joining our vibrant community and following us on Instagram @thecosmicmysticpodcast. "The Cosmic Mystic Podcast" stands out in the realm of spiritual podcasts by providing a space that's heartfelt, optimistic, and free from judgment or rigidity. It's a conversation, a guide, and a friend supporting you as you navigate both your inner transformation and the reflection of the outer world.

    Join us weekly for your dose of love, light, and a kick in the butt. With "The Cosmic Mystic Podcast," your journey to empowerment and reconciling your inner awakening with the external world is just a play button away.

  • Daily inspirational and motivational Devotionals and meditations

  • Vo’Dou’s Satchel’s Spirituals Podcast is about freedom of expression, truth, facts, manifestations, spirituality, frequencies and blog/vlog topics. Align yourself with each discussion that Vo’Dou and her guests have with a glass of wine and a few blunts. Tune in to prayer/ meditation, tips/ advice, deep thoughts/ deeper talks, wine/ tea, sage & weed.

  • Podcast feito para a minha mãe.

    Aqui, você encontrará a leitura e tradução simultânea do livro em espanhol “Phowa: Una llamada desde la trascendencia”, de Óscar Mateo Quintana. Este livro não se encontra atualmente traduzido ao português.

    Cada episódio se tratará de um capítulo do livro, e será publicado 1 episódio/capítulo ao dia, sempre no final da noite.

    Lembrando que este é meu primeiro trabalho com tradução, então vocês notarão equívocos e uma leitura não tão fluida como o esperado.

    Críticas e sugestões são sempre muito bem vindas!
    Espero que gostem :)
    E boa ‘leitura’!

  • Shaping what you know and think about AI. Hosted by David Tvrdon, a technology journalist, entrepreneur, and media strategist, and Filip Vitek, an AI executive. We were looking for a practical podcast on AI and ended up creating it.

  • Podcast trénerskej dvojice, ktorá našla zmysel v pomáhaní ľuďom za ich lepšou verziou. Fitnes, vedou podložená výživa, cvičenie, realistický mindset. To všetko bez omáčok a s jemným nádychom trnavčiny.

  • Matan rambles about Films, Filmmakers and Your Dreams

  • New podcast weblogVitajte na mieste, kde zločin nie je bez odpovede.
    Novinár Rasťo Striško vás pozýva na napínavú cestu do sveta zločinu.

    Podcast Línia zločinu odhaľuje najtemnejšie prípady, ktoré šokovali Slovensko. Vypočujte si analýzy vražedných činov s elitným prokurátorom Jánom Šantom. Pripravte sa na príbehy, ktoré vám určite nedajú spať.

  • Súťaž produktov sa postupne presunula do súťaže biznis modelov. Svetové i lokálne rýchlo rastúce spoločnosti majú svoje stratégie založené nie na izolovaných produktoch, ale na umne zostavených kombináciách komerčných nástrojov, prostredníctvom ktorých ponúkajú optimálnejšie riešenia svojim zákazníkom. A tým víťazia.
    Podcast Biznis model v praxi je sériou videí, v ktorých Matúš Fürek a Jozef Hlaváč vedú rozhovory o základných princípoch analyzovania, tvorby a implementácie biznis modelu do praxe ako v globálnych tak aj začínajúcich firmách.

  • Hi and welcome to the Passive Income and Chill Podcast! This show is dedicated to entrepreneurs and side hulsters who's goal is to create success and wealth through passive income and online business. I'm your host Nana Alice Nyarko and every week I interview some of the most successful people in our community so you can learn the strategies to build your passive income empire! Let's get into today's show!

  • A Reggeli gyors az reggeli hírösszefoglalója, amely minden hétköznap reggel jelentkezik. Tilajcsík Dóra, Lajos P. János, Molnár Norbert, Tokár Géza és Török Máté kalauzolja a hallgatót a hírek világában. Az Új Szó Szlovákia egyetlen magyar nyelvű napilapja, weboldala, az a leglátogatottabb szlovákiai hírportál.

  • Tvoj tanier nie je len o jedle. Je o pocitoch, myšlienkach a príbehoch, ktoré ovplyvňujú, čo si naň položíš. Tento podcast je sprievodcom na ceste za prepojením výživy, emocionality a psychológie stravovania. Spoločne budeme hľadať súvislosti, o ktorých sa bežne nehovorí – ako naše emócie formujú vzťah k jedlu, aký vplyv má psychika na výber potravín a ako vybudovať zdravý, slobodný vzťah k sebe a k svojmu telu.

    Každé dva týždne ťa čaká nový pohľad na výživu, ktorý prepája odborné fakty, psychológiu a každodenný život. Vstúpme spolu za hranice taniera.

  • NUEVOS EPISODIOS SEMANALES! Un podcast para expresarnos ante el mundo y compartir nuestro tóxicismo.

  • Quotes about and from the world of the radio documentary and feature.
    Prominent audio lovers (by surname A-Z) speak about their passion. Interviews recorded for the book:
    ‘European Radio Documentary - A History of the Format and Its Festivals’, by Tereza Reková.
    - Web:

  • This podcast is made for people living or new to Fort Mill, SC to get to know the town better. This guide has some information such as good places to eat to where to find the 2 million Scoville unit pepper, the Carolina Reaper. Enjoy your time listening to this podcast! Also, enjoy your time here in Fort Mill, South Carolina! This podcast has a new episode every 2 weeks or days.

  • “Do you believe in ghosts, monsters, and the unexplained? Discover spine-chilling tales from the heart of Kentucky, where haunted cemeteries, mysterious creatures, and eerie folklore come to life. Each episode dives into the darkest corners of the Bluegrass State, blending history and horror to leave you spellbound. So follow our podcast Scary Stories from Kentucky to get your weekly tale!

    For a visual journey into these stories, visit Kentucky Melody and experience the haunting beauty behind the legends.