Affärer – Slovakien – Nya podcasts

  • Súťaž produktov sa postupne presunula do súťaže biznis modelov. Svetové i lokálne rýchlo rastúce spoločnosti majú svoje stratégie založené nie na izolovaných produktoch, ale na umne zostavených kombináciách komerčných nástrojov, prostredníctvom ktorých ponúkajú optimálnejšie riešenia svojim zákazníkom. A tým víťazia.
    Podcast Biznis model v praxi je sériou videí, v ktorých Matúš Fürek a Jozef Hlaváč vedú rozhovory o základných princípoch analyzovania, tvorby a implementácie biznis modelu do praxe ako v globálnych tak aj začínajúcich firmách.

  • Hi and welcome to the Passive Income and Chill Podcast! This show is dedicated to entrepreneurs and side hulsters who's goal is to create success and wealth through passive income and online business. I'm your host Nana Alice Nyarko and every week I interview some of the most successful people in our community so you can learn the strategies to build your passive income empire! Let's get into today's show!

  • Longtime broadcaster Paul W. Smith takes middays live and local for a show that goes in-depth with the newsmakers who are shaping the future of Southeast Michigan. Tune in as Paul connects with politicians, business and community leaders, entrepreneurs, and entertainers for longform conversations about why the efforts behind the headlines really matter. Accessible, informative, balanced, and bold, with diverse voices and thought-provoking questions that bring it all into Focus.

  • NOaCO je podcast bez obalu ze světa firem zaměřený především na business a human resources, ale nestydí se zavítat do dalších odvětví, které ve firmách rezonují. Pavel a Marek zde jdou přímo na komoru a neberou si servítky. Nečekejte od nich jakoukoli politickou korektnost. A pokud se vám nelíbí, tak..... no a co

  • Diskusná relácia Mariana Nitona s odborníkmi, ktorá vám poradí, ako šetriť či míňať peniaze.

  • Our mission is to be your window into the exciting world of urban creativity. We're all about sharing the incredible stories, talents, and ideas of the people who fuel creativity in urban environments. Through friendly chats, engaging stories, and deep dives into the urban scene, we aim to inspire, connect, and empower our listeners. We're here to celebrate amazing local Artists, Entrepreneurs, and Thinkers who make cities come alive with their creativity.

    Season 01 “The Round Table Sessions” will dive into the creative process of local Artists as they transform upcycled community centre tables into unique pieces of art. Each episode focuses on a different artist, capturing their journey from conception to completion, as they prepare for an upcoming art show. This series not only highlights the artistic talents within our community but also promotes sustainability through the use of reclaimed materials. Watch as these old tables take on new life, becoming canvases that tell stories, evoke emotions, and inspire viewers. Join us as we explore local art and creativity this season.

  • Vedú úspešné značky, budujú rastúce startupy alebo sú špičkovými expertmi vo svojich oblastiach. V podcaste Biznislab odkrývame nielen ich profesionálne úspechy, ale aj ich vnútorný svet – ako premýšľajú, kde čerpajú inšpiráciu, ako zdokonaľujú svoju expertízu a ako vnímajú príležitosti a riziká. Objavte inšpiratívne príbehy a ľudí, ktorí stoja za úspechom značiek a projektov. Moderuje Daniela Marušková.

  • Made for Entrepreneurs, made by Entrepreneurs. We make smart and easy explainer content on topics such as Business, Money, and Self Improvement.

  • Vitajte na podcaste burzových správ. Sme investičný web so zameraním na akciové trh, komoditný trh a krypto. Takisto Vám prinášame to najzaujímavejšie z ekonomiky a analyzujeme finančnú pozíciu spoločností so zreteľom na vnútornú hodnotu firiem.
    A v podcaste budeme robiť to isté. Tešíme sa na Vás a buďte pripravený lebo my sme.

  • Vitajte v podcaste Budúnosť bez starostí! Volám sa Roman Capák, a som tu, aby som vám priniesol praktické rady, tipy a inšpirácie zo sveta financií, investovania a osobného rozvoja. Spoločne sa ponoríme do tém, ktoré vám pomôžu zlepšiť vaše finančné rozhodovanie, zvládať výzvy v podnikaní a budovať úspešnú budúcnosť. Počúvajte nás a objavte, ako jednoducho si môžete zjednodušiť život a dosiahnuť svoje ciele!

  • What's The Word? is a show about finding out what inspires people to be successful in their respective careers and how social media played a role in their lives.

    It is hosted by Cheval John, founder and CEO of Vallano Media, LLC, a marketing agency which helps businesses navigate social media to build a loyal audience and in the process become more profitable.

    Every week, you will hear how each guest choose their career path, overcoming the odds to be successful and how social media took their careers to the next level.

  • Helping you to level up your resale business for more profits and impact in the world.

  • A podcasting connecting resellers. Join the host, Sherri, a part time reseller on Poshmark, as she speaks with other resellers about their tips, tricks and tales from the thrift.

  • Welcome to the Sell The Trend Dropshipping Podcast, where we bring our blog's best insights to life! 🎙️

    If you’re looking to start or grow your dropshipping business, you’re in the right place. Each episode dives deep into practical tips, expert strategies, and the latest trends, all aimed at helping you succeed in the world of e-commerce.

    From finding winning products to scaling your store, we cover everything you need to know. Join us and stay ahead in the dropshipping game.

  • Hey everyone! My name is Ricardo - and I am a Venezuelan living in Prague, Czech Republic - helping impact-driven companies with software design & engineering. On this podcast, I would like to share the stories, struggles, lessons learned, and valuable resources from accomplished & value-driven people living in different parts of the world to inspire others to achieve their dreams.

  • Podcast o budúcnosti podnikania, technológií a spoločnosti. Ako narodeninový darček pre verejnosť ho prináša Dexfinity na svoje 10. výročie založenia.
    Go Beyond and Go Global
    Marketing powered by AI

  • We are a group of entrepreneurial-minded students with a passion for diving into the issues that CEOs face today. We look to gain insight from the perspectives of successful CEOs, to find out what makes them tick and how they became so good at what they do.

  • Come join as we explore the Physical, Mental, Financial, Relational, and Spiritual side of massage. Eric Deegear interviews experts from around the globe on matters relating to Massage, Business, Coaching and much more.

    Whether you are a massage student, practitioner, client or just someone interested in Health and Wellness in general, there's something for everyone.