Affärer – Slovakien – Nya podcasts

  • The Secrets to Online Business Mastery THE exclusive business podcast to help you master every area of your business and life. If you’re ready to discover how to attract high-paying clients, manifest a million-dollar mindset, and generate consistent income, while designing the business and lifestyle, then this is the podcast for you. This podcast is brought to you by The Million Dollar Moguls, the exclusive network for elite entrepreneurs who want to attract premium, high-paying clients and master a million dollar mindset to create more impact, more income, and more financial freedom.

  • My Goal Is: Helping 18–27-year-olds make the leap into entrepreneurship while making the leap myself.
    This is a reenactment of that dream. I interview guests to talk about the ups and downs, the struggles as well as their why? Why would you allow the market to punch you in the face over and over again? Why do yoiu choose to pursue entrepreneurship even if it's on the side? What led you to your current niche or the current way you choose to make money? As well as how you achieved your current success so far. We dive into the stories no one else wants to share.

    Let this be urguide2win

  • Discussing a wide range of topics from graphic design to business ideas.

  • Meet Brittani Hon, the host of the Rich Girl Cult Podcast.

    Grab a tini and let's chat about mindset, growth, and business. Brittani's got a fiery personality and doesn’t hold back—She's been through it all: becoming a millionaire, losing it, and building it back up again. With over 10+ years in the entrepreneurial space, she’s here to spill the tea of building a brand, dealing with haters, beating the odds and believing in yourself.

    Only 12% of women in business scale to six figures -- let's change those statistics!

  • Join host Michael Palumbos and new guests every episode as they talk about everything from navigating family business transitions, wealth transition, business growth strategies, family conflict, leadership and team development and more.

    Don't forget to share your favorite episodes with others. Tag us with #thefamilybizshow!

    If you’re a family business or a family business consultant and want to be on the show, share your story and help other family businesses, send us an email to [email protected] or visit us at The Family Biz Show | Family Business Podcast With Michael Palumbos ( to fill out our web form!

    Securities offered through Osaic FA, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Osaic FA is separately owned and other entities and/or marketing names, products or services referenced here are independent of Osaic FA.

    Lincoln Financial Advisors is now Osaic FA, Inc. Any reference to Lincoln Financial within these files should be disregarded.

  • A CEDukáció podcast célja, hogy a hazai vállalkozások, különösen a kis- és középvállalkozások (KKV) számára releváns és gyakorlati tudást nyújtson. Meghívott vendégeink elismert szakemberek, cégvezetők és inspiráló gondolkodók, akik saját történeteiken, tapasztalataikon keresztül mutatják meg, hogyan építhető sikeres és fenntartható vállalkozás.
    Műsorvezetőnk, László Judit exportfejlesztési tanácsadó szakértő vendégekkel beszélget a legaktuálisabb üzleti és vezetői kihívásokról, miközben gyakorlati megoldásokat kínál.
    Hallgassatok minket, és fejlődjünk együtt!

  • Podcast o podnikaní, startupoch a inováciách. Pravidelné rozhovory s úspešnými podnikateľmi a podnikateľkami.

  • Welcome to Brave Steps Forward, the podcast for purpose-driven individuals ready to break free from self-doubt, people-pleasing, and uncertainty. Join us as we explore what it means to take bold, intentional steps toward a life aligned with your true self. Each episode dives deep into stories, strategies, and insights from teachers, coaches, entrepreneurs, performers, and experts who have faced their fears and transformed their lives. Anyone seeking clarity and confidence, Brave Steps Forward is here to support and inspire your journey. Learn to overcome and build an ignited life.

  • Chcete být ve správný čas na správném místě? Jsme digitální agentura Visibility, která spolupracuje s odborníky na exotické kanály! Jak a jaké platformy využívat pro digitální marketing, jak vybrat správné formáty a jak nákup inzerce funguje? Ať Vám něco neunikne, nalaďte a odebírejte náš #VISIpodcast!

  • Grow your business with us digital marketing at

  • Actionable insights from subject-matter experts for Founders, CEOs, and Owners on how to make a business more valuable.

    Brought to you by Opus Strategic Partners -

  • Welcome to Coffee + SEO, where we sit down for coffee hour together and simplify SEO, making it approachable for your business. I’m Taylor, your host and the founder of Aligned SEO. At Aligned SEO, we help photographers, creatives, and service providers get visible online and attract their dream clients through tailored, holistic SEO strategies. Whether you’re aiming to boost your Google rankings, draw in more clients, or simply make sense of SEO, I’m here to be your guide and SEO bestie. Let’s align your SEO with your goals, get your website working as hard as you do!

  • Il Digital Marketing è una giungla selvaggia.
    Scopri insieme a noi come attraversarla seguendo i passi di coloro che hanno già tracciato il sentiero.
    In ogni episodio ascolterete i consigli e le difficoltà nell'utilizzo dei canali digitali di un ospite che racconterà la propria esperienza.
    Il format creato è alla portata di tutti.
    Il nostro obiettivo non è intervistare i classici personaggi famosi, come fanno in molti, ma dare voce a tutti, a partire dall'autodidatta che vende per la prima volta online, all'imprenditore che ha fatto del digital il suo core business.
    Buon ascolto!

  • Welcome to Pixel Papas—two sleep-deprived dads hosting a podcast about gaming wisdom, mobile marketing, and AI, tackling UA challenges and diaper changes along the way. Enjoy the show!

  • Is revenue your bread and butter? Sales Guru and CEO Sahil Mansuri dives deep with the most successful B2B SaaS CROs, Sales VPs, and GTM Leaders on the people, processes, and tools that fuel their growth. These revenue leaders share their frameworks for:
    - Building and scaling high-performing sales teams in the AI era
    - Selecting and optimizing your sales tech stack
    - Developing future sales leaders and managers
    - Thinking like an investor to raise VC funding and successfully exit

    New episodes every other Wednesday

  • Podcast pre podnikateľov a nadšencov, kde úspešní slovenskí podnikatelia zdieľajú svoje know-how, rady a skúsenosti. V uvoľnenej atmosfére sa venujeme témam od budovania ziskovej firmy, digitalizácie až po tímovú kultúru a osobný rozvoj. Každá epizóda prináša pohľad na cestu k úspechu a konkrétne rady na zvládanie výziev v podnikaní. Či ste začiatočník alebo profesionál, Shape Your Business vám dodá hodnotné informácie aj dávku motivácie na podnikateľskú cestu.

  • Investing can feel overwhelming. That's where InvestED comes in. We break down complex financial news into simple, easy-to-understand terms. Learn about market trends, investment strategies, and personal finance tips without the jargon. Join us each week and gain the knowledge you need to make smart money moves.

  • V podcastu Červená nit 🧶 se budeme úspěšných manažerů ptát, kde jejich kariéra začínala, co pro ně bylo klíčové, co je vedlo k dalším krokům, jaké faktory ovlivňovaly jejich profesní rozhodnutí, jak důležité pro ně byly vztahy s kolegy i nadřízenými a co dělají, když odloží manažerskou roli.