Utbildning – Slovakien – Nya podcasts
Welcome to Conversations In Between The Realms with Amanda Nova and Beth Renov. Step into our conversations about everything spiritual and mystical while living in the 3D. Our discussions run that gamut from psychic visions to mediumship, light language, light workers and more and how we are here to awaken and guide other souls into their divine purpose while navigating the obstacles of everyday life. Join us each week for a soul led intuitive conversation.
Motherhood should be full of joy and meaning. But it often isn't. Why is that? On Down the Well, Elle Rowley, talks about how mothers can achieve that meaning and joy by going on their own hero's journey.
Unlike the traditional hero's journey, mothers have to descend into the depths of their own soul. No one comes out of motherhood the same, and with the right perspective and resources, we can make sure that transformation is for the better. -
Sports writer, college student, and young adult navigating her first years of adulthood, Neomi brings both humor and wisdom in this podcast as she seeks to Escape the Ordinary.
This podcast features expert interviews and how-to podcasts designed to help producers, authors, screenwriter, podcasters and other media pros master the unique skills they need to earn a good living from their work. Get live events and videos workshops at NFM24.com. Learn more about us at NancyFultonMeetups.com.
Hey it's Natalie this is the Hogwarts shifting diary podcast. on this podcast we'll talk about everything Hogwarts everything Harry Potter and everything shifting.
Welcome to The Energy of Relationships Show, I'm Nora Sulik, intuitive relationship coach, founder of the Simply Happy Academy and author of the book Simply Happy. I've helped clear emotional blockages of more than 10.000 women suffering from nasty break-ups, divorce, serious relationship issues, prosperity blockages and traumatic life experiences. FASTER than they have ever imagined.
You can find out more about me and get some great free energy tools at: https://linktr.ee/NoraSulik -
Feeling overwhelmed by constant distractions, digital overstimulation, or brain fog? It's time for a dopamine detox!
'The Dopamine Detox: Resetting Your Brain' helps you take control of your mental well-being by breaking free from addictive behaviors and distractions. Through powerful mindfulness exercises and practical techniques, this podcast guides you on how to reset your brain, regain focus, and boost productivity.
Whether you're struggling with burnout, lack of motivation, or screen time overload, join us to start your journey toward a clearer, more focused mind.
Subscribe today to regain control over your thoughts and actions, and don’t forget to visit @NovosPositivity on Twitter for more tips and resources -
V podcaste "Moderná Psychológia" vedieme konverzácie o duševnom zdraví otvorene, ľudsky, so súcitom, ale vždy na základe vedeckých informácií. V mojich podcastoch rozoberám témy z oblasti psychológie, o ktorých sa často v spoločnosti nerozprávame. Venujem sa napríklad mojim zážitkom s duševným ochorením, úzkostným ochoreniam, vzťahom, a celkovo tomu, ako si udržať duševný well-being v dnešom svete.
Volám sa MSc. Denisa Moravčík Debrecká, som psychologička, a taktiež sa venujem destigmatizácií duševného zdravia na sociálnych sieťach, hlavne na mojom instagramovom profile @modernapsychologia. -
Welcome to "How to Get a Guy," the ultimate podcast for those seeking to find their Mr. Right. Hosted by relationship experts and real-life success stories, this podcast is your go-to guide for navigating the world of dating, building meaningful connections, and discovering the secrets to attracting the perfect partner. From decoding body language to crafting an irresistible online profile, we dive into the art of building genuine relationships. Join us as we share empowering insights, practical tips, and heartwarming stories to help you on your journey to finding lasting love. Tune in and unlock the tools you need to create a fulfilling romantic journey towards the man of your dreams.
Welcome to The Anxious to Secure PODCAST! 🎙️
If you’re anxiously attached and ready to feel EMPOWERED without constantly chasing your emotionally unavailable (Avoidant) partner, then this podcast is for YOU! 🤍
I’m Jula, a certified life coach who spent 30 years unknowingly letting my Anxious Attachment Style and Relationship Anxiety control my love life. But guess what? In JUST 6 months , I transformed into a more secure version of myself 🫳🏻🎤 aaaaaand I’m here to share how you can do the same.
Ready to step into your SECURE YOU ERA? ✨🤍 -
Welcome to Delusional and Dangerous… a show about all things wellness that the mainstream considers weird, crazy, out there, or simply made up.
Delusional and dangerous are two words that we have been personally called when it comes to our understanding of health and lifestyle choices that cultivate true ancestral wellness which is ironic because the reality is quite the opposite.
Our culture is flooded with ideas about what makes us well that are truly delusional and often dangerous.
The result? Disease and disorders in physical and mental wellness are at an all time high… and skyrocketing.
Tune in for conversations, rants, and rambles about sources of toxicity and how to avoid them, what it takes to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle in this modern climate, paradigm shifts that can radically and quickly alter the state of your health, and demystification of the psycho advice and products provided by the medical industrial complex.
Hosted by Tim & Kate Moore of LunaTerra Apothecary. Tim is an athlete, entrepreneur, engineer, and passionate freethinker. Kate is an herbalist, free birther, physicist, and alleged radical. -
Spojenie športu, duševného zdravia a osobnostného rastu formou autentických príbehov.
Welcome to "The Cosmic Mystic Podcast," a weekly sanctuary where clarity meets heart-centered wisdom in the journey of spirituality, self-discovery, and embracing the awakened self. Hosted by Danie, a spiritual healer and lighthouse of optimism, this podcast is your go-to friend for real, raw, and honest conversations about navigating life after awakening to your true self.
Each episode is an invitation to explore deep spiritual realms, ranging from trusting your intuition and overcoming perfectionism, to healing past traumas and uncovering your Soul Essence. Here, we don’t just skim the surface; we dive into what it truly means to live in alignment with your multi-dimensional self amidst a world that often feels at odds with your inner discoveries.
Featuring guest speakers who share their transformative journeys and Soul missions, "The Cosmic Mystic Podcast" is a haven of inspiration and real-life wisdom. These guests are more than just experts; they are individuals who have walked the path of awakening and grappled with the challenges of aligning their inner transformations with the expectations of the outer world.
This podcast is not just about introspection; it's about connection and community. Engage with us through interactive sessions, and join a community of like-minded healers, coaches, and conscious leaders. Together, we explore the journey of breaking free from generational, societal, and ancestral paradigms, especially when it feels like the world isn’t ready for our awakened selves.
After tuning in, we invite you to extend this journey by joining our vibrant community and following us on Instagram @thecosmicmysticpodcast. "The Cosmic Mystic Podcast" stands out in the realm of spiritual podcasts by providing a space that's heartfelt, optimistic, and free from judgment or rigidity. It's a conversation, a guide, and a friend supporting you as you navigate both your inner transformation and the reflection of the outer world.
Join us weekly for your dose of love, light, and a kick in the butt. With "The Cosmic Mystic Podcast," your journey to empowerment and reconciling your inner awakening with the external world is just a play button away. -
Sme 🇸🇰 Kika a Louis 🇫🇷 ! Francúzsko-slovenský pár, ktorý šíri svoju vášeň pre francúzštinu ďalej! Milujeme sa venovať kultúrnym rozdielom a radi ti viac priblížime francúzsku kultúru.
Dyslexia Revolution explores all things related to dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, and all of the other learning differences, with son & mom team, Zachary and Pamela, from Dyslexia Power. They started on Zachary's journey with dyslexia more than 11 years ago and it's as wild a journey now as it was back when Zachary started Kindergarten. Zachary and Pamela dive deep into their experiences where they share the joy, the tears, the frustration, and the fun and funny moments in relaxed, wide open conversations - conversations that invite you in to start your own sometimes-difficult family conversations on dyslexia. Once all of have started the conversations flowing, there won't be any stopping us until there is a revolution when everyone wishes they were lucky enough to learn differently!
Ahoj som Martin Landl a pomáham všetkým tatom posunúť výchovu detí o level vyššie tak, aby sa stali pre ne vzorom, ktorý budú v živote nasledovať.
V tomto podcaste ťa naučím ako si začat veriť, nepochybovať o sebe, cítiť sa šťastný ale hlavne to ako sa stať Supertatom, ktorý naučí svoje deti, že všetko čo chcú je možné.
Ak sa ti podcast páči, môžeš sledovať aj môj instagramový účet:
https://www.instagram.com/somsupertato/profilecard/?igsh=MXBtOGp1ZTg2NnhpeA== -
Praktické informácie o stavebných povoleniach, kolaudáciách a všeobecne o povoľovaní stavieb
Martin Tham Podcast je priestor pre inšpiratívne témy ako zdravie, osobný rozvoj, podnikanie, financie, marketing a všetko, čo považujem za dôležité. Som certifikovaný inštruktor Wim Hof Method, venujem sa otužovaniu, dýchaniu a nastaveniu mysle, a zároveň pomáham ľuďom nájsť ich ideálne miesto na život ako realitný maklér.
Pozri si moje kurzy: https://www.martintham.sk -
Modern life is like a desert—a parched and barren expanse where the soul thirsts for the living water Jesus promised at the well. Amid the ceaseless distractions and allurements of materialism, God can seem absent. As the Desert Fathers of old fled the noise of the world to seek God in silence, we too have been been called into the desert.
Guided by Bishop Erik Varden, this year-long series—beginning January 1, 2025—invites listeners to encounter the profound wisdom of the Desert Fathers. Drawing from their timeless Sayings, Bishop Varden illuminates the lives of figures like St. Anthony of Egypt, exploring themes such as purity, humility, self-mastery, and repentance. Through their struggles in the wilderness, these early Christians uncovered the transformative power of God’s grace—lessons as relevant today as they were in their time.
Though few of us are called to the monastic life, the spiritual combat of the Desert Fathers resonates with all who seek to follow Christ. As Jesus Himself entered the desert to confront temptation, their wisdom offers guidance for our own battles with distraction and despair, helping us find strength in prayer and discipline.
Bishop Erik Varden, a Cistercian monk and Bishop of Trondheim, Norway, is one of today’s leading Catholic voices. A convert to Catholicism during his studies at Cambridge, he was drawn to the monastic life, ultimately joining Mount St. Bernard Abbey in England, where he eventually became abbot. Through his writing and teaching, Bishop Varden speaks compellingly to a secular world, using the language of beauty to reveal the centrality of our search for God—even when we wander astray.
Join us as we step into the desert together, guided by the wisdom of the ancients, to rediscover the love of Christ that conquers all obstacles. Visit DesertFathers.com to learn more.
We owe a special thanks to our partners. The Desert Fathers in a Year is...
...written by Bishop Erik Varden. You can follow Bishop Varden on his blog, CoramFratribus.com
...produced by EWTN Global Catholic Network
...and brought to you by Exodus 90. Download the Exodus 90 app today and get ready to start the Exodus 90 Challenge beginning on January 20, 2025. - Visa fler