Indonesien – Nya podcasts
You have entered the strang yet fascinating world of Duke Fightmaster. Experience laughter, love, anger, craziness, friendship, marriage, work, travel, rejection, shame spirals and terrific euphoric highs as you travel alongside Duke into his World.
ไฝ ๅนธ็ฆๅ๏ผ
Hanya seorang yang mencari banyak pengalaman
Anuncio de la semana cultural del ceip san Joan.
Antara Dilema dan Galau
Podcrime; sebuah podcast yang berisikan mengenai kriminologi serta hal hal menarik lainnya, yang dibahas dengan cara ringan, santai dan penuh tawa! Mulai dari pembahasan materi, review buku, review film, bahas isu-isu yang sedang trend, dan lainnya.
Hello People...
Welcome to My Podcast...
Disini gue bakal ngomongin berbagai macam hal yang penting atau yang gak penting dan terserah lu pada mau dengar apa kaga.
Thanks....!!! -
Cerita semangat seorang remaja yang ingin mewujudkan cita citanya
Well crafted beers, poorly crafted banter.
Just three mates from the Border, showcasing the very best of the independent Australian craft beer scene.
Join Simmo, Gratz and Huddo as they sample every style of beer imaginable, judging them via the unique Border Barrels rating system.
Want your brewery featured on Border Barrels? Shoot us a message via our social media pages and we'll be in touch ASAP. -
Big Think is the leading source of expert-driven, actionable, educational content -- with thousands of videos, featuring experts ranging from Bill Clinton to Bill Nye, we help you get smarter, faster. Get actionable lessons from the worldโs greatest thinkers & doers. Our experts are either disrupting or leading their respective fields. We aim to help you explore the big ideas and core skills that define knowledge in the 21st century, so you can apply them to the questions and challenges in your own life.
Each week we will discuss new strategies on “letting go”whether that is extra weight on your body, stress, patterns, toxic relationships...whatever it is that you can let go and live your best life.
Beda manusia, beda isi kepala.
Disini "Perspektif" akan mengumpulkan beberapa pemikiran pemikiran orang yang terkenal, perihal pembahasan berat dan mungkin tabu untuk dibahas.
Jika anda suka dengan podcast ini..
Jangan lupa untuk staytune karena setiap hari..
"Perspektif" akan terus update dengan hal yang baru -
QuickMedicalReview is the go-to podcast for doctors and medical students looking for a concise (less than 5 minutes) yet thorough update on the latest in medicine. We aim to empower you with knowledge that enhances your professional skills and sparks your curiosity and passion for the medical field.
Study smart
Poadcast ini berbicara tentang hal hal yang mulanya serius menjadi pembicaraan yang enak dan santai untuk di dengarkan. Mulai dari seputar hukum sampai membedah buku buku menarik untuk referensi membaca kalian.
Berisi tentang pembelajaran Broadcasting, public speaking,copy writing, dan seputar minat "Andai Aku Jadi Penyiar".
Hello! Welcome to Langit Venus podcast with me Alia :) Langit Venus Podcast is basically taken from my blog [LangitVenus and CoralTriangleid blog]. This podcast is a combination of both theme, which is mainly talk about Education, Islamic culture, Arts, Hobbies, Travel and Technology. All using everyday English so we both can practice together!
Find me on instagram : @almutt_
Read my blog :
If you have any feedback or want to have a collaboration, contact me through [email protected] -
Berisi materi pembelajaran IPA tingkat SMP dan Materi Keislaman
Hi fellas, welcome to Febby Podcast!
Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Fakultas (UKM-F) Kelompok Riset dan Debat Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro (KRD FH UNDIP) adalah unit kegiatan mahasiswa di bidang kajian keilmuan hukum dan pelatihan riset, debat dan hukum bisnis untuk mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum Universitas Diponegoro yang membantu mengembangkan potensi mereka. Kini KRD FH UNDIP memiliki program kerja baru yang bernama PODCAST KRD. pada podcast ini akan membahas seputar KRD FH UNDIP dan beberapa bidang yang menjadi fokus KRD FH UNDIP.
So, stay tune and keep healthy!
Demi Almamater,
Demi Nusa dan Bangsa,
Salam Intelektual Muda!
- Visa fler