Religion & Andlighet – Island – Nya podcasts

  • Revive Podcast is a place where you will hear inspiring testimonies and expert information to encourage and help you live REVIVED in the difficult areas of life. We also record video live on Facebook @juliepearsonblog instagram: @juliepearson68

  • How can we disciple others in the everyday? Giles and Alison discuss what it means to be an intentional disciple of Jesus and a disciple-maker wherever God has placed us. They offer practical tools and advice; discuss helpful books and resources on disciple-making; interview fellow disciple-makers, and offer biblical instruction on how we can participate in the Great Commission.

  • Desire to know more of God’s Word.
    Be confident in your faith
    Go and make disciples for the glory of God.

  • Relationship Realities is a biblically based podcast dedicated to uncovering the truth about love, marriage, and relationships through the lens of God’s Word. In a world filled with unrealistic expectations and fleeting emotions, this podcast dives deep into the practical and spiritual foundations that create strong, lasting relationships. Each episode explores topics like communication, conflict resolution, trust, and intimacy, all grounded in biblical principles. Whether you’re dating, engaged, married, or seeking God’s wisdom on relationships, Relationship Realities offers real, honest conversations that challenge, encourage, and equip you to build Christ-centered connections that thrive.

  • Welcome to "The Spiritual Assembly," a transformative podcast exploring spirituality, awakening, manifestation, and holistic wellness. Join us as we navigate life’s paths, uncovering our true purpose and embracing our authentic selves.

    Each episode covers topics like plant medicine, mindfulness, and personal awakening stories. We feature inspiring guests who share insights, guidance, and tools for your journey.

    Whether you seek to deepen your spiritual practice, explore holistic healing, or live more authentically, this podcast is your sanctuary. Let’s gather, share, and awaken together!

  • A podcast for all things related to paganism, tarot, astrology and the occult.

  • A weekly show about living & loving your life in a different way. I'm Tobi Ann Ewalt, a transformational coach, Human Design and Gene Keys expert. I want to take you on a journey into what the Human Design experiment looks like in real time and how you can experience the amazing shifts for yourself. If you're looking for a real, raw and honest exploration of how to use the systems in your life, this is it!!

  • Öll viljum við betri heim, tilbúin til að leggja okkar af mörkum. Það er margt sem gerir heiminn betri og eitt af því er okkar eigin mannrækt. Margir álíta að kristin trú hafi upp á lítið að bjóða þegar kemur að andlegri rækt mannsandans, hugleiðslu og innra lífi; að kristni sé fremur ytri umbúnaður um ákveðið trúarkerfi. En það er langt í frá.

    Með þessu hlaðvarpi, verður boðið upp á ferðalag um lendur hinna duldu leyndardóma kristinnar trúar, þar sem finna má dýrmætustu perlu lífsins. Þegar vitundarvakning og uppgötvun á sér stað innra með okkur, þá gerist eitthvað og heimurinn verður betri. Efnið er bæði djúpt og spennandi, það snertir alla þætti lífsins.

    Hvert er afl kærleikans? Hvað er kyrrvitund? Hverjir eru möguleikar mannsandans? Hvað er kristin trú? Hvað er málið með Jesú? Hvað er guðs ríki og um hvað snýst Biblían í raun? Hlaðvarpið tekst á við þessar og fjölda annarra mikilvægra spurninga lífsins - Og þar er margt öðruvísi en ætlað er.

    ​ - Þættirnir eru hlaðnir gullmolum sem geta styrkt okkur, hjálpað í lífinu og gert heiminn betri -

  • Are you exhausted by the monthly rollercoaster of hope and heartbreak, wondering if God’s plan includes the baby you’re praying for after a vasectomy reversal?

    You’re doing everything you can—clean eating, supplements, tracking ovulation, maybe even testing sperm quality—but each negative test leaves you crushed. The isolation, the financial strain, and watching others get pregnant easily can make you feel like you’re failing or being left behind. You wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Why isn’t this working?”

    You are not alone.

    Welcome to Conceiving After Vasectomy Reversal, a faith-based podcast where your struggles are understood, your feelings are validated, and your hope is renewed. This is your safe space to find holistic fertility support, spiritual encouragement, and practical steps to improve your chances of conceiving naturally after a vasectomy reversal.

    I’m Susan Gladstein, a Board Certified Health Coach, Functional Nutrition & Fertility Practitioner, and a mom who’s been in your shoes. My husband and I faced the endless waiting, the crushing disappointment, and the constant “Why not us?” after his vasectomy reversal. It took prayer, surrender, and a holistic approach to health to finally hold our miracle baby. Now, I’m here to help you meet yours.

    In this podcast, we’ll cover:

    - Real-life stories from couples who know exactly how you feel.

    - Fertility strategies to support both you and your partner—nutrition, supplements, and sperm health.

    - What doctors don’t always tell you, like why “normal” lab results might not be “optimal” for conception.

    - Faith-based encouragement and prayers to help you stay hopeful, even when it feels impossible.

    You’re not crazy. You’re not broken. You’re not alone. You’re walking a hard path, but there is hope. Together, let’s nurture your body, renew your faith, and take confident steps toward the family you’re dreaming of.

    As Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

    Even in the waiting, God is working. I’m here to walk alongside you, offering support, guidance, and the belief that He’s preparing you for the family you’ve been praying for.

  • Ragnar Viktor er rithöfundur og andlegur kennari sem miðlar af reynslu frá sinni andlegu vakningu og opnun og úr viskubrunni sálarinnar.

    Bækurnar og kennslan hjálpar fólki að öðlast andlegan þroska og hækkandi meðvitund. Að vakna til meðvitundar um sjálfan sig, hugsanir sínar og tilfinningar og losna undan fjötrum óttans, öðlast dýpri skilning á sjálfum sér og öðrum. Að upplifa sanna hamingju, gleði og kærleika í lífinu og hið sanna frelsi sem býr innra með hverjum og einum. 

  • Catalyzing a Joy-Fueled Revolution of Jesus. Providing community and training to the 65 million who are Done with church but not done with God.

  • Demystifying spiritual awakening and explaining how our universe really works. podcast for Source & the Council of Light Here to drive forward the Global Enlightenment Project Info about awakening coaching here 👇 If you need help getting through the Dark Night of the Soul, here is a link to my book on the subject 👇

  • She Talks Movement is a community-focused self-care space for WOC

    I hold space for you to go deeper in your self-care practice with the guidance, support, & love of other amazing women

  • Podcast sui misteri intorno al Cristianesimo.

    Le idee espresse sono esclusivamente dell'autore.

    Federico Bason

  • The daily 7:15 mass from St Francis of Assisi that is broadcast Monday - Friday on the Iowa Catholic Radio Network at 10:30. For weekend Masses see our Basilica Sunday Mass podcast here:

  • Every week we have guests from all over the world talking on spiritualism and spirituality, and we have regular collaboration evenings with our spiritist family exploring our similarities and fraternal brotherhood.

  • Join 3 best friends over 30 as they take on the dating world with jokes and Jesus.

  • In this podcast we the hosts, Josh and Chase, plan to create a healthy environment for each other and for our listeners. We will be including gospel into our podcast, as well with keeping in our lives as a study. We want to bring our perspective into every day subjects as well as current events happening in the world!