Samhälle och kultur – Lettland – Nya podcasts

  • Normal Curves is a podcast about sexy science & serious statistics. Ever try to make sense of a scientific study and the numbers behind it? Listen in to a lively conversation between two stats-savvy friends who break it all down with humor and clarity. Professors Regina Nuzzo of Gallaudet University and Kristin Sainani of Stanford University discuss academic papers journal club-style — except with more fun, less jargon, and some irreverent, PG-13 content sprinkled in. Join Kristin and Regina as they dissect the data, challenge the claims, and arm you with tools to assess scientific studies on your own.

  • Игорь Батурин расказывает о новом направлении в искусстве и философии под названием КОСМИЧЕСКИЙ РЕАЛИЗМ

  • Большинство переехавших на Кипр — многосторонние люди, специалисты и профессионалы в абсолютно разных областях. Знаете ли вы, что вон та девушка учит детей фридайвингу, а этот парень – чемпион Израиля в квизах?

    Тут есть юристы, продюсеры, инвесторы, археологи, известные поэтессы, чемпионы Европы по танго, нутрициологи, люди, выступавшие на "Нашествии" и люди, прошедшие IronMan.

    Нас здесь так много, но обычно мы общаемся небольшими группами. Встречаемся с друзьями поиграть в настолки и попить вина, не открывая полностью все возможности новых знакомств.

    И мы подумали, что хочется интересных рассказов, кто чем занимается, что делает полезного. Ведь каждый из нас уникален и теперь является частью Пафоса.

  • Sharing stories and experiences of how I build confidence and calm while finding happiness and joy in a future without children.

  • As Told By Childless Women with Jobi Tyson, shatters the often sidelined topic of female childlessness.

    Each weekly episode will be a thought provoking, curiosity-fueled one-on-one interview with a childless woman featuring defined terms and tackles a range of reasons that lead to childlessness by sharing real stories and stigmas of female childlessness and womanhood.

    Watch these interviews at

  • Ever wonder how things happen behind the scenes in municipal government? This podcast explores the people that make our government and communities work. We look for people who support our communities and want to share what they do with the public side, that is you and your neighbours.

  • O том чем Ирландия удивляет русских экспатов.

  • Discover the fascinating journey of pop icon Ariana Grande with "Ariana Grande - BiSnap," the ultimate living biography podcast. Updated weekly, each episode dives into Ariana's latest achievements, personal stories, and exclusive insights, offering fans an in-depth look at her evolving career and personal life. Stay connected with the star you love and enjoy intimate storytelling, interviews, and analyses that showcase Ariana Grande's undeniable impact on music and culture. Perfect for any Arianator, this podcast keeps you in the loop and celebrates the incredible artist that is Ariana Grande.

    For more info go to

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  • The newest from investigative journalist Tracy Beanz, this show explores all things health - in mind, body, and spirit - with the good old-fashioned reporting you've become accustomed to. Join us as we meander through topics unknown, like human consciousness, lifestyle, and conversation! The audience joins Beanz during each show to talk about what is on THEIR minds. It's not just a podcast, it's a community!

  • В любой непонятной ситуации - просто включи подкаст, и погрузись в мир новой реальности

  • Seeking Samadhi is a bi-weekly exploration of Gratitude, meditation, and connecting to something greater than ourselves.

    It is also the ongoing story of an abandoned, adopted, angry, addicted, alienated, anxious boy who was always seeking escape.

    Seeking Samadhi is here now for all who desire to realize and reside in a state of wholeness and relative happiness.

    Reality is in the mind of the beholder. Our guiding thoughts and principals, the lenses that tints our perceptions and perspectives of our reality are outward expressions of our internal intention and attention.

    This show is for Practitioners and Perverts, Police officers and Psychonauts, Us and Them.

    This show is for anyone who wonders "why am I here and what is my purpose".

    2023 is an unopened treasure chest of possibilities; where we can choose to be unapologetically useful to ourselves and others, we can choose to investigate our habits and cycles compassionately. You are what you repeat-Be kind to your future self.

  • A wisdom podcast hosted by Matthew, Derek and Pierce.

  • Разбираем актуальные международные новости, делаем прогнозы, а иногда читаем исторические лекции.

  • Знакомьтесь, мы - Uway!

    Uway - проводник по оформлению виз и эмиграции в 60 стран мира. Мы Уже 11 лет оформляем визы, занимаемся туризмом, помогаем в эмиграции и решаем бизнес-задачи в других странах. С нами легко, быстро и безопасно!

    Наши сильные компетенции:

    - Оформление виз в 60+ стран мира по 2-м документам и без вашего взаимодействия с гос.органами.

    - Готовые эмиграционные программы в 20+ стран мира под любой запрос и бюджет.

    - Зарегистрировать компанию в другой стране, открыть корпоративные и личные счета, решить нестандартные финансовые задачи между странами.

    Наши преимущества:

    - Работа напрямую по упрощенной процедуре оформления с более 50 консульствами стран и гос. органами

    - Эксперты и партнеры на всех материках мира, которые вносят свой локальный опыт страны в общую экспертизу бренда

    - Насмотренность более 5 000 кейсов уже оформленных услуг по разным направлениям.

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  • Planning your wedding? The Hitched Podcast is your essential companion for expert advice, real-life stories, and top tips to help you plan your perfect day. Hosted by wedding expert and Editor of Hitched, Zoe Burke, each episode explores everything from budgeting and trends to relationship advice and big-day hacks.

    With special guests, industry experts, and plenty of inspiration, we’re here to make your wedding planning journey as stress-free and enjoyable as possible. Whether you're newly engaged or putting the final touches on your plans, tune in for fresh insights, relatable stories, and practical guidance.

    Subscribe now and start your planning journey with Hitched.

  • How is technology changing culture? From exhibition design to the performing arts, we invite leading curators, researchers, artists and cultural experts to explore how technology is shaping the future of cultural experiences and sparking new opportunities in the process.

    The Culture & Technology Podcast is a virtual salon — hosted by the Vienna Business Agency together with Severin Matusek. Each conversation pairs Viennese creatives with an international expert to discuss a topic, entertain a thought and share their knowledge through conversation. 

    The future of cultural experiences is up to us to create. We hope you’ll join us by subscribing to The Culture and Technology Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.

  • Il podcast di Ca' Foscari Tour dedicato al tema del viaggio, in occasione dell'anniversario dei settecento anni dalla morte di Marco Polo, realizzato dalle collaboratrici e collaboratori del Tour che prestano le loro voci.

  • Questa serie podcast, curata da Giulia Delogu e Antonio Trampus, è nata come laboratorio didattico all’interno del corso History of Global Relations (a.a. 2023/2024) della laurea triennale PISE dell’Università Ca’ Foscari, con l’idea di esplorare la Repubblica di Venezia nella prima globalizzazione d’età moderna (XV-XVIII secolo).
    È parte del progetto Riflessi mediterranei Venezia mito e modello tra Sette e Ottocento (PI: Giulia Delogu), finanziato dalla Regione Veneto (L.R. 39/2019) presso il Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali Comparati.
    Gli episodi scritti e registrati dalle studentesse e dagli studenti analizzano le reazioni di Venezia ai processi di integrazione globale e alla crescente competizione dell’età moderna.
    L’apertura delle nuove rotte oceaniche ridimensionò l’importanza dei tradizionali circuiti commerciali che univano l’Europa e l’Asia, circuiti nei quali la Serenissima aveva da secoli avuto un ruolo centrale. Tuttavia Venezia, cuore pulsante di uno stato a forte proiezione adriatica, fu in grado di reagire e di sopravvivere (restando indipendente fino al 1797) e di inserirsi attivamente nei nuovi scenari globali.