Teknologi – Nederländerna – Nya podcasts

  • Technologische ontwikkelingen gaan razendsnel. Hoe willen we hier als samenleving mee omgaan? In Verrekijkers gaan onderzoekers van het Rathenau Instituut in gesprek met onder meer wetenschappers, beleidsmakers en politici. Elke aflevering praten ze je bij over maatschappelijke kanten van wetenschap en technologie waarover je veel te weinig hoort.

    Hosts: Djurre Das, Simone Harmsen en Timo Nieuwenhuis.
    Meer weten? Kijk op www.rathenau.nl.
  • Call centre. Contact centre. Customer engagement. Customer service. Customer experience. CX. Whatever you’re calling it this week, we take a good, hard look at the technology ”supply and buy chain” to uncover what vendors, resellers, analysts, consultants, adopters and users get up to. 

    Industry veterans Angus and Pete discuss the realities, motivators and challenges of the tech eco-system to help sellers be better sellers and buyers be better buyers.

    Views and opinions are strictly those of the presenters and their guests and should not be taken as advice (goodness knows, we’re not qualified to advise you about anything) nor as representing any third-party.

  • Welkom bij 'Goed Werk, Werkt Goed' – de podcast serie van Keephub waarin we samen met HR changemakers de zoektocht naar goed werkgeverschap verkennen. In deze krappe arbeidsmarkt is het namelijk cruciaal om medewerkers te boeien en te binden. Host Mark Stadhouders, CEO van Keephub, praat met CEO's en HR-directeuren over hun HR initiatieven: wat werkte goed en wat niet? Aan de hand van concrete voorbeelden delen authentieke leiders hun ervaringen en laten ze zien hoe goed werk leidt tot hogere productiviteit, minder verloop en verzuim en verbeterde klanttevredenheid. Ontdek samen met ons hoe goed werk het verschil maakt!

    Keephub - Work starts here

  • Thousands of suppliers, millions of products: the tail parts of a supply chain don’t get as much attention as the strategic parts - until they run out and cause a production stop.
    In Tail Supply Conductors, the specialists at MAG45 dive deep into the often-overlooked 'tail' of the supply chain. Discover how an integrated approach can help companies manage this critical aspect more efficiently.

  • Learn and discover network automation tooling with Steinn & Urs

  • Ayubowan, Vanakkam, Welcome to the RDPodcast. Various topics get talked here, mostly Sri Lankan related! Be it tech, trends, innovations and so forth!

  • Een miniserie opgenomen in de podcaststudio op de BAM Infra-stand tijdens InfraTech 2025 in Ahoy Rotterdam. Hoe kan de Nederlandse bouwsector beter bouwen door groen te bouwen? In twaalf afleveringen verkennen we de impact op mobiliteit, energie, steden, natuurinclusief en klimaatbestendig bouwen.

  • Welcome to Cyber Threat Intel, your go-to source for the latest updates, news, and insights on cyber threats.

    Join us as we dive deep into the world of cybersecurity, uncovering the threats that affect us all. From ransomware attacks crippling businesses to phishing scams targeting the unwary, no threat is too big or too small for our expert analysis.

    Cyber Threat Intel arms you with the knowledge to protect yourself in the digital age. Whether you're a cybersecurity professional or just curious about the threats lurking in the digital shadows, this podcast is for you.

    Subscribe now on YouTube or your favorite podcast listening platform, and join us on the front lines of cybersecurity. Because in the world of cyber threats, knowledge is power.

  • De podcast van Stichting Herprogrammeer de Overheid, waarin wij het gesprek aan gaan met experts binnen en buiten de overheid op het gebied van digitalisering. De vraag is simpel: wat moeten wij doen om van Nederland de beste digitale overheid ter wereld te maken? Elke twee weken in jouw podcast feed, met co-hosts Edial Dekker en Onno Eric Blom. Wil je meer weten over Herprogrammeer de Overheid en waar we mee bezig zijn? Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief op: www.herprogrammeerdeoverheid.nl


  • The business world is brewing up a storm. Let's thrive in these extraordinary times together! This is a clarion call to Transformational Thinkers across the globe who are ready to rise up and successfully lead change in their teams.

    Every other week, Change Consultant Sara Sheehan talks with leaders and experts to spotlight real-world stories in the change management space. You will walk away with the latest change strategies to empower your employees, enhance your creativity and communication, and establish your legacy as a leader in business.

  • We rarely get to hear how people actually make relationships work, especially in the high-pressure, fast-paced world of tech. While there's endless dating advice out there, what's missing are the real, unfiltered stories of how ambitious people navigate modern relationships and build a life together.
    Unlike every other aspect of modern life that can be solved with an app or outsourced to a service, building meaningful relationships remains stubbornly resistant to quick fixes. Through conversations with leading relationship thinkers and candid interviews with real couples, we dig into the raw truth of what it takes to make partnerships work - from the challenges and fights to the breakthroughs and lessons learned along the way. 
    I believe we learn best from seeing how others have navigated similar paths. These conversations offer honest perspectives on what it really takes to make modern relationships work in our corner of the world.
    Hosted by Erik Torenberg, investor and entrepreneur.
    Modern Relationships is part of the Turpentine podcast network.

  • In deze podcast voert digital agency Kega open keukentafel-gesprekken met vakgenoten over de digitale vraagstukken van vandaag en morgen. In meerdere afleveringen zoomen we eerlijk in op één specifiek onderwerp. We bespreken met elkaar de basisprincipes, bekijken de voordelen voor een organisatie, staan stil bij de uitdagingen en ontrafelen de geheimen van het succes. Zo loop jij, de luisteraar, niet tegen dezelfde zaken aan als onze tafelgasten hebben gedaan. Onderwerpen als Composable Commerce, Digitale Transitie, Digital Strategy en Digital Solutions zullen op tafel komen en stap voor stap ontleed worden.

  • Welcome to Digital Digging, the podcast where AI and investigative research collide in what can only be described as a digital dumpster fire of possibilities. Hosted by Henk van Ess, a man who willingly handed his voice over to a machine (because why not?), we explore how artificial intelligence is reshaping the way we uncover, analyze, and inevitably freak out over information online.Each episode unpacks everything from spotting AI-generated texts—yes, AI trying to fool you—and uncovering global secrets using open-source intelligence, all while featuring two AI co-hosts, Castor and Pollux, because what’s a podcast without some virtual sidekicks? Think of them as the Alexa of bad advice, but with slightly more charm.We’ll cover the latest tools, mind-bending techniques, and possibly even a few ethical dilemmas—because AI isn’t going to raise them itself, is it? Whether you’re a journalist, a researcher, or just someone who fears the robot uprising but can’t look away, Digital Digging is your crash course on the brave, new, and slightly terrifying world of AI in investigations. Buckle up, because the future’s here, and it’s weird.


  • In Het Cybercafé Podcast', duiken we in de essentiële wereld van cyberveiligheid. Van het begrijpen van de basisprincipes tot het identificeren van de nieuwste bedreigingen, ons doel is om luisteraars te voorzien van bruikbare inzichten en praktische tips om veilig online te navigeren. We zullen ook enkele veelvoorkomende mythes over cyberveiligheid ontkrachten en spreken met experts uit de industrie om hun kennis en ervaringen te delen. Of je nu een technologieliefhebber bent of gewoon wilt leren hoe je je digitale voetafdruk kunt beschermen, 'Het Cybercafé Podcast #1 - Stap 1: Cyber Veiligheid' is een geweldige plek om je reis te beginnen.

  • Everybody wants to know are bitcoins and cryptocurrency safe? Well, the answer may surprise a lot of people. Tune in to find out with crypto expert Mervanwe Smith and novice Charles Kirkland. Listen to a new episode each Wednesday. Head over to bitcoinpodcast.org and get on the update list.

  • Noen folk møtes i Hvelvet Underground hos Variant Trondheim med noe godt i glasset og med en tidvis god samtale om sky, teknologi og utvikling. De snakker om alt fra serverfull til serverless og alt i mellom. Noen ganger kommer det også et godt råd snikende igjennom. Hør i dag for sjansen til å vinne kontorrekvisitta rett fra Variants lokaler.

  • The American healthcare system is one of the most innovative in the world. But it’s also riddled with complex challenges, such as access to affordable medications, inefficiency and administrative burdens, and communication barriers between providers. There’s clearly a better way—and at Surescripts, we have a unique sightline into what that may be.

    In this series, host Melanie Marcus, Chief Marketing Officer of Surescripts, sits down with today’s most inspiring and innovative leaders in healthcare for in-depth and personal conversations. They’ll share their perspectives on the industry’s challenges and the efforts underway for navigating them.

    By the end of each episode, you’ll walk away with real-world stories—stories that show a better way to tackle healthcare’s most stubborn issues as well as what the future might hold for an industry undergoing rapid change.

  • "Your daily dose of insights, tips, and trends in product management. From agile workflows to market strategies, each episode delivers actionable knowledge for aspiring and seasoned product managers alike—all in around 10 minutes. Start your day with Product Perspective!"