TV & Film – Danmark – Nya podcasts
We love Janeway is podcast hosted by two Star Trek Voyager superfans, plus one newbie to Star Trek.
Every two weeks we watch an episode of Voyager (in chronological order, in case you were wondering) and discuss.
We have no ads, no editing, and no socials but if you have any comments, questions or corrections you can reach us at [email protected].
Also check out our sponsor if you like stickers and want help building healthy habits.
St.Elsewhere is a podcast in which two pop-culture obsessed autistic hosts review depictions of autism in the media.
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It's simple, we watch a lot of films from classics to recently released ones from all over the world and some films make us feel like we should share them with others. That's what we do here. Welcome to the club โค๏ธ -
A Podcast where, two nerds, Zeke & Cliff, discuss a plethora of nerdy topics. From The Marvel Cinematic Universe, DC Comics, Indie comics, Transformers, James Bond, Chicago Fire, Comedy Films, Tv Shows, etc. We give you a splash of all the things we're into. If it's nerdy, then we probably like it.
"Permission to podcast freely, Captain?"
Made by Trekkies for Trekkies, "The Janeway Podcast Program" is a richly sound-designed chat show that delivers world-building recaps at warp speed.
Every episode of the JPP takes place immediately after the events of a Star Trek: Voyager episode, so the characters can say how they REALLY feel about it.
Relive the excitement of the show or listen as you watch for the first time.
Embark on this podcast parody journey with the somewhat more relaxed, off-duty Captain Kathryn Janeway and her cohost, Ensign Brebb from Engineering.
They'll gossip about the creepier members of the crew, mull over unsolvable time paradoxes that never actually occur (or do they?) and drink a lot of coffee, black. Featuring The Computer.
A Left Handed Radio Product.
Explore film design with expert interviews & behind-the-scenes insights.
I Paradisets hemmeligheder dykker vi ned i alt dรฉt, du sรฅ โ og endnu vigtigere: IKKE sรฅ! i ugens afsnit af Paradise Hotel.
Gรฆsterne deler ud af deres mest juicy Paradise-hemmeligheder og tager dig med bagom festen, flirten, taktikken og dramaet. -
Når de taler, bliver der lyttet. Når de udkommer, bliver de omtalt og anmeldt. De påvirker os med deres beslutninger og deres kunst; de flytter på vores opfattelser. Men vi beder dem sjældent om at analysere og debattere de store dagsordner. Det ændrer sig nu, hvor parnasset får en ugentlig plads på P1. Her giver kunstnerne, teaterdirektørerne, museumsfolkene og digterne deres særlige kulturblik på verden. De er kort sagt kulturparnasset - og på skift er der tre på besøg hos vært Karen Secher.
The Editor in Chief of, Mike Tyrkus has been a writer/editor specializing in cinema studies since 1991. He was the webmaster for and a member of the Detroit Film Critics Society; he is currently a member of the Michigan Movie Critics Guild. His contributions to film criticism can be found in: Magill's Cinema Annual, VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever (of which he was the editor), the International Dictionary of Films and Filmmakers, and the St. James Film Directors Encyclopedia (on which he collaborated with Andrew Sarris). In this podcast, Mike reviews the latest releases.
I'm Brian Ortega, I love movies and love talking about them any chance I get. In this podcast I'll give my reviews of the latest films in theaters & streaming. I'll also breakdown the Academy Awards and give you my opinion on who has a real chance to take home the gold.
CAUTION, ADULT LANGUAGE AND CONVERSATIONS! This podcast is a group of friends just having a good time. Who knows what is gonna be brought up. Could be anything from D.C., to Marvel, Disney, Video Games and sometimes even Wrestling knowing one of our Nerds! Join us as we get real sweaty about Nerd Things and let's make this podcast grow together! Like our Facebook page to stay up to date with the show!, our website,
Jonathan (JQ), Jacob, and Ruben, the three Quiros brothers (Qubed), explore the past and present hallmarks of pop culture entertainment.
Which is better: Star Trek vs. Star Wars?
That's the question hosts Aspen Webster and Kenny madison ask each week. To solve it, we pit an episode of Star Trek versus an Episode of Star Wars. We also talk sociology, philosophy, gender dynamics, and get very, very political each week. Will we ever answer the question? -
A podcast about people that change the world
Are you ready for the ultimate adventure? Join us on the 'Last of Us Review' podcast, where we delve into the critically acclaimed HBO series based on the hit video game. Each episode, we'll break down the thrilling story, analyze the characters, and discuss the show's impact on the gaming and television industries. From the heart-pounding action to the emotional character development, we'll cover it all. So grab your controller, and join us as we journey through the post-apocalyptic world of 'The Last of Us. - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, podcasts, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep and relaxation at our website -
Chit chat with Kylie Smith is a weekly podcast which we talk about fun .
Fashion ,comedy ,books ,food,TV reviews and more -
One of us has never seen The O.C. and one of us has seen it several times, but like a decade ago. Join us, as we revisit this giant-ass cultural juggernaut through a modern lens.
Popkultur er meget mere end glitrende overflader og flimrende støj. Popkultur er et forstørrelsesglas på vores tid, der kan fortælle om alt fra storpolitik til parforhold. Men hvilke popfænomener er det egentlig, der vækker vores begær og nysgerrighed og afslører, hvem vi er lige nu? Det undersøger Chris Pedersen hver uge i programmet Popsmart, hvor han i selskab med en begavet gæst dissekerer og forklarer tidens populærkultur.
Der er lige så meget magt i kunst og kultur, som der er i penge og politik. Alligevel bliver kulturpersoner sjældent konfronteret med den magt, kulturen har over vores tanker, vores handlinger og den måde, vi opfatter verden på. I programmet Virkelig undersøger Maya Tekeli kulturens påvirkning af vores liv og undrer sig over, hvordan kunstnere, magthavere, meningsdannere og kulturpersonligheder i virkeligheden forvalter deres magt og indflydelse.
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