Religion & Andlighet – Norge – Nya podcasts
Podkast med forkynnelse fra søndagsmøter i Pinsemenigheten Betel, Frekhaug.
Welcome to the Truth B Told podcast by United to Revive Ministries. A podcast dedicated to sharing true and personal life-changing stories of everyday individuals who have experienced profound encounters with Jesus Christ. In each episode, we invite you to step into the lives of men and women from diverse backgrounds, spanning all ages, who have journeyed from the depths of despair to the heights of redemption through their personal relationship with Jesus.
The Inner Revival Podcast, hosted by Monika Kirkland, encourages and equips you to grow in your faith, cultivate intimacy with Jesus, and walk in freedom. Through heartfelt vulnerability, biblical wisdom, and life-giving conversations, listeners will be reminded of the transformative power of the gospel to bring healing and restoration from the inside out.
Ancient Wisdom from a Modern Medicine Woman. Sharing the truth that you can trust in these changing times. We are living in unprecedented times where often we feel confused, afraid or uncertain about the future. Louise shares channeled wisdom and guidance on how to navigate yourself into peace with your inner compass. -
Taler i fra gudstjenester i Hånes misjonskirke
Velkommen til “Ukens Samtale”, en ukentlig aktualitetspodkast som utforsker og diskuterer en rekke temaer relatert til den katolske kirken både i Norge og internasjonalt.
Pål Johannes Nes leder prodkasten sammen med hans faste makker p. Arne Marco Kirsebom. Episodene inneholder ofte spennende gjester og tar sikte på å dykke dypt inn i aktuelle hendelser og gi en klar og forståelig forklaring på komplekse temaer. Våre gjester, som spenner fra lokale eksperter til internasjonale stemmer, bidrar med unike perspektiver som beriker samtalen.
“Ukens Samtale” er podkast fra EWTN Norge, der vi streber etter å gi lytterne våre et balansert og dyptgående blikk på katolsk tro og liv. Bli med oss hver uke for å utvide din forståelse og engasjement i den katolske kirkes rike og mangfoldige verden. -
Undervisningsserie med Gjermund Aglen som dykker ned i historien i Samuelsbøkene.
Bli med på en reise i oppturer og nedturer med blant andre Samuel, Saul og David.
Liker du podkasten, del den gjerne med noen du tenker har utbytte av den :)
Gjermund har gjennom over 20 år tjent i Namsos frikirke både som frivillig og ansatt med bl.a. Alphakurs, Bibelkurs og prekener. Nå studerer han "Praktisk teologi og ledelse" ved NLA i Trondheim, i tillegg til å lede "Støperiet" (unge voksne-arbeidet) i Namsos. -
Martin Lepperød holder deg med selskap hele uka! Hver mandag med en spennende gjest, hver onsdag med alt han har på blokka og hver fredag med sin gode venn og faste gjest Olli Wermskog.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dagsaktuelle temaer om Israel og det jødiske folk sett i lys av Bibelen – alt fra antisemittisme og konflikten om Jerusalem til hvordan historie og religion henger sammen med det som skjer i dag. Vi gir deg perspektiver på Israel, profetiene over landet og de store spørsmålene som former verden.
Welcome to DISRUPTION, where we engage young people by disrupting culture and centering Christ. Join Alex Sikma,and Stefan Walicord as we engage in intellectual conversations with authentic camaraderie.
Find us on Instagram or YouTube both use the same handle: @disruptionpodcast
DISRUPTION is produced by Alex Sikma and recorded at the Pilgrim's Well Studio. -
I am shaking up the wellness industry and addressing the things that people usually avoid. With relentless curiosity and refusal to sweep things under the rug, this podcast is for those who crave truth over comfort and honesty over surface level BS.
So, get yourself in the lotus position because I have no plan, no pretence and definitely no bypassing….. I’m Josh Connolly and this will probably be dysfunctional
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Awaken to the bliss of your being and learn how to harness your sacred sexuality so that you can live the most magical life ever. This consciousness expanding podcast is here to inspire and support you in connecting to your True Self and to empower you with tools, stories and real life examples of transformation. We'll cover all things sacred, sensual, spiritual and sexual, so you can live the most light filled life of love.
I'm your host, Aurelie Devon and I am a Reiki Master, Sensual Energy Healer, Priestess of Pleasure, Transformational Guide and Kundalini Dancer. I believe that when you expand your consciousness around sex and intimacy, that every area of your life changes. My life is proof of this and I love sharing my stories, experiences and tools I have gained through my own healing journey and in working with clients over the past 10 years. While my primary focus is pleasure, I am here for all things that support embodying blissful states of energy and for deepening our connection to love and the light of God.
My sensual healing work was featured on Sex Life, Season 3, you can view my segment and learn more about what I do here:
What if you could achieve your best possible health and have all you desire in life? With the power of Angel Empowerment Healing, you can!
Cindy Smith and Sam Bell, your hosts of The Angel Empowerment Healing Show, are among the best in the field and are here to empower you to own your wellness NOW! With their knowledge and guidance from the Divine, you will expand your capacity to receive and change.
As Angel Empowerment Healers and Instructors they have been at it for nearly 2 decades, they are about to become the best friends you may not even know you’ve always needed.
Pull up a chair every week and experience countless profound moments and breakthroughs so you can heal, thrive and grow in your life.
Be prepared to experience an entirely new level of understanding and intuition in this vast and purposeful world of language and healing. Experience The Angel Empowerment Healing Show today!
Tune in weekly to receive a guided message from Archangel Raphael, THE Angel of Healing; meet special guests who share their healing journeys from a client or practitioner perspective; together with your hosts, expect to explore topics that will change your way of thinking about your health and wellness forever.
PURPOSE // To gather those called by their Father to know HIM in order to make HIM known // Malachi 4:5-6 Remnant Church of Denton exists for the purpose of raising up sons and daughters of Christ's Kingdom for this generation and the next. Sons and daughters as expressed in 1 Corinthians 4:15 and 1 John 2 speaks in a familial language. Once we begin to study the bible, we can understand the familial perspective from which it was written. In search of authentic relationships that mirror our studies we reach out to our local church. For many of us, this is where the journey ends as we discover institutionalized church that leaves us wanting. The leadership of Remnant Church desires to witness your potential and help you make it reality. Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. We are not interested in gathering numbers or sustaining you on milk. Instead, we look forward to meeting those who God has ordained to make up our Remnant family; to live and learn mutual devotion together and look forward to the day that the student surpasses the teachers. MISSION // To grow, equip, and mature every saint for the work of THE ministry // Ephesians 4:11-13 "Each generation will praise your works to the next and proclaim your mighty acts." Psalms 145:4 CJB Scriptures such as Psalms 145:4, Deuteronomy 4:9-10, Psalm 78:6, and John15, presume that the believer is living according to the Genesis 1:28 mandate which is: to be fruitful, multiply, fill and subdue the earth. This does not exclude those who cannot or have not had physical children. We passionately believe in growing up in the Faith, from sons and daughters to mothers and fathers, that we may indeed make an impact on our current generation. Even more so that we might leave a strong impression on the next. Acts tells us that although God's promises may be first realized by us in our generation, that by design, it is given to us to impact the next. Teaching us not to live as consumers but rather, to lift up and pour into the next generation. Remnant Church’s greatest hope above all, is that the goodness of God that has been so abundantly poured out on our lives would be evident to all. We desire that our lives would be lived with such a passion and affection for Jesus, that what has been freely given to us would be imparted to those around us, whereby, fulfilling the Genesis 1:28 mandate to multiply His presence in this present generation. VISION // To give fully mature sons and daughters to all nations until the full harvest has come in, the bride has made herself ready, and King Jesus is enthroned in Jerusalem // Micah 4:6-8 Discipleship is a lifestyle not a program. We have found it best to simply: - live a life abandoned to Jesus - allow the Holy Spirit to gather those who desire to do the same - enter into everyday life together as we live and learn how to better re-present King Jesus to a hopeless and dying world. VALUES // To guard Holy Spirit empowerment, Lifestyle Evangelism & Missions, Historical Christian Orthodoxy, and Eternal Family // Matthew 28:16-20
Jeg heter Marianne Magelssen. Jeg er utdannet sykepleier, Coach og Mindfulnessinstruktør.
De siste 15 årene har jeg arbeidet som forfatter og foredragsholder. Jeg har skrevet bøkene: "Pust for livet", "Kjære gud, kommer du snart? Det er så rotete her" og "Vær din beste venn".
I podkasten "Pust for livet" vil jeg dele mine refleksjoner og erfaringer om livet og jeg vil ha gjester som fordyper forståelsen om hvordan pust, kropp og sinn utgjør en helhet og de vil dele sin dype kunnskap om bevissthet. Jeg gleder meg til å gi samtalene til deg som lytter. Jeg har lært mye av gjestene mine. God lytting:-)
Følg meg gjerne på Instagram: @mariannemagelssen
Musikk: Nils Olav Bøe komponist/billedkunstner
Forsidebildet: Billedkunstner Janine Magelssen. «Objekt nr. 7 - inntil»
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
En underholdningspodcast av fire kristne gutter som prater løst og fast om alt og ingenting. Vi håper vi kan levere litt lun humor i ditt øre!
Har du spørsmål eller innspill: send melding på instagram: jungelflanellografen. eller på mail: [email protected] -
Weekly messages on how to grow in faith and identity in Christ
Messages de foi et de vie pour fortifier votre foi et relation avec Dieu !
Fra Gran Canaria prater Sjømannsprest Bjørnar Tho og Daniel Holt om søndagens prekentekst med «ukens gjest». Og som første gjest Hanne Marie Engdal sa: «detta var åleit, ikke så ofte en får prate litt mer om sånne ting»
My name is Alex Stone, and I am 20 years old. I am on a mission to bring the light of the Gospel into every aspect of life.
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