Teknologi – Israel – Nya podcasts

  • AI ืคืจืงื˜ื™ – ื”ื‘ื™ื ื” ื”ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช ื‘ื’ื•ื‘ื” ื”ืขื™ื ื™ื™ื

    ื‘ืจื•ื›ื™ื ื”ื‘ืื™ื ืœืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ AI ืคืจืงื˜ื™, ืฉื‘ื• ืื ื• ืžื‘ื™ืื™ื ืืช ืขื•ืœื ื”ื‘ื™ื ื” ื”ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช ื‘ื’ื•ื‘ื” ื”ืขื™ื ื™ื™ื ื•ื‘ืื•ืคืŸ ื™ื™ืฉื•ืžื™. ืื ื™ ื‘ืจ ืฉืืชื™ืืœ, ืžื™ื™ืกื“ ืงื”ื™ืœืช "ื‘ื™ื ื” ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช ื‘ื’ื•ื‘ื” ื”ืขื™ื ื™ื™ื", ื•ืœืฆื“ื™ ืืฉืจ ืžื•ืจื’ื ืฉื˜ืจืŸ, ืžื•ืžื—ื” ืœืงื•ื“ ื•ืื•ื˜ื•ืžืฆื™ื•ืช.

    ื‘ื›ืœ ืคืจืง ื ืฆืœื•ืœ ืœื ื•ืฉื ืื—ืจ – ืื™ืš AI ืžืฉืคืจ ืขืกืงื™ื, ื›ืชื™ื‘ื”, ืฉื™ื•ื•ืง, ื ื™ื”ื•ืœ ื–ืžืŸ ื•ืขื•ื“. ื ืฉื‘ื•ืจ ืžื™ืชื•ืกื™ื, ื ืคืชื•ืจ ื—ืฉืฉื•ืช ื•ื ืœืžื“ ืื™ืš ืœื”ืฉืชืžืฉ ื ื›ื•ืŸ ื‘ื›ืœื™ื ื›ืžื• ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini ื•ืื—ืจื™ื.

    ืื ืืชื ื™ื–ืžื™ื, ื‘ืขืœื™ ืขืกืงื™ื ืื• ืคืฉื•ื˜ ืจื•ืฆื™ื ืœื™ื™ืขืœ ืืช ื”ื—ื™ื™ื – ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื”ื–ื” ื‘ืฉื‘ื™ืœื›ื!

  • Your go-to guide for navigating the exciting world of business technology projects, business innovation, and app startups. Our bite-sized casts explore innovative strategies, decode tech trends, and share insights on developing successful web and mobile applications. Whether you're a fledgling startup or an established business, we'll equip you with the tools to transform your business and turn your ideas into reality.

  • ื”ืงืจืื” ืฉืœ ืžื”ื“ื•ืจื•ืช ืดื”ืจื”ื•ืจื™ ื™ื•ื ืฉื™ืฉื™ืด ื•ืคื•ืกื˜ื™ื ืžื”ื‘ืœื•ื’ ืดืื•ืคื˜ื™ืงืื™ ืžื“ื•ืคืœืืด:
    (ืฉืžืชืคืจืกืžื™ื ืœืฆื“ ืคืจืงื™ื ืฉืœ ืื•ืคื˜ื™ืงืืกื˜)

  • ืžื•ื–ืžื ื™ื ืœืฆืœื•ืœ ืื™ืชื ื• ืœืฉื™ื—ื” ืžืจืชืงืช ืขื ืฆื— ื“ืจื•ืงืจ-ืžื ื›"ืœ ืงื‘ื•ืฆืช Guideline , ืขืœ ื”ืชืคืชื—ื•ืช ื”-AI ื‘ืชื—ื•ื ื”- Lega Tech ื•ื”ืฉืคืขืชื• ืขืœ ืขื‘ื•ื“ืช ืขืจื™ื›ืช ื”ื“ื™ืŸื ื“ื‘ืจ ืขืœ ื”ืชื•ืขืœื•ืช ืฉื”ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื” ืžืืคืฉืจืช ื•ื ื›ื™ืจ ื›ืœื™ื ืžืขืฉื™ื™ื ืฉื™ืฉื ื• ืืช ืฆื•ืจืช ื”ืขื‘ื•ื“ื” ืฉืœ ืชื—ื•ื ื”ืžืฉืคื˜ ืœื ืฆื—.
    ืื™ืš ืžื•ืฆืื™ื ืืช ื”ืžื™ื“ืข ื”ืžืฉืคื˜ื™ ื”ืจืฆื•ื™ ื‘ืชื•ืš ื›ืžื” ืฉื ื™ื•ืช?ื›ื™ืฆื“ ื‘ื•ื ื™ื ืืกื˜ืจื˜ื’ื™ื•ืช ืžืฉืคื˜ื™ื•ืช ื‘ืขื–ืจืช ื›ืœื™ื ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื™ื?ื”ืื ืืคืฉืจ ืœืœืžื•ื“ ืืช ืขืžื“ืชื• ืฉืœ ืฉื•ืคื˜ ืกืคืฆื™ืคื™, ืœื–ื”ื•ืช ื“ืคื•ืกื™ื ื•ื”ื—ืœื˜ื•ืช?ื›ื™ืฆื“ ืžื›ื™ื ื™ื ื›ืชื‘ ื˜ืขื ื•ืช ื“ืจืš ื”ืžืขืจื›ืช?ืื™ืš ืœื‘ืฆืข ืžื—ืงืจ ืžืฉืคื˜ื™?ื”ืื ื ื™ืชืŸ ืœื ื”ืœ ื“ื™ืืœื•ื’ ืขื ื”ืคืกื™ืงื”?ื•ื›ืžื•ื‘ืŸ, ื“ื•ื’ืžืื•ืช ืคืจืงื˜ื™ื•ืช ืœื›ืœ ื”ืฉืืœื•ืช ืžื•ืš ืžืขืจื›ืช ืคื•ืจืฆืช ื“ืจืš- ื˜ืงื“ื™ืŸ AI.ืžื•ื–ืžื ื™ื ืœื”ืฆื˜ืจืฃ

  • ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ืžืงืฆื•ืขื™ ืขืœ ืกื™ื™ื‘ืจ ื•ืื‘ื˜ื—ืช ืžื™ื“ืข ื‘ืฉืจืฉืจืช ื”ืืกืคืงื”.
    ื‘ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื–ื” ื ืืจื— ืžื•ืžื—ื™ื ืžื—ื‘ืจื•ืช ื•ืื™ืจื’ื•ื ื™ื ืฉื•ื ื™ื ื•ื ื“ื‘ืจ ืขืœ ืชื”ืœื™ื›ื™ื, ืžื’ืžื•ืช, ืจื’ื•ืœืฆื™ื”, ื›ืœื™ื, ื—ื‘ืจื•ืช ื•ืื™ืจื’ื•ื ื™ื ืฉืขื•ืกืงื™ื ื‘ืื‘ื˜ื—ืช ืžื™ื“ืข ืกื‘ื™ื‘ ืฉืจืฉืจืช ื”ืืกืคืงื”. ืขื•ืจื›ื™ ื“ื™ืŸ, ืžื•ืžื—ื™ ืกื™ื™ื‘ืจ, ืžื ื›"ืœื™ื ืฉืœ ื—ื‘ืจื•ืช, ื™ื•ืขืฆื™ื, ืžื ื”ืœื™ ืื‘ื˜ื—ืช ืžื™ื“ืข ืฉืœ ืกื˜ืืจื˜ืืคื™ื, ื•ืื™ืจื’ื•ื ื™ื ืฉื•ื ื™ื, ื’ื•ืคื™ื ืคืจื˜ื™ื™ื ื•ืฆื™ื‘ื•ืจื™ื™ื.
    ืื ื—ื ื• ืžื–ืžื™ื ื™ื ืืชื›ื ืœืขืงื•ื‘ ืื—ืจื™ื ื•, ืœื”ื’ื™ื‘ ื•ืœืฉืื•ืœ.
    ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื ืขืจืš ื‘ืฉื™ืชื•ืฃ ื—ื‘ืจืช Rescana

    ื›ืชื•ื‘ืช ื”ืžื™ื™ืœ ืฉืœื ื• ื”ื™ื: [email protected]

  • ื‘ืœื•ื’ืฆืณื™ื™ืŸ ื ืœื” - ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื‘ืขื‘ืจื™ืช ืœื”ืขืฉืจื” ื•ื”ื ื’ืฉืช ืžื™ื“ืข ืœืขื•ืœื ื”ืžื˜ื‘ืขื•ืช ื”ื“ื™ื’ื™ื˜ืœื™ื™ื, ื”ืงืจื™ืคื˜ื•, ื‘ืœื•ืงืฆืณื™ื™ืŸ ื•ืฉื›ื‘ื•ืชื™ื•, ื›ืœื›ืœื” ืžื‘ื•ื–ืจืช, ื”ืขื•ืœื ื”ื•ื™ืจื˜ื•ืืœื™ ื”ื‘ื ืฉืœื ื• - ื”ืžื˜ืื‘ืจืก ื•ืขื•ื“.

    ืื ื—ื ื• ื ืฆืœื•ืœ ืœืขื•ืžืง ื”ื“ื‘ืจื™ื, ื”ื—ืœ ืžืคื•ื ืงืฆื™ื™ืช ื’ื™ื‘ื•ื‘ ื•ืขื“ ืœืœืžื” ืœืงื ื•ืช ืชืžื•ื ื” ืฉืœ ืงื•ืฃ ื‘400,000$ ื‘ืชื•ืจ NFT.
    ืชืืžื™ื ื• ืื• ืœื, ื™ืฉ ืกื™ื‘ื”, ืืคื™ืœื• ื™ื•ืชืจ ืžืื—ืช.
    ื”ืื–ื ื” ื ืขื™ืžื”

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  • ื”ื™ื™! ืื ื—ื ื• DevOps Leaders, ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื”ืจืฉืžื™ ืฉืœ ืงื”ื™ืœืช DevOps Leaders IL - ืงื”ื™ืœื” ื”ืžืื’ื“ืช ืืช ืžื•ื‘ื™ืœื™ ื”devops ืฉืœ ื™ืฉืจืืœ. ื‘ืžื”ืœืš ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ืื•ืคื™ืจ ืฉื˜ื™ื™ืŸ, (Co Founder ื•-CTO ื‘-Apono) ื•ืืœื™ืจืŸ ื•ื•ืœืฃ, (DevOps Lead ื‘-Dcode.tech) ื™ืคื’ืฉื• ืขื ืžื ื”ื™ื’ื™ ืชืขืฉื™ื™ืช ื” DevOps ื‘ืืจืฅ, ื•ื™ื—ื“ ื™ื—ืงืจื• ื ืงื•ื“ื•ืช ืžื‘ื˜ ื™ื™ื—ื•ื“ื™ื•ืช, ืืกื˜ืจื˜ื’ื™ื•ืช ืฉื•ื ื•ืช ื•ืชื•ื‘ื ื•ืช ืฉื ืจื›ืฉื• ืœืื•ืจืš ื”ื“ืจืš ื‘ืขื•ืœื ื”DevOps.ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื‘ืฉื™ืชื•ืฃ ืขื Apono, ื”ืžืฆื™ืขื” ืคืชืจื•ืŸ ืื•ื˜ื•ืžืฆื™ื” ืœื ื™ื”ื•ืœ ื”ืจืฉืื•ืช ื“ื™ื ืžื™ื•ืช ืœืžืฉืื‘ื™ ื”RnD.*ืžื ื”ืœื™ ื“ื‘ืื•ืคืก? ื”ืฆื˜ืจืค ื›ืืŸ ืœืงื”ื™ืœืช DevOps Leaders IL -> https://forms.gle/JLqV3gN4LnyPGi569**ืœืขื•ื“ ืžื™ื“ืข ืขื Apono, ืœื—ืฆื• ื›ืืŸ -> www.apono.io

  • "ืžื“ื‘ืจื™ื ื™ื•ืงืจื”" - ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ืžืจืชืง ื”ืขื•ืกืง ื‘ืกื™ืคื•ืจื™ื ื•ื”ืื ืฉื™ื ื”ืขื•ืžื“ื™ื ืžืื—ื•ืจื™ ืžื•ืชื’ื™ ื”ื™ื•ืงืจื” ื‘ืืจืฅ ื•ื‘ืขื•ืœื, ื‘ื”ื ื—ื™ื™ืช ื“ืจื•ืจ ื’ื•ืจืœื ื™ืง, ืžื ื›"ืœ ืœืงืกื•ืก ื™ืฉืจืืœ. ื‘ื›ืœ ืคืจืง ื™ืืจื— ื’ื•ืจืœื ื™ืง, ื”ืžื‘ื™ื ืขืžื• ื ื™ืกื™ื•ืŸ ืขืฉื™ืจ ืฉืœ 36 ืฉื ื” ื‘ืขื ืฃ ืจื›ื‘ื™ ื”ื™ื•ืงืจื”, ืžื•ืžื—ื” ืžื•ื‘ื™ืœ ืžืชื—ื•ื ื™ื•ืงืจื” ืฉื•ื ื” – ื”ื—ืœ ื‘ืžืกืขื“ื•ืช ืฉืฃ ื•ืžืœื•ื ื•ืช ื‘ื•ื˜ื™ืง, ื“ืจืš ืฉืขื•ื ื™ ื™ื•ืงืจื” ื•ื—ื•ืคืฉื•ืช ืืงืกืงืœื•ืกื™ื‘ื™ื•ืช, ื•ืขื“ ืœืขื•ืœืžื•ืช ื”ืขื™ืฆื•ื‘ ื•ืžื•ืฆืจื™ ื”ื˜ื™ืคื•ื— ื”ื™ื•ืงืจืชื™ื™ื. ื”ืžืื–ื™ื ื™ื ื™ื™ืฆืื• ืœืžืกืข ืžืจืชืง ืืœ ืžืื—ื•ืจื™ ื”ืงืœืขื™ื ืฉืœ ืชืขืฉื™ื™ืช ื”ื™ื•ืงืจื”. ื”ืžืคื’ืฉ ื”ื™ื™ื—ื•ื“ื™ ื‘ื™ืŸ ื ืงื•ื“ื•ืช ื”ืžื‘ื˜ ื”ืžื’ื•ื•ื ื•ืช ื•ื”ื ื™ืกื™ื•ืŸ ื”ืขืฉื™ืจ ืฉืœ ื”ืžืฉืชืชืคื™ื ื™ื•ืฆืจ ื“ื™ื•ืŸ ืžืจืชืง ืฉื—ื•ืฉืฃ ืืช ื”ืงื•ื“ื™ื ื”ืกืžื•ื™ื™ื, ื”ืืชื’ืจื™ื ื”ืžื•ืจื›ื‘ื™ื ื•ื”ื”ื–ื“ืžื ื•ื™ื•ืช ื”ืžืจืชืงื•ืช ื‘ืขื•ืœื ื”ื™ื•ืงืจื” ื”ืขื›ืฉื•ื•ื™.

  • This is a show about the data that is used to classify, describe, manage and protect your data. A show about metadata. All those little elements that you use to make your content findable to your consumers, to its editors, for yourself! The title? Metadata. The file size? Metadata. But why does your data need to get so meta? How much is the right amount of metadata for your content? How can you leverage metadata not just to make content findable, but also to gain insights about consumer behavior and in turn to improve your content? These are just some of the questions and topics that we will cover in I Never Metadata. As technology continues to grow and evolve, I continue to find that I never metadata I didn’t like!

  • Join me on my journey to becoming the best programmer I can be, starting from absolutely nothing to becoming a full-stack developer capable of building anything I can imagine. This podcast is part of a written blog, designed to make programming accessible from the ground up in a short, friendly, and vocal way. You can listen on the go, catching the core concepts of web development anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re new to coding or looking to sharpen your skills, this is the perfect companion for your learning adventure! New podcast weblog

  • ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื”ืžื’ื–ื™ืŸ ืžื‘ื™ืช ืžืขืจื™ื‘, ื‘ื• ื ื“ื‘ืจ ืขืœ ื‘ืจื™ืื•ืช, ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื”, ื›ืœื›ืœื” ื•ืขื•ื“โ€ฆ

  • ื”ืกื›ืช ื‘ืขื‘ืจื™ืช ืขืœ ื›ืœ ืžื” ืฉื—ื“ืฉ ื•ืžืชื—ื“ืฉ ื‘ื‘ื™ื ื” ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช ื™ื•ืฆืจืช

  • ื‘ืจื•ื›ื™ื ื”ื‘ืื™ื ืœืดื˜ืื‘ื•ืœื” ื˜ื•ืงืกืด - ืžื ื”ืœื™ื ืžื“ื‘ืจื™ื ืขืœ AI.
    ืืœื“ื“ ืžื ื™ื‘, ื ืฉื™ื ืฉืœ ื—ื‘ืจืช ื”ืžืœืฆื•ืช ื”ืชื•ื›ืŸ ื˜ืื‘ื•ืœื”, ื™ื—ื“ ืขื ืืฉืช ื”ืชืงืฉื•ืจืช ื“ืคื ื™ืืœ ืžื’ืŸ, ืฆื•ืœืœื™ื ืืœ ืชื•ืš ื”ืขื•ืœื ื”ืžืจืชืง ืฉืœ ื”ื‘ื™ื ื” ื”ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช ื•ื”ืฉืคืขืชื• ืขืœ ืชื—ื•ืžื™ื ืฉื•ื ื™ื ื‘ื—ื™ื™ื ื•, ืžืขื•ืœื ื”ืขื‘ื•ื“ื” ื•ืขื“ ืœืคืจืกื•ื ื•ืฆืจื™ื›ืช ืชื•ื›ืŸ. ื‘ื›ืœ ืคืจืง ื ื—ืงื•ืจ ืชื—ื•ื ื—ื“ืฉ ื•ื”ืฉื™ื ื•ื™ื™ื ืฉื”ื•ื ืขื•ื‘ืจ ืชื•ื“ื•ืช ืœืžื”ืคื›ืช ื”ื‘ื™ื ื” ื”ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช, ื™ื—ื“ ืขื ืžื•ืžื—ื™ื ืžื”ืฉื•ืจื” ื”ืจืืฉื•ื ื”. ื ืขืกื•ืง ื‘ื ื•ืฉืื™ื ืžืจืชืงื™ื ืฉื™ื›ื•ืœื™ื ืœืฉื ื•ืช ืืช ื”ื“ืจืš ื‘ื” ืื ื• ื—ื•ืฉื‘ื™ื ื•ืขื•ื‘ื“ื™ื. ื”ืฆื˜ืจืคื• ืืœื™ื ื• ืœืžืกืข ืฉืœ ืœืžื™ื“ื” ื•ื”ืฉืจืื” ื‘ืขื•ืœื ืฉื‘ื• ื”ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื” ื•ื”ืื ื•ืฉื•ืช ื ืคื’ืฉื™ื.

  • Conversations with Technion alumni living and working all around the world. A podcast by the Technion Alumni Association

  • ื™ื ื•ืŸ ื‘ืŸ ืฉื•ืฉืŸ ื•ืœื™ืื•ืจ ื ืื•ืจ ืขืœ ื›ืœ ืžื” ืฉืžืขื ื™ื™ืŸ ื‘ืขื•ืœืžื•ืช ื”ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื”

  • ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ "ื—ื“ืฉื•ืช ื”ื‘ื™ื ื” ื”ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช" ืžื‘ื™ื ืœื›ื ืืช ื”ื—ื“ืฉื•ืช ื”ื—ืžื•ืช ื‘ื™ื•ืชืจ ืžืขื•ืœืžื•ืช ื”ื‘ื™ื ื” ื”ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช. ื›ืœ ืคืจืง ืžืกืคืง ืชื•ื‘ื ื•ืช ืžืขืžื™ืงื•ืช ืขืœ ื”ื”ืชืคืชื—ื•ื™ื•ืช ื”ืื—ืจื•ื ื•ืช ื•ื”ืฉืคืขืชืŸ ืขืœ ื—ื™ื™ ื”ื™ื•ื-ื™ื•ื ืฉืœื ื•. ืื ืืชื ืžื—ืคืฉื™ื ืœื”ื™ื•ืช ืžืขื•ื“ื›ื ื™ื ื‘ื›ืœ ื”ื ื•ื’ืข ืœื‘ื™ื ื” ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช, ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื”ื–ื” ื”ื•ื ื‘ื“ื™ื•ืง ื‘ืฉื‘ื™ืœื›ื.

    ืืœ ืชืฉื›ื—ื• ืœืขืงื•ื‘ ืื—ืจ ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื•ืœื”ืคืขื™ืœ ืืช ื”ืคืขืžื•ืŸ ื›ื“ื™ ืœืงื‘ืœ ื”ืชืจืื•ืช ื‘ื›ืœ ืคืขื ืฉืขื•ืœื” ืคืจืง ื—ื“ืฉ!

    ื”ื“ืก ืื“ืœืจ ื”ื™ื ืžื•ืžื—ื™ืช ื•ืžืจืฆื” ืžื•ื‘ื™ืœื” ื‘ืชื—ื•ื ื”ื‘ื™ื ื” ื”ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืช, ื”ื™ื ืžืขื‘ื™ืจื” ืงื•ืจืกื™ื, ืกื“ื ืื•ืช ื•ื”ื“ืจื›ื•ืช ืฉืžืกืคืงื•ืช ื”ื‘ื ื” ืžืขืžื™ืงื” ืฉืœ ื˜ื›ื ื•ืœื•ื’ื™ื•ืช ืžืชืงื“ืžื•ืช. ื”ื“ืก ืžื ื”ืœืช ืขืจื•ืฆื™ื ืขื ืขืฉืจื•ืช ืืœืคื™ ืขื•ืงื‘ื™ื ื‘ืจืฉืชื•ืช ื”ื—ื‘ืจืชื™ื•ืช ื•ื™ื•ืฆืจืช ืชื•ื›ืŸ ื‘ื ื•ืฉื ื‘ื™ื ื” ืžืœืื›ื•ืชื™ืชืฅ

  • ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ืฉื‘ื• ื™ื–ืžื™ื ื•ื™ื–ืžื™ื•ืช ื™ืฉืชืคื• ืชื•ื‘ื ื•ืช ืขืœ ื”ืžืกืข ืœื‘ื ื™ื™ืช ืžื•ืฆืจ ื‘ืกื˜ืืจื˜-ืืค. ืžืจืขื™ื•ืŸ ื•ืขื“ ืฆืžื™ื—ื” ื‘ืกืงื™ื™ืœ, ื ืฆืœื•ืœ ืœืืชื’ืจื™ื, ื”ืฆืœื—ื•ืช ื•ื”ื—ืœื˜ื•ืช ืฉื”ื•ื‘ื™ืœื• ืœื™ืฆื™ืจืช ืžื•ืฆืจื™ื ืžื ืฆื—ื™ื.
    ืžื—ืคืฉื™ื ื”ืฉืจืื” ื•ื˜ื™ืคื™ื ืžืขืฉื™ื™ื? ื–ื” ื”ืคื•ื“ืงืืกื˜ ื‘ืฉื‘ื™ืœื›ื!

  • We are best friends, we've been co workers for years, and now we're co-founders! But most of all, we love talking about data. Mostly metadata, and data infrastructure even more. Join us as we talk to data professionals, data vendors, and crazy enthusiasts like us to praise, diss and blab about data.