Barn & Familj – Nya podcasts
Bears make an appearance in so many fairy tales and fables, it is difficult to imagine a fairy-tale world without them. However, in most of those fairy tales, the bear is just a side-character. In this volume, Clifton Johnson has collected 18 stories in which the bear takes a lead role. - Summary by Carolin
Paul Angelo, a Polish immigrant from Tarnów, is a gay matchmaker and a relationship coach working exclusively with gay professional men over 40 who are ready for a serious relationship and marriage. By 2016, Paul has spent over 7,000 hours coaching and guiding his clients in the areas of gay dating and relationships. With over 50 video testimonials and over 350 YouTube videos, Paul is the world’s leader in gay education about the psychology of romantic relationships and gay sexuality.
Stories from the World's Okayest Dad promises to make it easier to put your little ones to bed.Yudi reads some lovely little bed time stories, something to make your child & the child inside you smile!Made with Love, at Genie's Creator & Narrator: YudhishthirSound Design: ThanushreeCreative Producer: Aditya K HPublicity Design: Akash
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
لوبت خفاش جهانگرد به دنبال عبور از چالشها و چیستانها سراسر جهان رو جستجو میکنه.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Siéntate conmigo y reflexionemos juntos sobre temas que ayudarán a las familias a estar en paz y armonía
Podcast por Ismael Acosta.
De papás, para papás.
Instagram @dadtalkspodcast -
A podcast dedicated to the intelligence of dogs and how to determine their unique learning styles and strengths by utilizing Barbara Lloyd’s Cognitive Challenges for dogs
Desde mi Caos es un espacio real y sin filtros sobre la crianza y la vida de padres modernos. Aquí hablamos de las alegrías, los retos y el caos diario de criar hijos mientras intentamos mantenernos cuerdos. No hay manual perfecto, pero sí conversaciones honestas, reflexiones y herramientas para encontrar equilibrio entre risas, llantos y mucho amor. Porque ser padres no se trata de hacerlo todo bien, sino de hacerlo con intención. ¡Bienvenidos al caos más hermoso de la vida!
🌙 Hřejivé a inspirující 📖
✨ Hloubavé a kouzelné 🔮
🦉 Terapeutické a ukotvující 💛
Pohádky, které vyživují srdce, ostří mysl a hladí duši.
Vyprávím příběhy, které jemně otevírají srdce, probouzejí empatii, odvahu a zvědavost a pomáhají dětem i rodičům usínat s pocitem bezpečí. Každá pohádka je malou cestou k hlubšímu porozumění sobě i světu.
Ponoř se do vyprávění, které vytváří bezpečný prostor pro růst, fantazii a klidné usínání. 🌿🎙 -
While they're all losing their minds, let's play StarFall2029!
StarFall2029 is a story-telling Live Action Role Playing gamification of Christian Discipleship through Biblical literacy, in the fine radio tradition of Orson Welles, with a true Scot's undershanding of George Orwell, and a touch of Joe Rogan the Bible Answer Man, StarFall2029 in your ongoing community ruleset for the hard reset your Christian dialogue has been desperately in need of.
Psalms, Proverbs and Red Letters in Jesus' Name, for the win, every time. -
Each episode will feature a conversation between host Rebecca Harvin and foster/adoptive caregivers or members of the community who support foster care and adoption.
You’re a parent and you have questions about how to raise a happy and healthy child, especially with all the conflicting messages in the news. Join Drs. Alicia and Stephanie Rolin as they explore science-based parenting. Each week, they’ll tackle an issue in the headlines by reviewing research and speaking to the experts.
「平凡夫妻的日常對話」是一個輕鬆、真實又溫馨的Podcast節目,帶您走進我們的生活,聆聽夫妻間的點滴對話和笑談。我們分享日常生活中的趣事、挑戰、情感交流,從平凡中找到不平凡的幸福。無論是面對生活壓力、親子教育、還是生活中的小矛盾,我們以幽默和坦誠的方式一一剖析。一起來,透過這些話語共鳴,找到屬於你的那份感動與笑聲!--Hosting provided by SoundOn
『故事星球ABC』我們的故事都有中文和英文喔!在故事結束後,會分享與故事相關的精選詞彙,讓小朋友在融入故事情境時自然體會中英文詞彙的用法,輕鬆自然的學會語言。每篇故事都是星球媽媽特別挑選,並根據內容設定不同的主題,每個主題都想讓小朋友在聽故事的同時,也能培養良好的品格並啟發小朋友的想像力!讓『故事星球ABC』陪小朋友們快樂學習,讓爸媽輕鬆育兒有任何建議和回饋都可以寫信告訴我們唷! provided by SoundOn
FB粉專搜尋「再說一個吧!拜託~」 -
媽的人生日常,每天都像是一次時空旅行,早晨醒來仍然在甜美的夢境裡,轉眼就被孩子的吵鬧拉進現實 。這個節目沒有教導,只有陪伴。媽的生活最真實的寫照;那些曾陪伴我們度過年少輕狂的音樂;那些讓我們在深夜忍不住流淚的電影,那些撫慰我們育兒時崩塌的書籍,也許正是我們感動的瞬間。這沒有標準答案,只有媽媽們最真實的聲音。 無論你是新手媽媽、資深媽媽,正在思考如何平衡自我與家庭的人,這裡都有屬於你的故事。在這混亂又奇妙的旅程裡,找到彼此的共鳴,也找到繼繼走下去的動力。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
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