Historia – Portugal – Nya podcasts

  • At the end of his two terms in office, Ronald Reagan viewed with satisfaction the achievements of his innovative program known as the Reagan Revolution, which aimed to reinvigorate the American people and reduce their reliance upon Government. He felt he had fulfilled his campaign pledge of 1980 to restore “the great, confident roar of American progress and growth and optimism.”On February 6, 1911, Ronald Wilson Reagan was born to Nelle and John Reagan in Tampico, Illinois. He attended high school in nearby Dixon and then worked his way through Eureka College. There, he studied economics and sociology, played on the football team, and acted in school plays. Upon graduation, he became a radio sports announcer. A screen test in 1937 won him a contract in Hollywood. During the next two decades he appeared in 53 films.From his first marriage to actress Jane Wyman, he had two children, Maureen and Michael. Maureen passed away in 2001. In 1952 he married Nancy Davis, who was also an actress, and they had two children, Patricia Ann and Ronald Prescott.As president of the Screen Actors Guild, Reagan became embroiled in disputes over the issue of Communism in the film industry; his political views shifted from liberal to conservative. He toured the country as a television host, becoming a spokesman for conservatism. In 1966 he was elected Governor of California by a margin of a million votes; he was re-elected in 1970.Ronald Reagan won the Republican Presidential nomination in 1980 and chose as his running mate former Texas Congressman and United Nations Ambassador George Bush. Voters troubled by inflation and by the year-long confinement of Americans in Iran swept the Republican ticket into office. Reagan won 489 electoral votes to 49 for President Jimmy Carter.On January 20, 1981, Reagan took office. Only 69 days later he was shot by a would-be assassin, but quickly recovered and returned to duty. His grace and wit during the dangerous incident caused his popularity to soar.Dealing skillfully with Congress, Reagan obtained legislation to stimulate economic growth, curb inflation, increase employment, and strengthen national defense. He embarked upon a course of cutting taxes and Government expenditures, refusing to deviate from it when the strengthening of defense forces led to a large deficit.A renewal of national self-confidence by 1984 helped Reagan and Bush win a second term with an unprecedented number of electoral votes. Their victory turned away Democratic challengers Walter F. Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro.In 1986 Reagan obtained an overhaul of the income tax code, which eliminated many deductions and exempted millions of people with low incomes. At the end of his administration, the Nation was enjoying its longest recorded period of peacetime prosperity without recession or depression.In foreign policy, Reagan sought to achieve “peace through strength.” During his two terms he increased defense spending 35 percent, but sought to improve relations with the Soviet Union. In dramatic meetings with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, he negotiated a treaty that would eliminate intermediate-range nuclear missiles. Reagan declared war against international terrorism, sending American bombers against Libya after evidence came out that Libya was involved in an attack on American soldiers in a West Berlin nightclub.By ordering naval escorts in the Persian Gulf, he maintained the free flow of oil during the Iran-Iraq war. In keeping with the Reagan Doctrine, he gave support to anti-Communist insurgencies in Central America, Asia, and Africa.Overall, the Reagan years saw a restoration of prosperity, and the goal of peace through strength seemed to be within grasp.

  • Detective Sergeant John Billings has risen swiftly through the ranks to become one of Scotland Yard's youngest detectives, but in his private life he struggles with the demons of loneliness and morphine addiction. In these full length mysteries he will lead you on a thrilling journey into the darkest recesses of Victorian society.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Port Cities and Maritime Cultures - a new podcast from the University of Portsmouth - focuses on the past, present and future importance of the waterfront and coastal communities. Too often such places and their peoples have been forgotten and marginalised. In each 30-minute episode, Dr Guy Collender interviews researchers to find out about the peoples, cultures, cargoes and ships found at sea, in port, and along the coast. The podcast is produced by the Centre for Port Cities and Maritime Cultures at the University of Portsmouth.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • The provided framework outlines a podcast series titled ”Ancient Civilizations: Lost Worlds of the Past” . Each episode explores a different civilization, such as Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu, and others, delving into their mythological, historical, and archaeological aspects. The series aims to unravel the mysteries surrounding these lost civilizations, discussing their cultural significance, speculated locations, and the enduring fascination they hold in popular imagination.

  • "Vintage Car Chronicles" explores the captivating history and engineering behind some of the most iconic cars ever built. Each episode dives into a legendary vehicle's story—from groundbreaking designs to record-breaking achievements, tracing the journey of automotive excellence. Discover the innovation, passion, and impact these classic machines have had on car culture and racing history, featuring insights into models like the McLaren F1, Jaguar XJ220, and many more. Whether you’re a car enthusiast or simply curious, join us for a thrilling ride through the golden eras of motoring.

  • From the rise and fall of empires to the birth of modern diplomacy, civilization's greatest moments have been shaped by an unlikely force: what filled our glasses. 

    Join award-winning author Henry Jeffreys and renowned food writer Tom Parker-Bowles as they pour through history's most intoxicating stories. From Charles Dickens's beloved punch to the royal family's legendary drinks trolley, discover how alcohol has shaped civilizations, sparked wars, and sealed peace treaties.

    Each episode finds our convivial hosts uncorking a different chapter of human history through the unique lens of alcohol. Whether they're recreating Dickens's beloved punch recipes, infiltrating the closely-guarded royal wine cellars, proving that the English invented champagne or discovering how Portuguese port sparked an international alliance, Henry and Tom blend scholarly insight with irreverent wit and a shared passion for historical peculiarities.

    Authoritative yet wonderfully entertaining, Intoxicating History serves up serious history with a generous measure of irreverent humour. Through revolutions and peace treaties, cultural upheavals and technological breakthroughs, your hosts reveal how the contents of the glass have steered the course of history – usually while sampling the evidence, (purely for research purposes, of course!)

    Whether you're a history buff, food and drink enthusiast, or simply love a well-told tale, raise a glass with us as we explore civilization's most intoxicating moments.

    Pour yourself something suitable and join us for a journey through time, one drink at a time.

    New episodes served weekly.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Country Over Self: Defining Moments in American History is a short-form history podcast for Americans who want to understand the courageous decisions their Presidents have made. Author and technology entrepreneur Matt Blumberg is joined by some of America's most accomplished Presidential historians who tell the stories of Presidents who made choices that reflected a desire to strengthen the country, either at the expense of, or without regard to the potential impact on, their role, power, stature, or political party.

  • Bienvenus dans La zone critique, le podcast consacré aux questions et pratiques humanitaires. Animé par Judith Soussan et Fabrice Weissman, La zone critique est produit par le Crash, le Centre de réflexion sur l’action et les savoirs humanitaires de Médecins sans frontières. Récits d'opération, partage d'expérience, points de vue d'experts, critique du langage humanitaire: deux fois par mois, retrouver un nouvel épisode dans l'une de nos trois séries:

    Besoins, principes, qualité, accès, sécurité, communauté, acceptance, développement, santé globale... C’est quoi le problème ? décrypte le jargon humanitaire et ses clichés. Chaque épisode s’empare d’un terme ou d’une formule à la signification flottante ou discutable. Il montre en quoi leur sens peut être est problématique, trompeur ou galvaudé. Certains épisodes sont issus des archives sonores des formations destinées aux cadres opérationnels de Médecins Sans Frontières ; d’autres sont des entretiens originaux avec des chercheurs et des spécialistes.Comment j’ai négocié avec al-Qaeda, géré un conflit social explosif, raté ma réponse à une épidémie de choléra, tissé des contacts avec les chefs de gangs haïtiens, convaincu le ministère de la santé d’adopter un nouveau protocole de soins, réglé un conflit d’équipe, sorti un fret coincé en douane, compté les morts d’un massacre… Les ficelles du métier s'intéressent aux savoirs pratiques des travailleurs humanitaires. Au cours de conversations libres et ouvertes, nos collègues relatent les opérations auxquelles ils ont participé, commentent leurs succès, leurs échecs et décrivent la manière dont ils s’y prennent pour surmonter les aléas de leurs missions. Les experts sont des chercheur.ses, journalistes ou praticien.nes qui nous présentent leurs travaux sur des sujets permettant d’éclairer les pratiques humanitaires et les contextes dans lesquels elles se déploient – l’histoire de la distinction migrants/réfugiés, la compréhension des violences de masse, ou encore une anthropologie des rumeurs… L’occasion pour les acteurs humanitaires de faire un pas de côté et de mieux penser les situations qu’ils rencontrent. Certains épisodes sont la version audio des conférences organisées par le Crash depuis 2005 et disponibles en vidéo sur notre site ; d’autres sont des entretiens originaux. 

    Bonne écoute ! 

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • Um podcast completamente amador em que pai e filho falam de história.

  • Já se questionou de onde vem a expressão “Meter o Rossio na Rua da Betesga”, ou porque se diz que "De Espanha, nem bom vento, nem bom casamento"? A Sandra Braga Fernandes promete responder-lhe a todas essas questões. Um podcast que pode ouvir nas habituais plataformas e também, de 2.ª a 6.ª, no Regresso a Casa da M80, a partir das 16h30.

    Um podcast M80 Rádio.

  • « Old thread», un podcast où l’on remonte le temps au travers de récits surprenants. Sans en être l’héritié, Fabien Olicard a toujours été inspiré par les histoires à la Pierre Bellemare.

    Anecdotes de vies incroyables, morceaux de l'Histoire peu connu, arnaques diaboliques, vous retrouverez 2 à 3 fois par mois un nouvel épisode. 

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • O podcast Gungunhana. Quando Portugal Raptou um Rei revisita a história de Gungunhana, o último imperador de Gaza, capturado em Moçambique por Mouzinho de Albuquerque no final do século XIX e exibido como troféu em Lisboa.

    Nesta série de oito episódios narrativos, exploramos as camadas complexas desta história e o impacto duradouro do colonialismo português. Gungunhana não é apenas um símbolo da resistência africana. A sua trajetória revela as profundas feridas deixadas pelo domínio colonial, que ecoam ainda hoje em Portugal e nas antigas colónias.

    Cada episódio reconstrói a vida de Gungunhana e a experiência dos homens que o acompanharam no desterro nos Açores, através de reconstituições sonoras e entrevistas com especialistas moçambicanos, portugueses e europeus, revelando realidades que se escondem sob uma narrativa muitas vezes simplificada.

    Este podcast não é apenas sobre o passado. É um exercício de escuta e compreensão crítica do presente. Ao recuperar a história de Gungunhana e contextualizá-la no vasto sistema colonial português, pretendemos lançar luz sobre as formas subtis e explícitas em que o colonialismo ainda se manifesta hoje, quer na cultura e identidade, quer nas dinâmicas sociais e políticas.

    Através de uma investigação rigorosa e de técnicas imersivas de storytelling, o podcast convida o ouvinte a refletir sobre as heranças deste período e a reconhecer a importância de um passado que, longe de estar encerrado, continua a moldar as realidades e relações contemporâneas.

  • Quantas Lisboas cabem numa cidade com quase 3 mil anos de História? Quantas cidades se escondem debaixo dos nossos pés, na forma de uma praça, no nome de uma rua? Este podcast vai à procura dessas cidades invisíveis, uma por episódio, com a ajuda de historiadores, arqueólogos, arquitetos e investigadores.

    Histórias de Lisboa é um podcast do jornalista da SIC, Miguel Franco de Andrade, com sonoplastia de Ana Salomé Rita e genérico de Nuno Rosa e Maria Antónia Mendes.

    Todas as quartas-feiras, a partir de dia 23 de outubro, na SIC Notícias, SIC e Expresso, assim como em todas as plataformas de podcast.

  • A saga dos heróis e vilões dos episódios históricos mais interessantes do distrito de Viseu. Uma história aprofundada por dia, num programa da Rádio Observador Viseu.

  • Narrada pelo ator José Mata, e com banda sonora original de Moullinex, esta é a história de Vera Lagoa, a mulher mais temida pelos poderosos de todos os regimes: afrontou Salazar, desafiou os militares de Abril e ridicularizou os que se achavam donos do país. Em 1966, uma mulher está desesperada à procura de emprego quando bate à porta de um dos maiores jornais do país. Quer escrever uma crónica de costumes, algo diferente, que Portugal nunca viu. Só há uma condição: vai ter de mudar de nome. O preço é pequeno e está disposta a aceitar. Para trás, fica Maria Armanda Falcão, filha de um revolucionário injustiçado, firme opositora do Estado Novo, secretária de Humberto Delgado e primeiro rosto da RTP. Mas na história de Maria Armanda ainda hão–de caber muitas vidas. Como primeira cronista social do país, organizadora da Miss Portugal, fundadora de um jornal polémico, vítima de atentados à bomba, manifestante, jornalista, contestatária, polémica. Em todas elas será conhecida por outro nome: Vera Lagoa.

    Narração: José Mata

    Banda sonora: Moullinex

    Guião e entrevistas: Ana Sanlez

    Sonoplastia e pós-produção áudio: Artur Costa

    Design gráfico: Miguel Feraso Cabral

    Edição: João Santos Duarte e Tânia Pereirinha

    Coordenação: Miguel Pinheiro, Filomena Martins, Pedro Jorge Castro, Ricardo Conceição e Sara Antunes de Oliveira.

  • Este podcast, apresentado por Carla Souza, mestra em Direito e acadêmica do curso de História, fala sobre fatos semelhantes que ocorreram ao longo da história. Dê play, conheça o passado, compreenda o presente e veja se a história se repete.

  • A importância da contração de histórias é incentivar os alunos a ter o hábito da leitura e de usar a imaginação, ouvindo as minhas histórias. Vamos la!

  • A partir da nossa coleção de numismática e notafilia, vamos revelar histórias do dinheiro, em Portugal e no mundo, as suas origens ou aspetos curiosos e marcantes, desde os primeiros meios de pagamento da antiguidade clássica à atualidade.

    Uma forma diferente de conhecer o Museu do Dinheiro, a sua coleção e património arquitetónico e arqueológico.

  • Bright Moments Podcast is a storytelling project exploring the experiences and impact of people who have changed WBGO, Newark Public Radio, and the world of jazz.

    In Season 1, we highlight NEA Jazz Master Dorthaan Kirk and her role in the beginnings of WBGO, Newark Public Radio. Learn about her commitment to jazz musicians as a curator and community organizer.

    Though WBGO now stands as a global jazz powerhouse, its origins were far humbler, and it was Dorthaan Kirk's indispensable role in those formative years that laid the groundwork for the station's enduring success, spanning several decades.

    Visit WBGO.org for more Bright Moments Podcast | WBGO

    Hosts: Dorthaan Kirk & Jamara Wakefield
    Produced by: Billy Robinson and Jamara Wakefield
    Special Thanks: Corey Goldberg

  • Trabajo para la asignatura de Instituciones y estructuras de decisión para la Universidad Complutense de Madrid .