Religion & Andlighet – Japan – Nya podcasts
Lamentations(Eicha) With Rabbi Mendel Kaplan
Leeds First Methodist Church is a community of faith rooted in the truth and love of Jesus. We believe faith is best lived together on the paths of worshipping, growing, serving, and reaching. Our faith is rooted in the Bible, which contains all that is needed to have and live a life of faith.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Tim Shriver on his quest to find reasons to believe in us — from people we can believe in. Let’s be real: there’s a lot bringing us down. And seemingly endless examples of crisis and division have taken a toll on our spirit. But hang on, because there are extraordinary Americans among us who see it another way. Join me, Tim Shriver, as each week I talk with wise people modeling individual and community change — athletes, parents, experts you might not expect — all united by their ability to transform some of the most painful moments in their lives into purpose. Between tears and laughter we’ll dig deep, unearthing powerful truths and simple practices to help strengthen our spirits today. If you're like me, you could use a lift.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Do you feel constantly overwhelmed trying to manage everyone’s schedule and all the things you need to accomplish every day? Unsure where to start with prioritizing tasks or deciding what to check off first? Are you tired of feeling like you and your husband are never on the same page about all the tasks that need to get done?
I get it! And I’m so excited you’re here! This podcast will help you feel more prepared for your week, give you a system to stay organized, and allow you to have grace for when things don’t go to plan so you can still feel accomplished at the end of the week.
Hey, I’m Dana—wife, homeschool mom of 3, and follower of Christ. I remember what it felt like to end each day feeling scattered, with no idea what I actually got done. I had no plan, just letting life happen, which left me feeling like everything was out of control.
I finally realized that when I got intentional with my time and planned ahead, I felt more accomplished and fulfilled. I started sitting down at the beginning of the week to plan, chatting with my husband so we were on the same page, and checking things off the list. Now, I can’t wait to share all my tips with you!
If you’re ready to:
- Ditch the overwhelm from feeling like there’s too much to do and not enough time
- Create a system to stay organized so you can prioritize what’s most important in your family
- Stop procrastinating
- Improve communication with your husband so your whole family is on the same page...
Then this podcast is for you! Grab that lukewarm coffee and your earbuds—let’s do this! -
#潜在意識#引き寄せの法則#波動#浄化#スピリチュアル#ヒーリング#カウンセリング#開運#マインドブロック#ブロック解除#土地家屋浄化#お祓い#先祖供養#人間関係#恋愛相談 -
Hi, welcome to Hold the Light, a show for lifelong learners who are curious about the ways we can deepen our connection to our spiritual and personal growth. I’m Laurie Gunning Grossman, and I'm here to hold the light for the light-holders of the world. -
星や数秘のお話 -
クラスでは、日常に応用できる様々なスピリチュアルツール、 肉体をも癒すヒーリングツールなど、様々なエナジーワークの中からお好きなものを自由に学べます。
▪️ウェブサイト https://www.delphinaenergywork -
命怎麼看,運如何算還是要催眠看見潛意識精神世界無限大,靈魂何去何從?木塔之境是現代人的命運停靠站諮詢師團隊用最專業與輕鬆的對話圍繞屬於自己的身心靈方程式讓你成為靈魂的美學藝術家--Hosting provided by SoundOn
私は一度、二度( ´▽`)ドン底人生を経験しました。でもメンタルが強いのか、ご先祖に守られているのか、ここまで這い上がり幸せな日常を送っています。人生が好転に向かったきっかけはメンタルのブロックを解放するワークを始めたこと。それからあれやこれやとスピリチュアルワークを実践し最近になってやっと気付きました。リスナー様に、今まで学んだこと 自己啓発、引き寄せの法則、潜在意識のブロック解放、エネルギーワーク、スピリチュアルワーク、メンタルヘルス、マインドフルネス、その他(雑談にもお付き合いください(^人^)のお話をさせていただきます。不定期配信になりますが末永く宜しくお願い致します。独学で学びながら自作ホームページも更新中です。お時間ありましたらお越しいただけると大変嬉しいです。お気軽にコメントもどうぞ💌
科学的に効果が証明されていない内容も含まれており、ヒーリング効果には個人差があります。 -
Enter the furnace, where our filth and inadecquacies are exchanged for the gems of wisdom. These words and stories are here to ground us into deeper + truer love by exploring the rawness of what its like to heal from a genuine place. Oak is the founder of Oak Astrology School, a holistic chef, matchmaker and ritualist.
This show is split between conversations on ‘demon slaying’ and weekly astrology forecasts. Bless 🌏
Learn more about Oak: (Readings/Healings) (Classes/Mentoring)
instagram: @oak.kalawakan -
I collect first-hand paranormal encounters that I find and present them with genuine interest, casual analysis, and correlating folklore. My intention is to curate tales that highlight the aspect of human experience that I find most interesting–the otherworldly and unexplainable. For as long as there have been humans, there have been fairies, ghosts, strange animals, supernatural abilities, and stories about them.
The classic setting in which these tales are told are by the fire. Consider this your digital hearth-side. Pull up a chair, and listen to stories best told by candlelight.
Please check my YouTube channel for additional uploads:
ヨガ、瞑想、食事、健康、美容、星読み、九星気学、花が好きな滴です。都内で会社員をしています。 この番組では日々、私が実際に実践してよかった、皆さまのお役に立つ情報を【滴の身体レポート】として お届けして、身体も心も健康に、楽しい毎日が送れるような番組にしていきたいとおもいます。ぜひ、お楽しみに!
ここは、東京・半蔵門にある 小さな占いカフェ『占い茶寮』店主は、人気占い師の虹蝶。
たおやかに、前向きに、できることを一歩ずつ…。 -
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※ このポッドキャストは生成AIによって自動作成された試験的コンテンツになっています。お気軽にお楽しみください。
※ 内容の真偽等につきましては責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。
Lifehouse exists to invite all people to live an uncommon life by following Jesus, doing life together, getting in the game, and leaving a legacy. For more information visit
“A brave space for childlike vulnerability”
The cradle is a place of vulnerability and truth for reimagining our journey with Christ. Here we wrestle with and share lived experiences to find peace and resolution with difficult and necessary life questions through the word of God.
Join Grace and her awesome, beautiful, bold sistahs and brothahs for long, deep, intellectual conversations about Jesus, multiculturalism, science, and celebrations of all walks of life.
Email us at [email protected] - Visa fler