Nyheter – Japan – Nya podcasts

  • ニュースサイト「AERA dot.」の記事は、どんな人たちが書いているの? 普段はあまり表に出ることのない編集部員たちを引っぱり出し、取材の裏話や気になるニュースなど様々なトークテーマから、その素顔に迫ります。脱線もぶっちゃけ話も無礼講! リスナーの皆さんからの質問にも全力でお答えしますので、ぜひフォローしてお楽しみください。
    ●質問や感想、リクエストはこちらから→ https://forms.gle/3PpLokMo4jQbgsgK9

  • この番組は、「変わりたい組織と、成長したいビジネスパーソンをガイドする」NIKKEIリスキリングに掲載した記事を深掘りしたり、ビジネスパーソンの学びに役立つ話をお届けしたりするPodcastです。
    【記事を掲載している「NIKKEIリスキリング」サイトはこちら☞ https://reskill.nikkei.com/ 】

    Speaker:NIKKEIリスキリング編集長・桜井 陽

  • Hosted by News Director Lexi Spevacek, the WSUM News Team recaps recent news and conducts an interview or discussion every week.

  • In this exciting new podcast series, leading voice in legal technology and CEO of Juro, Richard Mabey breaks away from the conventional B2B podcast rhetoric - bringing you his brief encounters with industry leaders who have achieved remarkable success in their respective fields.

    Like all brief encounters, you’ll come away from each episode having learned something that you can take forward with you and learn from.

  • 宮城県仙台市の新聞社、河北新報の社員が仙台初心者を勝手に応援するトーク番組です。支店経済都市とも言われる仙台には、毎年の進学や転勤で多くの仙台ビギナーが暮らしています。知っているようで知らない杜の都。仙台を楽しむための多彩なコンテンツをお届けします(毎週更新)



  • Michigan Mornings is a daily radio show with local news and weather plus other inspirational content to start your day.

    This version of the show is a combination of two versions that cover metro Detroit, Ann Arbor, Saginaw, Bay City, and Midland.

    Michigan Mornings™ is ©2024 Ave Maria Communications. All rights reserved.

  • Welcome to Yahoo Finance's flagship show - the Morning Brief. Hosted daily by Seana Smith and Brad Smith, it's your ultimate guide to making smarter decisions for your portfolio. Our hosts track early session volume while bringing you today's top market themes -- and elevating yahoo finance’s most popular newsletter.

  • „Demokratie bedeutet, miteinander im Austausch zu sein. Ich habe dabei eine Regel: Ich gehe immer mit der Vermutung in ein Gespräch, dass mein Gegenüber auch Recht haben könnte“, so Oberbürgermeisterin Eva Weber. Unter diesem Leitgedanken startet die Podcast-Reihe „Augsburg direkt“ Ende Juni. Im Podcast geht es künftig um Themen, die uns in Augsburg besonders beschäftigen. Um Ideen, wie unsere Stadt besser werden kann. Um die Frage, wie wir unsere Stadt für über 300.000 Augsburgerinnen und Augsburger gemeinsam entwickeln wollen. Oberbürgermeisterin Eva Weber bespricht im Podcast einmal im Quartal aktuelle Fragen mit wechselnden Gästen: mal mit Engagierten aus Vereinen und Initiativen, mal mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern oder auch mit Gästen aus der Stadtverwaltung.

  • 出演:三代澤康司・桂南天







  • MBS東京報道部はたった3人。普段は国会や霞が関を右往左往しながら取材中。 東京の大手メディアに比べたら弱小集団です。でも勢いだけは負けません! 大阪ならではの視点で永田町に切り込み「猫パンチ!」を繰り出します!! ▼出演 大八木友之 東京報道部長&解説委員&元パリ支局長 政治取材はもはや趣味!管理職とは思えない動きで、足を使い汗をかいて情報収集に努めています。 石田敦子 記者。MBSではバラエティー番組関連の仕事が多かったため「永遠のペーペー記者」を自認。素人の疑問はみんなの疑問と信じて日々取材中。 尾藤貴裕 記者。28歳、若いエネルギーを強みに、国政、大阪府政、万博などなどなんでもフットワーク軽く精力的に取材。いま仕事が楽しくて仕方がない。

  • 知の伝道師・内田樹氏と西靖アナウンサーが

  • Discussing all things Arsenal, with special guests!

  • 一見、普通の日本人女性のハルと澪がお届けする、クセが強めかと思えば根本が本質的で、独自の視点と深い考察で、世界経済や政治、最新テックやカルチャー、ウェルネス、ライフスタイルなどをお届けする番組です。

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    #podcast #番組#ポッドキャスト#podcaster #イーロンマスク #女性経営者#経済

  • For almost two decades, we've been focused on community and gaming. For almost a decade, we've discussed how a podcast might give us an opportunity to enhance that focus. Finally, we're here.

  • 「それ、パクリじゃないですか?」「いえいえ、オマージュです。」 こんな時、どこがパクリか否かの決め手になるかご存知ですか? この番組では、商標の実務経験が豊富な(直近3年でのべ1,000件以上)、うたう商標弁理士の和田吉民(わだ よしたみ)が、商標や特許などの知的財産を守る手段について詳しく解説します。 ビジネスを始める際に、商標をとらずにスタートする方は非常に多いですが、いつの間にか別の人にサービス名を使われてしまい、サービス名の変更を余儀なくされたり、最悪の場合、“商標の侵害だ!”として賠償金を払わされる可能性も…。 でも「この商標が取りたい」と思って申請しても、却下されてしまうケースもあるのが商標の難しいところです。 「商標をとったほうがいいのかな?」と少しでも気になっている方や、弁理士を目指している方に向けて、商標について学びが深まる有益な情報をお届けします! 原田国際特許商標事務所Webサイト: https://tokkyo-shinsei.com/ tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@harada_syouhyou LINE公式: https://line.me/R/ti/p/@734rwqvy

  • まちづくりのエキスパート 福田せいじの考える埼玉県蓮田市の未来を語ります。

    公式ブログ/ http://fukuda-seiji.jp/
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    #蓮田 #まちづくり #政策

  • An edgy and informative look at the biggest U.S. national security and geopolitical issues making headlines right now. Less about hot takes and more about depth, the Threat Status podcast is helmed by veteran Washington Times journalists Ben Wolfgang and Guy Taylor and features regular appearances by insiders with expertise on war, politics and global affairs.

  • CBCラジオにて毎週土曜日12時20分~13時放送中!

  • Willie Mays: A Legendary Life in Baseball Early Life and BeginningsWillie Howard Mays Jr., known as "The Say Hey Kid," was born on May 6, 1931, in Westfield, Alabama, a small town located in the heart of the state's agricultural region. Raised in a tight-knit, athletic family, Mays demonstrated prodigious talent in sports from a young age. His father, Willie Mays Sr., was a talented semi-professional baseball player who instilled in his son a love for the game and a relentless work ethic. Mays's mother, Annie Satterwhite, was an accomplished high school sprinter, passing down her natural athleticism and speed to her son.Mays's early exposure to athletics and the influence of his parents' sporting pursuits laid the foundation for his future success in baseball. From an early age, he displayed a remarkable combination of power, speed, and agility that would later become his trademark on the baseball diamond. High School and Early CareerMays attended Fairfield Industrial High School, where he excelled in multiple sports, particularly baseball and football. His athletic prowess was evident from the moment he stepped onto the field, and he quickly became a standout player on both the baseball and football teams. By his mid-teens, Mays's talent had already caught the attention of scouts and coaches, and he was recruited to play semi-professional baseball with the Chattanooga Choo-Choos and the Birmingham Black Barons of the Negro American League. Despite the challenges of racial segregation and limited opportunities for Black athletes at the time, Mays's remarkable skills on the diamond could not be ignored. His performances in the Negro Leagues were nothing short of electrifying, showcasing his raw power at the plate, his blinding speed on the basepaths, and his exceptional defensive abilities in the outfield. Major League Debut and Early Success Willie Mays's talent and potential were too great to be contained within the confines of the Negro Leagues. In 1950, at the age of 19, he signed with the New York Giants, becoming one of the first Black players to join the team after the integration of Major League Baseball.
    Mays made his major league debut on May 25, 1951, at the age of 20, stepping onto the field at the Polo Grounds in New York City. Despite a slow start as he adjusted to the rigors of the big leagues, Mays quickly adapted and showcased his extraordinary talents both at bat and in the field. That same year, he won the National League Rookie of the Year award, helping the Giants clinch the pennant and solidifying his place as one of the game's rising stars. In 1954, Mays had one of his most memorable seasons, leading the Giants to a World Series victory over the Cleveland Indians and earning the National League Most Valuable Player (MVP) award. His over-the-shoulder catch of Vic Wertz's deep fly ball in Game 1 of the World Series became one of the most iconic plays in baseball history, forever known as "The Catch." This remarkable display of athleticism and skill cemented Mays's reputation as one of the greatest defensive outfielders of all time. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Mays consistently demonstrated his prowess as one of the game's best all-around players. He was a 24-time All-Star, an accolade that speaks to his sustained excellence over the course of his career. Mays was also a 12-time Gold Glove winner, a testament to his unparalleled defensive skills and his ability to track down even the most seemingly impossible fly balls. At the plate, Mays was equally dominant, earning two National League MVP awards (1954 and 1965) and leading the league in home runs four times and in stolen bases four times. His unique combination of power and speed made him a genuine five-tool player, capable of impacting the game in multiple ways. Mays's career statistics are staggering: 3,283 hits, 660 home runs, 1,903 RBIs, and a .302 batting average. His ability to hit for power and average, combined with his defensive excellence and base-running skills, made him one of the most complete players in baseball history. He consistently ranked among the league leaders in a variety of offensive and defensive categories, solidifying his status as a true all-around superstar. In addition to his individual accomplishments, Mays played a pivotal role in the success of the Giants franchise. He was a key contributor to the team's move from New York to San Francisco in 1958, helping to establish the Giants as a force to be reckoned with on the West Coast. His presence and leadership were invaluable assets as the team navigated this significant transition. In 1972, after more than two decades with the Giants, Mays was traded to the New York Mets, where he played his final seasons before retiring in 1973. His return to New York, where his major league career began, was a fitting end to an illustrious career that had spanned multiple decades and witnessed numerous transformations within the game. Despite the challenges of aging and the inevitable decline in physical abilities, Mays continued to demonstrate his love for the game and his exceptional skill on the field. He played his final seasons with the same passion and dedication that had defined his entire career, serving as an inspiration to both teammates and fans alike. After his retirement, Mays remained actively involved in baseball, serving as a mentor, coach, and ambassador for the sport. He worked with the San Francisco Giants in various capacities, helping to guide and inspire new generations of players and sharing his wealth of knowledge and experience with those who followed in his footsteps. Willie Mays's impact on baseball and sports culture is immeasurable. His contributions to the game transcended mere statistics and accomplishments, as he played a pivotal role in breaking down racial barriers and serving as a trailblazer for generations of Black athletes. Mays was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1979, his first year of eligibility, a testament to his unparalleled talent and the indelible mark he left on the sport. In addition to his numerous awards and records, Mays received the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015, recognizing his contributions both on and off the field. Beyond his athletic achievements, Mays's legacy is defined by his sportsmanship, humility, and dedication to the game he loved. He carried himself with grace and dignity, serving as a role model for countless young athletes and embodying the values of perseverance, hard work, and respect for the sport and its traditions. Mays's influence extended far beyond the baseball diamond, as he became a cultural icon and a symbol of excellence. His name was synonymous with greatness, inspiring generations of fans and players with his remarkable feats and unwavering commitment to his craft. On June 18th, 2024, Willie Mays passed away at the age of 93, leaving behind a legacy that will be remembered and celebrated forever. His death marked the end of an era in baseball, a moment when one of the sport's true giants departed the field for the final time. In the wake of his passing, tributes and remembrances poured in from around the world, as fans, players, and sports figures alike celebrated the life and career of "The Say Hey Kid." His impact on the game and his role as a pioneer and trailblazer were highlighted, with many noting the profound influence he had on the sport and on society as a whole. Memorial services and celebrations were held in cities across the country, as people gathered to honor the memory of the man who had brought joy and inspiration to millions through his exceptional talent and unwavering spirit. Mays's legacy was cemented as one of the greatest players in baseball history, a true icon whose contributions to the sport will be remembered for generations to come. Willie Mays was more than just a baseball player; he was a cultural icon and a beacon of excellence. His life and career epitomize the best of what sports can offer: talent, dedication, and a commitment to greatness. As fans and players around the world mourn his passing, they also celebrate the incredible legacy of "The Say Hey Kid," whose name will forever be synonymous with baseball greatness. Mays's journey from a small town in Alabama to the hallowed halls of the Baseball Hall of Fame is a testament to the power of determination and the pursuit of one's dreams. He overcame numerous obstacles and challenges, rising to the pinnacle of his sport through sheer talent, hard work, and an unwavering love for the game.
    Throughout his illustrious career, Mays inspired countless individuals with his athleticism, his grace on the field, and his humble demeanor off it. He represented the best of what baseball had to offer, embodying the spirit of competition, sportsmanship, and respect for the game and its traditions. As the baseball world mourns the loss of one of its greatest legends, Willie Mays's legacy will continue to shine brightly, serving as an inspiration for generations of athletes and fans alike. His name will forever be etched into the annals of baseball history, a reminder of the greatness that can be achieved through dedication, perseverance, and an unwavering love for the game. Thanks for listening and remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.